I'm so sick of whites being replaced in popular culture as a way to normalise minorities in the West.
The latest attempt of which is (((Disney)))'s The Little Mermaid.
What can be done to combat the replacement of huWhites in pop culture?
I'm so sick of whites being replaced in popular culture as a way to normalise minorities in the West.
The latest attempt of which is (((Disney)))'s The Little Mermaid.
What can be done to combat the replacement of huWhites in pop culture?
Easy mistake there by Yidnes. Ginger is an anagram.
disney is a private company and can do whatever they want, that is the free market.
Hitler should have gassed degenerates like fags and you.
Stop being such nigger hater.
Just wait until you see the next James Bond is a Nigger.
I dont like it but if people are actually retarded enough to pay and watch a steaming pile of shit, who am I to try and force them not to watch it. People will always be idiots.
lmao nappy head nigger mermaids get fishhooks stuck in their hair
The movie will flop.
You shouldn't be exposing your child to the subliminal pedophile trash hidden in Disney films anyways.
Just stop watching them.
White men have been getting replaced in movies, music, TV, sports, education, the job marker, etc. for 20 years at least. Now its happening to white women finally and it must stop. LOL. White women finally losing their status and I am supoosed to care. YOur only job was to give white men babies, but you couldn't even do that. Enjoy your cats and trips to the Dominican Republic.
it would be nice to have BOTs on Reddit and twitter calling all leftist comments marxist bots sent to degrade western civilization
That has to be a tranny. How bizarrely masculine.
So are so far down the fucking hole, you cannot even see the light.
Black is the new Orange.
Just accept that they will negrowash all redhead characters just like they will do with this gay world.
Fuck niggers they’re monkeys that stink and fuck shit up universally. They can starve
How many "nigger" posts today Schlomo?
inb4 kikes are triggered by the word nigger
Golly, you’re really gonna be pissed when white people start wearing new color patterns, huh OP? How dare people embrace new biotechnologies and seek to live forever?
Fucking death cultists, there’s a reason the post-racial white society hates you.
prioritize actual crimes and actual victims, over fictional crimes and fictional victims
Hitler may be gone but there's a chance we could reanimate Walt to do the job.
The fucking dog in the last photo looks ashamed to be associated with such a sick master.
Actually it's been happening since the fifties; jews have been slipped in to replace white men with gentile leading ladies. Kirk Douglas playing a viking for example. Then by the 70's they started replacing white women with yentas. I can't even watch the dogshit they produce. Glad to see those jews are becoming mermaids.
So negress with red hair playing a teenage Mermaid looking for love until she runs into a fat white sea witch creature who steals her voice and is attacked by a lobster, a fish and a white man who help the red headed negress get her voice back… sounds like a great show and sheeeet…
This right here is a perfect story for a new sheeeeit meme by the way.
Yeah there's no agenda against redheads…
I'm not usually schizo but what the fuck?
There are many other examples. Seriously all over Disney shit.
They legit did this on purpose, it is a old ass meme
These are the options for how I see this panning out:
(A) They continue pushing the envelope slowly enough that by the time your average white Joe Democrat wakes up one day and senses a sudden pang of anger at the latest overt attack on him, his skin color, and his history, he realizes it's too late. The system chugs along, and white people go completely extinct by 2100 AD.
(B) They get so arrogant with their pushing of the envelope that white Joe Democrat snaps. This results in violence, bloodshed, and war.
If history is any teacher, we'll be having a World War within two decades. Hundreds of millions (if not more) will die, but on the plus side, Israel will be vaporized instantly.
Don't forget:
are both played by black actresses now too. Yeah, it's starting to get weird, now that you mention it. Jean Grey is next, calling it now.
everyone knows that niggers can't swim
So much spam today, whatcha sliding moshe?
You cunts said that the last two times Craig came up for the job.
Yea user, this shit started when (((they))) got control.
This happened less than a month ago:
Former vice president of Walt Disney sentenced to more than 6 years in Portland sex abuse investigation
And then there was the whole James Gunn pedo shit from last year.
And then there are all of the former Disney child stars who grow up to be totally fucked in the head (Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, among others).
The entire Disney company is rotten, and nobody should be exposing their children to this garbage no matter who is cast in their pedo films.
movies are a dying business anyway
the big money comes from video games now
No, they can't. Everyone working for them must be killed for going against our will. Private companies must never be allowed to be free.
Yes they can nigger. Go away.
No they can't jew, get in my oven.
that's a bad attitude
The societal authority. You aren't that, but that's whose responsibility it is to step in in such contexts. Otherwise, whats the point of its existence, other than to keep the slaves in line?
I bet she will be the new queen at the end. Kangz and queen yays slay.
You forget where you are. National Socialists must seek ideological allies. I am not a libertarian, I am a National Socialist
It's just some leftist kikelel trying to shill, if state didn't enforce racial equality and mixing we'd already get rid of the niggers by now. Whites are more likely to pay for stuff, despite only niggers being dumb enough to watch Disney garbage today.
Except most of this forced blackwashing/feminazi shit ends up in commercial failures and financial loss for the producers, but despite that (((they))) keep on producing that very same garbage with no end in sight.
THAT should suggest to all of you what really is at stake here: this multiculti media trash is not produced to be successful or because it's what audience want, but for merely propaganda reasons, so it's no big deal for these (((people))) to lose some shekels in the propaganda effort.
(((They))) can literally print money at will after all.
хорошо сказано, товарищ
Some alternatives: anime-planet.com
Sorry, not many.
What next….. Finding Negro?
Stop complaining online and go raid the producers minecraft server if you really care
you're just a crybaby
who cares?
the little mermaid was a shit story already, just a jewed 90-minute toy commercial to begin with
how can something be ruined when it was bad from the start?
The swan princess was infinitely more popular for a reason.
Wouldnt it be funny if we got little white kids to say racist jokes about this movie.
Fuck off.
we should blackface disney movie posters like this
Can you elaborate?
Really the point is we dont want a nigger in a ginger movie
The point is why are you caring about the film in the first place when the original was 100% kiked as well? They’re currently remaking all of their 1990s films–jews had LONG been in control of Disney at that time and nothing they made was any good. Aladdin was LITERALLY DESIGNED as a film of “reconciliation” between jews and Palestinians. They admit to this on the fucking special features DVD. Don’t act like this is white history being black washed. It’s jewish propaganda being remade and dialed from 4 to 6.
I care about all kiked movies and this is no different.
Yeah thats why Im mad.
go back to leftypol you argue like a child
If i saw a nigger mermaid she could not seduce me. Sirens are always white. Except pic related is surely black to niggers.
Kill yourself now. You don’t belong here.
Please elaborate mutt
Reported. Fuck off, yid. You’re not fooling anyone.
This shit has been going on a long time with many aspects to it.
It's jamal i.e. the buttmad yid who doesn't want you to talk about ANYTHING.
Yes weve established kikes are kikes. The point is this is the newest kikery were mad about.
We need to meme this asap
whos jewing who
You’re even more of a laughingstock now than when you were in power, imkikey.
Nice hoax video to poison the well, yid.
Kill yourself. Fuck your brainwashed “nostalgia.”
Jews fuck up jamal's brain. Now he's here to torment us.
Who are you quoting, jamal?
Go on, post one of your dyke images for old time’s sake. Everyone knows you kept all 3,000 of them on your computer.
This is the current state of Zig Forums
Ill keep bumping tho
None of this has ever been okay. You support and defend the old shit. How can you think you belong here?
What the fuck are you talking about, jamal?
Oh well, fitered.
Anyways whos gonna blackface disney movie posters so the kikes in this thread dont seize the memes of production
found a kike
No, it doesn't offend me, it bores me. Jamal will sperg non-stop.
That’s literally imkikey. You know, the subhuman who destroyed the board and made it what it is today. All uses of ‘jamal’ are imkikey.
Uh okay kike
Uh, yeah, that's the point of filtering.
My Idea was to come up with ideas. I took that Idea from your idol AOC.
leftypol is calling
Anyones whos not weak minded can look past a boring (or offensive in your case) post. Go back to 4chan zoomer
LOL, no, that's literally being a drone.
Feel free to spend times looking at jamal sperging at you, I will not.
Any company that went through a hostile take-over that resulted in kike ownership should be confiscated by the Federal Government and given to the Public Domain for the greater good and preservation of the original intent of the company's founders.
RIP Walt.
Agreed, who cares about a cartoon
I advert my eyes….i dont fully read the shitpost.