Do the (((elites))) really put shit like estrogen in the water supply to make men more weak, feminine, and overall emasculated? Should I avoid drinking tap water all together if I want to reach my full peak of masculinity?
Redpill me on the shit (((they))) put in our water supply
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(((we))) just spit in your water supply
women however pee out estrogen from their birth control and the waste management plant don't filter it out because its cheaper and not critical to your health.
there is also 80+ different medication like antipsychotics in the water too in pictogram levels. you are part of a live experiment on long term effects of it.
what they do put in the water is fluoride which is industrial waste
All of the pharmaceuticals that people naturally piss out or flush down the toilet end up in your water because they don't filter that shit out at a municipal level. Also, bonus fluoride.
>Do the (((elites))) really put shit like estrogen in the water supply to make men more weak, feminine, and overall emasculated?
They don't have to. The plastic in our water supply does that enough for them. In fact, they're also getting health problems from this. You can't simply change your hormones without adverse affect.
The ultimate issue is not really the effect on men, rather the adverse effect on women. Women actually suffer serious health issues by having too much estrogen.
According to wiki it cause masculinization in rats.. how odd.
ahaha really fucking goyimz
t. artesian_source_drinker
Jews have been poisoning water supplies as long as they've been ritually murdering gentile children, whether it was the well-poisonings of the middle ages, Nakam's plot to murder 6 million Germans after WWII by poisoning the water mains at Nuremberg, or what goes on today. The jew never changes.
So contaminants don't leech into groundwater supplies?
Are you fucking retarded? Aquifers are connected to lakes and oceans too you know. I doubt it's filtering out that much of this shit on a microscopic scale.
And last time I heard, Israel was drinking desalinated ocean water like my city using the same process. I expect that shit to be used in most countries soon. I bet it would impact crops that use it too. Oh and the meat of the livestock that drink contaminated water.
I operate an actual waterplant (pic related). Gov regulations are pretty strict on water. We clean the water extremely well. The problem is that the only coagulant chemicals that do a decent job of cleaning water at an affordable cost is Poly Aluminum Chloride and Aluminum Sulfate. High levels of Aluminum in the brain has been known to cause Alzheimers and other memory/cognitive function disabilities. They would use a more healthy chemical but producing clean water on a mass scale can't be done any other way in most circumstances. Its just the way it is, however to be fair it only takes about 12 gallons of that stuff per million gallons of water to turn it from dirty river water to crystal clear. Now the additional chemicals.. Caustic soda (Sodium Hydroxide) is used to regulate pH in which we only use extremely small amounts. Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite) is necessary to prevent bacteria and algae growth. Flouride is absolutely useless, has no business in water and we use a TON of it . That's no conspiracy theory there, that stuff is beyond toxic and they don't even tell us anything about it really. We aren't even allowed to ask questions. Most of the small traces of metals in water like lead and nickel exist because the post treatment piping slowly deteriorates over time and seeps into the water. Not sure what else to say. I just wanted to share a little.
Water plants literally use plastic to treat water as well, called flocculant polymer. Literally liquid plastic.
shut up fednigger
Redpill yourself the water contaminants aren't secret. In a county near me there is literally uranium in the water. EWG tap water database. Or look up your local city water service websites they usually have reports.
Is it true that the most common cleansing methods don't do shit against microplastics and contraceptive pills, and that the only really effective way to get rid of that shit is through reverse osmosis?
Also add silica to your diet to chelate the aluminum
If that was the case, it wouldn't affect only white people.
Just fucking move to somewhere, leave that rotten burgershithole
Microplastics don't get filtered I know, not sure about contraceptives since I don't treat wastewater, only river water which shouldn't have that anyway.
Why is Flouride a topic so sensitive, that you can't even ask about it?
What effect does it have in the water supply,
doesn't it get cancelled out by the chlorine?
Chlorine doesn't break down Fluoride.
It's not that were not allowed to ask, it's just that no one knows. Everyone in management just gives the same 'its good for your teeth' speech but they likely know just as much as me. Most bottled water and soda companies filter tap water again more stringently and don't add additional chemicals. Just take vitamins and drink bottled water.