Let's Fuck Up A Salute to America

Now I'm no psychic just a Purple user but I guarantee Trump has found some way to incorporate his cunt daughter into the televised 4th of July celebrations at the Lincoln Memorial. Given this is all but a guarantee I'd like to give Trump's ego a swift kick in the balls on live television and embarrass the pretty petty jewish princess in front of the nation. How do we do this user you ask?

Well unfortunately only Anons within travel distance to DC by 5pm tomorrow will be able to contribute.

You see we all show up to his little rally at the Lincoln. There is limited seating but it is open ticketing so get there earlier to guarantee you get in. You will be subject to a metal detector search by secret service police at the very least so don't bring anything stupid. Go in sit down and when you find yourself around Trump supporters casually start talking about how Jared and Ivanka are "Stabbing MAGA in the back" don't mention MIGA just the stab in the back on immigration and government reform. Don't drop too many deep redpills just casual ones about Jared and Ivanka so the people around you understand what comes next and hopefully are predisposed to join it.

Our special moment comes when either Ivanka announces Trump, Trump invites Ivanka on stage, and when Trump mentions Ivanka. He won't be able to help himself from doing at least one if not all 3 of those things given he wants her to become President one day and it's his favorite child's version of daddy I want a pony.

Anytime Ivanka or Kushner are seen or mentioned you are to boo as loud as humanly possible along with the occasional yell of "NY Liberals" "Dumb Cunt" "Stupid Spoiled Whore" etc… you get the drift. If Trump mentions Jared at all shout "Israel First America Last" then boo.

This may sound trivial but Trump is such a pathetic egotistical boomer fuck who lusts after the affection of his favorite child embarrassing her on national television will cause boomer Trump to have a conniption and make an ass of himself on national television.

Trump and his daughter will be destroyed by death through a thousand embarrassments; we will draw the life out of any legitimacy the Trump brand has in politics through each one.

This will be the price of Donald Trump's betrayal and it can begin today with your help Anons.

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The idiot seats are that >>>Zig Forums way Bernie.

Imagine believing that this would seem like a Zig Forumsack's post. This reads like some moron leftist's epic op.

Someone is salty, could it be Zig Forums?

Attached: ImWithHer.jpg (320x359, 39.76K)

Good idea. Bump!

If Jared is mentioned yell "666 5th ave"

Donald Trump is Balzac's Pere Goriot.

They arent sending their best, folks.


When is it

Nice try you're not Purple as he also post proofs he was the previous poster of one of his threads via screenshot. Your idea isn't terrible though.

Bump for a good idea.
Too far for me to take part, but I’d love to see something like this happen.

it's good advice but honestly, who cares anymore

If these headcases wanna take the world to clown town they'll probably just do it, to be honest I can't even blame them because they /have/ spent their whole lives in some choose your own adventure story for them to have their pleasant surprises everyone else only gets unpleasant ones

lemme tell ya, his win sure turned into one big unpleasant surprise

The older she gets, she looks more and more like a jew…even though she cut her face off before it is returning to its original state.

Kill yourself Q larper.


I'd actually not be astonished beyond belief if they raised the Israeli flag above, or even instead of the US flag, May as well. They have literally done EVERYTHING THAT IS TANTAMOUNT TO THAT.


im sure theyd arrest for this.
unless you were black

It was an obvious LARP form the very first thread, by how was it "proven" yesterday?


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Sounds autistic and cringe, bro. Boomers are going to see your nerdy bitch self yelling "666" and have no idea what you're talking about. Probably think you're a satanist or something and kick your ass.

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Purple is a LARP.

He made a cringe prediction that didn't come true. He predicted that Iran would be attacked yesterday. He was always a larping faggot, only now we have proof that we can shove in his followers' faces and never let them live down.

That isn't how these LARPs work. The whole Q thing started with promises of impending arrests within a matter of days, with specific dates, and even though a year and half has passed without them happening, the Qcumbers are still trusting the plan, as dedicated as ever.

nice trips.
she’s a fucking tranny
look at the shoulder to hip ratio.

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I'd Trump that (no homo).


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Here's the real mindfuck: why does the band's leader have no face in either direction he's facing?

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Oh look a fake thread by a fake Purple so these MIGA faggots could jump in and throw shade on the real Purple with their unsubstantiated bullshit claims.

Purple the only namefag you can trust period


He predicted airstrikes and less than a week later Trump ordered airstrikes he called off at the last minute. Unless Purple was Donald Trump he would have no way of knowing President would call strikes off. You kikes are pathetic these are your last gasps before Purple goes live and starts exposing your lies and propaganda in real time. Got a rope saved for you faggots on that day.

Attached: HE has no style, HE has no face.mp4 (960x720, 986.35K)

Now this is just sad.

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I know it's hard to believe, but it's closer to 2 and a half.

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