South Africa needs the UN

Well lads, it’s time to stop shitposting and time to make a real life effort post.®™

Innocent white people are being murdered and replaced by black people in South Africa for their possessions. The pro-black South African government does little to protect white people in South Africa and turns a blind eye just like the rest of the world and the MSM.
PC white countries do not intervene because of white guilt and lack of incentive. Also the ((MSM)) ignores/downplays/suppresses the issue.
The real issue here is that the whole world is turning a blind eye to the genocide and discrimination of the white people in Africa and that powerful white countries should intervene while they are still white.
We are going to make that happen Zig Forums.

international recognition and mainstream media coverage for the white genocide in South Africa and diplomatic pressure or (military) intervention of NATO / UN / USA / White countries to protect the remaining white citizens and farmers.
Basically we try to give the whites in South Africa surrounded by hostile niggers the same support as the USA is supporting Israel in the middle east surrounded by hostile sandniggers.
Ideas to implement are: White gated communities, sovereignty, white fortresses, autonomy, a wall.

We have the moral high ground here so we can address this issue to legitimate institutions like NATO and the UN, white people are actually getting slaughtered and the corrupt black SA government is not doing enough to protect their white citizens and just letting it happen.
This has happened before in neighboring country Zimbabwe under Mugabe, where white people were not allowed to own land anymore and were forced out of Zimbabwe by murdering them out. History is repeating itself as we shitpost and we have to stop this to prevent the systematic South African discrimination and genocide of white people.
Educated white people are being discriminated from getting high paying jobs and the whole country is going down the shitter.
if we do nothing the remaining white people of South Africa will be killed, raped or mixed while the entire world turns a blind eye. We have to do something.

step 1: We need an official letter to address this issue to the UN.
Are you a lawyer? Please write a letter and post it as an example in this thread so we can all send this letter to the UN and other officials.

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4853614,00.html africa&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&ei=qGfXV_qbKsXU8gfOrKXoBA#tbm=nws&q=africa disease

People / Insitutions we must address this issue:
- Donald Trump / USA
- Dutch Government
- UK Government
- French Government
- German Government
- European Union
- Putin Russia
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Elon Musk → South African and powerful

Missions to accomplish:
- Protection and safety of white people in South Africa (gated communities, food, self defense)
- Mainstream Media coverage and awareness of the white genocide in South Africa
- Shaming SA government for discrimination and genocide
- white equality in South Africa
- Black guilt
- Awareness of discrimination against white people in South Africa.
- Diplomacy and or professional military intervention by powerful white countries (Especially USA and NATO, maybe even Dutch, German and UK governments)
- Exposing SA government racism and corruption
- facilitating the safe transportation of white SA refugees to Australia, Russia, New Zealand and Europe
- Granting white South Africans EU citizenship
- preventing Zig Forumslacks to go there themselves and getting killed or ignite an actual war with the government and make the problem worse
- no more violence against white people

Things to avoid:
- Going there yourself and "be an hero". Do not get yourself killed bro.
- Calling for mindless violence and turn us into the racist bad guys.
- igniting a war or clash with the SA government, justifying their agression against the remaining white people.
- Race war: white South Africans are outnumbered by blacks and literally surrounded by millions of niggers. A race war would be the end of white people there.
- More agression from black people on the remaining white people.
- Getting killed yourself.
- Making white people look bad.

Let's make SA the new Israel.

1) Awareness: Spread infographs, stories about what is happening there, create and upload videos to Youtube and Bitchute, blog about it, Twitter, Facebook, 4chan, create memes etc.
2) Create letters and calls to action to people that can do shit about this, high officials like Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Putin.
3) Bump threads about South Africa on 4/pol/ and 8/pol/
4) New ideas to protect and save the white people in South Africa. Even helping them escape SA and start a new life in save havens like Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Europe or USA.
5) Donate to causes that are helping white people struggling to survive under a corrupt regime and living in fear. Organisations that I believe do a good job: and
6) Contacting people in power who can do shit about this. Especially Trump USA and NATO.
7) AID: Ship them water filters, ammo, weapon parts, wide-range antibiotics, and anything they're really short on.
8) Set up funding pages and if you are in a position, establish an NGO that could possibly facilitate clandestine arms procurement.
9) The young, charismatic leaders of Rhodesian South Africa are there. They just have to be found and given a voice. If anyone is in the country for a humanitarian mission or business, they should make an effort to reach out to them and offer support. If you find one like that on a chat or somewhere on the internet, promote them and connect them with others who can spread their internet fame.

We have to be smart about this. We have to treat it like a chess game rather than a boxing game. At no cost must we provoke more agression against the remaining white people there. We have to be careful.

let's make Zig Forums great again

Contact info of high officials in power:
Donald Trump:

Elon Musk (well known South African billionaire and entrepreneur):

Putin and Kremlin:



Dutch Government:

International Court of Justice:

Early Warning Project:

Key People:
Katie Hopkins (UK journalist pro white)

Willem Petzer (South African resister):

Danie Barnard (South African resister):

Ernst Roets (South African resister):

Steve Hofmeyr (South African resister):

Good causes:

Orania Beweging:

Farm Lands documentary:

"Plaasmoorde: The Killing Fields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa (FULL LENGTH) (trailer)

Crime free Orania (documentary):

Other Zig Forums thread:

Actual good OP for once.
Bump because I watch a white south africaner who doesn’t “get it”, had his personal uncle tom murdered like this week.

according to mainstream media, the genocide in south africa is a hoax and part of white nationalist rhetoric
no one will believe you and you will be insulted for implying there's something wrong with negros

It's time to get your war drums out ladies, it's time we as white people unite against black corruption.

The first step I believe is writing an official letter directed at officials like the UN.
We need a lawyer.


Nigger, the UN is the jewish terrorist organization that destabilized Africa with the donation racket in the first place, and now you're advertising their snake oil involvement for their own poison…do you guys never learn or do you think we do see through this shit?

we don't see through

The organization is there for reasons like these.

they are also more powerful than any of us going there shooting niggers causing a backlash that will kill more white people and prevent legitimate organizations from doing anything to help us.

if the UN doesn't help us we can cry discrimination, equality, diversity and use all their psyop weapons they used against us, against them and they will lose public trust and authority.

also stop calling me a nigger, you are hindering white people taking action.

kek, you really think that would help?
they dont give a fuck, ban images is a lot better

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OP you are nuts. UN was created after WW2 by (((them))). Whole UN is infected by (((them))) and controlled. Who the fuck do you think brings the policies to UN. People are so fucking stupid. Just do some mild research and you see.
It's the UN in the first place that made South Africa what it is today. You are asking for their help. They have UN buildings and quarters named after Jewish heroes in Brussel. Wake the fuck up Goyim.

United Nations Agenda explained by Carlisle and Poseidon

UN Replacement Migration EXPLAINED (Documentary 2019)

United Nations
Population Division
Replacement migration


The United Nations wants a one-world government in less than twelve years

Jews in Africa

Jewish communities are on the rise as thousands of Israelis arrive
the capital city of South Africa is governed by whites‚ which is a sign that the country is gone
South Africa: Laws Against Online Hate Speech Inadequate - SA Jewish Board of Deputies
How saving kids’ lives in Africa is Zionism
Israel and Africa are neighbours and our relations go back to the biblical time of Genesis.
Who wants to be a Jew?
July 6, 2016
Israel Seeks Diplomatic Coup in Africa
“Israel is coming back to Africa,” Netanyahu announced
Israel-Africa summit threatened by lack of Nigerian approval - Jewish Ledger

(JTA) – The president of a group representing 15 West African nations invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet with member states – but tense ties between the Jewish state and Nigeria could undermine the conference. The president of Nigeria has not signed off on a meeting between Netanyahu and the leaders of the [&hellip,7340,L-4853614,00.html
Netanyahu's recent visit to Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Rwanda was aimed at curbing Iranian influence on the continent, expanding trade ties and persuading African states not to vote against Israel in international organizations
20 other countries besides the United States will be holding presidential elections in 2016. More than half of them will be in Africa. Not all of these elections will be free or fair, and not all of them will lead to transformative change. Nonetheless, they are illustrative of a wider tectonic shift in leadership that is now underway across Africa, at every level of society.
Africa cracks down on social media - BBC News

As the mobile revolution continues to drive change across Africa, governments are trying to curb cyber crime - but is this an excuse to crack down on social media?
Brutal Central African dictator

Brutal dictator Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is Africa's longest serving leader having been in power since 1979. His playboy son will go on trial in France on charges of plundering his country.

I guess the Jews really don't like this guy
Jews destroying society in Africa ?
UK to step up Africa peacekeeping, Sir Michael Fallon says - BBC News

An extra 100 military personnel will be sent to South Sudan as the UK looks to "step up" its United Nations peacekeeping commitments, the defence secretary has said.

An extra 100 military personnel will be sent to South Sudan as the Jewnited Kingdom looks to "step up" its Jewnited Nations peacekeeping commitments
South Africa Introduces Racial Quotas For Cricket Team
South Africa finance minister won't submit to police - BBC News

South Africa's finance minister has said he will not appear before the police despite a request to do so.

Pravin Gordhan
Pravin Gordhan attends: South African Jewish Board of Deputies conference Mon, 31 Aug 2009
Mark Zuckerberg: I am sticking with Free Basics in Africa - BBC News

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg tells the BBC he is sticking with his controversial Free Basics scheme during a trip to Nigeria.
Africa Will Build The Future Says Zuckerberg, Visits Kenya On First African Trip

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg meets iHub and BRCK co-founder Erik Hersman in Nairobi. The future will be built in Africa, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in Nigeria, before travelling to Kenya, the "world leader" in mobile money, on his first visit to sub-Saharan Africa, a surprise trip which has propelled Africa's entrepreneurial […]

ZuckerJew’s interested in cool tech that that will help them take over Africa africa&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&ei=qGfXV_qbKsXU8gfOrKXoBA#tbm=nws&q=africa disease
Fear everything but the Jews, they will save you

Mirror for:
Replacement Migration EXPLAINED (Documentary 2019)

Apparently old youtube link was removed..

Nobody needs the (((UN)))

I appreciate your effort posting, but are you a fucking idiot. They will never help , even Putin doesn't want to help. The Least kiked white countries are facing their own immigrations problem and unable to help.
What should Zig Forums do is to tell them to make their own guns and buy a lot of ammos. Don't worry about being outnumbered because they are niggers. We always win against them

Niggers don't give a fuck
Niggers don't give a fuck
All white politcal leaders know this but they don't want to help
It won't happen until we remove kikes from govs.
Niggers don't give a fuck
>Granting white SA (((EU))) citizenship
Really? You don't know about (((EU))) at all?
Until we have ethnostate, it won't happen
While it sounds good that niggers on SA will starve and die, I really hate the idea "just give up and travel somewhere else"
Why are so afraid? Outnumbered? They are niggers. We have history of winning against them even being outnumbered by thousands

Thank you ma dude, you've just saved me form the pain of writing that myself.
OP you are a naive fool if you think that any of the (((international organization))) would do anything in SA

You're not white, you're European. They are not black they are Sudanese, Congolese and what have you not. The jews are playing you with rhetoric until you take it as granted, after which you are their bitch. White is defined by being not black. That's racist (another bullshit term) by design and a death sentence for any chance of speech protection you had.

You are trying to play with the pieces of a game the jews designed, owned, made the rules of and financed the players…NO, you cannot use their fucking weapons against them.

Why would you kill niggers when you now that they are just victims of jewish crimes? They cannot help themselves, jewish slavery ended black evolution, instead they were designed to spread poverty and violence wherever they are send. You know this and you still try to go against endless numbers low IQ slaves. Why? Do protect a country you don't own?

All of mankind has exactly one enemy. Stop fucking fighting each other and call out the jews. Use sticks to draw the crossed out star of david into the desert and get a dialog going with the slaves who have the same enemy on their necks. Stop playing by jewish rules in hopes of getting saved.

Writing strongly worded letters is not going to prevent white genocide in SA. World leaders already know about the situation, certainly after Zognald made an empty statement about it.
This OP is shit because your list of things to avoid contains all of the things most likely to solve the problem.
SA will require a brief period of violent conflict, followed by physical removal operations. The world will issue condemnations but won’t actually intervene aside from economic sanctions which have little effect.

Ok retard

well then they are the ones in power to do something about this.

see this

Zig Forums is getting more retarded by the minutes.

Writing a fucking letter to the UN in hopes the UN, the very organization that is pro-white genocide, will support this?

You kill chess pieces in chess.

Nigger, I ask again, how do you propose to let niggers in Africa who aren't even slaves in the first place know that their enemy is the jews?

Do you go there and preach or some shit?

WOW, next you tell me you are not a slave…

Draw the star in the sand and point at it. Make that a million times and they will understand. That certainly has more chances of success than to kill a bunch of niggers, who breed faster than your bullets fly. You have no idea how many Europeans, Africans, Asians, Australians and Americans are wise to the jews, because that's what they don't let you know. That's what all their division is for, preventing unison, because mankind together is an unstoppable force, and the only thing you have to do wake that giant is to speak the truth about everything directly into each others faces. Speak with all your neighbors, user until you all are on the same level. Speak truth, point out lies, and don't close your eyes to evil.


I'm not a slave.
1. What star?
2. Why does that make them aware of the jews?
3. Why haven't you done that yet?
LOL, have you tried that?
Niggers do not breed faster than bullets fly.
Repitition, if they are wise to the jews, why the need to point it out?
So what are you doing in South Africa? You say don't close your eyes to evil, then what are you doing in Africa?

I really feel modern Zig Forums is basically schizo vs jews, all nonsense action while pretending to be know-it-all.

Is this the new way for "whites" to defend freedom of speech? By pretending you are not white?

How cucked can whites even be nowadays?

The U.S. needs to offer these Whites REAL refugee status, and as soon as possible. Time is running out FAST!
Things are not getting better for blacks with the passage of time. Why? Because the end of apartheid did not lead to black prosperity and upward mobility in the way that it was expected to do. Instead the black situation is doing just the opposit. It is slowly deteriorating further and further. Frustration and anger rule the hearts of most black South Africans. They are aimlessly and dangerously pointing fingers at what they imagine is causing this black stagnation. And they are being pointed by multiple millions of blacks square at the Whites. Even if they really should be pointing those fingers at themselves.
South African Whites that apply for refugee status should recieve immediate approval with minimal hassle, and be given financial or U.S. military aid for transportation out of S.A.

However, there is a problem….

Malema said in one terrifying speech… ( Caught on video. I have tried hard but cant find it though I can find the news reports that this speech was in fact given. The video was posted on Twitter also. I thought I had a copy but cant find it in my files strangely. I'll post if I do. ) that the Whites MUST NOT be allowed to ESCAPE responsibility by fleeing S.A. That the deserved punishment of the Whites has not been meted out yet. That it must be if black South Africans are ever to move on from the slavery and humiliation that has haunted them since the end of apartheid. This sentiment is shared privately and openly by great numbers of black S.A. leadership and "intelligencia" (lol).

In other words, if Whites start fleeing South Africa for the safety of the U.S. in any numbers, you can most assuredly count on this triggering the mass slaughter the moment Malema mentions this subject again as Whites begin to leave S.A. in earnest.
If you're a White South African living with the delusion that all those African friends love and care for you, you best wake the fuck up. When those same Africans are told that this slaughter is just something they must do to move on, however uncomfortable it may make them feel, you can bet MANY of those friends will turn on you, and whether unhappy with it or not, will murder you just the same.

There is a far larger picture at work here that folks are ignoring. The end of apartheid and everything that has happened since has far from marked the end of the issue of exclusive White S.A. rule in the past. Many believe that was only a start. That ultimate freedom from this humiliating past can only be achieved by the "punishment genocide" of the Whites. The blood bath had not even begun a little bit yet. When it begins in earnest, the world may not know until it is too late!


Bet you thought this was a clever little slide post, huh? (((You))) sneaky little bastard.

This will happen but don't mistake this for a grassroots movement. This was always the plan.
They'll be sent to protect muh democrazy, meaning they will do everything they can, including war, to prevent the South African whites from forming their own zog-free government.
Siener predicted this
We're going to kick their fucking asses. Niggers don't even rate a mention when shit goes down. Our enemy is the international kike and their crypto pets.
I guess this thread will disappear now.

And filtered.

Using money means being in debt to the jewish mafia and that's just usury. Your birth certificate, social security, taxes to the IRS, marriage license, drivers license, ID, child support, credit cards, insurances, bank accounts, your car, your house, all your material possessions, your fashion, your entertainment, your hobbies, your religions, your country, your nation, your individuality, your education, your job, your past , your present and your future are being are being forced upon or sold to you in exchange for servitude to the beast system. There is no freedom, try to get out of it if you don't believe me.

All of them. Stars in the sky, stars on your flags, stars on your law enforcement, star of satan…all of them are representing the star of david. If you want to know the truth about the stars you have to look deeper into what kippah really means and why they wear it. They are literally caring the truth on their heads for all to see and you would never believe any of it.

Because repetition creates faith, faith creates curiosity, and curiosity creates knowledge.

No deflecting before facing your own demons, user.

Only one way to find out, cowboy.

Because you don't know IF they are wise.

You are not a color, you idiot. You are represented by blood, which came out of the family unit, which multiplied makes a race. Both together are called a collective, which creates culture thanks to individuals traits, and if you add a fixed landmark to this you get a country, which grows into a nation, which grows into a civilization. The only fucking color in that is red for blood. White is defined by it's natural opposite, which is black and vice versa. When you say "I'm white", you're saying "I'm not black" That's the statement the jews are attacking with ease, because it's a statement against something. That's division through rhetoric and it's always the starting point of all their oppressive law shenanigans. They make you do it all to yourself, and the majority will never realize that. They did the same shit with atheism which brought us even more devastating results.

How can you not see how moronic you act supporting movements like White Pride and Black Power? Imagine some Chinese crew marches in between you with a Yellow Pride flag…you would look like the dumbest fucks on the planet, falling for such a child's play rhetoric trick.

Black was created by jews who put all the African nationalities into a slave pen. they did the same with White, when they used blacks to drive the Irish, the German, the Italians etc. into the suburbs, where all their nationalities became White. Colors are used by jews to herd you together like cattle, so that they can enslave you. Just look at the Pride flag of diversity, and what it in really does to the world…genocide the races, the cultures, the countries, the nations, the sexuality, the family unit, the bloodlines, the wealth, the freedom.

Nobody says we're going to die there.

I beg to fucking differ.

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And both parties are still at it, while not being wise to the jews. How can they be called anything else then goyim? Idi Amin Dada called the kikes out, why does nobody learn from the past?

Attached: Idi Amin Dada.jpg (300x403, 20.03K)

Imagine thinking kike UN will do anything when they shill for climate refugees. There isn't a nuclear technology to steal like is SA so kikes won't care.

Dear United Nations,
Please, please, please would you stop committing white genocide its getting pretty bad with the rapes and murders and all that. I know you have 'replacement migration' plans but could you have a bit of a sit down & a rethink? I have £25 and me mum will make the sandwiches plus all the tizer you can drink?
Yours hopefully not dead yet: Dave.

Hopefully this will halp.

Lol. Real effort goes beyond posting.

The (((U.N.))) really, you've got to be kidding. The same (((U.N.))) that lets at least its rapidly growing force of African blue helmets take child brides as young as 9 while also ignoring their more than occasional robbery, rape, and murder of people these niggers have actual OFFICIAL contact with even. And that's just a tiny taste of what (((they))) are guilty of.
The (((U.N.s))) closet is filled to overflowing with skeletons. The place is a veritable haunted house. The number of unspoken and hidden atrocities that the (((MSM))) are fully aware of by way of the people that have suffered is eye popping. The well hidden horrific shit committed by (((them))) in the world would shock everyone. But a good and long (((press))) and (((media))) campaign has made them look benevolent and smell like Rose's. Fact is, there is a giant pile of SHIT under that rosey scent and there is not a bit of benevolency not born of convenience and/or percieved advantage that has come from(((their))) involvement in world affairs. If blue helmets come to your part of the world, shoot to KILL on sight every single one you can. Then create a art installation of their piled helmets as celebration of their defeat and a warning to other blue helmets that they WILL be next!

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No, the UN needs to die as does the ANC.

Een, communist, Een bullet.

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Brackets means not (((fbi)))

hello retard.

the UN already refused to rule it a genocide and fully supports the killing of Whites worldwide. what do you think the main apparatus is the kikes use to export niggers? its the UN.


gtfo bitch

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If we don't do anything it will be like the Haiti genocide of white people back in 1804

I really think we must do something, preferably diplomatically.
they should fear hurting white people on their soil.
I wish for the US start rolling in tanks to protect the remaining white people there.

even better, start our own state free from black tyranny.

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wouldn't it be the smartest move to actually get the UN on our side?

they claim to want to fight against genocide and discrimination.
well this is actually happening.

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South Africa needs a few billion dollars worth of arms smuggled to its white farming community to overthrow the nigger government, reinstate apartheid, and then ethnically cleanse all non-whites from the country.

Ernst Roets raised this issue multiple times and every time ZA government officials denied it and the whole matter was sidelined.

the SA government is corrupt. They need the UN or white countries to intervene and exert pressure.
that would be the only way to really solve this problem, getting the niggers back in line.

White people aren't native to those lands so all the blacks (to whom the land rightfully belongs) are doing is removing invaders from their land. This is exactly what you guys want to happen to invaders in Europe so what's the problem, it works both ways? I'm aware of white genocide, the kalergi plan etc and I acknowledge these things. Anyone here who things arfrica is devoid of culture, tradition and heritage is an ignorant fool, it has been under attack and destroyed just as the European culture has been and the presence of white people in Africa is only contributing more to this, just as the presence of non-whites is contributing to this in Europe.
Blacks and whites should stop fighting and unite against the (((real enemy))) which has been orchestrating this animosity between us for years and years. By doing this we will protect our people's and heritage respectively.

The Bantu are not native to the land either, you fucking kike, kill yourself.

The Bantus need to fuck off from South Africa aswell back to their homeland.

into the trash it goes

to be fair a race war in current year +4 would involve a lot of backing from (((foreign intervention))), whichs would kill maybe 1k niggers before kikes jump in with heavy weaponry

whites would kill*

pretty much this. although OP is to be lauded for a well thought out and well intentioned thread (that would fall off halfchans catalog in 20 minutes) OP fails to realize a certain reality: everything is going according to plan.


Why not do something anons do best and buildup a small library of SA gore/evidence/etc images and raid the normienet to spam them one day?
Not to mention

Not to mention alternative lines of communication can be used/spammed (minds, bitchute, gab, etc) and fill those communities that are less enclosed with algorithms. They may be pozzed but still a vulnerable untapped resource of people that already communicate and circumvent the normienet.

Oh I forgot one more thing

I can't respect the people with children who still live in that environment.

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The only government that showed some interest in helping SA was Russia. You faggots need to for death squads and just start eradicating blacks.

Listen man I'm thinking since this is just a part of the collapse of Anti-Rome that since maybe we're going back to the dark ages it may be wise to start building structures like that you know man like build a fucking castle out of dirt. I'll explain in greentext cause I cant type right now
Listen I know this sounds retarded as fuck right now, but man you have to build the house in a way that is a bit more defensible while still maintaining community. This is a way to do that. Look up ferrocement, it's like a steel mesh with concrete poured through it, much cheaper than normal concrete stuctures and much stronger.

Attached: Houses.png (910x532, 24.65K)

I'm not a slave, slaves do not have money.
LOL, so you would draw millions of stars on the sand, really?
LOL cargo cult?
How is that deflecting? You are asking us to do something you did not do.
Yeah, you can watch a video on that.
Huh? What? I don't know THAT and you don't know that either.
White is not just a color in that context, it means the white race, as the black race and the yellow race.

Pretending you are not white doesn't mean you aren't white and will not be treated as white, you retard fuck.

I swear to go the christcucks on this board.

Not bad. We could call it a laager. Though it would be better if the outer ring would be defences and have the houses in an inner ring.

Attached: Bloedrivier.gif (593x423, 144.21K)

yeah it's a design that's literally from the Bronze Age, believe either Philistines or Hittites, so it could have a couple upgrades like an outer wall and stuff. Outer electric fence with this as in inner wall would be pretty cheap I'd imagine, while gettting an actual wall erected. The best thing about the design imo is that it'd always be a good thing even if it becomes unsettled in time or whatever, I'd imagine in a civil war as troops go forward there'd be less at the homes, but the families would still be able to defend themselves cause they got at least the inner wall if not an outer fence or wall.

Another good idea would be a mosquito net over the entirety of the open air common area as well as a rain distillery, and the outer ring could be any of the following while requiring obvious space and construction:
I'm not well versed on mustard gas' dispersal time or the full requirements of what constitues napalm but
There are more ideas possible but this is all I can think of.

like the UN can solve anything, faggot. KYS

>smartest move to get (((UN))) on our side
Fucking genius.

Bumping for a Torfag who knows how to plan an OP

The UN should be strafed by A-10s. It is a kike institution.

if you get your enemies to kill each other you win.


Gore would as a deterrent for normies, I think. Might split these images in smaller parts to have less text, but I think all there is interesting and important to read.

Geez I wonder why.

[b]UN - merde (a byword for any African war)[/b]

I published an article about the UN yesterday. It wasn’t openly rude, but it was quite prickly.
I expected angry screeching from local UN structures, but all I got instead was a single torpid letter in which I was invited to “visit an African or Asian country of choice and spend a week doing field work alongside employees of World Food Programme or the UN Refugee Agency.”
Frankly speaking, I feel insulted. Especially considering that the question I asked in my article – “What has the UN done to stop or at least curb constant tribal warfare in Africa?” – was not deigned with an answer. And it probably never will, for one simple reason:
The UN hasn’t done shit.
Here we should mention an important fact: the Western consciousness cannot really perceive or comprehend the ESSENCE of the very Negroes for whose liberation and independence the starry-eyed liberals so tirelessly campaign.
Simply put, they are cannibals. In the most literal sense of the word. They are creatures that, while outwardly belonging to the human species, have zero understanding of norms, principles, traditions and other things that a representative of a European civilization absorbs with mother’s milk. We are talking about “people” who have only recently climbed down from trees. Not even the most venerable anthropologist will be able to tell you how many tribes lived and still live in the Congo Basin, yet all these tribes are very different when it comes to traditions and lifestyle. What unites them is their attitude towards human life – none of them lend it any value. Murder is not considered a sin; the notion of sin is simply not there. A tribesman wants something, he goes and takes it. He wants to kill someone, he goes and kills. Murder of an outsider, let alone a White, merits even less attention. In short, not only are these creatures not equal to Whites, they can’t even hold a candle to other African tribes that have developed a semblance of civilization.
But one day, such a creature is given a rifle and told that he’s the boss now. Well, what do you think he’s going to do? Doesn’t take a genius to guess that he’ll immediately go on a rampage, taking whatever strikes his fancy and raping anything that moves.
That’s pretty much what happened in Congo and other places in Africa where the natives were “liberated from colonial oppression”. Chaos and anarchy took the reins, with all that entails: robbery, rape, murder, arson, live target practice… The list can go on forever.


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Who tried to oppose this? Well, definitely not the UN. Ever read Wilbur Smith’s novel “Dark of the Sun”? You’ll be surprised to find out that it was based on actual events. It were mercenaries, painted by the media as cutthroats and scum of the earth, who were busy rescuing people from villages and missions scattered all over the country. Of course, we are not going to use that novel as an accurate historical source, but it is far from being fiction, as Smith was a White African who had grown up on that continent and understood it very well.
Who risked their lives rescuing White missionaries in Congo from hordes of bloodthirsty savages? The UN? You wish. Who took the city of Kindu from the Simbas? It was Mike Hoare’s 5 Commando, who shot the insurgents to hell and thus saved local Europeans from getting butchered with blunt pangas. Who freed hundreds of hostages in Stanleyville after Christophe Gbenye herded them into the city’s main square and declared that they would all die in agony? The Belgian Paracommando Regiment. They came and sowed death. Death to murderers and bandits. They did not give a rat’s ass about “human rights” and other claptrap. They had an enemy, and that enemy had to be destroyed. Not to mention that primitive cannibals who disembowel women for fun have nothing to do with humans. Period.

The UN, just like any other political eunuch, could do nothing but wring hands and call for “restoration of peace”. Except these goofs could not even begin guessing that peace in Africa is imposed with bayonets and bullets. One does not need a platoon of soldiers and a shipment of flamethrowers for that – a couple of bloody examples is more than enough to let everyone nearby know that robbery and murder will not go unpunished.
But seeing as the human rights idée fixe was the cornerstone of UN philosophy, these bumbling idiots could not bring themselves to accept such a state of things. Instead, they started going out of their way to create problems for people who in any way dared to curtail the rapidly spreading chaos. In some cases, they ended up getting their own noses bloody: for example, in December 1960 in Katanga, a tiny group of mercenaries led by Michel de Clary used three rinky-dink biplanes to wreak absolute havoc on Irish and Swedish UN task forces that outnumbered them three to one. Not only were they defeated, they turned tail and fled, while de Clary followed that victory up with destroying a Simba gang and taking control of several towns, without even bothering to catch a breather.
Such cases were more of an exception rather than a rule, though; UN troops rarely took part in armed conflict, preferring instead to “keep peace” by twiddling thumbs and visiting local pubs (source: The Savages by Ronald Hardy, 1968).

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The main strong point of the UN was always in hurling baseless accusations, using double standards and giving airtime to murderous thugs like Nkomo and Lumumba. In 1976, Rhodesian forces destroyed a massive guerilla training camp in Nyadzonya. Several weeks after, Sadruddin Aga Khan, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, visited the camp and made a conclusion – the Rhodesians had massacred a bunch of peaceful refugees, including children and the elderly. That conclusion was subsequently voiced from a tribune in Geneva. The Rhodesian government was ready to provide irrefutable proof that the camp had nothing to do with refugees. Naturally, they were ignored, just as the 1978 atrocity by Nkomo’s bandits, who shot down a Rhodesian airliner with a MANPADS and then massacred the survivors. All Nkomo got for that was a verbal slap on the wrist in one of Geneva’s coffee rooms.
When one needed to accuse “the racist regime of Pretoria” of “unthinkable crimes against humanity”, the UN was right there. When SWAPO thugs were methodically massacring other tribes in South West Africa, the UN was nowhere to be found. Nor did it do anything to quell the civil wars in Angola and Mosambique. Don’t even get me started on Rwanda: the genocide that took place there was monstrous even by African standards, while the UN was busy picking lint out of its navel. When China invaded Tibet and turned it into a bloodbath, the UN, despite its lofty rhetoric, didn’t do anything. But Rhodesia, a country that has never waged an offensive war in its entire history, was declared “a threat to the international world order”. It was the UN that helped get Nelson Mandela, a terrorist and a thug, out of prison – all while deftly avoiding any mention of victims of the terror campaign by the African National Congress, which he chaired.

In the photos attached to this article one can see mercenaries from Mike Hoare’s 5 Commando and Belgian Paras helping the civilians they had rescued. There is not a single blue helmet in sight.

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Author: Sergey Karamaev, a prominent Russian Africanist and journalist.

Torpedo spam thread telling us to support the perpetrators of white genocide remains up.

checked, but it's not very well thought out if you think the Jewnited Nations is a solution to anything ever for anyone (even niggers in apefrica or zipperheads in asia).

lol, cute

he's still new. some of us are deeper down the rabbit hole than others

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First of all it is not just south Africa it is all Africa. It is cheeper now to make diamonds than to dig them up. Japan just discovered rare earth elements off their coast that is larger than the supply in Africa. Lithium is now being mined in Ashland Oregon. Africa is no longer needed so I suggest a total pull out of all whites.

Most retarded post in the thread. Congrats.

Majority of SA Whites are hyper christcucked, they jump down the throats of sane SA Whites who speak out against being murdered by niggers, which elicits condemnation for not being christcuckey.

Sorry but the UN are the last ones you want in South Africa. They would do nothing but facilitate, assist, and cover up the white genocide there.

Minerals are not the reason South Africans still live there you dingus. Its home in much the same way that America is home to people, in fact many colonists to SA came before whites to NA.

The UN is a toothless dog in all reality, its a figurehead for people to point at and scream WORLD GOVERNMENT MASONS AAAAAAA to obscure where the real control over countries is held to people who have trouble seeing beyond the veil(brainlets) I don't know why Zig Forums would bother actually trying to raise the United Arab Nations council to do anything for whites.

tired of this shit
you niggers i dont know if i even want to write this because obviously you niggers are incapable of overcoming your conditioning.
acknowledge the fact you are a fucking almost inexistant minority in this shit cesspool what is left of the good old times.
its time for a tactical retreat.
if you remain there you will perish by the hands of others .
come bback to europe , your motherland needs you now more than ever.
trust me your values and personalities are needed here the most
dont sacrifice yourselves for them
make the most you can get out of your belongings and get the fuck out of there.
go somewhere where you can at least live without fear of being raided by scum while you and your families sleep.
dont wait until you realize nobody at the UN will help you.
you are acting against their plan and you are standing smack dab in the middle of where they are going in SA.
fuck me for example migrate to germany , you dont even have to make up reasons for asylum for fucks sake ( if you are out of or low on funds for example ) you are target of politically organized genocidal powers. there is a shitton of land and economy you can use your skillsets in , you probably speak dutch , english or even german already .
fuck them , migrate to central europe and leave them only scorched earth behind if you can afford it.
preserve your heritage you stupid cunts (in a loving way) think of all the sacrifices that were made to put you where you are now, its a test of your true strength and courage. not a question of standing ground.


This boilerplate list of "people anons must contact" is identical in construction to the one (((Lauren Simonsen))) kept posting here while trying to push his South Africa "documentary."
tl;dr Rebel media astroturf thread.


There are some cold hard facts you need to reconcile with, user:

1. The UN / NATO / NGO are your enemy. They view European South Africans as nothing more than residue of an unjust racist regime that subjugated the poor natives until 1994.

2. No matter what you do, however carefully you do it, you will be labelled as racists, aggressors and few, if any, governments will associate with you.

3. You cannot make peace with the ANC. They are filled with hatred for you and will be as corrupt and violent as necessary to solidify their position. International authorities and organizations will not save you from the brutality of niggerdom.

Replacement psychosis is a nigger issue throughout Africa. That’s why they murder albinos - and why white people shouldn’t mistake OP for a white person.

OP definitely doesn't sound 'white' in his reasoning.

This is an astroturfing thread.
No one should take the UN seriously.

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