Well lads, it’s time to stop shitposting and time to make a real life effort post.®™
Innocent white people are being murdered and replaced by black people in South Africa for their possessions. The pro-black South African government does little to protect white people in South Africa and turns a blind eye just like the rest of the world and the MSM.
PC white countries do not intervene because of white guilt and lack of incentive. Also the ((MSM)) ignores/downplays/suppresses the issue.
The real issue here is that the whole world is turning a blind eye to the genocide and discrimination of the white people in Africa and that powerful white countries should intervene while they are still white.
We are going to make that happen Zig Forums.
international recognition and mainstream media coverage for the white genocide in South Africa and diplomatic pressure or (military) intervention of NATO / UN / USA / White countries to protect the remaining white citizens and farmers.
Basically we try to give the whites in South Africa surrounded by hostile niggers the same support as the USA is supporting Israel in the middle east surrounded by hostile sandniggers.
Ideas to implement are: White gated communities, sovereignty, white fortresses, autonomy, a wall.
We have the moral high ground here so we can address this issue to legitimate institutions like NATO and the UN, white people are actually getting slaughtered and the corrupt black SA government is not doing enough to protect their white citizens and just letting it happen.
This has happened before in neighboring country Zimbabwe under Mugabe, where white people were not allowed to own land anymore and were forced out of Zimbabwe by murdering them out. History is repeating itself as we shitpost and we have to stop this to prevent the systematic South African discrimination and genocide of white people.
Educated white people are being discriminated from getting high paying jobs and the whole country is going down the shitter.
if we do nothing the remaining white people of South Africa will be killed, raped or mixed while the entire world turns a blind eye. We have to do something.
step 1: We need an official letter to address this issue to the UN.
Are you a lawyer? Please write a letter and post it as an example in this thread so we can all send this letter to the UN and other officials.