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…Macarius (ID: s2pqQuaZ) EU Archived
Hitler was the last avatar of (…)
06/30/19(Sun)12:28:56 No.217983241
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The most important aspect of National Socialism is the spirituality. How many of you self-proclaimed 'redpilled' anons know about the esoteric side of Hitler and National Socialism?
It was the most important part for Hitler, for he realized that the universe is not dead matter, and that there is a spiritual war between good and evil. Zig Forums is just a cesspool of misanthropy and NPCs who think they are woke because they realized that Jewish threat. The rabbit hole goes deeper than that…
…Anonymous (ID: 1qZ4bmBN)
06/30/19(Sun)12:36:54 No.217983909
Tell us your tales fren
…Anonymous (ID: n7nAiZQi)
06/30/19(Sun)12:38:32 No.217984061
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1.01 MB GIF
I am also intrigued
…Anonymous (ID: 7mtID3Wb)
06/30/19(Sun)12:41:43 No.217984346
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160 KB JPG
…Anonymous (ID: vTt6ts3G) EU
06/30/19(Sun)12:42:14 No.217984397
What spirituality should we adopt user
…Anonymous (ID: n7nAiZQi)
06/30/19(Sun)12:44:18 No.217984585
High IQ city states sounds fucking gay
…Anonymous (ID: 7mtID3Wb)
06/30/19(Sun)12:46:03 No.217984731
At least their degeneracy will be contained.
…Anonymous (ID: Puln+IST)
06/30/19(Sun)12:46:43 No.217984785
Read Serrano
Esoteric Hitlerism
…Anonymous (ID: CodArJ6V)
06/30/19(Sun)12:55:23 No.217985553
Savitri Devi considered Hitler to be the ninth Avatar of Vishnu, and called him "the god-like Individual of our times; the Man against Time; the greatest European of all times", having an ideal vision of returning his Aryan people to an earlier, more perfect time, and also having the practical wherewithal to fight the destructive forces "in Time". She saw his defeat—and the forestalling of his vision from coming to fruition—as a result of him being "too magnanimous, too trusting, too good", of not being merciless enough, of having in his "psychological make-up, too much 'sun' [beneficence] and not enough 'lightning.' [practical ruthlessness]" ….unlike his coming incarnation:
"Kalki" will act with unprecedented ruthlessness. Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardised, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or in character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen Ages.
Who will the Avatar of Kalki be? Could he already be on Earth? Could he be one of us?
Attached: Kalki-The-Last-avatar-of-Vishnu-768x941.jpg (768x941, 114.74K)