So the British government committed an act of piracy and "seized" an oil tanker from Iran (Panama registry) because they were trading with Syria. Because the British totally have jurisdiction over other sovereign countries.
Piracy back on the menu!
Forgot links.
Pretty sure they'd be privateers and not pirates since they have government support
I want to see a UK Revolutionary War where the US plays the role France played in the US Revolutionary War.
Fuck Londonstan and its host country.
fucking kikes
Wasn't England doing things like this the stated cause of the war of 1812?
"commended the bravery of the marines who detained the ship"
21th century, everyone, assaulting unarmed, civilian crafts is an act of bravery now.
If it is in violation it is a legal seizure. With all eyes on them, they won't do anything illegal.
Banditism, nothing more.
is this what this is really all about?
So the US can just make a law saying that trade between all nations must first be "registered" with our government and we can just steal anything that violates our new law? Sweet!
What do you think Reagan's Exclusive Economic Zone policy was all about?
All laws are based utterly upon the threat and use of violence. Nothing more, nothing less. The words used to 'authorize' such laws are what is trying to keep men of power and violence in check from realizing they can simply do as they wish. An strange insidious mind virus made to corrupt and cuck men with power from stopping others with power or taking others ill gotten gains with stolen power into their own control.
The U.S. and Britain can do what ever the fuck they want, because everyone else are fucking cowardly cucks and their own national populations are faggots too ignorant to realize they are supporting evil and can take what is theirs by right back from their own enslavers.
This. I remember whenever the subject of Iran used to come up on this board, all the shills would be crying:
If people don't kill jews and their enablers, they will keep doing this.
Good job Britain.
How does this not result in war being declared?
Checked for shut up kike.
You bastard I got excited. I thought they were letting up on internet piracy.
was the tanker in international waters, or in EU or British waters. If the tanker was in International waters at the time then it is indeed an act of Piracy by the Royal Marines. Perhaps for thier next shipment the Iranians should have there own armed men aboard prepared to repel boarders, and make it clear before the UN that they will in fact do so if any attempt to board thier vessels in International waters occurs. Furthermore that their vessels will scuttle themselves rather then be seized, creating a pretty big fucking mess.
Pretty simple really. You approach within 500m of this vessel and we will abandon ship and scuttle an oil tanker of your fucking coastline! The straight of Gilbraltar is International waters by the way. The Iranians have every right to sail thier vessels through that straight, and they have no obligations whatsoever to the British or EU governments. This is an act of war by the EU under international law.
The rumor is that the ship was seized under orders from the US.
No doubt. It is still an act of war. The Zionist banksters seem determined to destabilize the region. They continue to provoke the Iranians and the Syrians, and allow me to be clear, the world would be a better place without the Ayatollah and Assad, however replacing them with ISIS is a terrible idea. the very same people determined to prevent Syrians from having access to gasoline dont seem to have any problems shipping guns to ISIS. The American have been arming ISIS since the beginning of the conflict. We really are not the good guys in this conflict, as sad as that is to say, but Assad is way better then ISIS.
I dont understand why we have to forever be at odds with the Russians, I thought the cold war ended. Why cant we all just get along?
(((Someone))) Is mad. Watchagundo?
How will Russia react. Arent they on the side of Iran? Will Russia allow this to slide through?
I am no kike sorry to offend you that they took the boat from your Iranian friends.
I don't think so.
Quit stroking your dick Ivan, because Tsar Putin is by no means any better. He may not make Russia "Woke" but he knows (((them))) but keeps quiet, because if he talks it would show the USSR as abomination it was.
Also how is that immigration into Russia working? I reckon in about 50 years you'll all have bug eyes
This isn't exactly new.
The USA has been waging a campaign of piracy against Iran and North Korea for decades.
The Royal Marines aren't a private endeavor, this is piracy.
Anglos are filthy fucking subhuman kiked slaves. What is news?
The Persians should have seen this coming, passing through their territory.
You are just reaping your 1945 reward, mutt.
i actually hope we go to war with iran
has potential to turn into a big war with russia and china due to their alliance with iran
if that happens then the western homefronts for all of us will become a free-for-all of gunning down our enemies with very little in terms of law enforcement and media pushback due to the cover of maximum global chaos
can't be v& by feds if all their attention is on a united russian, chinese, iranian front that have potential projection into our domestic sphere e.g chinese spies, spetznaz, hackers, hezbollah terrorists, etc
Why haven't Iran nuked Israel yet?
The memes write themselves.
I didn't know Syria had an EU membership.
Pretty lame that (((they))) are making their squabbles with Iran everyone else's problem.
A nuclear Iran would probably ease tensions. Notice how the US treats the Norks vs how it treats Iran. Nobody wants to risk nuclear war, so israel would have to back off and start respecting the sovereign rights of their neighbors. Nuclear parity would restore balance to the region…which is why the kikes are so hell-bent on stopping it.
"ὦ ξεῖνοι, τίνες ἐστέ; πόθεν πλεῖθ' ὑγρὰ κέλευθα;
ἤ τι κατὰ πρῆξιν ἦ μαψιδίως ἀλάλησθε
οἷά τε ληϊστῆρες ὑπεὶρ ἅλα, τοί τ' ἀλόωνται
ψυχὰς παρθέμενοι, κακὸν ἀλλοδαποῖσι φέροντες;"
this is what britain represents, an endless fight for some resources in a foreign land. what is more important, democracy and freedom or some lumpy black shit that can run some cars?
It's easy for kikes to pick on people when everyone picks on them too. fuck the royal family, they've been kiked ever sense they forced Edward out.
Maybe look up words before you use them.
Finally someone on this board who understands this. International law is a joke because laws require an arbitrator of greater power than the parties in conflict. Anytime someone says "illegal war" I just laugh. No such thing.
The US and allies are essentially immune to any so called international laws because they are the only ones who can enforce them.
There's nothing really wrong with this. Everyone else is weak and interior and they deserve to be our bitch.
im rooting for the pirates