What's it like in Maine? » Absolute whitest state » Too cold for Jews » Zero niggers » No dikes, queers, trannies, etc. » Too cold for spics » Lots of fresh water, salt water, and 100% conservative
However nobody has ever been there, it's almost untouched. What goes on there? Is it a good place to live? Redpill me on Maine Zig Forums Zig Forums faggets.
Maine has 1 of the 500 safest cities in the nation. Of the 25 safest cities within Maine, most have only had a handful of vehicle theft and aggravated assault, and these towns all have populations of around 10,000 or more. The incredibly low crime rate in these cities is remarkable, and even though the crime is so low, Maine still has an average of one officer per 350 citizens. Compare that to other states that have an average of one officer per 450 or more citizens.
Logan Barnes
Didn't a bunch of refugees (WHAT THE FUCK) get transferred via (WHO THE FUCK)
Justin Long
Maine Demographics According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Maine was:
White: 94.64% Two or more races: 2.11% Black or African American: 1.27% Asian: 1.11% Native American: 0.62% Other race: 0.22% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.02%
Adrian Jones
My family is from there. There’s a lot of French people there from the time they came to immigrate to Canada. If it’s still mainly white, I’m sure it’s a peaceful and beautiful state.
Jeremiah Martinez
Taxes are high
For single individuals and married persons filing separate returns:
– if taxable income is less than $21,459, the tax is 5.8% Maine taxable income;
– if taxable income is $21,450 but less than $50,750, the tax rate is $1,244 plus 6.75% of excess over $21,450;
– if taxable income is more than $50,750, the tax rate is $3,222 plus 7.15% of excess over $50,750.
Brayden James
Should I try to move there or is it a target for pozzing in the near future? As it stands I don’t want to raise my children in ZOGmerica at all
Ethan Turner
Nvm, FUCK that. I’d rather live in a third world country than subsidize the death of western civilization and niggergibs
William Stewart
Fuck off from New England. We're full. Seriously. Everyone thinks "oh new england is so nice, we should just live there forever". So they move to Mass or Maine or Vermont and then they realize how fucking shitty it is and they come flood into my New Hampshire because no sales tax. STOP IT I'M SICK OF YOU NIGGERS CLOGGING UP EVERY GODDAMN ROAD THIS STATE IS SMALL
Brayden Baker
I'd imagine with those kind of taxes and so few nigs to leech off of them, they're actually put to good use on things like infrastructure though.
James King
Actually it's quite tilted toward ZOGs:
Corporate Income Tax
Maine imposes an income tax on all entities organized as corporations and that have Maine-source income. The corporate income tax is graduated, with rates ranging from 3.5% (for income up to $350,000) to 8.93% (for income in excess of $3,500,000). The tax generally does not apply to S corporations unless the corporation has federal taxable income at the corporate level. The tax does not apply to financial institutions that are subject to Maine’s franchise tax, or to insurance companies subject to premiums tax.
Franchise Tax
The Maine franchise tax is imposed on banks and financial institutions. The franchise taxpayer can choose between two tax options. Option 1 is a two-part tax consisting of 1% of Maine income and 0.008% of assets. Option 2 is a tax on assets only and is imposed at 0.039% of Maine assets. The tax is imposed on all financial institutions with Maine income, even if the entity is organized as a pass-through organization.
Mason Jones
Theres plenty of degeneracy in all of new england. Go to portland where they just got a boatload of somalis
Luis Robinson
Can confirm. It's happening in NH as well. I had never seen a hijab in my life until I went to Manchester on a weekend a few months back. Poos and somalis are being imported around here quite frequently.
The funny thing is though, most of them leave. The culture shock is too much for them with everyone being white and nice. And when winter rolls around they can't handle it. I had a buddy who hired a few somalis have them all quit one winter because none of them could drive in the snow and were all too afraid to come to work.
Gavin Wilson
Wow, no shit. Amazing. I wonder if literally every single city in America is like this?
Zachary Lopez
It would make for a great White ethnostate however it's such a small place. Would not be near as large as what's really needed. Great place to lay down initial roots for OUR THING though. A move should be made to place OUR people little by little in positions of local and state government. Maybe with time and unavoidable, at this point, disruption in federal govetnment, expansion into neighboring Canada, possibly Nova Scotia, and surrounding states while pushing the brownies out as we go could become a thing. Definitely could work. Hmmmm I like my fantasy, I like it alot!
Logan Thomas
High taxes are unavoidable there. Infrastructure requires near constant expensive maintenance because of the harsh environment.
Samuel Reed
I have bad news for you, user. I've spend a considerable amount of time in Maine my entire life, was last there last summer, will be there for three months this summer. Everything you mentioned is in Maine. Even far north in the more conservative Aroostook County. And everything south of that county Lassen's liberal.
There are a lot of French people there because it was a French colony. It only became Anglo until after the Seven Years War.
Agreed. It's bad enough NY refuse leaks into New England. We don't need assholes from all over coming here. CT has become the shit hole it is due in large part to it's proximity to NYC.
Aiden Davis
Asher Jenkins
It's full of masonic cryptos.
Jaxson King
Happens in other places too. Rhey want to live in the (((big city.))) Remember they're not sending their best, which means prostitution and vice.
Matthew Brooks
Acadians (Cajuns) plus Old Orchard is full of Pepsis from Quebec.
Levi Jones
Nice spam thread, fuck off.
Luke Reyes
Ah yes, Infrastructure. If they don't steal most of your money, then who will build the roads?!
Thomas Nguyen
The lolberg faggots that move here are the worst. They vote for rapefugees, open borders, and bring their faggot lefty girlfriends and wives.
don't worry, play like a jew to avoid paying taxes.
Evan Gomez
You have no idea what you're talking about. New England for the most part needs a lot of infrastructure work. Power lines, internet cables, roads (yes, ROADS, because they are constantly torn up from frost), government buildings that are hundreds of years old, state parks, and some shit I'm forgetting are all in disrepair or in serious need of upgrading.
Evan Jones
Bullshit, some of them leave but they more than compensate for it by bringing their extended families up from Boston and NYC
Good luck getting a job unless you’re a nurse. Maine is where rich people from Mass go to vacation and claim as their primary residence to (((influence))) elections. Seasonal lobster fishing, heroin addiction, and LL Bean. A couple colleges, yuppies on summer vacation, and Somalians for some (((reason))). There’s also a big demand for healthcare so expect a bunch of empowered and diverse womyn to be the only ones accounting for any population growth there. Wages are below national average so I hope you like working retail for minimum wage.
NH has traffic? That’s cute. It takes an hour to drive 5 miles in MA. You guys have good guns laws (or lack thereof) but the property taxes are retarded and there’s no industry outside of retail and restaurants, and I guess Sig Sayer (unless you count selling heroin) so what do you exoect of course everyone there is going to commute.
Ryder Sanchez
It's too cold for Somalis in both Boston and NYC. Poos seem to do better, I'll give you that, but I have only seen hijabs in the summer and never the same people. Either they're rich enough to vacation here or they leave.
Nicholas Williams
Why do you keep posting these slide threads, and why do you have no idea how to greentext?
Jaxon Peterson
Oh you mean all that heroin that comes from Boston? Thanks for allowing MS-13 :^)
Oliver Jackson
Fucking lolbergs. Ancap shits won't defend our borders from foreign invasion. I've seen it first hand, they love divershitty and will counter-signal anyone who is against the ethnic replacement of the European race.
Stephen King tweets that he hates Trump and loves diversity, while living in a 100% rich white town.
Juan Cox
This is such a gay mindset. You set the bar low by comparing it to a shithole. It's like the shitskins who move up here and say "wow all these white people complaining about crime, there are hardly any murders compared to the city". And yes, the traffic and crime are getting much worse as the filth moves up here to vote for the same policies as the hellhole they fled from. But they only left because the schools are better, the fact that there's less shitskins is pure cohencidence ya see.
If the people want roe-ads they can crowdfund them. No reason for taxes.
Jose Jones
The best way to get roads built is to be invaded. All our good roads were built by the Romans. The newer oens are shit.
Hitler built a lot of good roads in Europe too.
Jayden Morgan
I see somali faggots constantly, riding around in their bicycle gangs harassing people. Or a guy with two wives in garbages bags flanked by 5 poolets. These bulbous head fuckers are breeding like rabbits, and it's getting exponentially worse. People say "it will never happen here in New Hampshire, it's so white". Except for Manchester. And Nashua. And Concord. And…
Then explain Chicago, Minneapolis, and Moscow lol no, Somalis are increasingly arriving, just like "too cold" Minnesota You haven't been to Portland, the first Portland There aren't a lot of those yet. It's definitely not 100% conservative, though it's less cohenservile than say Texas aka "let (((businesses))) fuck over whitey while we bring in millions of BASED blacks and hispanics.
Thomas James
Funny how all three of those cities were dogshit before any forced importations of browns.
Thomas Diaz
And that's how you know it's a false flag, maties. Hang your fucking legals. The illegals are at least the ones that are easier to find and get rid of.
Colton Martinez
No, I’m saying you have traffic because NH doesn’t have a flourishing job sector. There is retail, and restaurants so of course there will be a lot of commuters because everyone has to go to MA to get a job that pays more than $30k a year.
If anything it’s dominicans from Lawrence not Boston. And yeah I’m sure everyone in Rochester is driving 2 hours to pick up. You sell it to yourselves too, there’s plenty of scumbag White heroin dealers. And don’t imply it’s me that has anything to do with this. If I’m on this board what makes you think I A) don’t want all heroin dealers killed on sight B) don’t want that same courtesy extended to all the shitskins and kikes invading the land my ancestors came to 400 years ago? We’re on the same side man. Let’s all hope some spics blow their hands off with fireworks today.
Ayden Johnson
Nigger what? There’s so many fucking shitskins in Boston, including Somalis. You’re clearly not from around here. Ever heard of a jacket? You act like it’s some primitive time where we all must provide our own housing and good. No, government gives them everything they need with the money they rape from us. Fuck niggers and fuck Massachusetts.
Blake Johnson
More likely cuckservative than a false flag I'd say. But it could be either.
If you want to take Colorado back from the non-whites you got a hard fight ahead of you. It's full of illegals, jews, gooks and poos of all sorts. It's not as bad as california, but once the boomers die it'll be less than 50% white.
Well idn't that a fucking irony. Even their deaths will have a sort of negative impact. The one good thing about them, has a bad side effect of sorts. I'm talking about the leadership that these two red states with blue capital cities and blue state governments, Colorado and Maine, have in common. JEWISH and HOMOSEXUAL governors. I'm NOT talking about taking either one back. There IS no "taking back" except for La Raza, apparently. Whites in this country basically want to die whether they know it or not. Only a small percentage are sane, moral, and intelligent enough to have another destiny. And they are in queue to be sacrificed by their Judas Goat cousins. But regardless, pick a state without a Homojew governor?
Josiah Scott
Wow. They are everywhere.
Robert Peterson
help, im in fucking new jersey. how do i get the fuck out of here? im 25, have a car and 20k saving with zero skills except driving
Kevin Clark
Ok OP, I'll risk opsec (as if any of that matters now) and tell you about my state. It was paradise growing up here. Never saw a minority north of augusta my entire childhood. Everyone i knew was a Christian cohenservative. They were also cucked to the fucking kikes, unfortunately. This led to all the christian churches preaching equality and anti-racism, but supposedly they were better than the Demoncrats. Fast forward a few decades. There area shitload of non-whites in the south (below augusta) and you'll see a few throughout the day if you are in the central part of the state. Tons of government housing for the daughters of white mainers to raise their nigger babies in, never seen a nigger with the mudshark and halfling - assume they are a drug dealer from MA who uses the baby momma as a base to bring dope up to sell. We now have a totally leftist government and governor. Our previous gov was Paul "1488" LePage. Leftists and anti-racists hated him, so you know he was doing something right. Anyways, he is gone now (florida probably) but promises to run again in 3 years. I hope he does bc he's gonna need to repair the state all over again. There are a nunber of anons around, but its hard pilling most white men up here too. The anons who said there are lots of somalianiggers here now are correct. The kikes are shipping them in as fast as possible. I wish you all could move here and help stage the battle. I still have some hope for the state simply bc of its roots, but the kikenvermin have done a number brainwashing mainers. However many people have gotten pilled just trying to cohabitate with these subhumans
Connor Miller
Not for long. Maine has been targeted for enrichment.
We have to. Civilization will perish if we whites aren't the majority. The next few decades will weed out the weak, blackpilled faggots and soyboy traitors. There will a be return to religion and large white families, but they will have to fight to hold their lands as they have for thousands of years.
Adam Wood
since that shill jared howe lives there, im glad they are shipping somalians there. maybe they will give him ebola. death to amnat scum.
Jaxson Lewis
A shitload of refugees wanted to come to maine and now are in portland.
Leo Hughes
Don't come to NE Stop shitting it up we already have libertarians trying to take over New Hampshire. There are (((degenerates))) but they go to mass and NY for a reason. Some stay which is annoying. Maine is not 100% conservative it is 50/50 and there is a jewish population. northern maine is conservative, southern maine is not. I should mention the drug addicts but they come from Boston and NY. Every other week there is an opioid death.
Ryder Walker
The state was undoubtably (((targeted))) for opioid addiction. First they had doctors gibs everyone w any ache or pain a script of opiates, do this for at least a few years so they're good and addicted. Then they ordered the doctors to start cutting the supply. Now you have a multitude of opiate addicts w no legal source of opiates. Enter the Iraq war and suddenly heroin floods the market and all the pain pill users switch to heroin. My brother fought as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan - millions of shekels to train a ranger, mind you - and they had him guarding poppy fields bc the Taliban was burning them. Hmmmm….what sense does that make? Shouldn't our military be the ones burning the drug fields and the Taliban the ones protecting their drugs??? That was my first redpill that we are lied to about absolutely everything. Literally the opposite of what they tell you is probably true.
Dominic Watson
Come to central maine, drive around all the farms until you see one w runes and /our sigels/ - I'll put you to work and help you network
Alexander Butler
These guys have actually been to Maine.
Maine is a rather poor state because the talented people move to bigger cities, and our natural resources can't compete with other states. In general this has kept out the Jews because there was nothing to steal.
This has changed now that Jews have sucked their host states dry, especially since Trump abolished the SALT exception so New Yorkers can't write off federal taxes any more. There are a ton living in southern/coastal Maine, just check this out: naliboff.bangordailynews.com/
Since they can't produce useful goods and services, they need to create something they can exploit, and right now goal #1 is to create a ghetto full of frustrated criminal minorities. Then you need a whole army of cops, lawyers, social workers, judges, teachers, doctors, and their obligatory layers of administration, all feeding off federal/state taxes.
Our new governor Janet Mills is a ZOGbot who has prioritized things like mandatory vaccination and banning "racially insensitive" mascots. She thinks that if she hangs in there long enough, she'll survive the inevitable collapse and purge of the Democratic party and be able to flip sides like nothing happened. She doesn't realize that no amount of brown-nosing will be enough because she's just not one of the chosen ones.
Our senator Susan Collins is one of the few moderate Republicans and is therefore under attack from both the left and from the "Swamp". She's had fake anthrax mailed to her address and her office is always besieged by protesting rent-a-mobs. Right now a state senator (((Sara Gideon))) is getting prepped to run for US Senate because Collins isn't one of the chosen ones. (((Justin Alfond))) is also being groomed for something although maybe not for public office.
Julian Russell
Ha. Ha. Ha.
Parker Brown
Maine is full of dikes queers and trannies. Ogonquit and many other costal towns have plenty of pedo flags flying.