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Public swimming Pools have lot of facial matter in them, that is why the outbreak is happen
Truth is, the pools were closed from the start
Pro-tip: Never enter waters filled with fat (normal) spics in t-shirts.
Samefag here. Now we know why niggers are afraid of swimming: they themselves cause the water get AIDS
This is how bad shills and Jews hate Bitcoin.
Well skin is bound to flake.
I've always hated public pools as a kid.
Stop shitting in the pool.
This Radhika Gharpure poo isn't even a doctor, she's a fucking veterinarian.
Seems appropriate to me
You can't be this dumb, user. Look at this picture, it's from 1988 when they announced the end of money for 2018, for global currency. You don't see any foul play at bitcoin coming up as an alternative to banks, after the jews waged war against half the planet to establish them?
Wanna know what the rising phoenix means, and what the ashes represent? They gave you a harmless egg and you hatched it into monster by participating. You are already running out of the opportunity to mine bitcoin yourself, and soon the hosting will escape your grasp also, at which point a fully grow Phoenix will be in the hands of those who can afford the biggest server farms (the jews), and then you will learn what the ashes are when they use it to burn your wealth and your freedom away.
"The phoenix raises out of the ashes of the goyim who created it"
Everybody hates "buttcoin crypto muh blocksheeeit" spregs & druggies/slavs.
I can tell you don't know how bitcoin works.
Mining is over except for early adopters and jews with big bucks. The Jews have captured bitcoin because goyim are too stupid to use it to save themselves, but it is the kind of viable alternative we need.
The "hosting" will always be decentralized, no government or race can unite enough to overpower the collective power the worldwide network, you don't understand how massively P2P it is.
They do want one world currency, but not one which can't be created at their whim and has a limited supply, they intend to economically collapse the EU and USA and form an IMF dollar, but you plebs think listening to shills or being shills is profitable so you can't see corrupted money from sound.
Imagine that our society has become so niggerish to the point they tell you not to swim with diarrhea.
Shill harder.
void ad_hominem(){
Call ad_hominem();
You do realize that all the internet censorship is working towards splitting up the public web access by nation states, after which the global web will be a jew only enterprise? Why do you think Russia was testing a nationwide shutdown to the outside web?
Once they host it, for which crypto was designed just as much as usury was designed to devalue money, all the numbers will become fiat. All the cryptos are also a field test for public participation and reaction to unpredictable changes, and once they are ready to crash the economy, they will replace all the crypros with their own, and force it upon the people in combination with the social credit system (tested in China) and universal income, which will be greatly accepted after the economical crash nullified all the money. obviously nobody will have time to realize the connection to the jewish usury, because at the same time the migration warfare will be at the right stage for a race war with the blacks, a religious war with the muslims, and the whole starvation and disease outbreak problem (more like pharmaceutical eugenics).
Ohio having the most indians from india moving there and minnesota with somalis. I'd chalk it up to the street shitting third worlders bringing their shitting diseases
Crypto in south india and sub africa
Yet another one of life's pleasures I can't come back to.
unironically maga with daca?
Bruddas; we must close the pools. The infection must have spread from habbo. Please call your local pool.
Yes cunt I know. I also realize what the Internet Protocol actually is and how IP addressing is an abstract mathematically universal global concept of an entire address space which requires it no longer be the "internet" in order to violate. The Russian or Chinese firewalls are not impenetrable and it really is the Internet that is the new Empire. Control of IP address is still operated in good faith because cheating makes the game not work for anyone, so cheaters are ostracized, like pigeons playing chess. You can't have two computers with the same IP address on the network, the network, the ISP will not allow the second computer to join and to claim the IP whilst the other is already active and were it to cheat somehow to force the first off the network, then the infrastructure would or must be restored to the prior agreement of the prior party will understand there is no such thing as a free and open internet, it ihas been bought and the only ones allowed to use it our his enemies, this will cause a revolution as the public demand there exist a free, open, and global internet.
Now it may be possible that all the frighten plebs revolt instead presently to make this happen and destroy the evil nazi internet that angered Moloch, but those slaves\cattle\goyim will be slaughtered and consumed and only the brave and free and truthful will survive the collapse of the empire, if anyone does survive, as it degenerates in its exclusionary pride. And, eventually the idea, pure and simple of free speech must prevail or humanity deserved extinction.
Like I'm saying, they can't host it, it is too big for one tribe to rule, but small enough to be saved by the diligent, bright, and brave. If they should ever "host it" as in control everything and everyone than we are dead or at least I am as I will not be a slave and all the other righteous are dead and they will not suffer the death and decay of the putrescent rotten much forgotten and rightly so nothing of a world.
Back when I'd swim in Vancouver's Aquatic Center the lifeguard there would tell me that they'd regularly fish out big man size turds out of the pool.
Another virus scare on the same level as swine flu and bird flu. cite me when it turns out only old fucks, shitskins, and prepubescent children who aren't taken care of properly are ever actually affected by this.
Attempt number 2.
literally, why can't they just go to the fucking ocean
Educate yourself b/c contrary to your babbling you don't know it all.
In fact, you barely know shit.
Fuck off. We are Aryans.
Sucks to be a AIDS ridden faggot then
Still though in general water is dangerous now, recently there have been several people infected with Vibrio by swimming in ocean water, which is a flesh eating bacteria
They don't clean themselves or shower before they enter the water so their shit is all over their ass when they get in. Swimming in nigger shit. Lovely.
Recently a groid in her suv ran over her 3 year old kid while playing "chicken" with it, there really isn't a limit to how stupid people are going to get I suppose
Also don't forget most of these people are no doubt tourists traveling around, and tourists are the most selfish people possible, they don't care if others get sick or even die as long as their precious brats get to swim in the pool
When 'aryan' means nothing…
And yet you still swam in the sewage?
Invite in the turd world; become the turd world.