Thirsty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez white knights got furious by an impersonator, a little girl.
Laughing and making jokes on any democrat will get you harassed, even if you're a little girl
They don't to mind using children for their agenda.
When did this board start tolerating niggerbrained cuckchanners?
Forgive me, I meant pozzed commie cucks.
That was the tradeoff for ousting the turkroach. His vision of having a politically incorrect news board with natsoc opinions was overridden by niggerfaggot redditors who can't into post guidelines or imageboard culture.
If the word 'thirsty' is enough to set off your seen-it-on-cuckchan alarm, then you spend way too much time on cuckchan.
Another example of the tolerant left
epic logic fail there, aristotle
2015, when imkikey took over.
Are you retarded? Or just a shill? Both I imagine
What kind of pointless, faggoty nitpick is this supposed to be?
Gee, I wonder how male feminists reacted to this picture… Or r9k for that matter…
Someone got triggered.
More stuff got discussed when the trash was systematically taken out.
Not only do cuckchan faggots not lurk, they make OPs. This board is just about dead already.
jews jewing jews.
Since most of them end up being sex offenders or are pedos, so…
Fun fact: most lefties have a sock FB and other social media accounts so they can harass people in this manner. If you know a lefty, they are probably responsible for this kind of stuff.
You can end this by anonymously doxxing your lefty “friends”.
Ask me how you can increase the likelihood that people believe what you say.
Why are you still here Kikey? Holy shit you're pathetic. No one who was around during your reign believes that statement. You were, and probably still are, a Trump apologist to the extreme, and regularly banned NatSoc posters for disagreeing with you on Trump. The fact that you're still here over a year later really shows how much of a coward you are. Just do it already. Livestream your suicide.
…. What did you expect to happen?
That wasn't his vision.
His vision was a trump-shilling shitposting fagfest.
You can't be pro-trump AND a National Socialist.
Is that seven year old child wearing lipstick?
What the fuck
Yeah, AOC also wears a lipstick. Shocker, right?
The old BO was a mulatto that wanted whitey to do his bidding. The turkroach crap was a red herring. The republican party has been and always will be viciously anti white.
It's okay to hate democrats.
Look nothing like Aoc, need the donkey denture to do an acurate representation.
Heaven forfend, who would have guessed that a bunch of rabid liberals would go after anyone challenging the narrative.
I'm strongly against children's public participation in politics because this is always the result. Good parents don't use their children as political pawns.
Jew step father. Jesus, how many of them are there. Anyone who believes the 16-17 million number is an idiot, we're gonna have to chase down ten times that number of those rats.
These social media addicted parents use their kid for likes and upboats. Now I bet they secretly hope something does happen to that kid so they can get more RT's. They would trade their kid for a blue checkmark.
would colonize in 10 years
Would colonize now, she's Aryan on my book!
This is worthless without names of individuals to have face to face discussions with.
Threadsnipe! Not gonna link it immediately this time.
shut the fuck up
One of those things to keep in mind when you're pointing your gun at them, and they're begging for mercy.
This. Jew plot.
they will make laws against mockery
pedokikes can't think without their throbbing mangled cocks.
I'd colonize her one she is legal. I love living here in Pakistan.
It is nice to be able to filter you non-White, part nigger fucks in one fell swoop.
Realistically who is going to be able to resist making fun of that fuggly nigger?
Optics posters will tell you that this tactic doesn't work.
Yeah, she's already been colonized by one of fox jews.
Libshits don't take getting humiliated and BTFO in debates, they're vindictive, I'm about to beat the fuck outta this one faggot who I BTFO in a recent debate and he's really gone out of his way to annoy and antagonize, he doesn't even realize like most libshits the backlash they're creating and how they're going to be on the receiving end of it.
No, tearing down their bullshit world view and attacking them in every sector of society will. There's no reason to ever whine about double standards and hypocrisy. You're only solidifying their world view and moral system as legitimate by doing so. If they attack us, we attack them. If they don't attack us, we attack them. That's how you win. They don't recognize our morals and our social beliefs as legitimate, so why acknowledge theirs as legitimate?
For this nigger demanding punishment, would end with all of the democrats being put in jail.
House Hearing Featuring AOC on Child Separation and Detainment right now
She's spewing her crocodile tears again.
You trumpcucks do the same fucking thing, so you're no better
Ridicule is their greatest fear.
abort yourself, spik
How about fuck off jew cause I'm whitter than you and you retarded half-breeds use this same shit all the time
lol, a half-breed can't be white, even if you call yourself a fucking Brit. How about you go buy some lard for your fat midget "pure breed" girlfriend.
t. mod loving faggot
Anyone calling for censorship is, has been, and always will be the problem.
Zig Forums should just be like /b/ except the threads should be political topics
You in fact do have to let everyone post here and stop trying to control what the posters want to talk about.
All you ever fucking did was ban real white nationalists / the base of Zig Forums while doing very little to persecute the outsiders anyways,
It's called free speech. The whole fucking reason Zig Forums exists in the first place. It's like a law of the universe that if you have actual free speech anywhere on the internet, inevitably, that place will ultimately become NatSoc.
Once you start deleting fucking everything and censoring the shit out of everything to where regular Zig Forumsacks are constantly second guessing themselves and worrying their threads are going to be nuked for no reason, you've ruined the board, and everyone is looking for alternatives.
The only reason you kikes can get away with persecuting Zig Forums is because it's a big name. You didn't build it up from nothing. You weren't around for the early days. You just hijacked something someone else created and started abusing it.
If you want a censored, whites only board, there's fuckloads of them. Go fuck off to one of those. I'd rather btfo anti-whites every day by having actual arguments with them on here, instead of some kike mod like you banning and deleting them, before I can even finish collecting my citations and writing my posts refuting them.
two glowniggers talking to eachother: a thread
Well thank fuck for that.
probably the same nigger, talking to himself. They'll go 6 IPs deep at times. One fucking nigger.
they literally cant make it easier to spot lmfao
glowniggers, youre not fool anyone
Latinas begin puberty at 8 years old so wanting to fuck Ava Martinez isn't pedo. That unfortunately means she could conceive your children though, so you should not have unprotected sex with her to secure a future for white children.
schizo pedo spicspammer is desperate for a narrative that makes any fucking sense around here at all.
Kill yourself, spicspam.
Do it already. You know you want to. …again.
Do it right this time. With the grain.
Luckily for you the castration system is slowly spreading which might end your miserably virgin manhood soon.