Niggerizing Egypt

Niggerizing Egypt
Ancient Egyptian artwork has been and is still being edited or forged to depict the people with far browner skin than they originally had. Pics related are just two examples.

That jew Bernal was the one to really start pushing the Egyptians-were-black crap, and there was another jew from the late 20th century who said that the Egyptians, Babylonians, and even Hebrews were "niggers" in an attempt to get retards to be "thankful" for niggers. The jew was even willing to sell out his own peoples' fake history for the niggerization agenda.

If anyone has other examples of ancient artwork, especially of Egypt, being (((retouched))), I would love to add it to a collection I want to grow. If anyone has any names of the "people" or (((people))) who have been or are pushing the niggerization of ancient civilizations, please namedrop them in this thread.

Attached: edited paintings 2.png (626x274 383.12 KB, 430.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's everywhere and not just Jews are involved in it either. The Egyptian historian refused to officially release the DNA results of king Tut for it show he was Western European like many other Pharaohs who's grandfather had red hair that they say is from the chemicals. While the US government under Bill Clinton destroyed the 9000yr Caucasian skeleton Kennewick man in Washington state, the Chinese government blown up the Aryan created pyramids of Western China and a half-Black politician in Sweden turned Viking artifacts into scrap.

Never underestimate how evil the left & neo-cons are for they're and will only get worse. Read Hellstorm to see what they're capable of.

Attached: King Tut DNA results.jpg (386x386 95.16 KB, 170.73K)

Good thread. This has happened across the world. The Greeks and Romans likewise were much, much closer to the Aryan ideal than Jew-produced media today would lead you to think. A mere glimpse at their statues shows the truth. I'm also glad to see that so many people on Zig Forums are even starting to wake up to the fact that India was once ruled by blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryans – a thing which obviously explains the discrepancies of the greatness of India's past and its poverty and filth of today. While they 'wuz kangs' in their imagination, we truly were kings.

this board couldn't get more pathetic

what is to be gained by trying to nigger gargle this part in human history?
What happens tomorrow if they reveal the truth about these ancient people - bearing in mind that some research has concluded that the pyramids were there well before the mommy dynasty began.
"instead Gerry Cannon and Malcolm Hutton claim that the Sphinx in front of the pyramids must have been carved out of natural rock and long before any sand covered the area, meaning that at one time, long ago the area must have been fertile."

Of course you low lifes comebacks debunks everything now, even the Nordic looking statues and fair skinned wall carvings. You sure taught us.

Even on the (((Jon Stewart))) show it was acknowledged Cleopatra was Macedonian. What prove do you niggers have on the otherhand?

Attached: 1Cleopatra - Greek Macedonian Decent - Ptolemaic Dynasty.mp4 (640x480, 4.86M)

The only good thing that the useless modern day Egyptians have given to the world is not allowing the ancient art to be recasted and colored to meet the niggenda.

wow you must at least be in the 80s IQ range, that was totally unpredictable! what an incredibly deep finding! that totally implies the first dynasty was founded by Swedes!

nobody is suggesting niggers had anything to do with ancient Egyptians, but as much as those apes had nothing to do with it, so did snowniggers


Reminder that shitskins are tools of the jew and are not white allies.

I lold


True but remember that pics related were not created under Cleopatra.
I'm not saying anyone wuz or wazunt a kang. I'm merely pointing out that conflating Ptolemaic Egypt with Dynastic Egypt is wrong.

Every nigger, nigress and niglet must have their existence ended. Never forget this. No exception.

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The only one who is low IQ is the one that continues parroting the media lie that the chemicals preserving the body resulted in blonde & red hair, even when they're wall carving originally with red haired Pharaohs.

You're just a typical anti-White parasite that has to flock to the last dominion of free-speech/pro-White speech for "social justice". You can't censor so instead you try to pathetically debunk by using ad homeniums until realising why you censored in the first place - you can't debate for shit.

Attached: download dickwashers.png (596x411, 518.91K)

now those are some shitskin tier strawmen, then again white trash isn't really better than them, after all you and negroids are the only groups who have the need to wewuz
whites don't have the copyright on light hair colors, even many kabyle berbers have those traits despite having hardly any north European affinity, not to mention shitskins from asia with the occasional lighter traits

it's funny how you hypocrites always go around saying race is NOT skin deep and that the 1 drop rule matters, then the moment you see any ancient with the slight fair trait you immediately DO think race is skin deep and that they were just north Europeans

Ancient Egyptians were genetically related to the ancient Anatolian who were white.

That's funny because the berbers and saami (the most northern European you can get) belong to the same genetic group of people that were split up some 9000 years ago with one going north and the other going south.

I don't know why you are so butthurt about ancient Egyptians being white.

The lighter skinned individuals are being circumcised, not dickwashed.

jew or mulatto arab (which is what most modern arabs are) detected
I could see North Africans and Near Easterners who did not mix with slaves as passing for European, if not indeed white. There are blonds and redheads from Lebanon or wherever that could pass for Central European, and even brunettes or black haired ones who could pass as Southern European based on their facial constructions (ie for the nose, not a jewish hook nose, not a negroid influenced wide flat nose either, no nappy hair like Mohammed Salah (who also looks jew-mixed) etc.).

Bashar Assad would be one example.

We have ancient Egyptian DNA from different eras, they were not "white"(shitty mcdonalds tier meme racial term) by any means, unless you consider middle easterners and north africans "white" too, because they mostly belonged to that modern genetic variation.

just great, as expected
sharing some fucking mtDNA lineage means fuck all

no "butthurt", more like disgusted from seeing nigger tier wewuzing from who should know better

Attached: When we wuz kings.webm (829x456 4.75 MB, 65.24K)

what a clueless ape, I just know you are 100% dumb amerimongrel filth

It's very clear you're jewish. Go larp as that anti-white Japanese poster on 4chan (despite not being able to speak Japanese when asked for it). I know who you are.

I've known these types of MENAs in real life, several went to my school, mostly of Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, or Palestinian descent in that order. Of course many more were of the brown variety, especially if they were from North Africa or Iraq or Iran (not Arab, but in the sphere), but that doesn't discount the ones I saw.

So you pretty much are a kike.

Most of North Africa was white until the muzzies genocided them. Hell, I'd go so far as to say most of the Mediterranean basin was white until the muslim conquest.

Also,maybe if I put it in an example that isn't as heavily charged with anti-white bias as ancient Egypt. What you're saying is pretty much the same as if you would have said that ancient Anatolia wasn't white because Turks live their now and they share more of their genes with those ancient Anatolian than with central Asians. (Fun fact: white women were captured and enslaved for generations, which is why the Turks are now genetically more European than they are Asian.) And no, Turks aren't white even if they are genetically 50% European.

"Europeans" exist
"white" can mean anything from north European to generic caucasian, it's as unspecific as it gets, because it's a fucking color not a serious taxonomy

that's a nice fantasy world you live in, like really, I bet you get off fantasizing about ancient races getting raped away, too bad that's really fantasy and not the reality of ancient conquests
must be nice being two digits IQ simpletons like you guys, seeing the world in black and white and 10000 years of ancient caucasoid races as just being either "white" or something else

do you even have the slightest clue about the genetic history of west Eurasia in the last 10k years and its various population or are you just farting from your mouth as it's traditional on this board?

Anatolia is a fairly well sampled region, they were never "white" as in Germanic, they went from being somewhat like modern Sardinians(but not the same) to being somewhat more like Cretans, to being essentially like Turks by the iron age already

Ancient Egypt was ruled by Nubians for a while.
Nubians were also used extensively as palace guards because they were trustworthy.
They were indeed Kings and shit.


Attached: Book of Gates - Libyan, Nubian, Asiatic, Egyptian.jpg (435x331, 80.19K)

bleached sandnigger, nigger, other bleached sandnigger, sandnigger working outside too much

food for thought

Attached: The_Egyptian_Origin_of_The_Irish_People.jpg (800x7121, 2.03M)

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i like the way they drew an afro over the helmet and darkened the skin. i didn't think blacks were that crafty. but maybe blacks didnt do this maybe they just believe it out of ignorance. i'm not saying jews did it but its pure artifice and propaganda. at least one egyptian mummy has turned up with blonde hair. the egytians were probably light skinned.

Yes, that's true.

On Quora you have questions like, "if North Africa wasn't Muslim, would they be mulattoes?" or "Why aren't Egyptians black?" and the like.

Real Egyptians must be very mad at that. I feel sorry for the real Egyptian people.

The same thing happens in Brazil. They claim Brazil is 50% "mulatto" or even "black", but when you go check out these claimed mulattoes-blacks they're tri-racial people, like a mix of Arabs, Natives, etc.

Mulattoes and blacks are no more than 15% in Brazil.

These days kikes want to get everything darkened the most possible. It's really sad that the US supports everything going down with a smile.

Attached: bruna_marquezine_2.jpg (560x700, 69.53K)

we wuz (never) kings

even martin luther king and hid daddy had fake names

and "junior" didnt write the "i have a dream" speech it was stolen verbatim from the 1955 republican convention. MILK JR also plagiarized his doctoral thesis and he was ordained by his father. he was a communist sympathizer who was being investigated by LEA and he got shot for threatening the status quo. so he dindu nuffins literally. if he had not been shot nobody would remember him. just like that staged back of the bus bullshit. these people are just symbols of black supremacy.

It's only wewuzing if it was fake.


Okay but what say thee to the North African Germanic kingdoms and legacy of Phoenician and Roman rule which preceded that? If anything North Africa has been constantly changing hands and it is European clay as much as it is Nigger clay.

The only one with shitskin logic is you, Judan. Red hair is an almost an exclusively Celtic trait that is found primarily in Scotland & Ireland. And do I seriously need to tell you people associate the Nordic race with Blondes?

Scientists estimated red-heads could go extinct by 2060 and blondes extinct in 150-200yrs. Dyed hair and mongrels mostly White don't count dummy.

Attached: blondes to go extinct in 200yrs.jpg (829x947 397.02 KB, 174.48K)

Did you even look at my initial picture of the fair skinned red head? Either way Ancient Egypt is overrated what did they create apart from the pyramids? Germanic peoples are still the master race to such an extent it's comical you would even debate it.

North Africa is ultimately Afro-Asiatic clay if one wants to look at it on the long term, they have for the most always been in the hand of Afro-Asiatic speakers, be it Berber, Egyptian or some Semitic people, including recently arabs
European control of NA is relatively short lived, Germanic kingdoms lasted little there after Justinian first and then Umayyads took it away
Phoenicians were semites; Roman rule is the longest lasting of the Euro ones and even then at this point it's less than arab rule in duration
nobody is saying it's nigger clay, it's not nigger clay by any means
in any case, it's "rule", not ethnic replacement, ancient ruling elites did not significantly intermingle with their subjects

Not only were they not kangs, the Pharaoh Senusert III even put up pic related in Heh to impose a ban on niggers traveling into his country.

Once again, the presence of blacks causes segregation. No exceptions.

Attached: No_Niggers_Allowed_in_Egypt.jpg (405x600, 59.79K)

Try harder nigger

you go first:

Attached: 1474350631960.png (778x516, 351.16K)

Come on guy, you can do better than that. Are you from /leftypol or something?

what's the matter yboy, can't debunk that page?

maybe I am a retarded newfag, but wouldn't Egyptians have been of a "swarthy" complexion?

Nigger it's now widely accepted that Egyptians were pure white because they were English. In fact every society on the planet was really just English. Rome? English. The huns? English also. Every single group of people in the last 8000 years of humanity were white

Looks more like a ball shave and lotion, than a surgery

Explain this bust of Hathor from Amenhotep´s mortuary temple at Thebes, 18th Dynasty (~1500BC)
Looks white to me

Attached: 31221584353_f15b82c62a_b.jpg (678x1024, 190.19K)

Jared Taylor dubdubs

Attached: Looks White to Me.jpg (474x355, 21.37K)

Attached: kings.png (382x618, 376.61K)

Unlike niggers, white people were actually Kings


blimey! the continentals know!
shut this down!

Libyan, Nubian, Asiatic, Egyptian

You are so wrong it''s hilarious.

Article quotes this paper:

"We found the ancient Egyptian samples falling distinct from modern Egyptians, and closer towards Near Eastern and European samples (Fig. 4a, Supplementary Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 5). In contrast, modern Egyptians are shifted towards sub-Saharan African populations"

Direct quote from the paper. Just to spell it out for you, who is adamantly refusing to accept the latest scientific data because it disagrees with your narrative that ancient egyptian people and their dna was like modern egyptians or the middle east which is a barefaced lie. And you have the gall to claim others have a double digit IQ. Shill or Jew? Genuinely curious. Because if you had any kind of academic credential you would know better.

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seems like you are the one that cannot read
never said anything against that
ancient Egyptians are different from modern Egyptians, but the former are still within modern near eastern/north African variation, closer to the more caucasian peoples from the area like Lebanese/Palestinians

nowhere in that paper does it say they were European, nowhere, they would be closer simply because sub-saharan DNA in modern egyptians heavily dilutes their affinity to any caucasian population