Absolutely _everything_ in feminism is connected to high age of consent. It is the only reason why feminists were able to succeed. Without it, feminism can't even exist. 1) As a feminist, you need to enable promiscuity and no fault divorce, i.e. get rid of monogamy. Sexual liberation aka the sexual reovlution could've never happened without raising the age of consent, because it would mean that minors would get literally bought by rich dudes, they would get fucked by all sorts of low lifes, some adults would pump'n'dump them, people would film them in porn, and society, the monogamous decent men and parents, would rebel against it immidiately. This is why you need to raise AoC and say "as long as they are adult, they can do whatever they want with their bodies". Now, age of consent DOES NOT prohibit close in age sex. That means girls get drunk fucked and pump'n'dumped by UNDERAGE Chads. Since underage betas can't compete with underage Chads in a school society that operates by jungle rules, 20% of underage guys fuck 80% of underage girls. This is perfectly legal, and you cant stop it, as you cant jail them for it. "As long as they are close in age, its alright, even with a bit of alcohol, they are young and are having fun". This means that an average non-hideous girl loses her virginity at age 11-14 to some underage Chad and by the time she reaches the AoC of 16-18 - she is already a total whore. She, obviously, can't go back to being a pure virgin, so she continues being a whore. Hypergamy enabled.
If monogamy was still a thing and men were allowed to date younger girls, it would all go to shit. Adult betas wouldn't allow Chads to fuck u-age girls, so most girls would get married early with no chance to fuck around. Also, women wouldn't leave their husbands, because a decent older man can find himself a better younger girl, and an old whore that left her husband won't find shit. Women would still be clinging to their husbands like their life depends on it.
2) As a feminist, you need to spread your ideology and enable feminist lifestyle. This is where public education comes in place. Feminism happened right when public education got widespread. This is where you brainwash the girls (and boys) into believing your crap. And you need absolute authority over them, you need government support to spread your agenda (and the government will support you, as you now have the right to vote and hold political office). It would all go to shit again and you wouldn't be able to brainwash anyone, if the girl got influenced by some higher patriarchal authority, i.e. an adult guy who's courting or already married to an adolescent girl. That girl will completely ignore all the feminist babbling in school, she might even publically rebel against it, because her fiance/husband holds much higher authority in her eyes, she is in love with him after all. Men would just use their right to date and marry adolescent girls, and shape them in the patriarchal ideals, and men would ignore all women that choose the feminist path. Feminists would end up old and single or will haveto settle for low quality males, and that would set an example for younger generations of girls, who would be eager to marry at a young age to get hold of high quality men and secure their future.
Note: the father is not an authority figure during adolescence, that stage of life is meant for you to defy and antagonize your parents, and its natural and socially benificial, so yeah shut the fuck up boomer. A father is especially pathetic in the feminist society with high AoC, where he is with 99,99% certainty married to a whore who bosses him around and always threatens to divorce him (if they are not divorced already), so not only he doesn't have any patriarchal authority - he actually solidified the girls feminist views.
3) Then you need to establish a social hierarchy that will provide you (feminists) with benifits. School allows you to do just that. Because you banned adult men from dating adolescent girls, minors are left entirely to themselves. Adolescents compete for other adolescents. To you as a feminist this is beneficial because: - it creates a social bubble, a society within society, minors have their own space that is entirely separated from all encounters with adults, apart from school and other government sanctioned projects - as minors lose all direct influence that comes from adult men, they get influenced with everything else: public school (which is now controlled by the feminist government and promotes feminism so that girls would fuck around and study to pursue "important" career), family (which is now entirely matriarchal with a cuck husband and a bitchy emancipated whore of a mother), mass media/culture (which is under feminist control) and of course the other minors (who, being influenced from all the above sources, become degenerate as fuck and follow the feminist agenda). This is a perfect opportunity to create a literal jungle society of apes, with a strong hierarchy based on brute force and social conformity. As minors regulate their own society themselves and are forced to coexist in public school, adolescent boys start bullying and beating the shit out of each other for social weight and girls attention. This is where Chads appear, the 20% of men. Chad follows the social dogma, bullies anyone who deviate from it and fucks everything in the vicinity. The rest 80% of guys get shit on in school, have little to no social weight and little/no access to girls. These boys grow into adult virgins, turn into beta cuck orbiters, homos or trannies, and sublimate into hobbies and career. This is where Chad/beta hierarchy appears. And you already know how women benifit from it. Chad fucks, you provide, through taxes and directly.
4) Now you need to globalize the world and spread feminism around it, and you also need to protect your contry from local beta males who might, no, ABSOLUTELY WILL get angry, rebel and quit the workforce. This is where mass immigration comes in handy. As local beta males start checking out of the feminist society due to the fact that it provides them no benifits at all and simply parasitises on their labour, as male to female suicide grows as high as 10 to 1 (in official statistics, which doesnt take into account all sorts of "accidents" at work, unsafe driving, drug abuse, crime, etc, and males make about 99% of all that), with prisons getting filled by all sorts of men who rebel against the government or simply go ape shit due to the fact that the government doesnt give a crap about males - WOMEN NEED MORE MEN. They need to replace you, you fucking anime wanking NEET. So they import foreigners, en masse. Hordes of foreigners come to your country to take your jobs, take your women, join your army and police you. 3rd world shitskins are glad they can swap their shithole for a prosperous country full of money (compared to what they are paid back home) and promiscuous beautiful women that are hungry for something exotic (or can be raped if they are not). These men get paid a crappy wage (which is still a lot by shitskin standards, but crap by your standards). Taxes get raised to shits, which consolidates money in the hands of the government, which gives it to women and their children (and elderly). So, if local men reject the rules of the feminist society, they are left with no job (and it doesnt really matter that the shitskin does the job poorly, just import more shitskins) and have to deal with an army and police of foreign men that hold authority over locals. When the country runs out of white cucks willing to fight and work for women, it will be replaced by foreign men.
5) This is where things might get "interesting", as when foreign men become the majority in the military they might just take control of the feminist government by force. Women will be trying to weed out and replace any men that are anti-feminist, the same way they replaced all the local men, but the shitskins might figure it out and simply stand together against some unit getting disbanded by the feminist government. This will trigger the confrontation, either a civil war, or shitskin men just straightforwardly taking over the government. This in turn can start a global war, with buttons being pushed by little fingers with polished and pink colored nails, and the world will be no more. I think this is how it ends with feminism and high age of consent. That, or women will be able to slowly convert muslims and niggers into feminist cucks.
Anyway, eventually, with high age of consent European men will be replaced, and thus European people will die out.
A few words about arranged marriage: no, its not a solution, and its not our customs, get the fuck out with that shit and migrate to India, you shitskins subhuman.
Arranged marriage is a tradition of bugmen and shitskins. Its not our way and its degenerate slavery and gerontocracy. European societies had age of consent since 13th century, when England first introduced it and set it to 12, and France followed with 11. It has always been within that range, and it took into account persons sexual maturity (menstruations, if she doesnt have them yet then she isn't fit for marriage). Parents were free to propose certain courtship candidates, but girls were the ones choosing and were free to reject anyones advances. Men were free to try courting whatever girl they wanted, without parental approval, and were allowed to marry without parental approval. Marrying without parental approval had severe consiquences, like parents could reject inheritance rights and disown their children and psychologically make their life hell for choosing the "wrong" partner, but in terms of legality it was always allowed and happened on quite a few occasions. Novels described such romances since ancient times, and it has never been described as illegal in the European culture. The only thing that was punished was fornication. You are free to court her, but you need to at least get engaged to have sex, and after having it marriage was a must. Fornicators were punished severely, death was a common punishment. Thus Chads weren't allowed to pump'n'dump virgin girls, and only good natured and decent men were allowed to date qts. Only in late 19th century things changed. And then everything went to absolute, total shit.
all these are very true, yet people continue to deny it
Jacob Murphy
It used to be prior to the (((sexual revolution))) that you had to be married to the girl in order to have sex with her. If you think that lowering the age now would result in anything other than predatory pedophile kikes grooming young children for prostitution, you are retarded.
I have never been interested in this particular issue because it never really effected me considering I met my wife when we were in HS and we have been together ever since. However, I think anons are on to something here as it does truly appear that the more time goes on with women the more and more they are less able to mate pair. I do not agree with any law or attempt to make pedo shit legal but I do agree that meeting a woman around 18 is the best time to meet them as they become more and more decimated with each passing year beyond that.
I do not know the answer for this and how to fix it but I do now believe that this was a planned issue and the first one to go after the nuclear family by isolating women.
Bentley Cooper
kikes want to fuck prepubescent children, those aren't the same as girls who've reached puberty
Carson Young
Christian Martinez
this is probably a pedo thread, which I disavow, but since I was thinking about the mexican concept of Quincea I will chime in.
if they are declaring their females adult "women" at 15, meaning ready to marry and breed, and we aren't doing that legally till 18 (on a statewide average, In some states the age is lower) but functionally till after college when they are likely to become abortionist feminist scum, then we are fucked.
im guessing most White nations allow muslim child marriage as well. also making us fucked.
we need arranged marriage, and no female rights whatsoever. they need to be owned by father, then by husband. the state needs to FUCK OFF out of our family affairs.
You know to be honest before (((feminism))) the age of conesnt was much lower, so he's not lying
Anthony Sanders
Fuck off with your kiddie-diddling rhetoric, kike. >>>/bog/
Easton Parker
kys retard
Liam Hall
lowering the age of consent, in this current legal climate, which is anti-male and pro-female, would simply lead to guys being me-too'd by impressionable young girls. assuming you are one of the saps that fall for this hypothetical meme of course.
Michael Gonzalez
Next write a thread on what "lead" to your niggerish illiteracy, pedoscum
the government supports feminism because it makes the society easier to rule, and by that i mean OPPRESS
Carter Price
You are completely wrong though. A young girl is less likely to file rape charges against you. Its not until they are older and jaded that they do such devilish things for personal benefit. In the relationship between a young girl and a man the fault of strength of that relationship relies entirely on the man. If the man is a deviant then the young girl will eventually become corrupted. If the man has pure intentions and wishes to stay with their partner for life then that is what will happen no matter who the younger woman is.
Christopher Cooper
Eh. I think public education has more to do with it than age of consent. Abolish public schools and society will self-segregate quickly.
I do agree that jacking the age of consent up to 18 (there’s now a movement to 21, wtf) is retarded. Old enough to drive, old enough to say no to sex.
Evan Smith
Listen dipshit, you faggots will never convince any decent European to support with your filthy ideals. Sure, you can trick people into agreeing with you at first on basic premises like how the AoC is a little too high (should be ~16) and how feminism is shit, but then you always lose them when you put forward your (((conclusions))) and they realize that all of your posts were just smoke and mirrors and it was always your intention to promote pedophilia.
Isaiah Williams
Women are property anyway. I think all sex with an unmarried woman should be considered rape at her parents discretion. That includes 30 year old women.
Henry Adams
so you're saying your ancestors were all pedophiles? i'm not talking about screwing pre-pubescent children you retard sure.