“Fuck having borders and shit”
Three children, ages 10 and 11, have drawn pictures of stick figures inside cages at the behest of Jewish propagandists, CNN reports. The children had recently spent time very temporarily separated from the human traffickers who smuggled them across the border, and at least two of the kids may have been forced to spend as much as several hours inside a perfectly safe and comfortable fenced-off area until they could start collecting free food and medical care from the United States government.
After being generously released from their holding area, instead of being shot in the fucking head or sold into slavery like literally any other society in history would have done, the children were just handed the fuck back to the illegal beaners who risked their lives and maidenheads to invade the United States. After being reunited, both children and – whatever, we’ll just assume they’re parents on the honor system – were basically free to go. The adults were politely encouraged to maybe show up to an asylum hearing sometime after Kamala Harris’ 2021 inauguration, which several of the hostile aliens said they would consider doing.
Shortly after their release from an air conditioned waiting room, the children were taken to some leftist shithole called Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, Texas. In between lessons on how not to use birth control and where the best welfare can be had, the children were asked by (((concerned pediatricians))) to draw pictures of their travails. After several efforts to get the kids to sketch their greatest traumas resulted in stacks and stacks of paper depicting their spic uncles raping them and spic step-fathers beating their always-pregnant mothers, the kids finally got it right and drew themselves in U.S. government custody.
The pictures, which are now being forcibly uploaded into your brain by the latest generation MKULTRA software as we speak, depict a perfectly normal group of stick figures lying on beds like the lazy stick-spics they are, covered over by a crude grid pattern that was absolutely not added after the fact by a 100-percent-honest open borders communist. Aid workers, who inexplicably have access to the CNN newsroom, have since spread the pictures around the world in an apparent effort to slander ICE as the SS.
In related news, suicide rates are higher than ever among the denizens of online Hangul crochet discussion groups, since finding out that ICE is, in fact, nothing like the SS and you have to have a Bachelor’s degree to work there oppressing minorities.
Fuck this HONK earth. Get ready to see this shit in your goddamn dreams.