Why does Communism keep winning?

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I'm pro-communism if by "communism" you mean a pro-White, nationalistic, anti-globalist/jewish, and environmentally/racially conscious nation-state with natural gender roles.

Because human beings are inherently lazy. Promising free shit and a utopia where you don't have to do anything is attractive to everyone.

It's conservatism that's always winning, not communism or capitalism. And Kim should stop patronizing the leader of Earth's newest 3rd world shithole.

Stalin's russia was great.

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Because of White Nationalists. Go cry to mommy if you're too stupid to understand why.


Communism keeps winning because ironically only leftcucks fight, rightcucks are too afraid of glow in the dark niggers to do anything.

Pretty much every actual communist state was like that, except for the ones like North Korea which can't be "pro-white" since they don't have any whites to begin with

Capitalism and communism are shit. The DPRK is an insane orwellian dystopia.

In actual socialist countries, you have to work - not working gets you sent to a labor camp. Welfare is a liberal concept.

Jews get welfare due to nepotism.

Not true at all. I really cannot comment on Asian communist states because I'm not Asian and if Asians want to live that way, that's their business. But the USSR was a jewish gangster state that destroyed the natural environment, slaughtered White people, and ruthlessly exploited the survivors for what little wealth they possessed and funneled it into the bank accounts of jews.
I'd like a communist state minus the exploitative jewish class please.

So would you be happy if glow niggers embraced the right.



I'll answer your topic question while ignoring all of your commie bullshit. It's because you commies gave women the vote, which is effectively giving a three-year-old a world destruction button.

Yes, ironically, because it means the right would do shit instead of fearing their own shadows.

Glownigger is the best meme ever created by the left, it completely immobilizes the right.


The left didn't make that meme.

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Postwar, the USSR was much more hostile to jews than anywhere in the West ever was. They led targeted zionist purges throughout the Warsaw Pact and Yugoslavia. They worked to keep jews out of the communist party and sensitive state research fields and professions. The uncomfortable truth is that the "right wing", for lack of a better term, inside the Soviet Union and its client states was far more successful in combating the jewish elements inside their governments than their counterparts in the West. That is largely what drove the collaboration between Western governments and the jewish mafia to take down and loot the USSR.

Oh right, Terry did. He helped the left tremendously.

Left ain't scared of glowniggers.

Right does.

That was because of the Holodomor.

Nice reddit spacing. Filtered.

It is funny all those pictures are black & white and from the 70s?

Can you post modern pictures of "communists"?

Complete different things.

The USSR wants to keep the jews in their union.

No. Just no.

Yes, yes it does.

They have their own oblast.

Stalin hated zionists because it means jew leaving their union.

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You also get the gas. Read the thread.

I never stopped short of vomitting when I see this picture.

Germans, glorifying jews.

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The retconning is insane. Crazy how kiked the American "right" is.

What's with the mask?

Modern national socialists.

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You're a fucking jew.

You pack more concentrated fail in a few sentences than New York media.

No, but I think you might be.

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How is it retconning? What is being retconned?

Meanwhile, in the very next phrase:


Meanwhile, 3 jews being worshiped in East Germany, see

I take it back, you are infinitely stupid, and you're responding with candor to a literal shill, who anybody with two brain cells already filtered. Keep on being retarded.

You pack more concentrated fail in a few sentences than New York media.

Stalin on "anti-semitism":
National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.

Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.

In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.[8]




The FBI pays no attention to the left cause the left aren't a threat to anybody. They don't even get censored

Pure Zig Forums

Modern communists

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No, the FBI understands that they are their very own footsoldiers.

The left gives no shit about the FBI in the first place.

Remember last time the bikelock leftcuck? He was released free of charge.

Cops fear the left if anything.

How can Communism win when it has never been tried?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Those dangerous trannies and soy boys. That must be why they don't get censored and the cops don't care. It's because they're afraid. Hahahahahahaha

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I never heard of communism winning.
Capitalism brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty though.

Cops don't arrest leftists.

When cops do arrest leftists, the judges order their release afterwards.

Being an open communist in places like Indonesia or Colombia gets you disappeared

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let me rephrase that for you OP.
This place is a cesspool of feds and shills and is completely inferior to 4ch. The only saving grace of this shithole is that they let my VPN post here. I'm sure the reason for that is desperation. Nobody fucking cares about you autistic assholes. Let me sum it up more clearly for you retards. 8ch is a glowing shilltown equivalent of stormfront. I'm sure the FBI will lose their files on you next.

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I can accept that. It is true that the USSR was less slavishly Zionist than democratic W-Europe/America. And I do admit that the "right wing" of the CCCP was better than any American/w-European party at keeping the kikes' worst elements in check. I do have great respect for Stalin because he did try to weed out the worst jewish parasites from the bureaucracy of the CCCP and he was assassinated by his own subordinate for it.
But the USSR was not de-judaized and while it was less exploitative than jewish capitalist states, it was certainly not free from their influence.
But I will admit that the USSR after Stalin was better than America is today.

Sad to say but I agree.

4ch has less schizos.

That's a Jucheist.

All you guys are proving is that degenerates are extremely void and unconscious of basic human decency, and have hittable faces.

Must be nice to have that glow nigger privilege the left does and not have law enforcement take you serious as a threat like they do the right

your life will be controled to the point where you can't even chose how to style your hair or what clother to wear, and may god have mercy on you if you ever try to see what is going on beyond your borders cos you know the gulag wardens won't have any
they are still China's little bitch, jews don't directly need to control smallfries when the have their chink warden in the region enforcing they will
my fucking sides
i wonder why would a power hungry dictator not want to answer to any other authority beside his own personal whims
yeah like the diseased and starved chink in his police state poluted waste land of a gulag country slaving his life away whille yelling "china namba wan!"
i'm pretty sure it's the sharia law type of conservative sexual morality

That's Zig Forums faggot.

Because shallow loser rich people still buy fraudulent “anti-aging serums” produced by parasitic death-worshipping rich people who can’t fathom wanting to live forever badly enough to value true meat-advances in biotech, that’s my guess.

Yeah, the right should have that priviledge.

Now right wingers are either afraid or in jail.

Leftists bash skulls and laugh about it on twitter.

Let it be known that this anti-right commie is posting Brenton Tarrant. As if there was any confusion about him being a literal Mossad asset.

still leftism, faggot

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Nice try shill

You're probably an overweight nigger.

That "leftism" isn't attacking America.

That "leftism" is Trump walking over their country.

Die, jew.

You are a Mossad asset, the fact you say that proves it.

Leftists get beat up more than they hurt anybody else. Nobody takes them seriously. They're not even being censored and the FBI doesn't even take them serious as a threat like they do the right

You're horrible at pretending to "fit in here"

i bet you still support that ziocuck faggot lmao.

probably true. but a lot of the schizo behavior here is intentional and paid-for. and then the buddy in the cubicle over responds "take your meds".. It's mission accomplished if that's more than half the thread. And surprise, that's all the threads on 8ch.

Fuck this place.

You're not a very good spy.

Zionism and leftism are both sides of the fucked coins.

Zionism wastes american money.
Leftism brings in the niggers.

And no, capitalism does not require an endless stream of immigrants to maintain. Look at Japan, look at Switzerland.

Because the right kills over 50 people in mere minutes and leaves behind a legacy. The left has hit a couple old people from behind and mostly gets beat up and suffer permanent brain damage from one punch

Just agree to let your nukes rot and expire, KIm. What a great idea the jews came up with.

Kim's successor will surely accept the challenge of fending off future pressure from niggernomics leaders with rotted nukes.

This. The left just isn't taken seriously cause they're not capable of doing any real damage. It helps that they have corporations, the elite, the establishment, the media, big tech and law enforcement all on their side.

they're just hitting stagnation from an economic boom that peaked in the 80s.
and guess what they're doing. opening the borders and mass-banning drugs. just like the USA after reaganomics started failing

mandatory conscription and niggy-nogs don't mix well, fren. neither do harsh climates, high costs of living, armed populations, and niggery. fuck off with this bullshit.

nope, capitalism imports them and enables them to live - neoliberalism pushes for normalfags to tolerate them with the help of the zionist controlled media. boomercucks like you are unironically retarded.

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The left are capable of real damage, they are already in government and bringing in the nigger.

So they didn't require an endless stream of immigrant to maintain it.
So they didn't need an endless stream of immigrants to maintain it.
Nope, as seen as above, Japan and Switzerland.

Capitalism does not need an endless stream of immigrants to maintain.

You just outed yourself shill

They didn't maintain it. At all. Their economy is a fucking mess and they've recently agreed to import 500,000 low-skilled laborers niggers, vietnamese, nepalese, and amerimutts. This doesn't even account for all the "high skilled" working-visa pajeets that come there to work for some shady tech startup and end up in the local 7-11 when Schmuley's CryptoCurrency ATM business fails.
They maintained it for 20 years - which is enough time to demoralize a population and prime them for acceptance of immigrants.

Shit argument. Not a non-argument but a shit one. It's like saying "why didn't USSR have a bunch of niggers" or "why don't we set up a white ethno-state in the gobi desert"
It has built-in nigger repellent that is independent of economic system - this model can't be applied to the vast majority of countries.

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Democratic People's Republic of Korea

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They maintain it for years and years and their infrastructure is high.

They are only signing in the immigrants now, which is over 50 years. The absolute state of leftist shills.
It's not an argument.

It's a claim.

You say capitalism needs endless stream of immigrants, I provide you two examples of capitalist economy that don't.

Now you are mad.

What? Proof?

because the underhanded support it

The USSR has more than a bunch of niggers.

They maintained it for 20 years, 1980 + 20 = 2010
Only 9 years later they're agreeing to open the floodgates. Why won't you address this, you fucking boomer?

wew lad, sure is reddit in here.

and I show you why one of these examples objectively isn't true and why the other isn't applicable to the vast majority of countries.

Mandatory conscription, armed populations, high cost of living, and harsh environment. Niggers hate all of this.
Also hilarious that the only countries you can think of are two extremely small nations that lack any sort of relevancy or power. Fucking lol'd.

shit lad this is hilarious. i always knew there was something off about slavs.

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These are modern commies/trannies

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Trump is to the left of Hillary

Because Jews are willing to work as a collective with the express purpose of killing their enemies while Whites are busy praising Jesus, watching football, or doing other pointless things. Whites really aren't built for race war, unfortunately.

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Is it also "people-centered" as well?

Uh what? Japan has been "capitalism" since the Meiji Restoration, which is 1853.
Why do they open the floodgates? International pressure.
How is it semantics? You say capitalism requires an endless stream of immigrants, where are these streams in Japan and Switzlerland?
How is it not true?
Why not?
And why isn't Mandatory conscription, armed populations, high cost of living applicable to most 1st world countries?

Oh wow, we are talking about relevancy now? Japan and Switzerland are some of the richest countries in the world.

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It's not just slavs.


It's weird that capitalist countries have stricter immigration than baste communist countries, am I right?

This is why traffic is down.

You realize, spamming nigger, that this board, even in its pathetic state now, is full of men who can rape your face from the afterlife–or I guess not, since you were dumb enough to post that tripe for the six gorillionth time. You are not from here and need to gas yourself.

The communist states like China are being handed geo political control in order to subvert the homogenous european capitalist nations. It’s a typical trick out of the kike playbook. A sleight of hand really. As western countries are increasingly facing civil conflict due to purposeful subversion both from the populace and government. The only reason the communist countries have this (((appearance))) of successful states is because they are allowed too and the only way to have a successful state is too more or less function nationally, focus largely on civil and social engineering to breed armies and people willing to die fanatically for the country . They are being positioned to clean up any resistance in the establishment of international communist dystopia. Realistically if the international control of finance was destroyed, hyper immigration was stopped and we went back to nationalized currency that didn’t rely on shadow plays of fiat currency and debt to dictate trade; countries like China would collapse upon themselves. China was built off of the deracination of the west, where the west essentially was forced into a cheap product market. The only reason they have had any success internationally is because the west has been forced into a international economy built on cheap consumer goods that realistically damage our own national strength. Like dominoes the western nations were more than happy to accept the cheap labor of foreign nations to keep up in the (((international economy))) and debut system which has acted as both a demographic invasion and internal disorder. It’s all about correlation when it comes to worldwide politics. China’s strength has only grown at the expense of western strength and national integrity. Had the international finance system been destroyed post WW2 as it should have been China would have never been able to use its massive peasant population post revolution to destroy the labor values and force european nations into a market based on cheap goods rather than skilled, nationally crafted goods. The system has been and still is rigged