Moving to Budapest

With the political situation that's getting heat up and things will get real bad in the coming years for white race and white community. Now i'm preparing myself to move to Hungary. Is there any Zig Forums user's that had already (moved or lived) in hungary at the moment? Can you describe what kind of things should i prepare, and what should i expect after i got move and stay in Hungary specifically Budapest (Though i will move to the countryside after i could adapt to hungarian customs, language, law and its environment). How do i apply residency permits?

As you all know Hungary is (maybe) the lasy european country that still care for its own people. My end goal is to raise a family with an environment that's safe enough for my children to proud being who they are and a healthy environment so that they didn't get bombarded by "muh racist" "fascist" and other bs things. I still kinda blind about Hungary since there's not enough information about Hungary.
(I'm really sorry if my post kinda off topic,)

Attached: shutterstock-367955912.jpg (729x425, 57.17K)

checkin them sick digits!
I believe there's a shitton of gyppos in Budapest, or maybe thats Bucharest? I dunno, lol

Are you Hungarian? If not, why go somewhere that isn't part of your heritage?

There's nowhere to run.

Eastern Europe will end up "better" only in the relative sense. And even then, maybe they'll be over run also.

I'm Hungarian by ancestry but I'm not abandoning my country to jews and non-whites subhumans. Your digits are auspicious and confirm Hungary is a country making a stand against jew filth.

Attached: HungarianNatSoc.jpeg (453x600, 58.63K)

You are A traitorous faggot And A fuck PUSSY for leaving your home country your nothing more then being played by the jew like all the "refugees in europe"If you are found out on the day of the rope don't get serprised when your name is on a list to be hanged by a light pol or tree.


I'm not hungarian. I'm half iris quarter german and english. That being said, i read a tons of news about Hungary, and they are giving an incentive to have more than 2 kids. And generally they have a decent policy so that white european family have a good living and didn't concerns with the chaos caused by mass immigration.

It is worlds better to have half-Hungarian grandkids than a mulatto el goblino progeny.

Maybe Hungary will be the future of Europe.

I'm just being real here. If you have a family with kids you'll understand about my decision. I too want to keep the fight, but my voice is insignificant and the demographic grows from mass immigration and mix intermarriage doesn't do me a favor to raise my chidren. I hope you undeestand my point.