Let's brainstorm some handsigns to communicate jewish trickery.
IRL (((Echo)))
Other urls found in this thread:
Good idea, I had the same thought
Have a bump
I was literally just thinking about this same thing a couple minutes before finding this thread, echomind.
But typically what I do if I'm referring to (((something that echoes))) is rub my hands together in classic Happy Merchant fashion. Clearly communicates the point to anyone familiar with the image or merchants in general, and implies someone or something nefarious and untrustworthy to someone who isn't.
2 fingered pistol = double crossing jew
index and middle finger out and ring/pinky pulled back with the thumb as the hammer. You can point out the jew in the crowd
Oh shit now you mention it I do that as well
Usually I just say:
Tapping the side of your nose 3 times is an indication of shenanigans involved in what you are discussing.
Can confess I do same. Strange.
That "I'm smart" head tapping only you tap your nose instead
Darn it's so obvious, I don't know how I didn't think of it.
This might be the easiest one. Not too convoluted, and everyone should recognize it.
That sounds like a lot of fun, especially when talking TO a jew.
It must feel like holding them hostage!
And when they comment on it, just act confused. If you think about it, that's a form of gaslighting. hehe.
That would get most Europeans arrested though.
Got another easy idea for ya:
Touch the upper back of your head. It can look like you are just scratching yourself; incidentally on the same spot where a Kippa/Yarmulke would sit.
Do ariquotes, but with 3 fingers (thumb holds pinky down
It's not the least bit complicated.
Also, the sign where you rub your thumb and your pointer and middle finger together to indicate money. I couldn't seen to find a good video of it.
kek, i thought of this a while back and never made a thread out of it because I thought it wouldnt work out.
so do air quotations with three fingers like the echo
This is what I do, and everyone gets it.
Mini-money rub with fingers. No need to do kike hand rubs.
I was thinking the same, or your nose, it can be even more subtle.
also this
Raise both of your hands in front of your face, close your fists, opening only the index finger and a thumb (like if you want to pinch something, but at a much wider angle, making it look like C )
Then move the upper part of both thumbs and index fingers three times while keeping the lower part fixed. It should be pretty easy and looks exactly like making ((( )))
"Gee, I'm sure glad that Mr. (*makes finger echo 3 times) Cohen introduced this new tax to pay for healthcare of blacks, they will surely become future scientists and productive members of society (very sarcastic tone)"
"Of course, this (*makes finger echo 3 times) Jordan guy is truly our friend, we should listen to everything that he says."
Also, you can do a mini-heil
Close your fist, raising (curled) your smallest finger. Then quickly straighten it and curl it back again, but fixing the joints in a way that it resembles extending your hand when you do a sieg-heil. Do so two times in succession. It's not illegal, and you can always have a plausible deniability saying that you just wanted to scratch yourself.
Touching the nose and pulling finger outward and downward to signify JEW-IN-VICINITY-JEW-IN-VICINITY
Watch out, kike mods are deleting any productive threads. I just got banned, but thank god for ip changes.
Kvetching mods are in damage control mode.
Would you quit giving buzzfeed and CBC shit to write about and let those rags go out of business already?
that thread died very quickly.
Kike mods deleted it for "low effort"
Dirty jew mods think they can censor the truth.
Kike mods can go gobble on a circumcised dick. I'll keep posting. Have fun JIDF pedophile niggers
I tap my noseā¦ I refer to them as being "long in the nose" in the normiesphere
Pajeets are so perverted and retarded, they disgust me.