According to the Australian Jewish News, cafe owner Aliza Shuvaly arrived at work to find the graffiti.
According to the Australian Jewish News, cafe owner Aliza Shuvaly arrived at work to find the graffiti.
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Oy vey, I wonder who did that graffiti?
wait! the swastika is corectly drawn, with right angles, and the text contains no mistakes!
maybe it's been made by real evil gnatzees
Good swatiska.
Good person.
No, this is legit. Swastika is drawn correctly and there are no spelling mistakes.
Jews are worried because more people are waking up to their kike ways. The kikes see history about to repeat again. I bet they actually thought it would be different this time, 2000+ times the charm. It's almost like jews are a virus and the body keeps having to fight it off.
I predict new laws protecting the chosen survivors in Australia's near future. They seemed like such good goyim too.
They should have worked harder I guess. Maybe they can redeem themselves when war with China begins.
I consider Hispanics to be white, who am I to D&C our race?
Also, the swatsika in the OP was drawn by a woman, but idk their motive (genuine or not).
it sure is a problem if your identity is so intricately woven into the fabric of a story that people are starting question the authenticity of.
i sometimes think these laws are mainly aimed at keeping jewish people from finding out the truth about ww2.
Ahem rabbi ahem whatcha doin?
Also that yid has never put a shovel to work in its life.
I meant to add that we are going to do it for real this time.
care to explain the reasoning that leads you to this assertion?
its a religious swastika not a political one. political one is at a 45 degree angle. its basically bestowing well being and good luck.
I think more and more people are awake about the (((LOLoCo$t))) but ina majority of countries it's forbidden to be a denier or even talk about facts…The think that make it even more strange is that they need laws to shut the goyims mouth. In people minds, only a blind can't think why it's needed?
If you talk or says something about dis Shaoh you're harrassed and they called you antisemetic or denier or wut the fuck they want. It's an Israeli strategy to harrassed people that way wis the antisemetic crap.
And that's one of the reason, why they try to censured internet so bad.
Information must continue.
The truth will triumph !
Keep gas bois and lads !
good luck user
So how is it that Australia is so much better than motherland England?
Your PM just decided to cut medical aid to asylum seekers on the islands, then we had our top lad gunning down filthy muzzie invaders and now this.
What went wrong in England?
inb4 hey rabbi watcha doing?
This time, it will be a combination of the post-Weimar roundup and the South American-style RWDS that will quietly shoot, shovel and shut up.
Think of it like a campfire. After WWII, the embers caught fire again. This time, bring a bucket of water to pour over them.
The more the word is put out, the sooner they'll be forced to address the lie.
The censorship they so love cuts both ways. A censored press won't be able to talk about wooden doors.
I used to think things like this were mostly false flags but is this really a good tactic for Jews in today’s political climate? I feel they are over playing their cards and people are waking up to their victim complex bullshit and things like this only unintentionally redpill people on the Jews.
Maybe I spend too much time on 8pol. I just feel the JQ is becoming more and more aware and the only people that’d fall for this bullshit are boomers who are completely oblivious to the world around them.
This was made by a jew attempting to dilute the meme.
I laffed
Holoholocast did happen
They always overplay their hand eventually.
Boomers aren't oblivious, they are willfully ignoring the problem.
Too good for false flag. Did Tarrant escaped from prison?
based country
Far too much effort and finesse went into this graffiti for it to have been a non-magnon.
It seems they've lost the plot. Too many moving piece at this time, and they are more decentralized than people think. Also, not all Jews are in on the game so they are free actors. This is most definitely a false flag though.
the thing about australia is the men there are actually based and redpilled and would actually do this
Oh no, you can place notarized evidence in front of the cunts and they'll poo-poo it and tell you the jews were persecuted so they HAD to do such and such atroticy.
Apparently some jews practice drawing swastikas before doing their public graffiti.
They have been known to hire shabbos goy.
Doesn't work, moshe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (_(ด)
10 years from now 99% of jews will still claim to have just survived the lelocaust
Every jew born is a survivor you jealous goyim!
Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon to exterminate Whites
Notice they had to add the swastika.
go away kike
The trick with the swastika is to draw it so it is viewed subconsciously, the inability of natsocs to express it and it being tied to the highest standard of european heritage is basically a hex. You don’t want the jew to be able to point it out and cry fowl. You want him to see it everyday and when he points it out to the world he looks like he’s going insane. The swastika is the ultimate tunic weapon in our arsenal it just has to be used properly
Ohhhhh realllly moshe so why so many jew groups than huh?
Whatcha doing Rabbi?
Why are their no White groups Corporal Adolf?
Because WN scumbags think their faggot larping is more important than saving Whites?
Because jews collectively organize to shit them down you fucking skitzo just like they collectively organize to do just about every twisted thing they push on the goyim
It doesn’t matter. The avenger is here. Race traitors like you will find your place amongst the slaves
Power of jewish logic.
No, it's because you're a piece of shit low IQ Stormfaggot.
No one is more of "race traitors"(same old jew promoted memes) than White Nationalists.
Fuck off jew.
What's based about a jew loving kike who hates white people?
Truly it is contradiction. They try to contradict the material realm, the only true contradiction is consciousness which the jews do not possess which is why their is a big virus brand stamped on their heads. Their expression of consciousness is anti nature in affect non existence and basically just mental sickness
WN's are so fucking profoundly stupid.
No problem shitposting and don't give a fuck, moshe.
You will never be white.
Hows this for a dank meme
I got some too moshe.
One needs to ask what's so threatening and terrifying about questioning a historical event? What could they possibly be afraid of? It's then that you realize that what they really fear is their lie being found out.
nice try rabbi, pretty sure a glorious aussie shitposter did this.
Literally wot?
No they support Jewish interests. Everyone knows this but you mentally ill Stormfags.
White Nationalists cry in pain as they strike you.
The future of zionism in America.
Stay mad shitskin.
Why are you even here?
somebody is paying xim probably
You're not wrong.
Especially here in Ausland, they are part of the easiest to manipulate groups.
Their hatred is unfocused and they lash out without thought.
Its like commenting about Asylum seekers. He doesn't talk about the amount of money siphoned from Australian taxpayers to Jewish interest groups proclaiming to be helping the asylum seekers. The companies used were literal shell companies recieving hundreds of millions of dollars.
They are used as a form of Divide and conquer, when you constantly show incompetent groups of white people, those of us that believe we have at least some intelligence would never be associated with such honeypots.
Kill yourself you jew fuck. We don't need our rage directed towards the soft targets )jew) choose. There's plenty enough hate for every fucking one of you.
Didn't OT Yahweh kill Egyptian babies?
Yep, jews splattered their doors with the blood of innocent creatures to tell god to pass over their homes when on his murderous spree.
What have YOU done?
The logical next step is IRL shitposting memes with graffiti. Street art has always been lefty-anarchist territory, but it's time to take it. It's a good way to redpill normalfags and kids will love it.
/* Beaumont and Fletcher’s “Sea Voyage,” Juletta tells the stout captain and his company, —Jul. Why, slaves, ‘t is in our power to hang ye.Master. Very likely, ‘T is in our powers, then, to be hanged, and scorn ye.”These replies are sound and whole. Sport is the bloom and glow of a perfect health. The great will not condescend to take any thing seriously; all must be as gay as the song of a canary, though it were the building of cities, or the eradication of old and foolish churches and nations, which have cumbered the earth long thousands of years.*/
lol are you fucking faggots really this delusional
Also a dead giveaway it's legit is the holocaust denial, not even the so called "good jews" ever deny the holocaust. (Maybe Cole did but he would be the only one and they tried to kill him).
Did you ever see the film Defamation? I highly recommend it. Made by a Jew (I think) who shows how Israeli children are brainwashed into believing they were holocausted. Theres some hilarious sceens in it.
Dont forget the pamphlet drop "holocaust is a lie" at Victorias most prominent uni, University of Melbourne.
Fuckwit or Fed, which are you, I guess they aren't mutually exclusive now are they, you could be a Jew. Piss off with your D&C bullshit.
It was real in your mind.
It is.
Yes don't feel good about yourself whiteman, instead listen to me being disingenuous.
calling all of Australia based is disengenuous nigger. like I said the coast is kiked and full of literal pedos but the rest of the country is great if you ignore the abbos
based asians
Let me guess you think kikes are based if they don't like israel? Fuck off with your shilling of kikes.
what the fuck are you talking about? there are like 2 jewish areas in the whole of australia.
Tell me Sydney isnt the most degenerate and kiked city
it's literally not. there are a fuckload of chinks and lebs but it's not 'kiked'
you've obviously never been there. there is not a single place in australia that is more jewed than any place in america
Fuck off cocksmoker, the whole western world is full of Jews, shitskins, mudslimes, pedos and faggots. It's literally this boards raison d'être.
We have been D&C already. Jews in Caufield have armed guards at schools for fucks sake, it's like they're expecting someone.
Is is a "Whatcha doing rabbi?" thing.
They are desperate to keep the memory of the holocaust in the public's mind because they can hide so much behind it.
Whenever anyone mentions the Holocaust, Yawn and say "That was hundred years ago."