((('We have a predator living in the White House': Kamala Harris slams Trump and says she's ready to prosecute him during fiery Iowa campaign speech)))
Panjeet Hindustani Nigger Aryan calls our God Emperor a Predator
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Get the fuck out of here.
Is this some shitty reverse psychology?
Fuck off kike.
Sage, report.
Jews do not worship non Jews; you are a nigger because you fall for Jewish tricksters.
Low IQ fuck. Filtered.
Reminder every time you see PANjeet, you're dealing with a butthurt shitskin even lower on the shit pole.
You made the fucking shitskin brit "trump no war" thread, didn't you?
This lady seriously scares the utter shit out of me and I cannot explain why.
It's a nigger and there's no zoo keeper with a tranq rifle at the ready. Understandable. Your instincts are serving you well.
Lurk two years, you faggot.
Anyway, there's no reason to be scared. She's a power-hungry shitskin who can't wait to rule like a third world princess. If given power over the United States of Clownmerica, she will immediately rule as if it's South Sudan, because demographics is destiny.
Tl;dr: Niggers aren't ladies, niggers nig both in and out of power, and you seriously need to lurk.
Would America actually vote for a gorilla bitch?
Koko the Gorilla 2020
To be fair, they already voted in a chimp.
Sage, report.
How can you not vote for Kamala Harris? What a sweet soul! Everyone gets a hug.
And whites did nothing for 8 years. Will whites do nothing again when nigger queen wins?
Honestly, no one is letting another nigger win after those 8. Even the niggers know better.
Being this stupid
Go away redditor
fuck off back to cuckchan, trumpkike shill. no one cares about your jew politics here
Fuck off, trumpnigger.
Men literally are predators. We evolved to be predators. Using "predator" as a slur is just another attack in men levelled by people who don't understand men and refuse to try.
I don't blame OP for this shitty kike thread. I blame mods who allow shitty kike threads.
Is it 'ok' then when women are predators as well?
If they have a hubby, then no. It is unwomanly and therefore anti-social behavior, and promoting that women act like men is subversive.
Reminder she literally fucked and sucked her way to the top.
Fuck off back to Reddit. Saged and filleted.
Make sure to bring up that gay nigger from shitcongo.
Its gonna be fun watching her promote busing.
If she's slamming Trump doesn't that make her the sexual predator?
Can we please concentrate our efforts to make her the 'bussing lady'? Bussing is unpopular even with niggers.
Trump proved that the electorate doesn't care who you fucked, even if you fucked a nigger to get into power like Kamala did. So leave the knee pad stuff alone. But the angle that she is here to end white people will get over.
This is Kamala, btw.
Pretty much.
The purpose of this thread which was obviously started by (((them))) seems to be to hammer home to idea that this jewish man in drag, who is also larping as a black, is actually a black woman.
No amount of gorilla memes will change the fact that this is a jewish man.
You can see it much better in the rally speech, without all the fake tan and fake "straightened afro hair" (probably a wig.)
Kamala is Amy Chua.
Cuckchan is waiting you back.
Someone just read Dune
Kek go read a book you fucking pleb.
you do realize he doesn't become GE in the 1st book right?
Did 13473008 get shoa'd?
I literally MUST HAVE a pair of those. I didn't know they made such a great thing. I wonder if they are comfortable…they look hot but they might be worth it not to have to 'adjust the kneepads' on my legs.
She literally married a Kike.
poo in the loop, Kamala.
"half indian, half black"
literally the two worst races in humanity. how the fuck did she achieve anything in her life?
Aryan is a Y-Chromosome trait. Women cannot be Aryan. Northern European women are superior, but that is because of their very unique European Neolithic ancestry, not any Aryan genes.
Hybrid vigor of the first generation of mongrel. This rapidly declines to complete and total degeneracy in the subsequent generations. This is why it is forbidden.
so basically the jews.
mongrel i mean.
Trump is a massive faggot but holy shit, I can't recall a presidential candidate more heinous than this rabid silverback.
Yes. race mixing produces 'jews' and people who are indistinguishable from the jews.
This is why people when they are sowing seed only sow the first crop of a hybrid cross…any seeds that are produced afterwards are wild and worthless. So she would be 'fine' IF she was sterilized along with being a hybrid. Nothing in her genetic line will ever 'be as good' as she is right now. It is a swift and steep decline that you cannot recover from when you hybridize. The seeds of the original mating are almost unrecognizable.
Calm your tits user. No one is worshipping the Chump.
That’s no silverback she-boon. Not tall or muscular enough.
She’s a cleopatra-knockoff half-boon pajeet matriarch.
Cleopatra was Celtic, user, not like this fucking nigger.
Nice try with your D&C shlomo, but your nose is showing, like in the last 30+ fucking >muh panjeet threads. Fuck off faggot
The nigger genes are strong in the mother…no wonder this thing looks like a regular nigger and less like a poo. Its mother had to be in disguise while living in Oakland.
We burned most of the surrounding buildings to the ground and had our way with their daughters. So yeah, somewhere down the line: they are our ancestors.
There are multiple recorded persons in history named Cleopatra, and most of them after the original were half-niggers that wanted to be thought of like the original.
So you admit you're no worse than a nigger?
Better a Predator, than Prey.
Predator Eyes pic related. (yes we know #KamalaWhore was insinuating "sexual predator."
Blow your brains out.
There is an enormous fucking distance between
nothing < —–→ everything
Surely they did something. Faggot.
Every votecuck ever
Trump probably does.
Who cares.
No one cares.
This is what a strong independent black woman who doesn't need no man looks like.
She's so repulsive, most men would refuse to fuck her.
so when Trump wins in 2020, will all the paid shills on Zig Forums just disappear overnight? I mean, even if he loses too.
Most of them will probably commit suicide when Trump wins again in 2020
The_Donald thread left up for 3 days.
Having a nice conversation with yourself?
Obviously you’ll have another browser open for your other ID, dipshit.
Fuck off, estrogen tits
As opposed to?
Anyone know when the natural born citizen requirement gets checked? The poonog isn't one, can't be president or vice.
Oh look, the Zig Forums negro defense force has arrived.
You don't care about life and you have no compassion, probably mutilated as a baby so that part of you was killed off.
We need your kind off the planet.
If you squint you can see the rope of massa israel on her neck. What a good mongrel house nigger.
anything else to tick off? are you a lesbian tranny too?
Great video.
See how the guy caught the animals in the truck and didn't slip up and turn the lens to face his friends get hit by the Peterbilt.
Proper socialists are made of resolve, they should have pulled the guy out of the truck and made off with the livestock.