Apparently, the pissraeli government is destroying and hiding documents that contain evidence of war crimes commited during their shitty country's founding, as well as its nuclear program.
Apparently, the pissraeli government is destroying and hiding documents that contain evidence of war crimes commited during their shitty country's founding, as well as its nuclear program.
How about we destroy everything from the era including the false evidence the kikes use to browbeat whites?
These fucks do this every time there is a purge believing they can just walk back in when everyone forgets. There's no forgetting jew atrocities anymore.
So basically validating everything that was on it, much like how they demand the book burning of anything that questions the holohoax
typical tricks
inb4 pdf leak.
I have a genuine question about the honkers.They have been trying to disguise and hide their kike identity for millennia utilizing various tactics, then why don't they have their noses surgically altered at a very young age?
I mean this is a big givaway for them so why not have the surgery?
Really? Come back in 2 years.
They are having surgery on their shekel-sniffers left and right.
My favorite holohoax jew liar moment, see video
Fast forward to 25:30
Nah. It should be exposed and kept forever, much like Entartete Kunst museums. Lest WE forget.
Fast forward the video to 34:30
Holy shit, you're going to laugh your guts out!
Right because they are going to keep only the truth right? Remove everything and anything connected to jews. They should be stricken from the consciousness of men completely. We have suffered enough.
Their lies should be exposed and kept forever, even after the last stone of the last synagogue falls on the head of the last jew. Our descendants should never forget the atrocity kikes perpetrated against them.
Think of it as a vaccine against future attempts to do so by anyone else.
But the desire to reduce kikes to an ugly footnote in history books is fully understandable, mind you.
Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel
Let them. The kike beasts are committing so many atrocities each passing day that the opposition never runs out of fuel to get the pogroms going. That's the one thing you can trust the kikes with…committing crimes.
Fuck off.
Even if it is at a rate that they can't keep up with, that isn't a good excuse for negligence.
Zionists fear the truth
ALL jews fear the truth.
Why dont they have the surgery before going public - say five years old?
Your implications here are that they are all having their honkers chopped ; this is obviously not the case - vis a vis they cannot hide it.
missed opportunity; and that'd actually kill him
They DO you stupid fuck. The majority that plan to make a name for themselves or pass as white, do. They don't bother with cosmetic surgery on the young because THEY ARE STILL FUCKING GROWING AND ANY WORK THEY GET DONE GETS FUCKED UP.
Now stop posting. You're just embarrassing yourself.
If so then why chop it off in the first place?
Kill yourself. You were already BTFO and provided pictorial evidence of jews shape-shifting. Eat a dick, die in a fire, stream it.
Read the cosmetic nose job in Pynchon's Gravitys Rainbow. It specifically talks of Jewish surgeons giving Jewesses nose jobs so they can fool the goyim. It's very descriptive.
you're done.
You haven't answered my question as to why they are having this nose problem - they can change everything else but this.
Appreciate it user.
I have respect for mods and what they have to see. Basically did CIA level Phoenix department work and got out after only making 15k.
You obviously didn't go to school with Jewish girls. They all get nose jobs for their sweet sixteen.
Israel in particular is very vulnerable to the truth, it was founded on murder and ethnic cleansing, and is maintained with Apartheid.
And these truths fall into the current PC Overton Window so you can actually talk about them.
Their entire tribe is based on that.
stfu nerd
Don't choke on foreskin, rat.
Trump supports are scary loyal. He Phoenixed
no with 100% more hellfire.
Now with 100% more hellfire
jews will fuck anything so they don't have to worry about it until they are old enough to go to school
(c wut I did thur?)
That'll be hard because unlike the holohoax this one actually has physically verifiable mass graves.
Can't tell which is more fake, their words or their feels. Is it the lies that make them upset; or are pantomime feels optimal for ginning up kike lies?
1776 ish My only regret is having only one live to give to my country.
Bump for awareness
Whose that with roz
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Kikes have 2 weaknesses… 1. They are not as intelligent as they think they are.
2. They never know when to stop.
The title is misleading though. They didn't destroy it.
And I'll tell you why they didn't destroy it: If the zionist jews win in their global zionist war, that document will be put on display to celebrate their genocide