If you type "white couples" every search engines show exactly the same people and the same interracial pictures.
- Google
- DuckDuckGo
- Bing
- Qwant
- Startpage
- Yandex
They want to corner everybody.
If you type "white couples" every search engines show exactly the same people and the same interracial pictures.
- Google
- DuckDuckGo
- Bing
- Qwant
- Startpage
- Yandex
They want to corner everybody.
Other urls found in this thread:
even startpage. it's true, just verified it.
anyone have a good one?
Starpage uses Google engine but without removing results. So, we can't expect much from it.
Also bump
I never saw anything so disturbing in my life.
50% of every porn site is only white women and blacks now.
The US wants to turn Europe and the world into Africa and twists it as "it was persecution against interracial couples" to refuse to join the massive white extermination.
Also the pictures of white couples are mostly in black and white, not in colors.
The only pictures in colors are of the Blacked-like stuff.
It's not funny at all but then it is you go and type white couple into a search engine and it gives you 99% interracial couples with an occasional picture of actual white couples.
Good. Let the weak willed women miscegenate. Hybrid vigor only applies to strength not intellect.
The image search sucks but the web search is good and has a lot of options it doesn't block pro white websites and articles.
Everyone is "weak" compared to the kike-run US dystopia.
Doomed too
Gigablast doesn't show any niggers.
but seems a bit shitty of a search engine
This is all women. Only men have the capacity for will.
Mojeek has fewer niggers, but threw in a couple of white-asian couples.
America will turn into a kind of Haiti soon with Jews in charge.
So DDG has been taken over then by Google handlers. I just checked it as well, it's true.
Strangely, searching "couple" gives me the opposite, mostly white couples with the occasional nonwhite same race couple, no interracial stuff on page 1.
wow thank you for totally not wasting board space with the second thread today about a topic everyone already fucking knows about
And honor.
nice so current state is 1995 again but now < runs the shitshow now and the place is overcrowded with yous
if you dont need the pc for work or anythin profession related youre better off ditching it for some other relevant activity concerning your life improvement
just a shallow reminder.
It's not just the search engines themselves, it's the way the websites are tagging the photos.
Hmm… anyone up for revolution? This is war on our psyche we must retaliate.
Probably because 50% of porn is viewed by white cuck race traitors and jew spy boys. Stop spinning this into a bigger issue than it is. Frame it as it is needed. Jews are perverts and purposely condition our people to destroy themselves. That is all that is needed to understand
We are fucked. searx.me used to work before but thats fucked too now.
We must find alternatives ffs.
It seems that you don't understand that people do what they watch on TV.
Give it 10 years and you'll see the hell on Earth
No you retard. Actual population geneticist reporting in. Hybrid vigor is what you get when village from Village A decides to cross over to Village B 10km away and get his wife there.
Whites are naturally the strongest race in the world, with Iceland in particular having the most strongmen.
Niggers are fast / have twitch muscles but not strength.
The hybrids are just plain mediocre. Neither particularly fast nor strong. Not to mention all the other issues.
This is what I get.
No white couples.
This is true that it matches because
However this happens because the whole internet is pushing anti-white propaganda so that "black and white couples" have more results than "white couples" without black
use this and add black to the "not any of these words" list. This shows then a lot more less pictures but some will match up because of "interracial" and some news for example and some people write anti-white news while adding words both "white" and "couples" into their text.
The white race will either inhabit planet earth in totality, or it will not survive at all. There will be no in between in our future.
Ben Klassen
"Happy white american couple" results have changed - now, Pakistani murderers
Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik no longer appear.
However, I am not seeing many that aren't black woman/black man, white woman/black man, or white woman/gorilla…
Drop an email if you want.
I'm trying to join something called Iron Youth right now.
[email protected] (not my own email).
I've been looking at all the various groups out there.
Yep. They can't help themselves.
They say there is no conspiracy but in the past searching white couples would give you white couples and I doubt the algorithm has changed.
As someone who is familiar with search engine stuff, I would have agreed at first. However, take a look at what happens when you search for other races of couples. The algorithms can clearly determine what's going on when you search for Asian, Black, Indian, Jewish though there is a Jewish/Muslim couple in top results.
But, considering there's some search engines that don't seem entirely pozzed, it's also possible that leftists and kikes are manipulating the search engines to display interracial couples for whites and not for other races. Search engine results can be manipulated. It doesn't even have to be Google doing it (though I wouldn't rule it out). You can have jewish groups trying to manipulate results like this. Or it could even be a symptom of white genocide where there's so much interracial stuff against white males out there that that's all these search engines can find.
Remember when those niggers flipped out because it was identifying blacks as gorillas? That wasn't Google's doing, it was the work of the site hosting that image that tricked Google into thinking a nigger is a gorilla true statement tho. I'm not saying Google doesn't manipulate results, they obviously do. But there's multiple factors at work.
This also means that anons could use black hat search engine optimization and turn Google search results around. The kikes and SJWs at Google will definitely intervene in search results, but it's still a worthy fight of making. But it's difficult to prove that Google is doing this. It could be site owners pushing this as well. There's a lot of ways to mess with Google search results, it's not difficult, granted 15 years ago it was piss easy. One major limiting factor of Zig Forums is how all images and posts are deleted after some time. If these were left online permanently and Google would start picking up on the keywords and images there could be some fun times had with Jewgle.
Is is legit? Have you emailed them?
They're just a proxy to Google. Yandex is the best engine now anyways. Their reverse image tool is leaps and bounds better than Google's.
Found a way to get mostly white couples results:
Type White couples -Interracial -Black
I did and they strike me as sane, honest, and normal oddly enough. The material on their sites gives me a bit of a different impression but the people behind this organization seem like solid individuals. I'm going to put some stickers up for them also they want to appoint me as the leader of the Canadian chapter of Iron Youth.
This doesn't actually work very well sigh. It's still giving tons of results that explicitly have the terms that are supposed to be filtered out.
Tried "European couples" and it's still interracial poz.
I give up. They're clearly fucking with the results if you explicitly use filters to remove the pozzed results and it refuses to remove the poz.
Excellent thread OP. Based.
I had to build my own search engine to get any good results. I suggest you look into doing the same.
Baidu is least worst confirmed.
We should create a search engine based on hybrid blockchain technology.
P2P Search engine based on blockchain.
Decentralized Databases:
Add a crawler too with proper filtering system so it doesn't crawl any kind of crap. Then we are off to a new horizon and new dawn of Search Engine Technology and freedom from centralized Search Engines. Kind of odd it hasn't been done before. People might whine that it might be slow. But we must start somewhere to decentralize everything from the jew.
As long the jew owns almost all central banks in the world. They will also try to control everything we do. Taking the powers back step by step the right direction.
All the chink wants is to see the West eat a lot of coon dick and going full Haiti under kike rule.
Zig Forums should make our own (((uncompromised))) search engine.
I tried Baidu. First thing I saw on first result was this. Not image search.
Black Women White Men: Interracial Couples - Success with …
2018年10月21日 - "Black women white men" is an article to discusses the possibilities of such a coupling with an actual couple are very happily married!
successwithwomen.i… - 百度快照 - 翻译此页
Interracial marriage in the United States - Wikipedia
[9] White wife/Black husband marriages are twice as likely to divorce by the 10th year of marriage compared to White/White couples, while White wife/…
Asian - White Couple
collezionikyleleexxx » Favorites » Asian - White Couple collect This video contains adult content. To view this video you must be 18+. Click here…
www.myvidster.com/vide… - 百度快照 - 翻译此页
Black and white couple 1 at HomeMoviesTube.com
Dutch black and asian couple fuck anally 55 months ago 14643 views 85% … Black and white girl sharing cock and cum 51 months ago 32070 views 82…
www.homemoviestube.com… - 百度快照 - 翻译此页
white couples_百度图片
image.baidu.com - 查看全部3,386张图片
ILoveInterracial.Com - Couple WhiteCouple4Fun
ILoveInterracial.Com profile of couple WhiteCouple4Fun… Couples submit homemade interracial porn pics and homemade xxx vids. User posted interracial wives …
iloveinterracial.c… - 百度快照 - 翻译此页
When I tried the image search I saw your results however kind of but at 10 or so picture white and black couple.Baidu is fucked up too.
This. This should be the thread!
I tried looking for their website but Google just offered me a bunch of nonsense. Do oyu have the link?
"White family" - 3rd image is african (american)s.
…bit further down, see screenshot. That IQ/race correlation has turned out nice again
All I want is war and death for these people. That's literally it.
There are a few good search engines out that (some even don't censor the results, only way to find good info).
They just take a while to find. I'd share them here but the shills would be on them like flies. Just keep looking anons.
Most of us now live in shit hole cities that resemble the third world whereas 30 years ago they were great places to live.
Listen, kid. Just ignore any posts trying to get you to join any group or sign up for anything. They are literally feds trying to entice you to break the law.
Listen faggot. You should apply to every single group you can and just use common fucking sense about what they ask, how they operate, etc. to judge whether they're a honey pot or not.
Also, join the antifa. Seriously. I bet you're a soiboi faggot anyways and will have no problem infiltrating as such. Then you can report to us what you find out while making money from George Soros.
Also maintain plausible deniability about absolutely everything you do so if you're ever caught by any side you can change how it appears to be at a moment.
I'll give an example that actually happened to me IRL:
Person: "user you look like you could be the grandson of Hitler."
Me: "Good."
Person + another bystander "What that's now how you're supposed to respond" concerned reactions.
Me: "Hitler was Austrian."
Them: "That traitor!"
Walked away from that convo with them thinking I was saying "Good." because I looked like an Austrian as opposed to a German.
Little do they know I actually love Hitler.
Here's another example that also happened to me:
Me: Suggests to someone IRL to watch Stefan Molyneux.
Person a few days later: "Stefan Molyneux is a racist! It says so on Wikipedia."
Me: Dispute it and say "Anything left of antifa is deemed racist". Get responses like "Oh well for you he wouldn't be a racist".
Me walk away for a moment then come back and say: "You know and like Alex Jones right?"
Person: "Yes."
Me: "Well he's been banned from youtube. Molyneux hasn't. So how racist can he really be given how strict youtube's moderating policies are?"
Person: "I see."
If you're diplomatic as fuck you can push people towards discovering redpill viewpoints and thinking they're doing so on their own and eventually you convert them.
I've done this a lot online but in the last year I decided to take it into the real world and I've become great at it. I was nervous at first as it's different face to face then when you're just typing out text. However I learned to have the right tone of voice, to not show any guilt or shame about what I advocate, and all the other little tricks that make people agree with me and believe that I am right.
You shouldn't be afraid to join or get involved in various groups/networks. Just be careful. Read military and spy manuals and get practice. Eventually you'll be an untouchable chameleon with the 14 words in their heart but only god knows it for sure.
Did you just make a second thread? . The term white couple actually means mixed-white couple. Type "couple" instead in search engine and the result will be fine
OP is total faggot
Yeah, and outbreeding more often than not destroys digneic epistasis, the ideal biologically optimal partner is 3rd or 4th cousins, like the geneticist was saying, these would be someone you bred with 100-200 years ago, which historically would have been a family a few counties over from you.
TV is a depopulation mind kontrol ultra program.
No such thing, kike.
You know I assumed you were full of shit so I tried it. Damn, you are telling the truth. WTF is with that crap?
Zig Forums is compromised, why do you think they stopped archiving posts and banning spicy threads.
Goes for all other imageboards as well.
Even for rather irrelevant cesspits like kohlchan.
Yes. They all equally censor your search results.
Has anyone considered that there could be third party websites somehow gaming the algorithm to have the effect of their miscegenation pushed everywhere?
Having the same images multiple times seems like a case of image searches just pulling up the most viewed/most likely result.
this is what a honeypot looks like, now fed 1 and fed 2 will call me a shill
True, it does sound retarded enough. Like someone got no fucking clue in their mind what they talk about and a script from a child play. I guess only the dumbest fucks of glows are forced to browse the chans. Always wishing and hoping they will level up to get out of their nasty position so they won't have to read the comments here of reality. You can tell how detached from reality those comments are. As if they forced themselves to be lobotomized . Sad to see.
not only that but put yourself in their perspective, assuming they are a real deal why would they risk doxxing themselves to branch out to faggots on an anonymous imageboard
it unironically will lol, welcome to current year +4 moshe
F-B- Already did it. I guess you missed the news slow ass.
You need to join now! We are Going to change the Internet forever, come on brothers!
I'm calling you a shill.
lol get a load of this newbie
wrong, everyone using online as a recruitment true is a fed, or incredibly naive on the depth of clown world
recruitment tool*
im literally shaking at you guys being unaware how bad it really is
I was actually thinking about this. The jewgle fags made their search engine back in the day of slow internet speeds and weak hardware. Even with the massive increase of stuff on the internet, it should be much faster to do what they did back then with even a mid tier modern PC.
along with alternatives to twitter/facebook/youtube
You're not going to get vanned just for contacting a fucking email with your own pseudononymous email and talking to them.
For fucks sakes you guys are going to do nothing at all to help the race.
maybe not vanned, but you're certainly going to be on a list for responding to (((someone))) who proposes violent action on a basket weaving forum
You can't get locked up for merely emailing someone. I've sent an email to literally every single random email I've ever seen posted on any imageboard I've ever browsed and I never got vanned. Right now there's fucktards on facebook organizing neo-nazi stuff there and they are the ones that get vanned.
read the fucking turner diaries, literally first chapter is about how the ones with criminal history have x jobs while the ones who are "unknown" have y jobs
In which pillow biting universe does white = mixed?
that's how jewsearch engines work. Not sure why "couple" gives actual white couples
you understand you look like an ip hopping kike with all "its just a coincidence" responses right?
so not atribute to malice that wich can be easily explain by stupidity
we all know Jewgle is pushing the anti white agenda and we also know it's by far the largest search engine
what are the chances all the other search engines just copypasted Jewgle search results?
another explanation would be the pictures themselves, as if something was done to them or the pics names so that they always show up whenever someone searches for "white couple"
i find it odd that all these companies toeing in line with Google now that they're under goverment watch after the veritas video, especially considering how much many of them have to win if google were to fall
everyone is recomending duckduckgo as an alternative to google, that's why i find it strange that duckduckgo would actually do something to piss off their new users who changed search engines after they got pissed at Google
Take your meds.
what? there was literally a thread about it
"couple" results white couple no matter how much you deny. "white couple" resulting in mixed-race is definitely kike work.