You still don't get it do you?

You still don't get it do you?

This reality, this nightmare, all of it, was created… By you. We are all souls connected to a singular consciousness, surrounded by infinite universes and possibilities. Your thoughts, most of them towards the negative, have bent the photons around you to manifest in a pattern you desired. YOU created the Mandela Effect. YOU wished for this reality to occur. If you had not, then you would not be sharing this particular reality with me.

The Matrix is our reality. We are in a dream world, a simulation. God's dream, if you wish to call it. We are grains of sand moving through an infinite ocean of possibilities.

Reality is what you perceive it to be. Is my red your blue or vice versa? You believe, without question, that if you drop an object it will fall to the ground, correct? That is the parameters of your simulation, they must always be obeyed. However, if you believe something to be an inherent truth, like gravity, the simulation must conform to it. Remember, it is not the spoon that bends, but only yourself.

Have you had vivid dreams user? They were much like reality, weren't they? Sometimes, you may even have lucid dreams, where you become aware that you are dreaming, and can change things as a result. Now what if I told you that this IS a dream, but you have not reached lucidity yet?

Free your consciousness, free yourselves from your restraints. Free yourself from this dream.

Attached: all the pills are red.jpg (727x1000, 150.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If you can't translate what you wrote into a practical, step by step guide then it's useless. If this were true you would be god by now, which I doubtl. Stop spreading feel good self talk to this board. This board is for research and activism not motivational talks.

Clearly you haven't browsed the catalog before.


What if I told you…. your thread is bad and you should feel bad????

That movie is probably older than O.P is.

Attached: Morpheus2.jpg (600x543, 39.33K)

It seems the Kike shills are extra triggered today.

Notice the venom with which they attack this post. If what I said were not true they would feel no compulsion to attack it.

Whatcha sliding moshe?

Back to your containment board: >>>/fringe/

Attached: aurora-borealis-northern-lights_1280x1024_159-standard.jpg (1944x1296 1.69 MB, 203.04K)

Reported. This belongs in the 'religion' thread.

Not Zig Forums

Yet this one remains:


That is a discussion about the Dharma, which dovetails with the race, the soil, and every other thing that matters in life. You are peddling David Icke / PKD New Age kike treacle that results in homelessness, faggotry, and AIDSposting. Literally neck yourself out of your Mind Matrix Prison you fucking kike.

You do not seem to understand the concept of politically incorrect.

You are a kike shill attempting to derail this thread as you did the last one.

shills in full force tonight.
Keep going, OP

What the board is FOR and what will get posted on it by retards like you are different matters. And notice how you didn't answer my question. You literally can't answer a simple question as to what you're saying. It means you don't even know what you're saying. Fucking retards I swear.

Fuck you Kirkbride, stop posting on Zig Forums and get your job back from Toddler so the next elderscrolls wont be complete shit.

Basic Bitch Solipsism
The room doesn't exist until you enter it bullshit.
It's just the jews and their numerous gaylord enterprises. And they're going to burn for it. And if your theory were right they already would have.

Attached: Munched.jpeg (1280x1024, 973.95K)

Oh. your mystic rantings are such a threat to the Jews.

Such magic thinking is beneath white men.

and fuck you for making me respond to this dribble.

Attached: african shaman.jpg (900x744, 321.39K)

I believe I'm a squirrel and it's not working. Video related faggot.

you are right wizard OP.

this is what I experienced too.
this is think and grow rich.
we must cultivate a new belief and have faith, work towards common goals.

however the flipside is that if the multiverse theory is true, nothing really matters. in one reality Hitler won.

If my thoughts bended reality all the pedophile scum that runs the world would be fucking dead. They are not. Actions speak louder than words and hippy dippy manifestation bullshit a lot of us believed in in the 2012 times.

Heres a fucking fact OP Moloch os a multi millenia old deity that has been worshipped by evil kikes for a very long time far longer than weve been on this rock. If your bullshit manifestation shit was true to any significang regard Moloch would have never existed yoy stupid fuck OP.

Bullets and rope will be the only things ridding the world of these demons not your conplacent meditation bleach yoyr anus hairy armpit moon goddess bullshit - got it? Thats not the way the real world works.

For the record you stupid fuck - the evil ones and the LHC/Gotthard Base Tunnel etc are responsible for the Mandela effect and this is well known among our ranks. Manifestation etc only works in your immediate surroundings unless coordinated en masse (as the evil ones do with their illuminati cabal baal/moloch worship etc) and they have purposefully divided us.



Fucking ropes.

It is important to be at peace with oneself and apply mental energy towards fostering a better future.

Manifesting the past is far more difficult that HOPING for a better future.

That book is some truth mixed with a bunch of bullshit. Beliefs are not enough. What if two people believed opposite things and had equal belief, whatever the fuck that means. You can only explain your theories with vague words. Truth gets right to the bottom of things not like this.

They are the epitome of cowardice. They think we are going to clean this world with thoughts and not bullets.

Was Mein Kampf written with bullets?