What did you do today to free your nation from the parasite that calls itself "Israel"?
Do you make a post outside of this hug post?
Did you boycott Israeli products?
What are you doing to end this?
What did you do today to free your nation from the parasite that calls itself "Israel"?
Do you make a post outside of this hug post?
Did you boycott Israeli products?
What are you doing to end this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I trolled really hard and made Jews cry.
Would you like to Troll more?
Sure. I'll do my part using their YouTube channel since a lot of anons are already getting their FB
I've got a whole evening of trolling ahead of me.
Thanks user.
I'm not paying taxes.
TBH this should be a constant thread but less of the "you should feel like shit for not doing enough" way OP makes it. I found myself talking to a Boomer lady at work that's "right wing" and started to drip her red pills on APAC because that's were the conversation went.
So I'm taking over OP, What did you do today user?
Fuck you, you complaining faggot. I aint gotta do shit.
Nice try glownigger.
Are you White today?
Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular!
Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel
Explain pls.
middle aged and old people are good to feed red pills to, keep them gentle, but strong enough to elicit some anger and fear, without the fear being overpowering or depressing.
they aren't as resilient, but can be an asset.
they take up 40% of the population, so we have to make use of their numbers while they are still around.
they had no internet in their day, no alternate source of information, and no one to talk to about it outside of the few people they met on a daily basis.
people generally become more right wing as they become older, so it isn't an effort to lead them to the truth.
OP here.
Good question. I'm going to do what I do everyday, I repost news stories that a critical of Israel on my facebook page and I look for pro-zionist posts to post rebuttals to.
Yeah, I know it's just key board warrior stuff, but it's something.
The zionists think the internet is important, so I am trying to contest their control of it.
Sorry I made you feel guilty with original post, I had to write more because of the 200 words requirement for posts.
And I will make this a daily thread as per your suggestion.
Disconnecting our nation from Israel is the most important cause of this century,
We need to be discussing how to do that.
keep doing the lords work
I see you JIDF. It scares you when we stop talking about nazi trivia and start talking about action.
I don't buy Yidsrael goods.
Can you provide me with a list of Israeli goods I might be buying without knowing it?
And if you have the skills a nice meme for those products so I can spread the word on what to boycott.
The only thing I know for sure is Sabra Hummus.. and these stupid soda machines.
If you live in the US, that list is thin especially when it comes to food.
Anyway, the leftist retards at BDS make a list for you:
This. Even if we aren't shooting up Synagogues like ol' Piano boy, commenting about their BS will do.
Someone with the skills should make a clever meme image of each product so the boycott can spread and grow.
Anybody with artistic talent out there want to make an important contribution.
Drunk shitposting got me into politics
I spent the whole day worrying about how America is turning into niggers, and whites aren’t reproducing. Then I started worrying about how that means eventually blacks will almost exclusively be on screen in movies, then Japan will look up to blacks and whites will be the undesirables to Asians. Am I overthinking shit, or will the Asians just dislike blacks regardless. I don’t wanna be weak frens, but plz don’t subject me to anymore torture. I’ve thought enough for today.
Hitler cannot remove the parasite called Israel from the United States, he's dead.
Any other suggestion?
Holy shit user.. that last quote. That last quote.
“It is not truth that matters, but victory.”
Tearing up, lip quivering throughout, but that last quote made me break. I fucking needed that. Thank you.
Boys, we may have lost Hitler, but I have a plan to save the fucking world. It starts with the East… I turn the Asians even more against the browns, and the rest will follow.
Reply if you guys want in on my loosely, poorly thought out plan.
There is many way to save the world, turning Jews against Muslims, East Asians against Arabs, there is so much we can do, but i would guess there is 20 years left before it's too late.
Why 20 years?
"[…] For the first time Hitler now admitted to Ribbontrop that the war was lost. He dictated to Ribbontrop four secret negotiation points to put to the British if he got the chance. If the Continent was to survive in a world dominated by Boshevism, then somehow London and Berlin must bury the hatchet. He instructed Ribbontrop to write secretly to Churchill in this sense. 'You will see,' Hitler predicted. 'My spirit will rise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right.'"
Adolf Hitler IS Western Civilization. One can only hope and stuggle that his prophesy will come true.
Very Likely.
Today we were datamined and used it to become inspired.
I helped an old Jewish lady across the street and bought a huge bag of everything bagels just for you.
i didn't shoot myself in the head 31 times.
I don't bid on projects for jewish customers. I won't help jews make money in real estate or help jewish homeowners improve their property. Do it yourself, jews.
Good luck convincing a normie of that.
I want to separate the United States from Israel, bringing up Hitler only gives the Zionists more support. "Oh woe us poor jew are safe nowhere and need our own nation.'
we need to identify the pillar of support for Zionism in America and destroy them.
Surely one of those pillars must be holocaust guilt.. and evoking Hitler is only going to exacerbate that.
Cheating a jew.
That's a news worthy role reversal.
I started today by fapping to a trap (after midnight) and falling asleep… when I woke up, I fapped some more.
I won an internet argument and victoriously watched anime.
Not your blog nigger. Polite sage for off-topic.
Avoided isreali products. Refused to tip a nigger. Scowled in public at two types of service chankoro, and one poo beast. Admonished a flaming faggot walking left up the right side sidewalk. Signed an anti-kike BDS petition. Watched a doc and a movie about Bernie Madoff, laughing at all the parasitical kikes crying about their lost shekels. Cursed aloud the Torah, the Talmud, the Noahide Laws and all the Rabbi's who ever lived or now live. Actively prayed for the total extermination of all Neanderkikes and/or Canaanites. Will try do better in future.
OP here.
I guess I am "Data mining".
But I am looking for things to do to free my nation from supporting Israel.
I'm asking myself and you.
What can I do?
Who supports Israel in America and what can I do to fuck with them?
How can I create awareness of the Parasite that calls itself "Israel"?
To be honest, all I did today was post this joke on every Israeli military video I could find on You-Tube.
Q: How many Israeli Soldiers does it take to arrest a child?
A: I don't know, but it costs the American tax payers 4 billion dollars a year.
forcing a meme? Maybe..
But I want to do something.
I have no problem whatsoever with Israel.
Why? Am I supposed to feel bad for the Palestinians or something? I honestly don't give a fuck about them, they're not my people.
I upvoted every anti-Semitic comment on the Daily Wire youtube channel.
Just filter the shill.
I don't give a fuck about the Palestinians,, but I don't want to give the fucking Jews 5 billion dollars a year in military aid to keep them down.
I think that matters.
always upvote anti-zionist stuff, it encourages the poster to post more and shows support.
Every little bit helps.
There's no sense in speaking on the issue, since it's even treated in Mein Kampf. The quotes were posted here more than once. I'm sure you're going to pretend you've never seen them.
UPC codes are said not to identify product origin. However a list of country codes shows that those starting 729 can be boycotted. Easy to remember when in a store "seven-two-nine, that's-not-mine".
I have a question, and I hope I don’t seem like a retard for asking, but if the Jews are behind mass immigration, then why are they themselves taking immigrants?
Are they really taking in immigrants? Or just saying they are? You know, when they bomb parts of Palestine they legally appropriate that land of Palestine. They hire Palestinian mail couriers to deliver packages (bombs) into Israel, after the "suicide bombing" they retaliate with air strikes. Read that appropriating land sentence again.
They aren't, user. They have a border wall.
They take a few for allies, cheap labor, and front-line troops.
How do I save this video?
Well I got an income now that I've started my first ever job as a courtesy clerk at my local grocery store. Soon I'll save up money to raise a family with my anti-israel fiance.
Anyone know if Hy-Vee is Zionist? I googled "HyVee Israel" but all the results are either Israeli Couscous product listings, or some newsfeeds about Hyvee doing something good, followed by the same separate story about Isreal bombing Iraq in 1981.
seems white
I'll be around here for a long time, and pretty much everywhere I go I try to drop red pills. It's a long term process undoing all the brainwashing. The best part is that it's incredibly gratifying when you take a braindead puppet and turn them into a thinking individual.
Good to know. One of the co-founders' names made me suspicious. Charles Hyde and David Vredenburg created the company, and apparently Mr. Vredenburg is not popular among Christian Zionists and crypto-jews. Plus, after some research, I found out Vredenburg is a 100% Dutch surname. That's a relief.
Low effort putin post. Thanks Alexei
raising based white children
I'm doing my part.
Major technical decision maker in a large corp here, proposals for business with Israeli companies generally end up in file13. On more than one occasion I have found it nearly trivial to create competitors to Israeli businesses based solely on their sales pitch. I can personally count something like 1.4bn in prevented sales.
Do you really want to boycott Israel?
What an insufferable rat. I did buy AMD and buy non Israeli products whenever I can so its something.
I look forward to seeing what happens to this smug fuck when the Zionist government collapses.
Smoked weed, played vidya, ate junk food, shitposted
Someone redpill me about kosher certified products. Do kikes make money in any way from these? I realized lots of stuff I usually buy is actually kosher.
Yep, some satanic priest walks through the factory, they pay him thousands and they get to put the symbol on their cursed products. If you don't have it they try to torpedo your company in some way.
They make money on the kosher cert itself.
Yeah they make money. It's even worse here is a more in depth video bitchute.com
I realize Peta is as scum as jews but still gives you overview of jewery
I woke up at 14:00, made myself a bagel sandwich, sat in front of my computer aimlessly and bored, then had salmon and green beans for dinner.
as long as you're keeping kosher it's all good.
My bagel sandwich had ham slices in it.
Drank imported Jewtin vodka all day while laughing at powerful stories of top goys in the most kosher parts of the military.
A great way too redpill boomers is too use their anti-communism, pro-christianity, and patriotism too our side. Also a great way too redpill normies on Kikes is too show the similarities in Judaism with Islam such as the Talmud talking shit on Jesus and Christians and supporting pedophilia.
I make audiobooks
not once, but twice you made this grammatical error. you're actually a dumb nigger brane
We need to make them were those silly lil ninja stars again
This is the most important thread here.
The United States must separate itself from Israel.
Israel must have it's nuclear weapons taken away.
Because very soon Israel is going insane.
Israel is going to build the 3rd temple, and name a king in the line of David.
I shit you not.
Damn it /pol./
This is your finest hour. When you save humanity.
A tiny minority has influence in the United States.. and it then supports Israel..
It must be stopped. They are going to Nuke us all after they build the Third Temple….
Watched some good porn
I've got two plans. One is to make a text to voice podcast about the destruction of Jewish supremacists, the other is to find fag facts, or Jewish supremacist facts, and take stickers and leave them everywhere. Anyone know of good, quick, non boomer Jewish supremacist facts stickers? I can print my own,but I need something short and succinct. Thanks all.
the gall of these cuck faggots to try and chastise an elder. truly a fallen generation. God bless this woman.
Inspiring Epstein conversations whenever i can and provoking left, right, and centrist into thinking on why gods chosen rats are always at the center of these horrific crimes while raising notice to their abuse to their victim complex.