$2250 at the cheapest, to be precise.
Having a company Zig Forums is actively participating in the development of allows for it to appeal to the specific prepper/survivalist audience that boards like Zig Forums and Zig Forums possess, along with broader public appeal to ensure the resulting revenue is high enough to keep the company afloat on its own merits.
Surprisingly enough, it can be - sheet metal construction is production-wise the only way to make a gun more cheaply than polymer frames and Zamak castings.
This is way too fanciful, not to mention completely illegal. Zig Forumsacks having access(as employees) to warehouses belonging to the company would allow them to acquire the guns as needed during SHTF and would actually be legal. Remember, we want legality here.
I appreciate the LARP, but you do remember that Zyklon B is actually still made as a fumigant under the name Cyanosil, right?
In certain states stockpiling is rendered effectively illegal due to regulation(Cali, NY, etc).
Well, fully automatic weapons are certainly something that can be a gamechanger during SHTF. Zig Forums in comparison to Zig Forums is admittedly a bit anemic in giving a response - first version of the thread over there's still dry. I'd certainly like to see Zig Forumsarms become a thing.
Technically you could purchase them in the US and bring them across. Or even alternatively get the CAD files for an AR lower receiver and mill a 100% lower out of it. OR alternatively 3D print a lower(there are several 3D printed lowers in ABS that have been proven to work for a few thousand rounds at least).
Closest thing to a worthwhile combat-usable black powder gun that someone can make is a Kalthoff repeater or a revolver rifle. The former is extremely complicated to make(have seen one broken down before, and you'd need to copy an original weapon as a template, which is nearly impossible), and the latter would essentially require stockpiling cylinders for use as 'magazines' that could be quickly removed and put in the gun during combat.
Flamethrowers appear to be legal in Canada. There is no prohibition or restriction on them.
Doesn't mean you can't be involved, my guy.
Good thing this company idea isn't illegal. Send me an email sometime, might have some stuff worth looking at.
$325 max incorporation fee + $150 Class 7 FFL($50/year) + Class 2 SOT($500) + ITAR fees($2250) = $3125. A bit less than that. The profit made could be surprising even if the products were sold for $100. You would need insurance, certainly, but could also help mitigate this by providing an intricate disclaimer. Also, in the latter case, as said, shoot them.
What are you saging for, user? Not even TerrorOP.
The goal is to both create a company that is self-sustaining and to provide Zig Forums with guns in the event of SHTF. While this may not necessarily be the best at either(a more standard firearms company being best at one and home manufacture being best for the second, it is the best solution I see that can cover both aspects.
A single individual cannot engage in commercial manufacture of firearms without going through the hoops. As well, even if it was just semi-auto stuff, the fact does also remain that your average Zig Forumsack has no clue how to manufacture a gun at home. This system again covers both sides of things.
I'm still here, you dumb nog. Sorry for not being able to keep eyes on this thread 24/7 like a fedposter.
Zig Forums starting a gun manufacturer allows for manufacture of guns that can then be sold to Zig Forumsacks legally, sold to the public legally, and stockpiled legally for access in the event of SHTF.