The west needs cultural and religious Renaissance of enlightenment

For those of you who know of western world history, the age of enlightenment was a movement in the western world in Europe and North America thought the entirety of the 18th century where great emphasis was placed on science, technology, innovation, philosophy, arts, social attitudes, and even politics, some things that came out of it I would say we're good and while others were completely unnecessary (such as individualism which ultimately evolves into narcissism).

Right now the western world is a decadent cesspool of debauchery and degeneracy, the women are shit that are whores before they even get married and they're racist against white males who are young and skinny (they don't even want kids unless it's with a colored guy), homosexuality has become de jure acceptable since the 60's and pederasty is slowly and partially becoming acceptable as we see with drag queen kids, the west had abandoned Christianity in 1054 AD when the Catholic Church split from orthodoxy and western Christianity became a sodomized meme of actual apostolic Christianity with post 1054 AD Roman catholicism and Protestantism. The culture of the western world after 1517 AD with the Protestant movement had become, in my opinion, bland, dry, and ugly and we see this within our architecture, style of clothing, the way of building cities and towns, (some) music, and of course capitalism, the only hints of beauty in the modern west we see of beauty and grandure only exist in video games and media.

I (somehow) propose that there should be a cultural movement of a better enlightenment of oppulent emphasis on technological progress which I don't see has been happening for a couple of years (when was the last time you witnessed technology that impressing or innovative recently?). An age of oppulent enlightenment that reverses the cultural depravity the western nation's have suffered for hundreds of years that gave us ugly buildings, music, clothing, etc. I want an oppulent enlightenment of the Christian culture of the west and America by abandoning the heathenry and cuckoldry of Protestantism and post schism Catholicism and allow the Christian to be either eastern or oriental orthodox Christians, by doing this not only do we have a more oppulent and aincient form of christianity but also gives western white and black people a culture without appropriation (look at Byzantium and orthodox ethiopia and orthodox Russia and their arts and architecture). All this while respecting other dignified aincient religions and to the irreligious as well.

I believe in this hypothetical greater enlightenment of the west that there should also be an emphasis on a change of social etequit and morres. Women for example should be taught at a very young age that there's more to life than getting what you want all the time or fulfilling your urges whenever they pop up so she doesn't become a dumb thots like 90% of all white women in the modern age, they should be taught at a very young age that they should learn responsibilities that builds their divinity and character and duty to a higher purpose than just getting whatever they want whenever they want without meditation. Social morres and attitudes towards children should also change, you cannot hide violence and evil from children in this world even if you minimalize it, if you have to teach children the concept a death at some point in their lives than you should also teach them other things in this fallen world otherwise they will have warped mindsets and become just a bunch of leftist faggots when they grow up.

In conclusion, this most likely will never happen seeing as how hedonistic and individualistic the west has become that it is now eating itself and leaving the rest for the third worlders, who will also succumb to western degeneracy. The only way I can think of to ignite this is if there was unclaimed land somewhere around the world where it can be habitable for humans and plant life that a nation can be created with these ideals and form a country that puts these ideas into practice.

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Without removing mud people from within your borders none of this is going to be possible. White nations aren't shit because we lost our way or moral prerogative; they're shit because we imported brown, shit, people and now they make up a large portion of the population that's only getting bigger.

Well then in that case we will have to resort to terrorism against niggers and our own self hating cucked governments, but no white person in the western world has the balls to do any act of terrorism because he is afraid of going to prison or drying and not being able to enjoy his favorite past time of jerking off to black guys fucking white girls on

The LAST thing the west needs is kike bullshit like imaginary mental tales. Religion is a cancer used to control the masses.

No argument here, that's spot on.
Pierce lays it out absolutely perfectly in The Turner Diaries (if anyone hasn't read this yet, I honestly can't recommend it enough, it sums up our entire dilemma), and it mirrors talking points from Rockwell. As long as the fence-sitters have a television, or a fridge, nothing is going to make them pick a side and do anything.

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We need ethno-religion like the Japanese have Shinto. Time to revive Wotan.

We are seeing the beginning of it with the rise of paganism/traditionalism/etc. Just as the Renaissance was a return of mostly pagan ideals, so it will be again.

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This is why Folk Dance should become an important part of society. Folk Dances not only spiritually link us with our ancestors, but it teaches children healthy gender roles. Men lead, women follow and support. Folk Dance celebrates the best aspects of both men and women and brings out the natural dispositions of both.

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Those "religion free" examples are satanists you negroid.

I get so tired of these thinly vield christcuck propaganda threads trying to tell us to "accept jesus kike and all the jews will submit and stop being evil".


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I don't think this is as much of a problem as you believe. The average American is not doing well presently, and I certainly can't see it getting any better. Sure they're not about to lose their fridge or television, but when it comes to more important things like home ownership and stable full-time employement it's not exactly looking good. We should also keep in mind that at the time of Rockwell & Pierce the average American was doing unusually well. Those few decades post WWII were really fucking good, people enjoyed a high level of material prosperity that absolutely hindered the efforts of those guys. They were swimming against strong currents the entirity of their political lives. But it isn't like that anymore, things are shit and get worse every week.

Believing in something can and does make it so. Want Christians to uncuck themselves? Meme it. Want atheists to accept objective reality instead of liberal delusion? Meme it. Want jewish villagers to die off like flies in Minecraft? Meme it.

no it doesn't.
just as much as if i dont beleive my chair doesnt exist, doesnt make it suddenly disappear. same as

shoo shoo jew, you are not awakened

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I can make you notice that religious people are evil nihilists.

Religious people who want their opponents to be surveilled can sometimes achieve their ends by raping children. Nobody supports children being raped. Therefore, surveillance opens up. Yet if someone is being evil only to create a surveillance need, they can abruptly stop being evil once they get their desired surveillance, and just in time for no evidence to be collected they can deny that they ever were evil at all. The planner’s exit right is imperfect, but strong.

This is one of the reasons why I don’t like religion all that much, and struggle against a desire to squelch it completely. It’s also one of the reasons why I got pissed off at leftists getting suckered into supporting systems of political surveillance.

>>Zig Forums


I got sexually harassed by a false archivist. Today, for the first time, I understand a sense in which I’m glad it happened. A feeling that I expressed then now makes sense to me - I understand better what I meant when I said something that nobody understood at the time.

I think this post encapsulates why I succeed in holding my hostility to religion in check. Not everything happens for a reason, and not all reasons are good, but I think religion helps people achieve comprehending insights and hold their life in a useful, reasonably pleasant perspective.

I mean, I got there without religion as such, but I’ve years of study in psuedoreligion.

These anons get it. Fuck the Jews and their mind poison for the goyim pretending to be religion.

The enlightenment is what got us into this mess in the first place you stupid satanist.

An evil priest who stops being evil at just the right moment can then rack up years of perfect behavior on record. They can be seen far more readily because of what they denied doing, and in subsequent “perfection” they can win people over to their denial of having done it. Once those people are won - once the surveillance has been entrenched and made friendly to the faith - it can be turned against the enemies of the faith.

It’s all narcissistic garbage. We should protect privacy. We can’t save every edge case, and ramming a metaphorical sharpened cross through the hijinks of sadistic planners is very satisfying.

Ahh, the eternal pedofascist.

can anyone get my image yet?

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God, half a gram of truth in a kilogram of misdirection. I think I gleaned an actual policy stance out of that, plus a jot of aesthetic commentary as a bonus. Should I put it to the elder beat so the audience can clap along?

i dont understand do you want me to help you with the timeline or not. its dated. i figured its common sense as it is to me. but your making no sense. probably just you're a shill

im getting your referring to the stance on don't speak about news as it makes people do things that are on the news? as in censor it and it won't happen? not true just organized crime but i bet u disagree with that since you couldnt state your take.
i bet ur next step will be to argue that someone is inferring something on you you didnt say but you saying it is admission of guilt. tldr ur busted cianiggers fuck off

if you mean 'another age of enlightenment', it would be better to say we should complete the age of scientific enlightenment that gave us success in physical sciences but not social sciences and apply the natural laws of human nature to the rule of law
read propertarianism

thank you OP. Googling east orthodox christianity now

From "The Enemy of Europe" by Francis Parker Yockey (1948)

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Cultural movements are results of the people involved in them. To say you want a second enlightenment movement is to say you want everyone to be European. Manufacturing a pretend movement for people who don't understand it and inevitably won't participate is retarded. If you take a group of people predisposed to painting and put them all together you will have an artistic movement. If you take a group of people who are predisposed to science and put them all together you will have an enlightenment movement. If you take a random grouping of every race on the planet you will have nothing of consequence because there is no common consensus and only profiteers who can peddle the basest human instincts en masse will be validated.

This is rebranded 'exoticism of the other' simply demonising Germanic Christianity (Protestantism). It's the same twisted ideology behind most liberals. Protestant nations had very advanced and varied cultures, and whilst not as gaudy as Catholicism produced many great works of art and architecture. Just look at England, Germany, Scandinavia and North America.

The renaissance was funded by (((16th century italian))) banking cartels, and the artists and writers of the time were children of those same elite. Take a look at any of their family histories and self portraits.

Nearly every philosopher involved with the enightenment, was also involved with the Haskalah. My opinion is that the banking elite funded these writers to direct society in a very particular way.

Both took us away from our natural selves.

If yoi're gonna use the word kike, at least learn where it comes from, ya cunt.

The ice giants, trolls and dwarves of old were thinly veiled descriptions of cavepeople who hoarded gold and were slilled in metallurgy.

They are still around, and whats more, they are the same evil Christ and many other gods around the world have pledged to defeat through the ages.

I’m kind of pissed that religion keeps taking down transhumanism with the simulation hypothesis. It’s like, sure, let’s just submit our whole potential to the obeisance to unseen invisible overlards, that always works out. Do we want to pray to the invisible aliens who run this abusive garbage planet in Heavenly RAM? And oh, what a ready excuse it gives us to never reshape our bodies. The invisible overlards gave us these forms, why do we expect to have any other ever?

Superstitious ninnies keep mistreating rationalism.


You made an error. You said, “ every race”, but races only define potentials in the minds of psychotics, sociopaths, and slaves. I think you meant, “any race”. A random grouping of any race on the planet would tend to support only the “basest” instincts.

Universal things like space travel and farming, I expect. ;)

Racism is actually an ancient technology for controlling serial killers by focusing them on a disfavored other so easily distinguished from the favored that even a soul as chained to its failings as that of a murderer can adhere to the distinction.

Racism is more part of African and South American culture than it is part of European and North American culture due to differing rates of homicidal losers in society.

Ironically? People in hot climates where they can be out and about all day may actually be more lonesome than people in cold climates who need shelter or else. Maybe there is in humanity a substantial invisible minority of insular people who have plenty of ability to make connections with people when sheltering from bad weather, but who tend in perfect weather to go about their business without a word, thereby also becoming undersocialized.

But I know I’m just shooting the passing clouds for violating my airspace here, don’t mind me. The breeze feels nice. I suppose I should be glad we don’t shoot breezes anymore; the great god NS has spoken, and defined the limit of our literacy.

I know nobody around here is actually honest enough to understand trying to speculate about the world without tardraging at it and bawling because a world of concealed weapons isn’t kind enough to conform to every brainless demand, but maybe I can remind people that a better way exists. We can collaborate.

In that spirit, I recommend restoring some of the critical thinking exercises to public school curriculums. I was taught young to see the world in shades of grey - before the phrase was ruined by a shitty book, but moreover before standardized testing destroyed untestable critical thinking exercises. A few of my grade school lessons involved being challenged to list both good and bad things about… er, subjects chosen by the teacher, sigh. I’m not gonna claim that’s never gonna go wrong. It’s a very “participation award” kind of thing when done right; the purpose of the exercise is not the conclusion but that it can be performed at all, and to learn therefore to think about the world in a mixed +/- kind of way (a mixed plusses and minuses kind of way).

People for whom all things collapse to one feeling good or bad are people who change like the weather… and they are people who can be broken to fanaticism. There’s a lot of that in this space. It contributes to the ubiquitous dishonesty and general difficulty adhering to the discussion of politics.

PS the perfectly reciprocal ethic includes privacy because certain darknesses are a necessary part of constructing an eternally operable computronium environment for extremely intelligent immortals without periodic culling or having them all get bored. I know how it can be done.

Christianity was the poison that eroded the customs, culture, beliefs, genuine spirituality and societies of our ancestors, allowing for all the degeneracy to take place after it. It was the original decadence, preaching universalism, slave morality, and obedience to a Jewish god (and thus to his people by extension), incorporating many heathen elements and corrupting them beyond recognition, making people eventually abandon them entirely in favor of Jewish materialism. Which was what the Jewish authors of the Bible had planned in the first place.

I rest my case

Orthodoxy is the most retarded version of cucktianity, they believe that the more you suffer in this world, the more d-g loves you.

Social etiquette is for people who have no substance to offer.

This is true, but no jesuits and other spiritual Jews should be allowed.

We are reaching peak clown world when the most ignorant, irrational, superstitious imbeciles portray themselves as champions of rationality. Just because you have supplanted one false god with another, doesn't make you any more reasonable.

Transhumanism is the same scam as Christianity, based on the same principles, offering the same rewards for the same type of behavior. Pretending otherwise is highly (((dishonest)))

Rationalism (ratio) is about inherent relations between the points from which everything is made, implying a higher order, (genuine) intelligence and beauty. Meaning that most potential is entirely irrelevant garbage, the only thing that matters is the best actualization possible. And the white race is the highest actualization of the divine ratio on earth. One of most important characteristics of preserving the higher actualization is rejection of the lower states, and elimination of all the garbage. This is the basis of the most natural, divine hatred of subhumans and everything ugly, irrational and irrelevant produced by them. Of course, a low IQ leftist rat could never accept that, and is bound to give up what little inherent divinity it had for delusions of unison and equality that defy the natural order. Until it devolves back into the primordial slime, the state of no-thing that it seeks so much, too weak to resist it's gravity, waiting for the transhumanist messiah to save it from physical death, to resurrect it in it's fursona body, so it can explore all the (wrong) possibilities endlessly, without ever reaching what is right. Because it lacks the capacity to tell the right from wrong, ugly from beautiful, actual good from actual evil.

There are many such sad and pathetic creatures out there, but this one decided to copy-paste the talking points of it's masters like a good slave pet, annoying the few people who have any reason left in this increasingly insane world. Trying to abuse them with it's idiocy and ignorance, not because of self-deception induced sense of superiority, but rather, because of an inferiority complex triggered by knowing, deep down, that Zig Forums is right about pretty much everything.

Could you recommend any books? Just generally any important books you would recommend.

Fuck off unless you have anything of substantial value

Start with Pythagoras and Plato. At least their basic premises. Make sure to avoid various "commentaries" as kikes and leftist rats have mostly perverted their teachings. Also, read about teleological evolution. Everything strives towards it's best possible actualization, which is why whites are considered most attractive and most desired, and have objectively proven to be the best race in known history. Of course, there are many variations in nature, but there is a core axis where you are either more or less evolved, it's not random (this was just an observation made by people too stupid to understand emergent order), it's literally a gradient similar to the le 56% meme (when it comes to modern humans at least). The more nonwhite you are, the more subhuman you are, this is the ultimate fact of nature. Whites are not peak evolution of course, they were supposed to further speciate into even more refined and beautiful races, but kikes are trying to prevent that by dragging everyone down into the racial mud under the pretext of slave morality (of which egalitarianism plays a huge part). Race is also highly important for the development and differentiation of an individual, so few individuals of the other races who are -less- subhuman are completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. They can be preserved (and eventually integrated) of course, but for that to be possible, we would need to cull the great percentage of their races. Otherwise, everyone will be devoured by the racial poo.

The "enlightenment" is what got us into this mess in the first place. We don't need to go back to that crap. What we need is Jesus Christ.

Want to supress fags and jews? The Church has been doing that looooooooong before the prots ruined everything and created the modern world. Want women to return to their traditional roles? The Church has out thm in their place looooooooong before femenists scrambled their brains and gave them (((rights))).

Zig Forums the sooner you realize that the only way to save your race is through the body and blood of Jesus Christ, the sooner you will know peace.

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The catholic church did little while they were in charge to get rid of the kike problem for good, because they always believed that they would convert to christianity during judgement day. At the very best they were occasionally expelled by local lords while the vatican protected them from being killed.
The western churches had more or less ~1000 years(say from 500 to 1500) to get rid of them, and the only thing that happened is that they got stronger and more radicated in Europe.

No. Fuck off, loser.

whites were doing all of those things loooooooong before the jews created the marxist cult of jesus christ for the purpose of destroying rome. fuck off

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When we're talking about voluntary importation, which is different from invasion, then it is in fact a sign of a distorted morality and the blame is traced to the whites who are willingly pushing "refugees welcome" "diversity is our strength" propaganda, and worse of all they're forcing this worldview on their children.
This is why education is key. If you get rid of nonwhites but you fail to educate your own people, and instill this education into your culture, eventually there will spring a generation of whites who "cry for slavery" and develop a perverted sense of empathy that makes them cater to their people's enemies.

I'm not sure that's ever been the case.
These migrants have historically been forced upon us by (((fellow Whites))). I don't believe there's ever been a case of mass importations of foreigners where the majority of the natives have accepted, or encouraged, the invasion with open arms bar very close racial ties (say intra-Balkan movements, and even then it's testy at the very best).

I do agree with your point about education though. Indoctrinating children through the public school system is definitely working for Jews.

There must also be a genetic component, you can have two people exposed to the same type of brainwashing and one will eventually realize that there is something wrong, another won't. Low IQ, lack of intuition, defective selection mechanisms, there could be many biological factors. Whites who fall for the universalism and "compassion" memes and are unable to get out of it when exposed to the truth should be culled as well. Empathy should be reserved solely for the one's own race, but one's own race should be cleansed of defective elements in order to secure it's survival. Some people are biologically programmed to be cucks. They should be eliminated first.

< Want atheists to accept objective reality

We want the religious to accept objective reality.