For those of you who know of western world history, the age of enlightenment was a movement in the western world in Europe and North America thought the entirety of the 18th century where great emphasis was placed on science, technology, innovation, philosophy, arts, social attitudes, and even politics, some things that came out of it I would say we're good and while others were completely unnecessary (such as individualism which ultimately evolves into narcissism).
Right now the western world is a decadent cesspool of debauchery and degeneracy, the women are shit that are whores before they even get married and they're racist against white males who are young and skinny (they don't even want kids unless it's with a colored guy), homosexuality has become de jure acceptable since the 60's and pederasty is slowly and partially becoming acceptable as we see with drag queen kids, the west had abandoned Christianity in 1054 AD when the Catholic Church split from orthodoxy and western Christianity became a sodomized meme of actual apostolic Christianity with post 1054 AD Roman catholicism and Protestantism. The culture of the western world after 1517 AD with the Protestant movement had become, in my opinion, bland, dry, and ugly and we see this within our architecture, style of clothing, the way of building cities and towns, (some) music, and of course capitalism, the only hints of beauty in the modern west we see of beauty and grandure only exist in video games and media.
I (somehow) propose that there should be a cultural movement of a better enlightenment of oppulent emphasis on technological progress which I don't see has been happening for a couple of years (when was the last time you witnessed technology that impressing or innovative recently?). An age of oppulent enlightenment that reverses the cultural depravity the western nation's have suffered for hundreds of years that gave us ugly buildings, music, clothing, etc. I want an oppulent enlightenment of the Christian culture of the west and America by abandoning the heathenry and cuckoldry of Protestantism and post schism Catholicism and allow the Christian to be either eastern or oriental orthodox Christians, by doing this not only do we have a more oppulent and aincient form of christianity but also gives western white and black people a culture without appropriation (look at Byzantium and orthodox ethiopia and orthodox Russia and their arts and architecture). All this while respecting other dignified aincient religions and to the irreligious as well.
I believe in this hypothetical greater enlightenment of the west that there should also be an emphasis on a change of social etequit and morres. Women for example should be taught at a very young age that there's more to life than getting what you want all the time or fulfilling your urges whenever they pop up so she doesn't become a dumb thots like 90% of all white women in the modern age, they should be taught at a very young age that they should learn responsibilities that builds their divinity and character and duty to a higher purpose than just getting whatever they want whenever they want without meditation. Social morres and attitudes towards children should also change, you cannot hide violence and evil from children in this world even if you minimalize it, if you have to teach children the concept a death at some point in their lives than you should also teach them other things in this fallen world otherwise they will have warped mindsets and become just a bunch of leftist faggots when they grow up.
In conclusion, this most likely will never happen seeing as how hedonistic and individualistic the west has become that it is now eating itself and leaving the rest for the third worlders, who will also succumb to western degeneracy. The only way I can think of to ignite this is if there was unclaimed land somewhere around the world where it can be habitable for humans and plant life that a nation can be created with these ideals and form a country that puts these ideas into practice.