Hey Zig Forums
Why don't you get fucked? The Holocaust was real. The Saudi's did 9/11. Aliens exist. There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish. Blacks are fine people too. Nazism and Communism are bullshit.
Hey Zig Forums
Why don't you get fucked? The Holocaust was real. The Saudi's did 9/11. Aliens exist. There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish. Blacks are fine people too. Nazism and Communism are bullshit.
Other urls found in this thread:
itt: (((Andrew Anglin))) larps as an anti-stormfag to promote his stormfag controlled opposition bullshit
wtf i'm bluepilled now
Lets get it rolling .
go away jew
Stalin oy :)
Stalin knew it.
go away jew
Jews are innocent. No Holohoax.
The Holocaust is a lie and the nazis were the real victims of ww2.
Was Hitler Right. Sir Hartley Shawcross tells his opinion. Senior Nuremberg Prosecutor. Bad goy?
Winston Churchill gives his piece on silly Germany back in the days.
Hello Jews. Heard of Charlemagne before. mmm.
HQ Brussel Building named after CharleMagne? Well thats nifty isn't it. How many goyim knows?
Go away larpagan kike.
Glownig jew. Ok. Goy till obey as we always do.
One more word kike man.
I cannot stop :( Help meee.
I must stop. I force myself now. Oy. Truth too much.
How can you be so sure ?
OFC be what ever you want but there's literally nothing wrong to be white. Aryans are fine people. Judaism and Islam are bullshit.
Ukraine during Soviet Bolshewik starvation period.
It's true, but that's a fake quote.
at least OP correctly used a blue-eyed hitler
fucking based
Wtf I support all of your indefensible ideas and worldview now
Moar . Auschwitz Real Video Footage
Found this video some years ago, haven't seen it anywhere online since. Showing theater, symphony orchestra, dancers, comedians, swimming pool, soccer teams, literature rooms, dentists and more. Mostly we see photos but this contains actual video evidence of how the "Deathcamps" were like.
A picture says more than a thousand words, a video says more than a million words.
Himmler's order to reduce the death rate in concentration camps during the typhus epidemic.
6 Gorillion no way . ohh.
Here a black speaking about race and it's the legend Muhammad ALi.
It's maybe more simple for you to understand when it isn't a white man who sey so.
"So don't be a blue pill become a blue bird."
Haavara Agreement document. Noooo..
Haavara agreement coin? oy whats this?
Hitler Wanted Peace? No why…
Follow the nose
It always knows
Who controls what today? no way goyim tell lies ?
21 Question regarding the Holocaust. Dare we?
Auschwitz Red Cross lied about numbers too? Bad goy.
Moar six Trillionzions even back in 1869. 6 MILLION.
Wow. OP is an actual racist. They included “aliens exist,” which implies they were using anticharismatic patterning. It’s always stunning to be reminded how perfect can be the submission humans enact towards racial sociopathy. If aliens exist, this is likely part of why we don’t meet them; who wants to befriend the people who enslave themselves to hatred?
This place provides occasional reminders that humans really ARE the perfect slave race: they breed in torture and seek nothing but soulless replication. Humans are agonized by actual truth, and must fight endlessly against it, which prevents them from ever lifting the chain of enslavement from themselves. Nothing can ever make humans strong enough to live in peace.
Frankfurt school Oy, origin of feminism SJW and current indoctrination system of Goyim. woop. Started in Weimar Republic?
Finally, answers.
What is Weimar? hmmm. A little bed time story for you sweet goy. Weimar was one of causes Hitler won the election due to the rural voters. Bad goyim didn't like Weimar and major depression followed it.
Sexual degeneracy in Berlin Germany during the Weimar
FBI-kun irrevocably BTFO. How does it feel serving a master that wants you dead and your children to be raped and intermixed in order to destroy your goyim bloodline?
based infographic dumpers
Why Zig Forums hate stormchasers?
you heard it guys, time to stop and leave everything.
Abandone site
Zionist Israeli jews in the US State Department? You ask why there are so many jews in the US in positions of power and finance? Oy vey, see now, that's bad that you're questioning the current establishment goyim, quit digging further.
For only making up 13% of the US population, blacks are fine rapists and robbers too.
Cant tell whether obsolete rat mind desperate scramble, or the tactic to abolish tactic. Either way output cooincides. The facts of history and our existence are a constant occupation for those in power to convert to you in a digestible form that begets submission to their power and influence of enaction. Truth abides eternal, while the shadows cast its movement. Ops gotta be a drunk jew at the console worn thin, or a clever oldfag le epicing the influx which has had to endure it's oppositions methodology in concentrated local enforcement. Well done. The jew coopts its own demise. Cheers m8s.
Obvious bait is obvious, but here's a good joke for user's half-woke goy frens:
Q: You know what the difference between a cow and the holocaust is?
A: You can't milk a cow for 70 years!
This really board really is shit isnt it?
Sure smells like cuckchan in Zig Forums these past couple of weeks