Made this some time ago in the hype of the esoteric kek thing, its a shame how it all went to a cringefest.
Now im doing the Lower Arcana since I have some free time, I will fix the Trump Cards next week also.
Tarot Of Kek
Other urls found in this thread:
I collected some of these thanks.
How long did it take ?
Great work, i remember this from back in the day. Stuff like this proves that there are people with talent amongst us, and in order to have a successful political movement, having good artists is a must, just look at Italy.
what happened to kek?
I dont remember, the Trump Cards took me like 4 months but I did them when I had free time, and since now I have some weeks I could start working on the new ones and fixing the old ones.
Yeah I had a lot of fun im trying this now
I will upload them here if anyone cares, some people asked me about donating and I didnt wanted to miss the chance to do something about this
Went IRL and was consumed by autism
38 cards in total? I thought a Tarot deck was more.
Great work by the way, just curious.
Im currently working on them, just wanted to see if you liked them.
I was thinking about those times, NYT used some of my pepes and called me a nazi.
Also in this video at 00:36
Shit forgot the link
whatcha sliding moshe?
Just because a bunch of unfunny unenlightened plebians misunderstand esoteric Kekisim doesn't mean it's not valuable. Love this set
78, 22 major arcana 56 minor.
Go back to kikechan.
Much like. Very cool.
11/10 work op
these are awesome. which ones are trump theme though? i was expecting to see the good old teflon don himself
The named ones are called "Trump Cards", they have nothing to do whit Trump, they where called that a long time ago.
I also used the Raider Waite Tarot as a template.
I liked the word play. Trump Cards, Waite, kinda silly I know
lol i knew the answer was gonna be something that went over my head like this. keep up the good work