Magnitude 6.9 earthquake hits Southern California
It’s happening again, lads, but even larger!
Will it finally fall into the Pacific and save America?
Magnitude 6.9 earthquake hits Southern California
It’s happening again, lads, but even larger!
Will it finally fall into the Pacific and save America?
Other urls found in this thread:
it was a 7.1
It was a misread apparently, at least according to the article:
very well
i didnt feel anything
OK, so the last thread on this, from last night, got deleted in 15min. I don't know why. I may, or may not, like to know why. Regardless, let's see what happens to this one.
I am of the position, that quakes and earth movements are vital information to distribute. I would prefer that, say "all USA quakes > 6.0" be distributed, regardless of narrative.
let's start a timer.
wtf, mine’s different
Jewish mods don’t want real news in the catalog
Did you feel yesterday’s? Or are the media making up fake earthquakes now?
I guess the big question is, does this relieve stress on the San Andreas fault or does it eventually trigger a larger quake in the LA area?
they're still happening right now. Little aftershocks every few minutes are shaking me bed
rolling for tsunami
didnt feel shit bro
Nothing will happen major earthquake-wise until 2029. That is when the Agarthans will re-emerge from the center of the Earth per the prophecy said by the King of the World. These earthquakes are directly related to their activities within the Earth
The shakealart (((app))) has now failed twice in a row. 100% fail. I wonder how many millions CA spent on this bullshit?
wrong type of quake and wrong location. For a locally produced tsunami in california you would need one caused by the ventura fault or one close enough to the coast and big enough to cause an underwater landslide elsewhere. These quakes are even a ways off from the big fault everyone fears, the San Andreas.
Whenever [desire to know more intensifies] + [geothermal event], higher energy yield is found here. His info is laden, and quite connected so as to demonstrate possible bigger threads. Repetitive, but honest and genuine.
I live in CA. I fucking hope so because I'm always praying for it, unfortunately nothing ever happens.
I’ll roll for you, fren
just now, wow!
this one was shallow at less than a kilometer above sea level while the other one the other day was at 10km (35k feet) depth, this is more or less the intersection between the garlock and walker lane fault systems
lets see the kike mods delete this thread
re fucking roll
His maps, his info, his totality view, are unsurpassed. His mania is of Mankind, and I grant credit.
We all need to roll here, this has to happen
Dutch is a shill/scammer, fuck that guy.
there is no moment tensor yet… they are probably cooking up a fake one that isn't all blue
my mom watches that faggot, her faith in him is based on youtube never banning him
If Commiefornia falls into the ocean, Trump and the GOP doesn't have to worry about losing any elections for a while.
I cannot rule this out.
But I can say, there is more information and angles explored. Mania, admittedly. But better than the rest. Regardless, time will tell us more.
Until that until, please specify direction?
are you blind or retarded? do you even know how to read the globe?
there was no globe a minute ago nigger, wow so clean!
it's in slip strike fault territory what do you expect? This isn't a subduction zone quake
Felt in San Luis Obispo, unlike yesterday's.
Liquor was swirling about in bottles on shelf.
there is now
felt in Germany confirmed.
funny that ridgecrest is also the whitest, most god fearing, right leaning city in california. cohencidence?
rolling for merkels slow painful death
oh shit nigger what are you doing
If dubs we Yellowstone nao
Earthquake machines are real, it’s possible
Some plans were washed ashore by the dune waves. Uncharted fluidization.
and the quakes are emanating right there from the china lake naval weapons base hmmmm
Zig zagging faultlines are not uncommon. The Blanco transform fault on the juan de fuca plate for example has the same zig zag break pattern.
Now that and the shallow quake depth is worth considering, not this well poisoning horseshit
ahhhh my old hometown good old 805. fuck those piece of shit gestapo motherfucking cops arresting anyone and everyone for anything. fuck them all. fuck all those corrupt kikes who corrupted my fucking home. i hope every last piece of shit in the SLO court system is gassed to fucking death along with all the MS13 cock sucking pigs who traffick drugs and children up and down the I5
beautiful land hate the people who run it. fuck california in general. glad i got out of that fucking hell hole. bet youre a polyfag. if you are - go home.
Oh GOD. I Better call my Rabbi.
it's not on that fault line
So whose fault is it?
Boredom; Response taken out of context; Why so serious? Can not the lay people determine that the plans were in fact not put their by a giant dune tsunami?
you have far more faith in your fellow man than I do user
The Jews’
wanna know how I know you're not white?
It has been wavering near -9000 for quite some time. But tonight seems like a good night. I don't know why.
the bitch is possessed by a demon and slowly losing control of her body to it.
well fuck i hope the winds blow all the ash onto the west coast and kill all those commie shitskin faggots
Can it set off yellowstone? Are the Russians and Chinese with their earthquake weather machine going to finally save the world from the muttening?
Well fuck.
It's been upgraded back to a 7.1 by Caltech.
Magnitude 6.9, and this is only the pre-quake. As for the big one,
Let it happen.
Catalina island presents an especially frightening scenario. The cliff faces of the island on the side facing the coast of the main land are known to be VERY unstable. If a undersea quake caused a third of Catalina to slough off into the sea, the coast of Long Beach CA and points north and south would be quickly hit by 150 foot plus tidal waves that would destroy everything for many miles inland. It would be unbelievably devastating! It's a scary and VERY REAL problem!
My pool went all rumbly and wavey up in Norcal.
meh. Nothing a lttle Flex seal couldnt fix.
im white. come from a low income family. raised myself on computers put myself through a 2 year at cuesta. they target anyone who isnt some rich faggot from the bay or L.A.
they specifically go after locals. want to know how youre not from the 805?
I've landed a plane on that island a couple times (shit airport btw, and you have to pay to land there) and I don't remember seeing any massive cliffs. Well shit, I just looked up the highest point and it's over 2,000 feet. I guess the aerial view doesn't do much favor.
cuz I'm a rich faggot from LA
well, I was raised that way anyhow
the quake for that scenario wouldn't necessarily need to be undersea, but you would need heavy rains for juuuuust the right amount of soil liquefaction. Also, the tsunami probably wouldn't be 150 feet and it probably wouldn't go more than five or fifteen miles inland at the worst. Very specific coastal topography would be required for a 150 foot inundation, similar to some of the enclosed bays in the japan quake. Else where it would be much lower and slower.
exactly and id knock your boogie faggot ass the fuck out if you came around grover. go try mongos and act hard like you do at the library DTB and all that shit. shit - just try walking into mccarthys and act hard faggot.
hate you faggots go back to your hell holes
Can we arrange some sort of violent public resolution between you two?
LA FAGGOT : 10/1
You really have no chance.
i am very very far away from commiefornia now days. fuck that entire state it is a stain on my name.
rich boy go to mccarthys and talk shit tonight. talk about how youre so badass cos youre from L.A. and watch what happens
I don't think it's related but power was out here across the continent for 6 hours. Last time I remember power being out this long was more than a decade ago when it was out for like 3 days in the summer.
This is good.
Keep on praying. It sounds gay but praying is a form of magic and the energy you output into the world can manifest itself into reality if it is powerful enough.
USGS and CalTech both confirm, this earthquake was in fact a 7.1 magnitude, and have upgraded the quake back to original estimate of 7.1.
How bout you meet me at the boxing gym and we work it out the right way?
no rules, but none of your faggot "boys" and no weapons.
If 805 doesn't get to fight 805-wise, I'm going to re-do the odds board. Just sayin.
im not even on the same continent anymore. i abandoned the USA 5 years ago after college because i knew it was all going to shit.
Please go bust a gook in the face then. I need to see you draw blood. I'm all ready for it.
plz user
That's rude. The neoliberal, kike-loving zionsits will probably believe that.
This could be an amazing boost for USA. All the Hollyweird pedo-jews, all the homeless drug addicts with mental illness, all the progressive social justice twits and all the illegal immigrants crammed into one place at one time and all it would take is one 9.0 quake to wipe them all off the face of the earth in a single shot. Can you imagine how amazing it would be to live in the USA once we are freed from all those cancerous people? I have a doom boner so fucking hard right now.
9.0 is too merciful for those childfucking retards
Yes lets ignore the fact that they will all start leaving their containment state and spread out to infect other states.
It's not a 9 and magic, fantastical scenarios that solve all your problems aren't helpful to your mindset.
that's a funny way to spell abatement user.