I'm absolutely sick of seeing this bullshit occurring in every major American city. What can we do to prevent this from occurring? The politicians literally don't care or don't want to touch the subject since they don't want to be labeled racist.
Philadelphia in a Nutshell
…Imma murder me some niggers.
Oh boo fucking hoo don't go to where niggers are unless you're willing to lay down your life retards. This shit is why we enslaved niggers in the first place and why we have a right to bear arms so it's only your fault if you're too weak and pathetic to do anything about it
>(((cities))) getting what they deserve
Good, (((cities))) are by definition anti-Aryan
It's as if the niggs know what we want and they carry out our will without a hint of effort on our part.
Carry on niggers. Carry on!
People should play AOD to get some idea about keeping yourself safe. Go to the slums and get rolled by pedants with bronze daggers if you aren't looking after yourself.
You'd maybe be better considering the possibility of overthrowing the goblin kings and warlocks before you attempt any minecraft remodeling. Otherwise, they will just rebuff them and heal faster than can be compensated by common DPS.
Who took my trips?
Earthquake confirmed as high DPS aftereffect of Meteor Shower.
Ah shit. Forgot the comma.
Imma, murder me some niggers.
Imma is my minecraft characters name.
idiot it was the jews who enslaved the niggers.
blond street walker goes from smug to shocked. dumb bitch.
No it wasn't faggot, it was proud white men cause nigs are nothing but retarded cattle and should only be used as such. The kikes are the ones who freed them
Slave owners, like modern wealth owners, were disproportionately Jewish. Please go learn history, lurk for two more years, and then come back.
That's where you're wrong, bucko.
Proud white men as in the Jews?
politicians, police, dindus
poor behavior must be punished
always carry a gun with you wherever you go. if you cannot, carry a boot knife and tazer or spring open knife and mace. proceed to blind the nigger and stab out their eyes or throat. stab repeatedly until they stop twitching. then cut their head off. in self defense.
over 40% were jews and roughly 15% were niggers themselves. jews made up .7% of the total population, so pretty much every jew had a slave
Okay, so if you want to do anything about it, don't say a fukken word on the internet, don't care how many vpn's or tor's you think you're hiding behind. Don't tell a fukken soul what you're going to do or what you did. People will see what you did, and they'll know what to do.
South Street belongs to niggers , the only whites stupid enough to be there are out of towners that don’t know Northern Liberties, Fishtown is the place to hang without getting blacked.
And the fucking hilarious thing is the neighborhood is filled with yuppies that do all the leftists Virtue signaling all day on Social Media , then at night they want to be nig Free.
That’s Philadelphia
Exactly there are no political solutions left, anons and even some of the higher T normalniggers who have been fucked with are probably starting to run pranks right now.
Best to avoid areas like this, but if you do make sure you have a high cap mag and a backup, as well as a flashlight. A car and a plan to get out fast are important, as is a charged cell phone with quick access to call.
Based niggers. South Street is full of faggots, skanks, trannies, drugs and other degeneracy and the nigs are cleaning up and reminding whitey that degeneracy is only for niggers
Well the first Talmudic school of the United States was founded in Philadelphia in 1866 which is also the year of the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The building of this Talmudic school was overseen by Freemasons, particularly Benito Juarez who traveled all the way from Mexico to meet with his fellow Freemasons to see the coming of Rabbi Marcus Jastrow who would be the leader of this Talmudic school.
Lynchin time.
Oh niggers.
Simply kill your lo… I mean, file a complaint with the local government. Or file a complaint with the local mafia. But I'm being redundant here.
Probably what nignogs were thinking too hmmmm
carry a gun at all times, and open fire on those niggers.
get a good lawyer, you might get out of it. we are talking about a riot type situation here. plus fuck em all. these niggers need to get killed.
Larry Krasner the District Attorney in Philly is a Fucking Soros stooge (1 Million Bucks paid to his campaign) along with his BLM buddy that got him elected.
Be white , shoot a nig and get Hate Crime added.
Only Nigs are allowed to shoot nigs in Philly
tell white girls to carry around a can of bear mace. when they start screeching and circling the girl like chimps, hose them all down and run. It doesnt matter how illegal it is to spray a nigger with bear mace. the idea is you arent going to be there by the time cops arrive. the suspect is going to be described as SUM WITE BISH
Don't you remember when Zig Forums opened fire on a pack of niggers? Even though it was around 20 Blacks to 1 White with a pistol and the attack on the White man was unprovoked, he still is doing time in prison.
BLM even accused the Cops of allowing this attack and sued the Police Department. Still the Cops and Courts threw the book at the White man who was defending himself while the Cops saved the lives of the Black men who were shot.
In before people prove me right that no one will ever do a goddamn thing about this
These shills aren’t banned.
hey kike
Thanks for proving me right.
I remember that. they were trying to say he went there with a gun to incite violence and provoke the niggers to attack him so he could shoot them. Being white and asking questions means provoking an attack, I guess even the system know niggers have no impulse control so we are supposed to just distance ourselves at all times.
Next up, when white women are raped by niggers, they will just say she provoked them.
Honestly the best thing to do is for a large enough group of whites to take over a big part of the US and declare independence. The US is dead. If we cant fix the US, its time to leave it.
Hey Jamal. Kill yourself blackpill nigger
No, but you’re great at proving me right even when I tell you what to say to expose yourself.
100% accuracy rate. You have been exposed yet again.
I want to get away from this shithole of a city.
The fuck are you talking about. You just proved me right. You said exactly what shills always say in response to calls for physical action from the right. It’s the opposite of a blackpill. You fell for it, dumbass.
Home is where the heart is.
declaring independece is running away from problems? oh hot shot, get in the government and fix it :^)
or better yet, do anything, faggot.
Kill yourself you filthy jew cunt.
There is no peacefull solution
Stop whining and start shooting
One day it will be too late
There is no peacefull solution
Stop whining and start shooting
One day it will be too late
There is no peacefull solution
Stop whining and start shooting
One day it will be too late
There is no peacefull solution
Stop whining and start shooting
One day it will be too late
whites don't need niggers to do work, only jews need workers.
You have been exposed. Deal with it. No one takes you seriously.
yes, faggot, lets concede an entire street of a major american city. The nigs only come out on weekends, and there are decent people who live in the surrounding blocks.
If anyone is based, its the family of that Asian girl that got beat. Her family is not only SEETHING but organizing with other families to get rid of niggers. The white girl at the end who bowed up after getting bloodied has parents who live in the suburbs and have no understanding of reality.
Yes, I live nearby and the idea is to be passive on the outside, but firm inside. Direct violence is not the answer, but rather working hard for yourself and strategically forming alliances with other based white people (surprisingly easy in south philly). There are whites here who know to avoid blacks, but they all live in the city and not in high rises in center city, either.
Is Zig Forums really this fucking stupid?
South Street has been dead for over a decade, its glory days as a place for people of all types to go ended.
I have no clue what people are even going there for anymore.
And fishtown/norflibs arent the safe whiteopias people think they are either.
Interacial couples everywhere, gangs of nigs walking around looking to rob the drunk hipster faggots polluting the area that roam off the main streets.
The areas that are the "new" alternative south street will suffer the same fate as the original.
That place originally wasnt a place where niggers showed up in any measurable numbers.
The people who kept it that way got old and the next gen just swallowed the multicultural agenda and let their numbers grow untill it became a spot for niggers to be at.
It's everywhere.
Or you can move to Bridesburg where niggers fear to tread
Niggers been making South Street there home since Greek Picnic days of the 90’s
“You got this lion, he’s the king of the jungle. Huge mane out to here. He’s laying down under a tree, in the middle of Africa, he’s so big, he’s so hot! He doesn’t wanna move. Now, the little lion cubs they start messin’ with him, bitin’ his tail, bitin’ his ears, he doesn’t do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him, coming over making trouble, still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this, and they start to move in. The jackals, hyenas, they’re barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes and eat the food that’s in his domain. They do this and they get closer and closer and bolder and bolder, till one day…that lion gets up and tears the shit outta everybody, runs like the wind, eats everything in his path, ’cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals who he is.”
The only way to stop it is ethnic cleansing, but you dumb fucking morons won't do anything about it. You'll just be replaced over the next decades. Stupid fucking goyim, you're already dead. Prove me wrong. You won't.
Ugly sheboons attacking asian and white women because they have nicer hair.
Dont be a fucking nigger doing shit like this unless you want to be fucking shot, or see your fucking life ruined by our manipulation. One way or another you niggers lose, PERIOD!
Shut up you dirty nigger lover
No he's right, if you're still attached to the American ideal you can go back and try and save it from the mud. It's time for something new and untested, the founding fathers ideals failed and were eroded by the inhumanity of their own posterity, who were willing to trade Heaven for a taste of Hell. If people can't see that it's time to cut the losses and for a new band of philosophers to write a new Nation into the books, then Humanity may as well forever remain dormant and Brazilification begin in earnest worldwide.
You don't even know what that word means.
Way to out yourself as a jew.
Great job not even reading what was written, dumbass.
Kill yourself.
How in the fuck can you read a story like this as an average white person and not want to do something about it? Fucking Christ man is there no light to be found anywhere? The rate of destruction only accelerates.
This video is heavily suppressed in anything jew owned, reddit, philly.com billypenn.com etc
honk honk
You seem to realize that "posterity" is used in the constitution, so why haven't you made the connection that the constitution was literally founded on the basis of white nationalism? Did you not make the connection between for us and our posterity and the fact that the founders were white? Go look at the Naturalization Act of 1791 and tell me this country wasn't founded on racial principles. The problem wasn't the foundation. It was that men tolerated evil. Tolerance is never a virtue. Patience is a virtue, but not tolerance, and they should not be conflated for one another. Polite sage.
Go fuck off reddit
You learned the wrong lesson. Those retards bragged about committing a crime on Facebook. That's the only reason they’re in prison. Keeping your mouth shut is the only lesson to be learned from those idiots.
Unless you live in the city there is no excuse to not get a permit. Otherwise in the city it's still guaranteed to get, just a few time consuming hoops to jump through (money order only, passport photo etc).
The asian was the only one that had some sense she saw it coming because she wasn't race blind like the other two. That's not to say any of them deserve a bunch of animals loose from the zoo attacking them, but seriously if you know dangerous animals are on the loose in the area you change your behavior.
You see some nigger with a phone speaking loudly with a following walking in your path you do what you can. Double so if you're by yourself since these cowardly apes only try and act bold when they're in a group.
The biggest failure the last 3 generations of parents is not teaching their children about blacks before they go to college. Whites who instinctually know this already rarely fall victim to this nonsense.
I don't think they actually intended to having to use them, which was the real mistake. Never include firearms in whatever you're doing if you're not prepared to use them and accept the consequences. 20 years ago they probably could have done all this even with the video and got off because judges and lawyers still somewhat did their fucking job manipulating the law like that. Now days its pure political theater.
Still remember that though. Was a fun night back in those days.
Historically accurate, easily verified, and well-said user. Sorry about the near miss quads though, would've been salient.
If the news publicized all the black kids attacking white teachers in schools there'd be an ethnostate.
It's an easy trap to fall into post-WW2. I think it largely comes from the Anglo morality that's turned into a cancer the past couple centuries on the white world. Morality is too fluid and was therefore easy to manipulate by jews and like minded traitors.
Even though Hitler and the Nazi's addressed a lot of issues plaguing western civilization over the past couple centuries it was far from perfect and in fact not yet of the mind in ripping the disease out root and stem across the board. The sad simple truth is that the failures of the time you live in always stem from generations of past weakness and you can only hope that at the very least should you attain power you will do what needs to be done no matter the cost to yourself, image, or legacy so it can be a shining example for all time. That's the difference between great men and average ones. Our founders and 10 generations after had the chance to do the right thing on the black problem and they were inept. I hope they are in a space and time where they can see what their actions or lack thereof have done for future generations. Even if it isn't the responsibility of a single generation to consider so far in the future. One thing stacks on top another and that's the lesson of history.
you gotta be dumb as fuck to see a group of violent niggers and still walk towards them
that asian was attacked, said "what the hell", then turned around making herself entirely vulnerable
it's like humanity has lost their common sense and survival skills
Lib gets ass kicked by niggers randomly
White pill?
Looks like feral monkeys just busted out of the zoo.
Offer them the free kfc chicken wings to beat the traitors.
The population is too much for our exhausted Mother Nature so she turned the common sense and survival skill switch off to reduce the population.
That’s not going to work out very well for you.
Yeah, cause it's totally Koreans causing all of this.
Imagine if a group of White teens were doing this to Black people. The media would go fucking insane over it. They would never drop it. It would be national fucking news. But the victims were White and Asian so who gives a fuck right?
You should have a second identity, it’s not difficult to get the ball rolling. First thing is a birth certificate, not hard to forge if you can find the paper.
It's on world star and has half a million views and over 8000 comments. They are doing the dissemination for us.
Fight back, or be a pussy who complains on the internet and won't go further than suggesting making memes or making the media call a corporation or hand symbol "racist" because doing anything at all is what "feds" do.
I was thinking about how you could do something like this in the states that allow illegals to get driver licenses.
Forging a utility bill would be cake.
Having them run facial recognition on you and matching your real ID would not be cake though.
I don't give a fuck. I left Philly over a decade ago. Philly went over 80% Clinton. They're all left-wing cucks, and they deserve everything they get. Urban whites are not a part of my in-group.
Marxists don't have any humanity. They're post-national, post-identity drones.
Didn't this just happen last week but at a North Face outlet IIRC?