Memes against Israel

I had the idea of doing a series of memes resurrecting Scumbag Steve to represent our greatest ally.

Need help with the images and stuff.

Thinking of short pithy comments that will help people realize how much Israel sucks.

Attached: scumbagsteve01.jpg (225x225, 6.38K)

Other urls found in this thread: Prime Ministers Terrorists Nakba.htm

Sinks one of your ships.

Blames Egypt.

Attached: scumbagsteve00.jpg (600x604, 39.5K)

Does joint military research with United States.

Sells the tech to China.

Attached: ScumbagSteve.jpg (1820x1024, 136.46K)

Receives more foreign aid per person than any nation on Earth since 1972.

Isn't poor.

Attached: starving africans.jpg (488x330, 41.36K)

Has Apartheid State.

Call you a bigot.

Attached: israeli-718x437.jpg (718x437, 56.38K)

Wants war with Iran

won't fight in it.

Attached: Isreal flag.jpg (544x380, 881.92K)

Hates Nazis.

Behave exactly like Nazis.

reddit plz leave

Attached: 85409d43753f285762b6aef06d332eec05aeee4354526c6c9194ffdcf4de1cbf.jpg (473x345, 39.59K)

Does this guy doubt the power of memes?

ridicule is a powerful weapon.

Survives Holocaust.

Does Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine.

go away reddit

im voting palestine 2020

Claims to be only democracy in Middle East

Doesn't let Palestinians vote.

Condemns Terrorism

Famous for using assassins'

Created by UN resolution.

Spends next 70 years violating UN resolutions.

Demand reparations from Poland.

Know Poland was occupied by Nazis

Cry about holocaust.

Make own war criminals into Prime Ministers.

Link for those who didn't know. Prime Ministers Terrorists Nakba.htm

Start Six Day War

preemptive defense

Attached: offend.png (600x604, 428.04K)

Well done.

Could you do all the ones we come up with?

For the cause?

Attached: hitler needs you.jpg (600x350, 24.95K)

Claims to be discriminated against

Belongs to privileged class;

this one may require more explaining for normies.

Lies about Nazi Genocide.

Genocides you.

(Extra bumpo) Is a good thread. Needs more pic related, and rat faeces.

Attached: images.jpg (232x217, 5.59K)

Yeah sure, gimme a sec

The red text is hard to read though.

Blue better?

Attached: apartheidbigot.png (600x604, 422.85K)

Attached: sinkship.png (600x604 425.82 KB, 426.15K)

White text, black outline is the internet default usually/

Kicked outa his place, let um crash with ya, invites all his bros as well

Attached: wariran.png (600x604, 371.95K)

Attached: cleansing.png (600x604 372.64 KB, 360.23K)

Builds a huge place and blocks your great view

Also blocks your permit to add another level to your own home.

Pissreal wall refrence.

Begs for millions in aid for "defence"

Uses it to kill civilions

That's it for now

Attached: assasins.png (600x604 379.9 KB, 380.08K)

Claims they are protecting there home

Puts pissreal flag in your yard and shoots you for invading


Claims western worlds xenophobic

Requiers own land to be majority homogonus

Nice idea OP.

Attacks you for not dealing with global atrositys

Attacks you for questioning there own

Attached: Stop using the internet..jpg (939x960, 51.35K)

Demands equal representaion

Attacks you for speaking on youre own behalf


But its really a team effort.

Together,, Tonight,, Zig Forums has created the "Scumbag State" meme.

Let it be spread across the Interwebs.

Semites massacre Egyptians and tyrannically rule Egyptians. Egyptians rebel and retake their country from Semites. Semites then write a story about how they were oppressed and forced to live in another land which was easier to massacre and tyrannically rule nearby.

Attached: semitic nation wreckers.mp4 (640x360, 4.24M)

Advicates for lower class
Abuses lower class the most

Demands benifits for all
Dodges taxes to not pitch in

Advicates for peoples rights
Supports forced marrage groups

Advicates for expression
Funds cencorship of expression

Those old "Nazi Hunters" TV shows are a goldmine of true jewish feelings and actions. Right there in the shows you can see Mossad agents explaining how its fine for jews to enter into a sovereign country and kill one of its citizens and then leave because they feel he did bad things to jews.

The shows even went a step further if you can find some of the early uncut episodes where the producers interview family members of the "Nazis" that Mossad has executed and the family members routinely say their dead father couldn't of done these things.

Attached: more_democracy_there.mp4 (480x360, 2.5M)

Your heart is in the right place but those memes suck.

There is one correct font for memes such as these and that font is Impact, usually in uppercase, in white with a black outline, which can be implemented as a drop shadow of distance zero with large spread (semi-blurry outline).

Many online generators have tools (first pic related, there's also, but you also can use desktop software such as Photoshop, Gimp and others.

On another note, I think the "top text bottom text image macro" meme format is not as good as the israel ball meme, but at least execute that one correctly if you're going to.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1200x675 96.89 KB, 602.7K)

Not about Moses and the Pharaoh.

It's about the USS Liberty.

If you don't know what that is, look it up.

Attached: naom_is.jpg (745x1000 260 KB, 291.14K)

God you kike retards suck ass…

What the hell is that?


Attached: scumbagisrael.JPG (522x604, 201.44K)


Attached: Jews - Its Pathetic Goy.jpg (3440x5040 3.01 MB, 2.87M)

Fucks sake these creatures really are just a race of fucking Skaven aren't they…

If you've got a link for that, post it.


Lol, it's literally just the Bible. The Egyptians give shelter to Joseph, who then covertly takes over the country. Eventually the next pharaoh gets into power & "muh Holocaust for no reason", ie making them slaves ensues. They then poison the land and sabotage it, blaming it on their Demiurge. Seriously, that's just the books of Genesis & Exodus. Actually reading the Bible should be a MASSIVE redpill on these people.