My recent interest in Paganism has lead me to Varg and his videos. So I went over to plebbit and checked out the Thulean Perspective subplebbit. It is a black pill orgy… all they talk about is the unavoidable extinction of the human races within ten years.
Why is does this phenomena not intersect with Zig Forums?
The Varg question
Other urls found in this thread:
How is it a black pill ? first of all he does not talk about the extinction of the human races but of Civilization which is not only good but necessary for our survival.
I'm not sure you understood Varg.
I am not talking about the establishment/system losing control, I am talking… we all go extinct and the earth ends.
He is a survivalist for very good reasons, he is not talking about the extinction of mankind but about the degenerates who will not survive the collapse.
Does Varg actually say that? Post timestamped link for context if he actually says that.
Let me explain. I have watched some of his videos and I get that he is a survivalist and believes the subumans will not survive the collapse, I agree.
What I am trying to say is that the subreddit is full of people that believe the world will end due to ecological disaster within ten years so there is no point being a survivalist or a National Socialist for that matter.
I obviously haven't been clear, see
All his videos are mostly gone, YT gave him the boot.
I too used to be obsessed with Varg but after realizing the sheer effort he goes through to censor his comments and turn his video into an echo chamber it turned me off a lot. Now he's disabling his comments on bitchute as well.
He's mostly correct about most of the things he says. However anything of value he said long ago and now is repeating the same stuff over and over.
I don't know the subreddit, never been there, but seems to me that they are completely crazy or stupid.
I have a lot of respect for Varg, but for some unknown reasons his videos attract an ASTOUNDING amount of Brazilians or mestizos, almost all comments are made by mestizos, that is a turn off for me.
This is the thread I am referring to but I saw it come up in others as well.
I come from a leftist background that had be very depressed and black pilled to an eternal degree, so I unironically found reading this shit very triggering.
Why would a man burn multiple churches but not touch a single mosque or synagogue?
It would be easier if the first world wasn't so full of cucks.
Ditto. Same issue I have with Brevik. I understand the whole "if you only have one bullet go for the traitor" thing, but attacking your own is just tasteless. I guess he sees churches as a corruption of European values (paganism) but burning a church is just bad optics and accomplishes nothing of value.
Having a large white family is his biggest accomplishment, and that shouldn't be such a rarity. Pump some future natsocs, aryan bros.
the varg's worldview is entirely different from Zig Forums's, and I'm glad both movements exist. we need diversity of throught against the hordes of (((mordor))).
Water shortages in Asia are predicted to get increasing bad over the next decade. Parts of India and China the demand exceeds capacity already, that's only going to get worse as their population grows and reserves drop.
Not sure if that's what varg is talking about.
He was a satanist LARPer in his teens because he wanted to be a faymoose black metal boy.
That actually sounds great, I hope they all perish.
They all believe they know more than anyone else about ecological destruction and that we are all done for regardless within ten years. Acidic oceans, mini ice ages etc etc.
Varg is resonable.
Engels was white.
He wasn't a satanist, he said it himself, all theses "satanic" stuff on Burzum was to shock the public.
I don't think it would be that quick outside of MAD, super volcano, meteor strike or some other global catastrophe. That could happen, but the worse cases I'm aware of deal with the cascade effect of limited water on agriculture, stock, sanitation and so forth. The follow on effect from that would of course be war as nations compete for water reserves.
The idea of a global or Asian regional carrying capacity is speculation, even if it seems grounded in reality. That crisis, if it emerges, could provide opportunity, especially for white nations that have a history of dealing with catastrophe.
I was gonna say Varg seems like kind of a faggot, but now I'm too busy laughing to care.
How many mosques/synagogues were there in Norway in the early 90s?
He is one of the few who understands European native religions and is actually walking the talk, which is why he got increasingly popular and why youtube banned him.
And he's not talking about the end of the world, but the end of civilization.
If you're interested in Paganism I'd also suggest Odelsarven, The World Tree and Carolyn Emerick Norðfolc (talks too much for my taste).
What you experience on reddit, is a symptom of reddit cuckoldry and their circlejerk of despair. It hasnt much to do with Varg or paganism, it\s just how reddit is, and youre a faggot for going there. HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS KEYBOARD IS PISSING ME OFF FUCING FOREIGN SHIT SYMBOLS AND WRONG BUTTONS
*or chans for that matter, with the exception perhaps of cuckchan these days. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE PARENTHESIS SYMBOLS ON THIS FUCKING RETARD KEYBOARD HOLY SHIT
They'll just "evolve" a better resistance to diseased water. Central Americans and Indians can already drink gallons of water that would give normal whites malaria ten times over.
This. It should happen rapidly and even then they are myriad and will probably prevail despite losing a hundred million // I DON|T EVEN HAVE HYPHEN WHERE iT|S SUPPOSED TO BE I\M DESTROYING THIS PUBLIC PIECE OF SHIT FOREIGN FILTH GOD DAMN IT
Yeah, but before that happens a lot of them will die off. Even if most of them manage to somehow survive famine, diseases and civil tensions or even civil war, there's still no way they'd be able to reproduce at such a rate they do now, not even close.
Until they develop immunity and then start again
Thank you.
I accept this.
Did you just shill for cuckchan over 8ch, you're a nonce.
Then we can deal the death blow in minecraft.
Imagine thinking Christianity is kiked when its the primary religion they try to eradicate
Imagine thinking that Jews trying to destroy a heretical Jewish sect is something a National Socialist would be interested in joining.
Kikes will tell you they hate Yeshuanity - but when did you ever believe what a kike said?
In reality, kikes neither love nor hate Yeshuanity - they do, however, understand that they need it to justify their existence as "the chosen".
Any other stone-age religion that identified itself by ethnicity has been wiped out - except for Judaism. Think - why is that? Because over the countless millenia they have their pawns (e.g. Yeshuans) propping them up as the chosen.
"My black pill is bigger than any BBC, mudsharks! Watch me insert it and get BTFO!"
Bet he and his fellower wankers believes civilization will conveniently collapse everywhere. Totally not going to be surviving pockets that will then conquer the rest.
Because then, the primitivist bullshit gets called out, you know. -)
Pretty sure China would survive, still have nukes too, their Empire have survived famines for +1000 years
Their lust for better genetics makes them forget that reproduction between males is not possible….
Look at a map of Asia. India and Porkistan will run out of water first.
Indians can drink worst than raw sewage without problem.
I disagree. You do understand that most of the dark races never were (and still aren't) capable of maintaining their large populations on their own? Without global trade system and foreign aid, their numbers go down.
This goes for all peoples of the world, but I think the darkies will get hammered the most.
That's how controlled opposition works.
so you know that why are you not setting something up,
Because they want to replace christianity with something more optimal for them. Like replacing a computer made in 1992 with a 2018 one.
The only path is the Turner Diaries one, as outlined by William Pierce, who wasn't a hazy tradcuck weirdo.
Varg is a strange guy. I listened to his music since the late 90s and still somewhat respect the man, but goddamn there are more and more things that piss me off about him. I won't talk about his regular spergouts like calling all people with brown/hazel eyes non-european or nonwhite, about his sometimes completely made up stuff about paganism or about when he went full retard, calling St. Tarrant a false flag because he "was a christian" and didn't targeted any synagogue. Nevermind the fact Varg himself didn't targeted any synagogue either and only burned churches. I won't even talk about him actively deleting and censoring comments on his old YT channel.
His message is mostly pretty good - go countryside, make a huge family and homeschool then, try to be as self-sufficient as possible. But here are my two biggest issues:
I noticed this with the North-West front that comes to Pol from time to time. Just leave the cities completely, go live in the wilderness, have 12 childrens immediately so you'll be busy for the next 15-20 years, far from the great majority of the White populations. Pretty sure that is a (((trick))).
Exactly. If any Anons doubts, I ask, how does Varg have the expertise to tell that such is not the case? How was he able to calculate the timing, extent, speed and full spectrum of consequences of the collapse and how it prevents that from being the case? He would need to know a lot on widely different topics and the capability to keep the big picture in mind to make serious, accurate predictions.
Remember. Expect gatekeepers. Expect shilling. Expect the hazy weirdos and the individuals that are uninformed, with serious perspective flaws that falls for the controlled opposition. Thinking things over is how you see through that.
I agree. The only thing you're missing is the cringe faganism. Despite the church burnings, the murder, his music (which sounded insane for the 90's), his prison escape, etc. - in the end it's really his obsession with Paganism that makes him seem a little nutty.
One last note - above all Varg comes across as vain. He really craves attention and the validation that comes with it. A more sound, logical version of himself would have laid low after prison. Instead, he pumps out videos very often that are tantamount to masturbation.
back in what? 93 or so I don't think there would be many mosques or synagogues in norway in the first place, especially in Bergen where he lived
Now, and this might seem insane, but I wouldn't take my philosophy from an actual crazed murderer. Just doesn't seem like a good source of information.
Because he's just an edgy retard.
There was an influx of muslims to Norway since the 70s, but not enough to make trouble like they do, when there are more of them. First mosque (big one, with minarets) was built in 1974 in Oslo, search says. Jewry is there for even longer obviously, synagogues were built in late 19th century. In Bergen, they had Jewish community since 14th century and synagogue since 1854. I think first mosque is there since 2004, but not sure, couldn't find anything more. So yes, somewhat, but not really.
it wasn't too bad in the past. the idpol started a couple of decades ago.
Sage, report.
Varg is a nigger
He is pretty much LARP.
Actually he says people with non-blue/blond hair and eyes have less European DNA which is perfectly true. Your strawman is bad.
Also, pic related
There's nothing at that subreddit except muh christcucks.
Citation needed.
yeah, you are correct.
He does not say that but that does not make it any less false. (at least according to genetic tests).
you don't need (((science))) when you are initiated into placentaic mysteries by his wife Marie(pbuh)
What do you mean citation needed? That's like me saying "the cloudy sky has less sunshine" and you asking for a source.
Original Europe was overwhelmingly blond/blue eyes (read Tacitus and others). The gradual push of shitskins from the south (non-Europeans) bred out those genes.
If you have brown eyes/hair it means your ancestors got BLACKED somewhere along the way.
Varg's main thesis is that civilization can and will eventually implode so that pagan forest people might once again make Europe great again. If you think about it, it's a lot like the Christian believe of requiring and armageddon so that the righteous can be carried up to heaven while everyone else burns in hellfire.
Yeah we need a percentage of whites who live in rural or wild conditions, but we also need cities so that we can produce modern arms and defend ourself from hostile races. The trick is to make it so that the birth rates of the rural areas are highly positive while those in city areas are slightly negative (which is naturally what happens). This way, most people are never more than a few generation removed from rural or wild life. Put another way, city behaviour isn't selected for.
yeah, let's read Tacitus
this is not even about a tribe in southern Iberia or something, but a tribe all the way in Britain
if snownigger dogs like you actually read ancient authors you wouldn't be saying this crap
this post is the reason why no one browses the shithole that is 8gag anymore
Golden opening, that image says everything succinctly. It is the end of the rabbit hole. Once you arrive here you have truly gained enlightenment and see the world exactly as it is, you understand why the world is the way it is, who broke it and how they did it. There are no more illusions.
Kek, like said, pottery. You were talking specifically about DNA, not about work of Roman historians. I wanted to see source for that. I would also like to see source for a claim which proves that brown eyes are purely non-european trait, while we are at it. Also put it greatly.
The sick who require medicine will also die painfully, like type ones etc.
Imagine being such a seething yid that you want (((scientific studies and research))) to prove to the goyim that brown features don't come from brown peoples and instead just spontaneously appeared in Europe overnight one day
Nah sorry Vargs theology is complete dogshit and his views on genetics are completely wrong
instead of demonstrating once again, as if it were necessary, how chidlish varg's and his minions's ideas are, why don't you propose a timeline of prehistoric European history and how exactly Europeans came to be in the last 500k-1M years?
I assume that blonde hair and blue eyes did in fact "just spontaneously appeared in Europe overnight one day"?
Cringey meme
Actually whites (blond hair blue eyes) are from another planet. That's the easiest way I can explain.
Also I love calling me one of "Varg's minions" when in this very thread I expressed that I'm not a fan and why I'm not a fan.
Come on, you can do better.
They are not a Proto-european feature for sure and every European I know with "brown" eyes actually has orange, yellow, or auburn eyes. All my Mayano, African, and Asian friends have black/brown eyes - no color.
As the Early Neolithic Europeans (farmers) migrated out of the snow-covered rockies of Anatolia (around 40,000bc), they populatd what becomes Illyria, what becomes Italia, what becomes Iberia, and those who kept on migrating up and around Iberian coast became the Cornish as they settled in what would be called Doggerland and, after the flood (around 6,000bc), the Celtic Isles. These people may have had brown eyes but they all became colorful (other than black/brown) as they mixed with the Proto-europeans who had blonde/blue features. They may have had darker skin tones but records dating back to bronze-age greece show they were ivory skinned vs the "blue" skin of the Paleo-europeans, who would be the Germanics, Celtics, and Slavics of the North Sea Kingdoms by the time of these records.
The birth of modern Europe came after the Ice Age (~10,000bc) as the skilled hunters (Paleo-european) mixed with the skilled farmers (Neolithic-european).
This is why the modern Germanic people are the biggest cultural threat to the jew, why the jew has weaponized the empathy of the Norse, and why the jew has all but completely replaced the Sudic people of Anatolia and Persia with Turks and Arabs.
Translation for three digit IQ people: I'm just making shit up on the spot because I have no clue whatsoever what I'm babbling about.
That's very varg-like of yours.
It's actually not true.
There is no citation, because all his videos got taken down. He says multiple times that Europeans without blonde hair and blue eyes aren't pure.
here comes the local tor schizo and his nonsense timelines once again
"farming" wasn't even invented 40k years ago
the state of this fucking board
Anybody with common sense would correlate this with the subversion of european countries. They are trying to sabotage and subvert our nations to access the raw resources we have to keep their parasite-subhuman horde growing. This cannot be allowed
user, are you too, from another planet? Did you arrived in cigar-shaped ships?
Once again, citation needed.
Like he ever posted some credible study or research though.
The Maternal Genetic Make-up of the Iberian Peninsula Between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age (2017):
Ancient DNA Reveals Prehistoric Gene-flow from Siberia in the Complex Human Population History of Northeast Europe (2013):
You still didn't posted sources I asked for. Posting unrelated sources doesn't really count.
Earliest examples of farming are usually ranging around 10-12 000 years back, not 40 000 years. And most definitely not in Iberia.
omg serius.
Melanin exist to lessen the exposure of the sun, which is why it exists in larger quantities in people in warmer climates and in lesser quantities in people in colder climates. Africans became darker because of exposure to the sun. Look at the bottom of their feets and their palms. What other source is needed other than logic ? wikipedia?
>The team, whose research is published in the journal Human Genetics, identified a single mutation in a gene called OCA2, which arose by chance somewhere around the northwest coasts of the Black Sea in one single individual, about 8,000 years ago.
This last statement is clearly impossible, since it would have been bred out lest for incest, which is what the jew argues happened bc projection.
Peep this for fun.
varg is a murderous piece of shit and you shouldn't be taking advice from him to begin with.
It was self-defense.
Even if you can successfully argue it wasn't self-defense, then it is inarguable that killing degenerate communists (face to face with a knife, no less) is something to be proud of.
Which does not inherently means that the brown eyes are exclusively nonwhite trait, let alone proves it.
Funny you mention it with reasoning like yours.
Murdering people is alpha as fuck.
Welcome to paganism and Varg is very black pill bud but really so is the religion. Death is nothing there is no changing your fate that the Norns laid out so you just accept it knowing that death is inevitable
The douche nozzle tried luring Varg to a room to shoot him he deserved it.
l m a o
these are the brainless schizos driving this board to the ground, I'm out of here
No appeals to authority for logic. Logic can't tell us about an archaelological artifact or specific genes. It can answer your question "are brown eyes a northern european feature" and, fmp, has. Look to any observable animal with white or other light colored fur or hair or eyes, they are from an environment and climate same as Europeans with similar features.
Maybe you are not familiar with the Ice Age. Please watch/read some Randall Carlson for good summary and sources for what happened. And, if you like fiction, read Graham Hancock's two books, as they also paint a pretty good picture. But the tldr is that most of the places humans lived before 10000bc have been flooded, caused by the ice-age ending and melting, or they have been covered, caused by the glaciers sliding across the land, so the sudden appearence of light features and farming in Europe at ~10,000bc is based on limited accessable history.
Remember that the earliest human found was a 20,000yo African.
Yes. If we count all the europeans who invented things the apes didnt (aeroplanes, cpu and all other inventions that bough man out of the caves) and I think you will find brown haired europeans did the heavy lifting. Tramsistor inventors (two dark hair one blond) etc. What we see if a European of any hair color mates with an african the children will take the IQ of the lower parent, totally destroying european extraordinary traits. What we see in europeans with any hair color is high IQ. This argument of having to have blond hair is not only a D&C for idiots, it lacks all empirical evidence and in fact is shown to be a fallacy.
The oldest known evidence for anatomically modern humans (as of 2017) are fossils found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, dated about 300,000 years old. Anatomically modern human remains of eight individuals dated 300,000 years old, making them the oldest known remains categorized as "modern" (as of 2018).
lit gas chamber.. ffs why would you go there? *
well you must understand Varg, above everything Varg is a troll.
Don't get me wrong here I love the guy and I understand him, I guess you have to be norwegian for this. Look the guy has spent his entire life being controversial, so the moment people start to you know, his views are getting traction
he will go
now I mean the opposite
well the thing is a lot of his shit esp older stuff, before all this internet crap, that's gold, but nowadays he is mainly just trolling. I give you this song as it's texted, this is lit scripture parts of it.
Again I love the guy, he wish he would go back to doing this instead
* and for you, reddit 3rd, 4th, 5th…. 6th millionth hand take on this, it just retards it self up the way there. And what has always plagued this is that people come in from a christian/whatever viewpoint and project their religion or idology on this this stuff
only solution is to read… read a lot, and this is very complicated, because of the use of ie kennings and other things.. it's coded, and to understand only way is to read.
so here you go, you got all the raw material in the world here, much got lost but just look at how much it is here.
so again, why do you have to read so much?
Because of cross refrences in modern words basically, you will never understand it at first go. you read a saga (yes you have to read sagas because a lot is preserved here) you don't understand, later you go back and go.. oh.. this is what that other shit ment
and just to stop one thing for all, Ragnarök is not armageddon, that is abrehamic projection… it's the next iceage, a reset. in the end it goes on there. Only two humans survive(not lit a "metaphore"), and from them a new and betetr mankind is born(we evolve again), and the fields sow and reap them selves(you today can see what this prophecy means, how could they over 2k years ago)
jews still aren't sure which way they are spinning this one either.
Ancient palestinians predating even the crybaby wall.
No nigger, you are again just yapping baseless claims. There are many examples of early farming and they are all ranging from 10-12k years ago. Most of them in Levant area and around it. Not 40k ago and definitely not in Iberia.
I never asked this question. I asked for proofs for Varg's claim about brown eyes an being exclusively nonwhite feature. Nonwhite, non-european, not non-nordic feature. Stop pushing the goalpost.
It is not logical. The fact that melanin works how it works (on human skin) in the long term does not even imply that brown eyes are exclusively nonwhite feature. Mentioning fair fur on animals is straight up retard, user.
Isn't Omo human oldest anatomically modern human found?
Btw you wonder why Varg actually knows so much?
well he was interested in this before too, but when he went to prison, he spent a lot of time in library there, to the level he actually learned old norse…
why I know this? I know several inmates that was with him there (small country, you have no idea how many people I know or know through proxy)
and he always a smart kid, but he didn't want apply him self he wanted rebel instead. this guy also lived iraq because his father worked there, so I not know this, if he speaks iraqi fluent or if he just knows common stuff. he went to school there
in highschool (I have been told) he got all top grades, which is hard here very hard, without putting in an effort at all
Vart os a lunatic, I just watxhed a video where he says the french are not european! I think if left for too long Varg will come to his own conclusion: that HE HIMSELF IS THE ONLY EUROPEAN LEFT.
The Jebel fossils are 300kya while Omo is only 195kya. Hell they even found fossils in China dating 2 million years.