I would like us to discuss why Africa is backward. As far as I know...

I would like us to discuss why Africa is backward. As far as I know, the first man to have arisen on the African continent. Before the arrival (man) on the territory of e.g. Europe it took several thousand years, so Africans should be developed a few thousand years ahead of other human races, but it happened the other way round, and the indigenous inhabitants of Africa together with a group of Australian Aborigines and tribes living in the rainforests of the Amazon are among the most backward human groups on Earth.

Why native Africans havent been able to form a functioning civilization after several thousand years ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Modern Africans are a different hybrid than real humans.

Africans have an unknown certain ape type ancestor that scientists don't know yet. I'm not even joking, look it up.

Nope. Already been disproven.

Attached: Hybridization.jpg (1280x2048 4.32 MB, 263.73K)

Oh yeah, i should have wrote that too, but i thought that was obvious enough, fuck you op, do your homework.

I don't mind spoonfeeding the newfags on occasion. But yes, OP is a faggot who needs to rewrite his entire fucking worldview.

Point being: Our ancestors didn't come "out of Africa" and develop upwards – some segment of that from which we came went INTO Africa and became the idiot nigger that we know today.

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The obvious answer: jewish slavery ripped the black race forever apart, at a point where they were millennia behind other races in terms of any advancements, and threw them into "alien" civilization they could never mentally adapt to, without skipping most of the natural progression everyone else had. Like for example; you can't teach empathy from a book, it requires a natural progression over a long ancestral line of moral indoctrination.

The most realistic answer that humans will never accept because they are all mentally unhinged hedonists: they are just different. Not in any way better or worse. Just different, because inside this ecosystem each and every part has a different job to fulfill to sustain the entire system for all. But like I said, mankind could never admit to this, without facing the wrongs they've committed under the lie of being self proclaimed special boys who judge everything top/down in a purely hedonistic and thereby self destructive way.

That's simply not the case. I once believed similar, but frankly, no – some organisms are simply more complex in function than others. To deny this would be to suggest a mouse is equal to a man. Just as a mouse is inferior to a man, so too is a nigger.

This does not necessarily suggest justification, in an objective, generalized sense, of employment of superiority/inferiority paradigms - however, it may be used as evidence for the logic behind identifying such in specific areas.
For example, while one might identify a great dane as 'superior' within the context of its strength in killing, say, a deer, one might identify a dachshund as superior in entering a badger's burrow and fighting it to the death, thus a generalization claiming one superior to the other might be viewed as flawed; however, if one's intent is to examine a specific comparison of a given trait or traits in that context of such, it is entirely possible for one to prove superior to the other within such context, and the summation of such comparisons might well be used to rationally justify a more-generalized judgment in such a vein.

Jewish slavery certainly fucked the niggers up, but frankly, their environment harmed them far more – it was too kind, too easy to survive therein, an absence of strong selective influence with regard to traits which make generation and maintenance of advanced civilization possible.

Did the anti-Jewish propaganda do brainwashing to you? Why must there be some ideologically obsessed idiot in every subject saying "this is all the fault: "Jews, Masons, BILDERBERG GROUP or any other ILUMINATES"? After all, the OP did not even mention the Jews.

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That is the self destructive hedonism I was talking about. Equality is not yours to judge. You pulled the right to judge others right out of your fucked up mind. The only judgement comes from nature, which judges only the outcomes of all our actions. How suicidal is it to make a moral judgement about the worth of different parts of an ecosystem? Do you judge your pinky finger because it isn't as useful as your index finger? If you chop your pinky off the rest of your body (ecosystem) must adapt to that loss, that's nature judging the outcomes of your actions. A human, a mice and a stone all have a different function inside this system, and all these functions have a purpose to sustain the entire system, that sustains all your existences.

Looking down on, exploiting and destroying parts of the machine that sustains your existence is suicidal madness, and it's all because you fell for hedonism, when you thought you can just make up justifications for your bad actions, without getting the negative consequences later on.

Well, in this case, it literally is the case.

Are you retarded nigger?

My post was outright saying that jews fucked up niggers but they were NOT the cause of them being retarded, which was their environment. But then, you never cared about that to begin with.

Yes it is.
The fact that I have a mind gives me that ability.
Who said anything about morality?
Animals do it every day.

But then, this is is just a shilling thread. I see that now.

Have you been paying attention to whites and capitalist societies? Also the war criminals and Zogbot who walk free?

There is no such thing as the jews, it's a front for a bloodline corruption that acts parasitical to the human race. When humanity started to exploit and destroy their own ecosystem for short term benefits, while ignoring long term benefits, they became, in the biological sense, parasites to their host. Nature dictates that the host must fight the parasite off or kill it to survive. Fast forward and one of the many negative consequences of mankind's parasitical behavior is another parasite inside humanity, using their traits against them to leech them to death. That's the jews, a counter virus, a natural antibody, created by this ecosystem to put a stop to the parasitical behavior of mankind, in an attempt to save itself.

How is that for a conspiracy you foolish imbecile?

its another one of these episodes eh?

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No it isn't. Natural law dictates the rules, you are the participant. If you don't follow you have to face negative consequences. We are not in the saddle here, bucko.

No. You were also given common sense, which are natural instincts tied to the moral system of the laws of nature. It's a compass to navigate between positive and negative consequences, and you fell for the natural temptation to misuse your consciousness and make up false justification as to why you ignore what common sense told you.

Me. Because every judgement we make is based on a moral construct given by the laws of nature. it judges between two fundamental opposites, which for humans are life and death. No matter what action you take, the consequences will either sustain your life, or draw you closer to death. That is what morality means, that is what instincts are subconsciously calibrated to. The natural order is to keep the balance between these two, which is called survival.

Correct. And other animals are working tirelessly for the benefit of their ecosystem to balance that shit out. The difference to humanity is that we have the conscious ability to comprehend the entire scope it all, which means we were given the job to be stewards of this ecosystem.

Derailing your own thread by lambasting an user who provided insight with evidence that you can ponder over will not help you understand that modern niggers sprang in to being long after real humans had dispersed across the globe.

The topic is about human hybridization in modern sapiens, not a debate on whether or not a fish has a soul.

I see your problem. You are still operating under the lie that is the laws of men. All of humanity is controlled by a few people and they used the concepts of ownership, leadership, laws, law enforcement, religion and materialism to enslave the rest.

So when you judge empathy you think about what human laws tell you about empathy…be kind, be lawful, be righteous. That's suicidal behavior in nature. Human morals are set in stone, they are fixed rules humans have to obey. In nature morality is represented as the law of the land. That means constantly adapting to ever changing circumstances to keep the order intact. A wolf pack accepts the strongest as the alpha and kills the weakest to sustain the protection of their pack. That is a moral system they all follow by instinct t keep themselves and their offspring safe.

Religions were the tool to hide the laws of nature behind a roadblock (deities), which changed the natural path of knowledge with unquestionable belief, which attributed natural achievements to the unquestionable deity, and which came with a new set of rules for mankind…the laws of men. All corruptions of the laws of nature, which gives the few that know the truth all the cards to control the rest.

You can call yourself jew, coming from any Race
You can call yourself jew, coming from any Religion
You can call yourself jew, coming from any Homeland
You can call yourself jew, coming from any Language
You can call yourself jew, coming from any Bloodline.

The only thing the so called jews have in common is the collective fear of persecution and the hatred for the persecutor, both based on the crimes the so called jews are committing against all others. They are in a mental hamster wheel, attacking an enemy they are creating. It never ends until everything is destroyed. That is parasitical behavior.

One enclosed ecosystem, one topic…our survival. Deal with it, user.

This is a slide thread, it's so fucking obvious. 'Hey fellow 8channer! Fuck niggers, amirite?'

Cuz they niggers.

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Don't fully agree, but based nevertheless. I like it when people have actually read a book and thought about what they believe instead of just having singular contradictory beliefs. Cool user is cool

Because it's run by niggers.

Jews do have the ability to rip a race apart for a few millennia, but Jewish slavery wasn't a thing in Africa forever. Niggers have never developed technologically or socially, even when they see other countries develop and have the advantage of having an example to follow.

OP is acting this way because this is a slide thread. A very well executed slide thread, but a slide thread nonetheless.

Several factors: Low group IQ, high sex drive and aggression. These alone are a bad combination for a group. Check Pastor Manning (a black american) watch the whole thing. i nearly drew a tear watching him, he is so genuinely upset at the state of the blacks and you can hear him, his voice is pleading.

Thanks, but don't let me hanging. If you disagree, tell me where I'm wrong, cause I always wanna learn.

it never stopped, it was only rebranded. Today the jewish "global poverty" racket keeps 3-5 billion human beings deliberately under the poverty line so that they can be exploited for slave labor, human trafficking, drug-, organ-, weapon-smuggling, pharmaceutical testing, tax fraud, money laundering, migration warfare and to fleece the wealthy west our of endless donations. This is all by design and combining all their global crimes into one massive racket, driven by usury. The blacks today are designed to spread poverty and violence wherever they are send. Nothing changed in the sadist practices of jewish slavers, they only changed the names to make the public accept the crimes as "organically".

Behavioral modernity goes hand in hand with neanderthal DNA introgression. The earliest "pure sapiens" are utterly unimpressive compared to contemporary neanderthals in Europe, much bigger brained than the former.
You start to see more advancements with the hominins more to the north, like the Skuhl Qafzeh hominins, who were probably already mixed to some degree and adopted Musterian technology from Neanderthals.

Then the man of Cromagnon appears almost out of nowhere at the twilight of neanderthal presence in Europe with his very progressive traits, and is responsible for the great paleolithic art of Europe.

Neanderthal itself is the first of the hominins showing an orthognatic profile as opposed to the flat faces/prognatic look of pure sapiens. Needless to say, an orthognatic profile is probably one of the biggest defining features of caucasians.

Meanwhile, advancements in computational biology are starting to show archaic introgression in modern africans from unknown archaic africans

Ancestral thinkers are VERY common in Africa. It’s more a “sociopath restraint” trait than one associated with empathy. To make someone concerned for the ancestors, it helps to violently dissociate them while checking force-compliance and the functioning of imagination throughout. These indoctrination patterns help produce an ancestral sociopath capable of inflicting them on the next generation, but they don’t produce empathy.

Africa has a LOT of traditionalists. Natalists are death cultists; humans breed most eagerly in suffering and poverty.

If you live in Africa, the climate never gets cold enough that you really need a well built shelter.
There is food you can forage, everywhere. Why would anyone learn to grow crops or store food away for the future when you always have food naturally growing on a bush 3 feet from where you woke up.
The biggest dangers in Africa is disease and predators. Most animals are actually pussies, so to deal with predators you just need to be violent in large groups. And with disease, all you can really do is have more kids in the hope that more of them survive.

You know, I could tell you about an actual conspiracy among wealthy people, but you’ll have to be savvy enough to catch me doing it. You personally can learn more about why Africa can’t get off the ground by looking in a mirror. You’re one of the kind of people who doesn’t progress.

If you’re ever wondering about the difference between a conspiracy and a situation, a conspiracy loses momentum rapidly when its operators are dissuaded, whereas a situation has its own true momentum. There are people in this world who believe that enriching the poor leads to population booms, and they’ve used this to justify indulging their pointless inefficient hatreds against egalitarianism. That was a conspiracy. It was something that could be (and was) weakened by turning a few people, and which could be mostly eliminated (cultural undercurrents notwithstanding) by turning only a few more. What few people can you turn to end global poverty itself? Global poverty isn’t a conspiracy, it just sucks.

Also you’re a death cultist.

This accounts for a lot of it, right here. This is good analysis.

The jews did this with free condoms. They sold the lie of birth control to the world, but in reality it takes the responsibility out of the natural act of procreation and replaces it with self destructive lust. That's how they put the sex drive into overdrive, and then it takes just a statement of their UN terror cell to create pauses to the condom delivery and now you have low IQ Africans with a heightened sex drive, but no condoms.

It's all by design to breed Africans as weapons for migration warfare. They are just cattle to jews, and since a high sex drive isn't destructive enough, they also brought gay rights into Africa, thereby bringing the perfect weapon to drive hedonistic sex maniacs into self destruction…sodomy, just fucking any hole without any responsibility.

And who are the jews using as proxy warriors to breed Africans into weapons of rape, sodomy and overpopulation? Christians, who were tricked by the jewish suicide doctrine called Christianity into giving their riches to the poor, marginalized Africans, thereby destroying themselves in the process. That's over 2k years of planning with total disregard to any human being at all. Let that sink in.




People think of evolution as a tree. It's more like a woven tapestry. We didn't descend from niggers, though somewhere in the tapestry, there is some commonality. However, niggers do share a genetic code that came from a different ancestor than all other human races. Probably a more ape-like one. Thus, their part of the tapestry is in a far off corner, with the strange african ancestor.

So do you explain this ?




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Don't even disagree with this, suum cuique, to each its own, it's essentially (proto) liberals with their blank state ideas during the global empires phase that thought they could just take the savage and make it into a civilized man in just a century or so. And ultimately they still do, while preaching about respecting all cultures they sneakily impose """western""" ways of thinking on everyone else, with their human rights bullshit and all of that.

As far as I'm concerned, the african man should've been kept as they were, for their sake and our own. This whole idea of bringing civilization to dogs and pigs is not a right wing one.

All subhuman races are degenerate forms. There is no such thing as evolution, only degradation caused by degenerate behaviors like drug abuse, inbreeding, faggotry, mating with retarded mutants, and cannibalism. Niggers split off from humanity millennia ago and have been degenerating the longest.

They are simply less evolved. No, I'm not saying that they somehow time traveled and didn't evolve for as long. Rather, there is less competition on such a fertile continent (indeed the fertility of the land from the climate is why humanity appeared there first)…

Take some of those Africans and put them into a harsher climate where food doesn't grow as well, and suddenly there's a reason that mates must be selected based on intelligence rather than just sexual characteristics like big titties, asses, and dicks. Furthermore, the advancement of technology in Northern tribes out of necessity accelerated evolution, as those who aren't smart enough to use and invent the new technology will be killed off or outbred quickly.

Now, we could go one step further, and say that the groups who initially left Africa were already genetically PREDISOPOSED to do so. The people who left would have been the ones with certain psychological characteristics. They would have been the curious, brave, and perhaps the greedy who wanted more land for themselves and were willing to risk the lives of their family push further into the wilderness. So imagine that the people they left behind were the ones who were fine with toiling in the mud in loincloths for the next 50k years… and hence Africa is inhabited by the lazy low-IQ descendants of those people.

That Great Wall of China wasn't built that long ago. It was built around the 1600s. The early great Chinese walls were made of mud and reed. They are still standing, but they are not nearly as advanced as your picture implies. Doesn't change the fact that 400 years ago Chinese had brilliant stone walls that work and 1000 years before that they were building with nigger technology of mud and plants. Just something that should be corrected.

But we all know most Africans lack the ability to plan for the future. If you have a mud hut, and it's currently keeping you dry and out of the weather, and you're incapable of thinking how that hut will work in a year, why do anything besides live in a mud hut?

The ones in control are not wealthy, they are above money, and use it to control the world. Wealth means nothing to them, because they own everything and have no competition.

Poverty is not a side effect in a world where all money is usury, where all the natural resources are in jewish hands, where all wars, economics, and eugenic programs are directed by jews, and where all humanitarian institutions are owned by jews.

As for Africa; it's the ejws who prevented Africans from having their own cloth industry, by flooding the nation with free clothes in form of donation. Every little shit hole in Africa has mountains of free clothes from the west. Cloth is a fundamental industry for sustaining a nation, because people always need new clothes, which means there are always jobs. Without it and with free clothes you create generations of "gibs me dats". It's trained entitlement, and grooming into dependence to a welfare state.

jews used their traits of deceiving and lying to get into the medical profession by psychology, which they fully took over. Psychology gave them the opportunity to sadistically torture the mentally ill (lobotomy, insane asylums), branch off into science by making up criminal nonsense and then write articles about it, which they endorse under each other, and finally their takeover of pharmaceuticals by deceiving the mentally unstable into becoming drug addicts, then use that success to buy into pharma, and then make all the doctors into drug pushers, while supplying the world with endless fake mental condition that need drug treatments.

One of the biggest jewish pharma eugenic programs is cancer, which they deliberately created to make humans slowly suffer to death.The whole Monsato case was a small glimpse into that racket (the Sackler family, who is responsible for the cancer death of millions is btw still free). The reason why their crime came to light in the first place is because they where too greedy and didn't follow the talmudic way of killing by indirect means. So while Monsanto was stopped, the rest of the jews are busy putting the ingredients who cause cancer in many different products, while then indirectly make humans use those products together. That is a kosher kill allowed by the talmud.

As a sidenote: it obviously didn't start with psychology, because the jews were involved with alchemy and poising wells and stuff for millennia. Like the reason why a Moslem today doesn't eat pig, is because jews poisoned the water supplies that made the pigs sick and killed all the muzzies back in the day.

meant for

out of africa has been long debunked. if you lurked for even 1 year you would have known that.

It's called a shabbo goy, a placeholder or a stooge. It's the same with putting Trump as the face of white genocide. jews have always operated out of the shadows and used every demographic in the book as proxies.

Yep, all the blacks need to placed back int Africa, all the rest out, then put a wall around the whole continent and let them alone for 3-5 thousands years. Just give them a (secured) PC with access to knowledge and let them catch up with the world, and if they afterwards are still savages, living in mud huts…eradicate them all and give the continent back to mother nature, because this ecosystem is in dire need of an entire continent untouched by human destruction.

Even Ryszard Kapuściński wrote about the fact that black people living in Africa do not have a rooted habit of working, just like Europeans or Americans do.

I remember stories from one of his books about what it's like to work in some African country. That it only lasts as long as there is a supervisor over the workers and he's looking at them. When it's gone for a while, everything gradually dies down. As if the work were something unnatural for these people.

For comparision Chinese , Koreans, Japanese, have some natural cultural elements that are characteristic of the capitalist economies: discipline, hard work, accuracy, obedience. The only drawback is the negative attitude towards individualism, which (sic!) does not affect innovation in the best way,but makes up for it. is an excellent ability to work in a team and great importance attached to learning.

Just as the Japanese amazed the world in the Meiji era, so now the Eastern Tigers do. It is easy to instil capitalism there.

But Asians also do not have white skin colour, apart from that Japan after the Second World War and Korea after the Korean War were also poor and destroyed countries. But now you know how much better the situation in these countries looks compared to the African countries. How can you explain this?

Tell me, if you know so much about Jewish involvement in power over the world , why can't you just end to these terrible Jewish governments ?

This and one should not be surprised as Africans migrate and mix into european nations, colonies and populations all based on culturally marxist socialist programs that they are doing extremely well being able to piggyback off Europeans ancestral inheritances and lands. This is also the most basic form of cognitive dissonance in the nigger is he actually believes he is doing well on the west on his own accord when really the entire system has been facilitated to reward his laziness, primitive attritributes and wholesale destructive air when positioned within european populations in an “africanized” culture. Niggers are parasites. There is no doubt about it as are most of the inferior races

That's another lie created to control mankind. We are not individuals. Look into the history books and you will only find a few names mentioned, while billions of other are nothing but white noise. Next you find out that the few that are named, are only known for their achievements and not for their characters. When you dissect mankind for the few individuals that are widely known for their characters and actions, you are down to three…Jesus, Mohammad and Hitler. Jesus is nothing but unconfirmed hearsay. Mohammad had a flying horse and Hitler is the most lied upon man in recent history. So much for individuality in mankind.

The reason why I call this a lie is because they hid the original meaning (that we have natural traits, which are based on clean blood, and which are used to cultivate culture in your race), and they weaponized the term individuality as a control mechanism to give us a fake identity, their identity. Today the human identity is based around names, ID's, birth certificates, marriage license, social security, license plates, credit card, bank accounts, insurances, jobs, educations, fashion, entertainment, hobbies, materialism etc.

This was all given to us to make us do what everyone else is participating in, and they sell it to us by calling it individuality. "seize the moment", "living la vida loca", "YOLO", "enjoy your freedom" It's the industrialization of the individual human into a commodity.

I said that in the first post…we are all different, because we have different jobs to fulfill. Why does a race living in a Saharan desert need to have the same worth, than an Asian, European, Hispanic? Humans decided that worth by themselves, and made up lies to justify their crimes against the laws of nature. Now look at the state of the world and you can see the consequences of those crimes. Of course humans have endless new justifications why that totally isn't their fault. Life becomes way easier to navigate once you find out that ALL humans are pathological liars, and that their biggest lies are are direct at themselves, inside their heads. The reason for this is because humans are misrepresenting their consciousness. They think it represents their identity, but it's nothing but a sophisticated tool for comprehension. Without the false identity association, all the assumptions of being more worthy than others are de-masked ass lies.

Because Ii learned from the jews that they are not afraid of the lone gunman, because only the human collective as a whole could take them down. This is straight from the protocols, published over 120 years ago. Nothing changed.

The world is divided like this…1% are the controllers trying to destroy mankind, 1% are the unlucky bastards who try to stop this, and 98% are the oblivious cattle that are needed for any side to be victorious.


Maybe you really want any social revolution I don't know about your solution for social problems , but I would prefer a real solution to social problems, the revolution never built anything (not counting guillotines, camps and camps). Almost all revolutions were based on anger, revenge and fear, and did not bring any real changes. The revolution of wisdom, knowledge and reason, that would be something, unfortunately, nothing of this kind announces such a revolution.

I dont want a revolution, not even a moral one, I have nothing against tradition. I want changes, both economic and social, based on individualism and the autonomy of the individual, that is, what has always been foundations of the success of North America and Europe .

Attached: conservatism_is_the_new_counterculture_by_oddgarfield_dbhjegt-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 69.35K)

Because of jews. White men created many great things in that harsh world but the jews continued to subvert all efforts by white men to civilize it because they wanted to keep their slave stocks full.
Look at all the ancient treasures the sand has reclaimed. Niggers didn't make them nor did they maintain them. White people rediscover their own lost treasures and shitskins claim them because of where they sit.
Even the dune niggers were building with dirt bricks to make their ziggaurats. Our ancient people moved giant fucking monolithic stones. Not because it was easy, fuck no, we went the hardest god damned rout possible because we could and that's what we do. Effort in effort out. That is not the shitskin way.

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Forget human civilization for a second and think in terms of biology. We have a parasite problem and it needs to be addressed, otherwise we are on the fast lane to extinction, not just races, but the entire species, because the jewish revolutionary spirit is absolutely wrecking our ecosystem to destroy their imaginary enemies. They are attacking mankind by nation, country, culture, race, family unit and bloodline. It's absolutely ridiculous to move forward with the human history charade without the big elephant in the room that is the jews. I mean, come on, they misusing science to destroy natural genders. How insane does it have to get for humanity to get their shit together and fix the JQ?

It will probably be a time where we're back throwing fucking spears at each other and the rules are gone. The cycles will continue until all jews are eradicated.

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All the time we played make believe civility we were judged by the laws of nature, but we didn't knew this because a few humans put their own laws above the real ones. "thou shall not kill" is utter nonsense in natural terms. How can anyone look at nature and say "yeah, don't kill, it's bad" ? But we are humans you say? Well, humanity are the most ruthless killers of them all. We are so fucking degenerate that we incarcerate, torture and murder billions of "livestock" annually, behind anonymous walls, so that we don't hurt each others feelings about witnessing death. That's psychopathic behavior, yet we call ourselves civil.

There is no murder in nature, only the outcome of a kill is judged by positive or negative consequences for the environment. That's it. Just struggle to keep the balance while creating for the benefit of all and we would create an ecosystem that has nothing but benefits for us, because we could freely create in it. And what did we do? Exploiting and destroying everything out of hedonism, while getting wrecked by nature for it. It's so annoying to understand all this in a world run by suicidal maniacs.

Let us not hide FACT that black Africa for disputable reasons brought practically nothing to the civilization resources of the world - gunpowder, silk, porcelain, etc. is China, law, administration, Rome, philosophy and historiosophy Greece, mathematics and astrology and astronomy Mesopotamia, etc. (sorry for simplifications but this is how it looked like) - in the case of black Africa, despite the knowledge of iron or circles, civilization achievements are at a much lower level than the achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, Incas.

Attached: Great Zimbabwe vs Tenochtitlan in South America.png (1040x1316, 2.27M)

There are various tiers of intelligence and thus logical and creative capability between each race. Africans are at the bottom of this list. It's really that simple. Complication of this topic is counter-productive to making it a normie-friendly factoid.

Another fun fact to tell people (who believe in evolution) is that evolution did not magically skip the brain. It was affected by evolution as well. Use science and basic logic as often as you can, because that is the belief system of most people pushing for egalitarianism.

Attached: black-vs-european-brain.png (936x434, 188.47K)

because it's populated by niggers, those who remain neutral in the battle against lucifer, and niggers are subhuman.

I hear what it is that you are saying about the ape niggers, but i have to point out the blatant similarity between niggers and these slavic mutts.
I am in stab city London and i live among Poles. They are fucking white skin niggers in everyway - ignorant, stupid, backward , selfish and fucking knows it all!
And similar to the niggers these fuckers think that they are hot shit; always presenting the ideas and thoughts of others as theirs'.

Attached: Untitledstabcity.png (721x590, 650.97K)

Thanks to MUH BOLANT for offering us this wonderful LARPpost aimed at justifying his anti-NatSoc MUH BOLANT narrative!

Remember to say
Thanks moderators!
when you see our great shill team 6gorillion on the job!

Attached: average jewish girl 9.jpg (1890x592 33.49 KB, 186.36K)

Actually it is.
First image is evidence that our did not derive from an African source.
Second image is evidence that the entire notion of "only the same species can interbreed and produce fertile offspring" is laughably nonsensical.
Thanks for playing.

Yes it is, and natural law dictates it so.

Yes. There is no such thing as 'common sense'.

Okay, well, I didn't.
That's the most retarded thing you shillnigger faggots have ever said on this board.

Animals don't have a mind as to be able to even know the 'ecoystem' exists.

Why are bait threads permitted in some cases but not in others?
Isn't it strange how the moderation staff doesn't apply the same standards across the board?
Bump for exposure.

Nobody cares. The jews are a genetic clade of organisms.
You should be banned.
But you're a moderator doing a baitpost LARP, so you won't be.

Checked for more retarded baitshit!

Just to be clear: That a creature is lesser than you doesn't not justify you being blind to their existence. That does not suggest a man's reality must center around the well-being of mice – that'd be insanity – but nor does it suggest the suffering of others, even a little pitiful mouse, is something we as greater-beings are justified in being blind to.

I don't like jews. They're greedy. And blind, blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own. Their shabbos goyim have been conditioned to espouse a similar state of mind, however, they hold the inferior up as equal and decry the superior as inferior.

The first image is a simple drawing of an ape. That's not proof of anything.
The second image is proof of nothing other than the fact that different species can interbreed.

hahaha. You Polish halfwit nigger. YOU WILL NEVER BE WHITE MUTT.


Niggers have the best armies in the world.

Or maybe not.

First part of your "discussion" is blatant jewry.

Thread theme

All existence is define by two barriers, two natural opposites…a beginning and an end, "to be or not to be". These are fundamental barriers in between which existence happens. For humanity these two barriers represent birth and death. We know about those two that death is always approaching and accompanied by temptation, and that life is always running out. This defines necessity, purpose and morality for us.

The necessity is to survive by means of adaptation, which is impossible to achieve since death is unavoidable, which makes procreation the only way forward. The purpose is thereby (aka the meaning of our life) "creation in accordance to the natural laws for the benefit of all", which in return gives us all the benefits of this ecosystem, which is the only way for us to create the best possible breeding ground for our offspring. And since death is unavoidable and life always running out, survival is a temporary balance act between a positive (staying alive) and a negative (dying) outcome. This is called morality, this is what all our instincts are calibrated on, this is what every other life form is instinctively following. This is what gives your consciousness the ability to judge positive and negative outcomes on instinctive level and on conscious level. Every bad decision we made drives us closer to death, which is based on the natural law "all actions have consequences", and every positive action keeps us alive longer. And just like survival itself, morality is based around the natural order aka the balance between positive and negative consequences of our actions, which is based on the natural law "opposites must coexist".

So death lures with endless temptations, life is always a struggle to keep the balance, and procreation is the only means to move on. The reason why humans to see this is the temptation of hedonism, which made humanity believe that they are entitled to a price for their struggle, without realizing that life itself is the price. We were born into a sandbox of wonders, with all the tools at out disposal to create a paradise, if we only followed the laws, and create an even better ecosystem for our offspring. Instead we are destroying everything and getting punished for it.

Every life form is calibrated to the survival instinct, and will instinctively work to create the best possible breeding ground for their species. They don't have to comprehend the big picture to be productive in their own tiny universe, which in return acts as a productive part to the entire system.

No they're not. The khazarians have nothing whatsoever to do with the judeans. They were forced to take on a religion or face death and they chose judaism, thereby creating the modern ashkenazi and sephardic tribes.

What's up with your fucking paranoia? I'm just user.

It's because they're geniuses.
They learned hundreds of years ago that nothing is worth doing.
They knew the stars would eventually burn out leaving a cold, dead universe.
They were the first hipster nihilists before it was cool.

And at the bottom of the oceans are living species called : Riftia pachyptila. They live safely for millions of years, and they live for themselves.But what is the point of their existence, if they could even today bend completely as a species, and few people would notice their lack, and even fewer people would regret their extinction ? What is the purpose to even exist as human if want to live like any pathetic Riftia pachyptila ?

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They have a smaller frontal lobe, they have higher testosterone and estrogen, prone to violent bursts and sex. Their home was an immensely rich land full of fruit, vegetables, meat, water so they had no reason to ever go beyond stone age tools and knowledge. To go further with the frontal lobe, it covers memory, empathy, impulse control, comparing objects and dopamine receptors are in the front.

It is not unheard of, for two similar beings developing independent and seperate of eachother, and just considering the differences in niggers and humans, that should be clear enough.
We originate in the north, pushed outward and has since been receding back. That's the tl:dr of it. Don't believe the kikespun (((indo-european))) theory. Imagine believing that what makes us who we are is because we are mongrels and rape babies of outsiders; foreigners. It corrupts the core, it's a subtle kike ploy.

Who cares?
There are somethings here and there. I recall the oldest sub-Saharan African structure still standing is the Great Zimbabwe, and is about a 1,000 years old. This is probably the most impressive thing, and it still doesn't really compare to what the Europeans were doing around the same time.
But again, who cares? These types of discussions only make ZOG-liberals think their nigger-pets are incapable of governing themselves, which is not true. Niggers have survived to this day, so obviously they don't need Europeans to coddle them, to govern them, to play White Mommy and White Daddy to them.
Will nigger-self rule be worse for them? For many niggers that want to be around Europeans, yes, but a great majority of niggers will only begrudgingly accept white rule, and will act out until it is abolished. Whatever self-respect the nigger will find will only come from a society in which he himself governs.

Evolution is not a claim of improvement, it only means change, which is what you admit happens. Retard.

It's about a biological need to adapt. Since we came from apes originally, and the black is the closest ancestor of the ape. What biological incentive do they have to mutate and change to an environment they already have adapted to? The reason whites became more intelligent is because they had to adapt to harsher environments where it was far colder. The low IQ of the nigger is a perfectly easy concept to understand when you truly think about it.

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Get the fuck out of here nigger. You will never be white.
The reason why niggers are exactly like a baboon and an ape is for the very same reason why you are a cunt.

Someone's new. Africans have low IQs because they evolved in an environment that did not push for high intelligence required to survive. Food was everywhere for instance (niggers are starving now simply because their numbers are too high and unsustainable living in a way that's unnatural for them).
One myth spread about kosher evolutionists is that our ancestors were all niggers. That's highly debatable with high school level understanding of evolution - most mammals in hot climates have pale skin. As our distant ancestors became hairless, the African offshoot had to adapt to the heat and sunlight somehow - so they developed dark skin as a separate adaptation, as evolution is a one-way road (that's also not accounting that they interbred with some other species of ape).

That's a huge insult to gorillas who are some of God's most gentle and magnificent creatures

I think the only one with nigger-tier reading comprehension here is you

First pic of Ancient Persia 2500 years ago… second pic of Snow Nigger society 900 years ago…

Why were Nerdics so backward Zig Forums?

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Listen here, Jew. The nords were obviously nomads and moved around and built temporary shelters as they conquered the ever living fuck out of the Northern Hemisphere. Meanwhile Niggers sit and wallow in their own filth and can't even conquer actual language.

fucking retard. If you're trolling then pls stop, it's pathetic and embarrassing for everyone.


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Hehehe great Iran pic. Truly shows what Islam can do for a country.




Why would they? They lived in the easiest climate on earth. They didn't have to worry about freezing to death or even starve, food was growing and grazig everywhere so just walk into the forest, pick some fruit and chuck a spear at boar and you have food to bring back to your family.
There are still "untouched" tribes of niggers who have been there for hundreds of years and they haven't even heard about something so fundamental as agriculture or copper. Shit works for them so there is nothing pushing them to change.
Call them retarded sub humans or whatever, but they have lived off permaculture and gibs forever and will continue to do so for as long as they can, maybe forever.

Europeans on the other hand had much more things to worry about and had to really work in order to sustain life and grow. And were are we heading in our neverending journey to make life easier?

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This is why Zig Forums is dying, because of niggers like you

live in southern cali for a few years and it will be exceedingly obvious and you want be hurting your head trying to think of all the possible reasons why africa is a shithole

these people will steal from a low end computer store, shoot the guy who owns it, steal a whole 60 dollars from the cash register and then go to prison for 15 years. then they get out and they do the exact same thing they did before they went to prison. and the entire time they will try to lecture you about "da hussle" and why niggas are better at making money than crackas

they arent just stupid; stupid people tend to know that they are stupid and keep their noses down while shoveling shit like they should be. niggers are stupid, but also delusional. the kangz meme isnt a joke. get into a casual conversation about history, anthropology or religion with a nigger and you will see the anger on his face as you talk about things that arent his dick. frustrated, he will try to make the subject about his dick as much as possible. thats what kangzers are about. its not about conspiracy theories, its not about finding their place in history, its anger and jealousy over their own inadequacy. so they form little delusions in their head about how the hebrews was kangz, the hindus was kangz, the chinese was kangz, and its all da white man fault cuz he took our techknoledjee and stole all our wisdum n shiiiiieeet. yo we wuz flying in saucahz and smokin weed wid da ayyyliums before dem crackas took all our shieeet.
imagine having NOTHING in your entire history to be proud of. even mexicans have the aztec temples to be proud of, even chinamen can forget about their gutter oil-fried rat for a few moments when they look at the glory of the forbidden palace. shit, even arabs have some tenuous genetic connections with the people before them that built the worlds first civilizations, the Sumerians, Egyptians and Persians. even treeniggers from north america had trade cities like Cahokia.
niggers and abos are probably the only races on the planet that, in millions of years of evolution, have accomplished NOTHING. even the "Great kingdoms of africa" aka the slave trade outposts that grew to populations over 10,000, only got great because some sandniggers taught them how to read and write after they converted them to islam. not a single civilization worth talking about sprung from the negroes mind without some other superior race handholding them the entire time.
they are not just stupid primitives; if they were, they would be like the germanic tribesmen of the migration period and try to learn from what is obviously a superior culture to their own. they are not just delusional psychotics; if they were they would be an anomaly, something you can contain and put in a psych ward.

they are pure, concentrated dark energy, pure unadulterated failure and Gods greatest disappointment. they, and everyone who thinks they and their shit culture are worth talking about, are the reason Satan rebelled and thought humans were worthless compared to angels. they are the reason humanity hasnt conquered space. they are the reason aliens dont visit.

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the out of africa theory has been debunked by genetics.
The truth is that we will never find a 'missing link' because none exists.
cro-magnon man was identical to whites today at least for the last 30,000 years.
kikes are neanderthal, abbos are homo florensis and niggers are homo erectus.
therefore this pic:

We are not the same.
Pic related.

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It's almost like wooden buildings don't stand the test of time.

It's literally because of winters

because they didnt develop communication, and thats the cornerstone of any civilization. just ask the tower of babel about it.

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