That's another lie created to control mankind. We are not individuals. Look into the history books and you will only find a few names mentioned, while billions of other are nothing but white noise. Next you find out that the few that are named, are only known for their achievements and not for their characters. When you dissect mankind for the few individuals that are widely known for their characters and actions, you are down to three…Jesus, Mohammad and Hitler. Jesus is nothing but unconfirmed hearsay. Mohammad had a flying horse and Hitler is the most lied upon man in recent history. So much for individuality in mankind.
The reason why I call this a lie is because they hid the original meaning (that we have natural traits, which are based on clean blood, and which are used to cultivate culture in your race), and they weaponized the term individuality as a control mechanism to give us a fake identity, their identity. Today the human identity is based around names, ID's, birth certificates, marriage license, social security, license plates, credit card, bank accounts, insurances, jobs, educations, fashion, entertainment, hobbies, materialism etc.
This was all given to us to make us do what everyone else is participating in, and they sell it to us by calling it individuality. "seize the moment", "living la vida loca", "YOLO", "enjoy your freedom" It's the industrialization of the individual human into a commodity.
I said that in the first post…we are all different, because we have different jobs to fulfill. Why does a race living in a Saharan desert need to have the same worth, than an Asian, European, Hispanic? Humans decided that worth by themselves, and made up lies to justify their crimes against the laws of nature. Now look at the state of the world and you can see the consequences of those crimes. Of course humans have endless new justifications why that totally isn't their fault. Life becomes way easier to navigate once you find out that ALL humans are pathological liars, and that their biggest lies are are direct at themselves, inside their heads. The reason for this is because humans are misrepresenting their consciousness. They think it represents their identity, but it's nothing but a sophisticated tool for comprehension. Without the false identity association, all the assumptions of being more worthy than others are de-masked ass lies.