How can Jordan Peterson be controlled opposition if Google considers him a Nazi
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All you need to know is in a video of american krogan "Jordan Peterson and the JQ". The video is no longer on ak channel but there should be mirrors.
Hi I’m op and am a retarded nigger faggot
The end
He is a filthy rat.
Get the fuck out.
It's just some employee, not Google's leadership.
They are creating a false dichotomy where one side acts totally unreasonable so kosher neoliberals like Juden Peterstein seem like a reasonable alternative that's being persecuted. But neither companies like (((Google))) are truly left wing, nor is Juden P. right wing, it's all a neoliberal, Jewish scheme to preserve the status quo. Which is mostly about Jews financially exploiting everyone and pushing racemixing, degeneracy, white genocide etc. That's a fixed axis that all of those actors stick to, everything else being a minor, cosmetic variation.
The main parameters that should be considered when judging some political actors are:
- Is he/she hurting the Jewish power structures and giving white people more freedom
- Is he/she promoting policies which will restore the white race and eventually subdue their racial enemies
I can't stand the way he talks. There is just something about the cadence and sound that drives me fucking nuts.
Because I cant be bothered to tidy my room so hes Jewish.
How could Hal Turner have been an FBI informant if the SPLC wrote articles attacking him?
I didn't think you faggots existed here anymore.
newfags git out
How can jews sacrifice their own in a burned offering (holocaust) so that they could steal Palestine? Being a jew means the end justifies the means.
do you know why it's called "controlled?"
how could alex jones be considered controlled opposition if google calls him a nazi
how could andrew anglin be considered controlled opposition if google calls him a nazi
not exactly sound logic OP. by their fruits you shall know them.
He is represented by CAA who also represents Alec Baldwin, Anderson Cooper, Will Smith and a thousand other cabal scumbags.
His function is to demonize European nationalism.
This. Jordan Peterson is literally insane.
Because google is useful idiot territory.
That is how you sound you fucking retard OP.
This is all intentional, frame them as martyrs that we will embrace them; these false leaders meant to direct those trying to grow out of the blue pill; to make sure the core is not their blood; to make sure the core is always the arbitrary "wester civilization"; to make sure there is always a healthy pro-jewish sentiment hidden goyim :^)
You NEVER trust a kike (or any other non-white for that matter) and you most CERTAINLY NEVER trust a kike (or any other non-white for that matter) who claims to be on your side (your side being your blood, of which he has no incentive other than to control and direct to the benefit of his blood)
Because that's the libel kikes put on you when you've outlived your usefulness. Like how Pol Pot shot everyone with glasses thinking they were all the smart people who posed a threat.
Your're dealing with sociopaths. Never forget that.
Kill yourself.
The overthrow window you dumbfuck.
The more avarege basic bitches cuckservatives and lolbergs they manage to establish as ebil nasties, more inhumane monsters we look.
Doesn't he have ashkeNAZI lineage, though?
Please stay in China you fuckin gook.
1 post 4cuck nigger shill spam thread
2 posts.
In order for someone to be controlled opposition, the mainstream obviously has to paint them as opposition. Are you fucking retarded?
You don't understand how Silicone Valley companies are run. The companies are not engaged at the censorship level in a giant conspiracy against mankind. Take a look at the facebook leak from a few months ago. The group controlling the actual censorship seems to mostly consist of a few SJWs with a spreadsheet. We even have the facebook spreadsheet. Also, you must have missed the event last year where Jordan was doxed and was shown to have worked not only with the UN on a globalist document but indirectly with Soros himself and much more. Of course, SJW techtrannies are stupid as fuck and will continue to believe he is a Nazi because he does not wish to respect their pronouns and post-modernist fuckery.
yeah, that doesn't add up does it….
it's almost like… noo.. that cant be right…
actually, they don't, but whether or not they do doesn't define whether or not they're your enemy
It's called a Canadian accent. It has that effect on most people.
friendly reminder all ecelebs are jewish controlled opposition.
Because they want shitlibs to still screech and ree at him, in order to maintain a kosher sandwich. They don't want anti-white shitlibs to actually adopt his "individualist" ideas.
Also Peterson's colleges are literal Jews like (((Dave Rubin))) and (((Eric Weinstein))). It's kinda obvious isn't it? (((Rubin))) is a literal fag, and (((Weinstein))) rants about how "evil" Hitler was in his analogies all the time. Their entire purpose it to keep young white men from becoming ethnocentric.
That's just miscommunication between different Jewish power factions.
So does Juden Patreon.
(2) and done, nu-pol eating it up
but to add on to the rage (and for any brainlet lurkers) hes a target so faggots like op can go "look google isnt that bad they let X stay on Y platform"
Use bows if you're in a server that has easy access to them. If not, swords can do equal if not more damage if used correctly
But practising in single player is a must
He was still learning. Nowadays, at least 40% of the shit he talks about is pretty legit.
he is pretty burnt out in the ol neuron dept tho
He's been on mainstream news television (BBC and others) and he's been featured on youtube's front page. He is their controlled opposition. He's being oppressed so he looks like the suppressed right-wing underdog.
He also covers up for pedophile rings.
In 2009 Peterson was brought out as an expert to declare that the Cornwall Pedophile Ring was nothing more than a "conspiracy theory".
Pedophile ring theory in Cornwall, Ont., will likely continue to swirl
The Cornwall Pedophile Ring was real, and the government and law enforcement worked together to cover it up:
More info about the Cornwall Pedophile Ring scandal:
Also he tries to discredit SRA survivors in this video:
Reminder Ted Gunderson proved that there were tunnels underneath the daycares that had been filled in.
JP is an anti-white, pro-Jew, Satanist
Same logic here:
Anti-Semitism in 2019: Disapproving of anything a jew does.
Well said. Good posts like this are what redpills the newbies.
anymore of these astounding insights of yours, einstein?
Shit like this is why natsocs get the copter too. All Nazis, absolutely ever, are useful idiots or controlled opposition.
Ergo, Hitler was evil for not killing enough Jews.
The best red pill.
lol nobody cares Zig Forums try harder
That's how controlled opposition works… Jesus Christ ..
Did you think before making this thread OP? Because in that case, you're a fucking retard. If not, you need to go do that now you lazy, stupid fuck. It's like you don't even know jew 101 tactics.