Interesting there are a millions photo's of the victom but to find a photo of the killer you have to go searching.
Toll paid
Other urls found in this thread:
Not so much a toll….more like the inevitable. She was an online whore escort that thought it was "okay" to accept nigger clientele.
bitch used old white men for money and fucked niggers.
Doesn't seems like the initial nig..
Don't be niggers, AYOOLA AJAYI (that's not an American name, you niggerlovers) was building a fucking torture chamber for her. She could've been your daughter, misled and brainwashed by public education and leftist entertainment, turned against her "racist white male father" then this happens to her.
Oh shut up faggot. Whores should be killed in the first place.
Something weird going on here. There are claims he was in the Army but never went through basic training and his technical school. That isn't possible. How the hell was he let into the Army without those things.
Then I started looking more into it and noticed he was part of the Obama era service for citizenship crap and this clown supposedly signed up in Nigeria. Then his behemoth ex wife now claims he never fucked her but paid for her and her four kids (not his), never saw her and told her if she ever told anyone about him he would kidnap and kill her. During her interview she kept mentioning kids being kidnapped and then "promised" her marriage had nothing to do with getting him citizenship. Again, something very weird going on here.
Said this was what would happen the first day. It's all becoming so predictable
I'm sick and tired of this feminist bullshit polluting Zig Forums. All you have to do to get modern Zig Forums to accept leftist nonsense is just slap "muh white women" at the end of it, it is goddamn pathetic.
Media completely dropped references to her proven gold digging sugar baby activities. Act like it's normal to illegally be in a park at 3am. Parks close at sundown, but don't let that get in your way.
Wait for the story to come out that she ripped off the wrong sugar daddy and him or his spouse hired this nog to kill her.
Don't care, you have threads for this shit, nigger.
fuck yeah let's celebrate white women being tricked into doing bad things and dying fuck yeah let's celebrate white genocide these are such great threads
She want to fuck around for sugar daddies. Was a straight up whore who went after niggers.
Stop putting pussy on a pedestal and get it through your heads women are trash and retarded and always have been. Women are the first ones to race-mix
Well, he truly fucked her.
Fucking this. If we keep going "MUH WHYTE WEMENSSS", we'll go extinct because they don't care. Robogirls are the solution, because it reminds white women that we have the power to replace them, and they'll be responsible for their own extinction because they want dick instead of a wholesome life.
What does Q say about your weirdness user?
Who? No idea what that is, sorry.
hey look its this thread again
nigger literally tortured her in a soundproof room, lots of shills in here
cant even post the webm of the contractor because the original thread is still on the fucking catalog, you faggot kikes need to up your game
Did she meet and go with him consensually?
yes she is a whore, this has been established multiple times but (((you))) know this
her death will be used as a signal for other race traitors of what is to come if they burn the coal
A lot of this thread is speculation that women won't be learning from this mistake, and that women will keep on burning the coal as much as they did before this. I agree with them. Women can only find happiness in arranged marriages and without any rights. If only this event had 1/100 the influence on other women you think it will. I hope to be proven wrong.
Already had two threads on this.
White women's inability to steer clear of niggers is why I don't find them sexually attractive anymore. Their image is eternally ruined. To make matters worse, since the majority of them are fat slobs, there's loads of nasty fat white trash whores breeding with niggers these days, rather than taking the initiative to improve their physique to attract better men.
last thread catalog etc
No mention of rape, guess there isn't enough evidence because he torched the corpse.
Amazon took the book down, looks like they're already trying to help cover this up.
we lost a white woman who should have been having white babies. the question is when. probably, around when she went to university instead she chose to be a whore. in every social situation where she would test the limits of social norms:
she should've been thot patrolled or bitch slapped back into place. imagine if a chad had slapped the shit outta her when she was handing out dildos shouting "SEX IS SACRED, BITCH!". she would be thot patrolled but still alive.
You can't rape the willing. The butter face was literally selling her body for bux.
Women better hope a EMP knocks out the internet and resets the human race back. It's going to be an awkward future in the next 50 years when your kids are calling their moms whores and it will actually be true.
Go back to Zig Forums, nigger.
Go back to MGTOW faggot.
He never was in the army. We have these civilian fucks that come onto base and are contracted out to do computer work. It's filled with nothing but Indians and Africans. He's not even wearing uniform in the photo all that is, is the jacket. You can wear the jacket and be a civilian, as some of them do for whatever reason. That's why he doesn't have rank in that empty spot on his chest. I'm pretty sure he bought the coat and ordered his own name tag.
Just looked closer at the photo, he definitely has his blouse on. But he still doesn't have rank. Also I'm pretty sure that's an airforce uniform. Unless army used to wear that uniform as well. Also he's got a fresh cut. I don't know what the fuck is going on here.
kill yourself retard
youre pathetic
Nice hyperbole, you fucking kike. I never said that. I said use it to educate other women.
You're such a fucking nigger. Get lynched.
I'll take MGTOW over a leftist nigger like you any day of the week.
How did she meet her killer? Was she kidnapped?
Met him on a dating site?
Article doesn't explain much.
cease to deify white women seem their slaves they have a responsibility, to their race and there is no excuse or excuse cheap to justify THE BETRAYAL OF A WHITE WOMAN PRA WITH HER WHITE BROTHERS, that is a bitch who cares more money that his race, and that says everything, THERE ARE 2 CLASSES OF WHITE WOMEN;
1- those who work and earn their money, and look for their white men.
2 - whores who do not care, nothing but money, do not care about their race, or their white brothers.
the truth is that I'm not surprised to see BBC culcokd, white men, fuck are stupid, without dignity, in ancient times a white woman would never think of messing with a black or a non-white, no matter how much money you have, I would prefer to live in whatever condition, but always faithful to his white brother, always faithful to his race as he should be.
Imagine writing all that cuck shit and expecting anyone to read it.
and that? imbecil, it is not by how they look, if as by how they act, understand it from a good bitch you see, PREFERABLE A WHITE GORDA WOMAN, THAT IS FAITHFUL TO YOUR RACE, A FLACA, THAT IS INFIEL AND TRAITOR TO YOUR RACE, importance to the important thing, if your white wife has a few kilos demas, simple for that are the surgeries, or dozens of methods and that's it, BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT HE LOVES HIS WHITE BROTHER, NO MATTER ANYTHING ELSE.
for an intelligent person who does not see the images if not the text, he understands, for the horned imbeciles, surely they will even unload and chew.
Thanks moderators
"She was an empowered woman." Shit writes itself.
Why does his book have a heavily armed woman in tactical gear showing us her backside? Is this what he thinks of women? Could explain his rage.
I am sorry to have hurt susceptibilities with the truth, keep living in fantasies, champions;).
This. A prostitute worth her salt won't dare touch a nigger
Gonna have to agree. Though she is the retarded element that got the Darwin award as we are all aware. Bigger issue here is to redpill the normies. Kikes hate that, even if they love fapping to the outcome.
the problem I have with the toll paid meme is that the THOT doesn't actually pay the toll. Single white males pay the toll.
That's one less white womb from a limited resource of white wombs for the white men out there. Obviously she was already worthless after being blacked but we pay for that. She was our collective property as white men.
It takes basically 17-19 years to make another viable white womb for marriage and child birth. Its extremely blackpilling to just write it off as, oh well at least she paid the toll. I don't consider the toll paid unless we kill at least 100 of the enemy. Not to mention we white men will have to pay taxes to put this nigger on trial, hopefully keep him in prison, and feed him for the rest of his life.
I used to think the Toll Paid meme was somewhat funny in a very dark cynical way, but now I just fucking hate it.
This is exactly it user.
This is an attempt to destroy 'in group' preference and make Whites easier to kill for bolsehviks who can just say…"she was a whore" and whites will let our own people be murdered. If we were displaying HEALTHY 'in group' preferences we would fucking destroy a nation like the niggers in Israel everytime one of these subhuman POS touched one of our people.
Also reported for second thread.
I know Logan canyon and slc
Shameful about niggers and sluts existing in my beautiful state. Niggers should leave while they can
me too user. It is the epitome of bolshevik kike trash and it is being encouraged to help murder us easier in the near future, just like their 'values' have been used against europeans as a weapon for the last 2,000 year of their conquest of Europe.
Filtered for being a semitic faggot.
Cry a big fat salty river every time some loveless whore gets herself raped to death if you want. Fine by me.
not an argument
You aren't living in reality any more than Game of Thrones was more "realistic" than The Lord of the Rings, nigger. You just live in a fantasy that focuses on ugliness rather than beauty, and seeks to perpetuate ugliness AS beauty.
Of course, to those outside of this board this story should should be used to advance our message. But among those of us who are like minded why shouldnt we rejoice in the death of a coal burner. While I would like to be the one to slit her throat I will settle for a bigger being the one to out the coal burner out her misery
LOOK ANONS, this is not 'difficult'.
Kikes set the 'moral agenda' for your society.
They use this same 'moral agenda' for the reasons they are allowed to slaughter you legally and morally.
They have been doing this for thousands of years until you are almost completely dysgenically conditioned to accept their 'judgment' about what is moral in society and COMPLETELY DISREGARD YOUR OWN RACIAL PREFERENCE FOR YOUR PEOPLE IN FAVOR OF WHAT THE KIKES SAY.
Wake up you retarded fucks they are doing this to suit their agenda and make you more easy to slaughter.
Did you not see the info describing what that book was about as seen here:
Basically, it appears he wrote a self-insert fanfiction wherein he got mixed up in some kind of criminal underworld involving a tacticool whyte womyn and has to decide whether to side with that or kill his whyte womyn.
The irony of the reflection of his real life and his literary stylings are something I've been trying to get one of you niggers to investigate, but I don't think anyone has really bothered.
Here's the commercial for it.
I will repeat:
They would not have removed that book in the way they did, in the time they did, UNLESS THERE WAS A VERY POWERFUL REASON.
And we need to get ahold of it to see what that reason was.
They don't want to be connected to a murderer.
It's bad for their brand.
Doesn't explain why most of the media is ignoring it since this guy is a very sensational serial rapist and killer.
Double check the races involved, Sherlock.
More than just his race, it's because his identity as a successful migrant doesn't fit their agenda.
Yeah, they've been dealing with a lot of that lately.
Nigger, there are murders every day and you can be DAMN SURE some of them have shit on amazon.
But Amazon doesn't jump at every story like this.
They always react like this when the murderers get in newspapers, people are quick to notify them on social media or whatever.
No, they don't.
You are being very dismissive given the degree of haste with which this content was removed, and particularly given the nature of the content appears to imply connection to the actions carried out in reality by this disgusting rapist nigger.
Call a spade a spade. He was a nigerian cannibal who was either torturing women to death and eating them or running a cannibalism ring out of his house.
Diversity is our strength.
Yeah, he was a gross nigger rapist murderer.
He raped and murdered – and probably ate – a white woman.
But that's not the point.
The point is that he wrote a weird story about witnessing multiple murders and then getting mixed up in an criminal organization involving some sort of white woman who he was in love with who, by the sound of the context of the novel, he eventually ends up killing.
And he just killed a white woman in reality.
And every book-seller immediately pulled that book faster than anything I've ever witnessed from them, while the media is trying to be as silent as possible about it.
Look, all I'm saying is, that sounds like a book Zig Forums should get ahold of a copy of, because it might be interesting, either from the perspective of this nigger and his dead coalburner having been mixed up in something greater than the surface level appearance, or at least in terms of seeing some insane Africaniggers fanfiction leading to the rape/murder of a White woman.
I see this as yet another chance to redpill some people who previously thought things were all fine and dandy in the US of A. How many more it will require for a full awakening is hard to tell at this point.
So why don't you read it and let us know if it leads to something. I'm not going to read some nigger jerk off book because there might be Q's clues coded inside..
Checked for help me find a copy and I will nigger!
Shit's been pulled off everywhere from what I can tell.
Why not? You don't want to know what this nigger was thinking, or if there was more to this murder than just niggers gonna nig?
You sure are strangely dismissive of all this, aren't you?
Nigger, what are you talking about?
good, another white dead.
the plan is working perfectly.
thanks for making this celebration thread, every dead white is a cause for celebration.
Just wait until we choose to take OUR turn…
Batter up!
when will that be? US is already 49%, you are the minority now.
you missed your turn while your parents were sucking daisy chains of hippy cock and letting the yids take over every facet of government, media, education and law.
That's right. Remain ignorant and arrogant. Keep mocking, and insulting your Death Harbingers from inside your gilded cage.
Besides, I'd hate to spoil the surprise.
Sleep well, nigger.
keep bumping the celebration thread, another dead white.
What happened to the pictures?
Serious question: Would you marry and impregnate a coalburner?
this, as per usual FBI and JIDF astroturf the board so that nothing comes from using a tragedy for our own gain.
"Just do nuffin goy, larp in your bedroom, that's the solution"
If I find it you'll be the first to know, even though you myopically implied I was a kike. That's just the kind of nice guy I am.
Because I actually visit the book threads here and have years worth of actually interesting anf useful books to catch up on. Why should I set any of that aside to read some vaguely coherent nigger fanfiction?
The real question is what is it you expect to find other than a few hundred pages of "bix nood shoot niggas muh dik"?. I guess it could be interesting or lulzy from a criminal pathology angle but other than that I don't see the point. But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's full of encrypted clues leading to Mossad like a plot macguffin in a shitty Dan Brown Novel. Go nuts.
I'll keep bumping the daily reminder to eradicate the infection of kikes, niggers, and sodomites like you, that plague the Aryan landscape.
I love watching you idiots squirm.
Don't know until you look, nigger. That's the point. It's what we do here.
Stay willfully ignorant, faggot. It suits you.
Says the guy asking me to stop reading Ravens of Zurich so I can read blacked fanfiction.
May as well just give up and step dance into the sunset.