If you read the post mate, it is basically me stating my confusion of it all. I miscalculated alot of different things and couldn't predict any of this happening because it seems like the worst possible outcome is getting ready to happen. So let me put things into perspective like a fag (which you are) so you will understand a little bit. btw, before I start, there's some amazing responses here from anons and I am looking into the things you've stated.
I already mentioned a movie, so let's go further and say it's an interactive movie that involves decision making and different endings like a JRPG. This is to make it more relatable, and if you are a Chad and never played video games at all then just think about your life in general and the choices you've made. If your abstract IQ isn't that high (which I would imagine for a fag like you), then just watch this perhaps? youtu.be/e_JvTacJpcQ
You can even hear it in the music, film, and other forms of entertainment that the creators or directors believe something is happening and since alot of musicians are coming out against Trump, it can be seen that these people don't think everything is fine. That's why gamergate happened. That's why Kanye West is talking about weird shit all of the time, which even I can't make heads or tails of.
I am a musician myself and have seen the potential in art's sparking of critical thinking and abstract thought. Point is, essentially as an artfag I can see and think outside the box but I can't clearly, objectively, and empirically figure out what's going on without HARD, CONCRETE evidence that proves 100% of that happening. Like how an atheist doesn't believe in God due to the lack of evidence, I for one, can't really believe in conspiracy theories because there's not much to prove. Freemasonry does have members that don't do anything called something 'Porch Masons' where they stay at the 3rd degree and don't move up the ladder. They could easily be seen as normies because technically they are not doing anything wrong. I believe that is what is going on at a collective level where people are unconscious of the decisions and choices they are making (keep in mind what I said before because I am cross-referencing), and interconnect into these social nodes of society that are secretive and restricted without investigating further.
If you joined the 'club' right now, they wouldn't tell you anything on the account that you are a normie and can't handle it. So much, that you would believe that everything is fine and dandy because everything is calculated and planned. BUT like the Joker said:
Things like the unemployment rate, GDP, and other parts of social cohesion are seemingly fine right? CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and others would say that everything is fine… except for 'these' group of people that are causing conflict. Whether it be conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, neo-nazis or whatever. BUT, what if it was all not true and everything you've been told is a lie and society is much more fragile and weak than you thought? Society is essentially dead. Men are women, women are men with HRT, feminism has destroyed the family unit, niggers are running rampant in society causing mayhem and the traditional white man is now being attacked in the media. Why? Well, things are not actually going according to plan. You see, the elite don't have as much control as you think buddy. So doing this clown shit, where you call people schizos just for questioning things in an harmless fashion is just a sign of desperation. Even if you are a bluepilled normie and have no idea what the fuck is going on, I still can't give you the benefit of the doubt because you're already showing that you can't be trusted, especially in the event of anarchy or chaos, which I believe is likely to come soon if this isn't fixed.
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