The next phase of society

It is like we are living in one of David Lynch's films, whether nightmare or dream, in a surrealistic landscape full of the most absurd and abstract concepts that are nonsensical if inspected even with a modicum of effort. 

For example, take the Democratic Debates and how everyone is supporting illegal immigration and Democrats in general are resorting to the lowest inhibitions and animalistic urges like at the abortions rally with "Have sex, incel" or "You are a loser", as if these 'social constructs' ever even mattered to atheist materialists like most liberals are where everything is relative including morality. But that doesn't even scratch the surface because it gets even more strange and surreal with the conspiracy theories that nobody can make heads or tails of.

The JIDF, the FBI, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Zionists, the Shareblue, the Freemasons, and many other organizations, fraternities, cults, alphabet agencies and conglomerates are doing something but I can't quite put my finger on it. You see I don't believe it is as concrete black and white as many others see it, obviously these groups have some disagreements and perhaps I may entertain some suspicion of jealousy between these different parties. Obviously something happened in 2016, I felt it and we all did. Otherwise all of this pizzagate, Alex Jones ramblings and rantings, weird leftist reactions and even normies acting weird (which is uncommon unless under some 'outside influences'). Once you take in the fact that there are 40 million government workers and contractors and some of these people are amongst us, things become a little awkward.

I have given up in discovering and figuring this out, it is too surreal and complex. 

TL;DR something strange is happening and even Zig Forums can't figure it out. 

thread theme: [Open]

strange happening: [Open]

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Other urls found in this thread:

All that's happening is Jews are playing both sides to trick the goyim so they can create a NWO.

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Name who is behind all these groups. JEWS. You are on Zig Forums do no pussyfoot around when it comes to identifying the enemy.

This. Their aim is to kill all whites, enslave what remains in their NWO/Greater Israel.

nice blogpost

I did mention the Zionists. But I am talking about something more meta like for example the weakening of male genetics. I'm pretty sure you've seen the chart of a 1940-2020 or whatever chart of men having less chest hairs, more skinny, and even growing breasts. Then the kikes are promoting men being able to have babies and become pregnant. What the fuck is that? I understand clown world, but this is so surreal that's it's almost we are living in a dream or nightmare. Especially if you believe in gangstalking, citizens police and other crazy shit. You don't need to be paranoid to notice the happenings.

ive seen this guy several times but never understood the origin, help?

their goal is literally the destruction of all races and cultures into a mongrel melting pot. it happened to the injuns and abos, now its happening to whites, it'll be the asians then the africans next.

I also forgot to add alot of shit so bear with me. Transhumanism, pig-human hybrids, AI, advanced computers, artificial human wombs, sex robots and many more technological and scientific revolutions are happening and if you thought the current phase of what we are under right now is bad, just wait.

I've thought about something lads, these designer babies will rip away all individuality and might mesh all of the future generations of race into one WORLD RACE. ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION. Perhaps nationality and race won't even be a hot topic in the future because they have progressed so far in technology that humanity is irrelevant because machines will be dominant and man would have merged with machines by then. These are futurist concepts that are bold, I know, but these people don't stop on the weird shit. But with all of these toxins in the food, air and water plus the 5G radiation, how you going to survive without becoming a fucking cyborg? You can't really move to the woods and wild because these niggers own the land via the federal government. Rural areas will most likely be affected by this also. Just strange things I've been pondering on.

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it's fucking disgusting. humanity will turn into a mongrel slave race of cattle endlessly consuming and degenerating from our natural form.

if this ever happens i will either kill myself in a blaze of glory or just hide from the government in the woods and only come out at night. feds cant look everywhere

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The end goal is a one world government that rules over slaves with no race, gender, culture, or history that might otherwise empower them to rebel against their masters. When you look at things from that perspective, all of the puzzle pieces fit.

the pieces have been put into place for at least three hundred years. let's hope the afterlife, if there is one is a lot better than this shithole that we'll be in

Maybe the Greys are us tens of thousands of years from a future possible timeline, time-traveling to warn us.

IMO, the kikes' house of cards is collapsing in on its self and they're unable to maintain the level of control over the goyim they once had before the internet was accessible to the general public. On top of that, the only people they are able to recruit into their cult are mentally-unstable degenerates and Forest Gump-tier normies to do their dirt work.

TL;DR - They're unable to control shit

This seems likely but that just makes things even more anxious because then the conspiracy shifts from the Jews and their lapdogs to us. The government is becoming increasingly paranoid and distrustful of people, from surveillance cameras to your average GoyMart that is linked with DHS face recognition software, to the numerous NSA/FBI surveillance programs that analyze entire browsing histories, school backgrounds, medical and psychological history and flaws. In other words, amongst us in the general population we are all accomplices in their eyes in the conspiracy against the system whether you believe it is Trump, QAnon, Tarrant and copycats, the hacker known as niggerchan or whatever.

Which means the elite are going to play dirty and start acting blatantly authoritarian and disciplinarian, possibly with the implementation of social credit scores and mass censorship of literally everything 'bad'.

the point is to make it surreal so you can't function. it's called a Futureshock. When the norms of society come under a full spectrum attack in the form of radical social change that it stifles the citizen into inaction so their society can be seized.

its what kikes do when they become the "voice" of your nation through media, government, and the school system. of course this has been the program of the federal government for decades now, long before any of us were born as slaves in this federal plantation.

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Hence the sexualization of kids, expelling school kids who state there are only 2 genders, censoring journalists for "mis-gendering" whatever the fuck, normalizing antifa (actual communists) violence without repercussions, hyperpromotion of nigger culture in white society more than ever before.

We are trapped inside the Cube. Very few will be able to escape from it.

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Bring it. I want them to be blatant. Shadow wars are for cowards.

This from the film, "Cube?" Good film, the point of it *spoilers* was that all they had to do was remain in the room and they would have been freed. We have all that we need to escape if we remain focused and like the main character, autistic. Odd that he survives and everyone else perishes. Good analogy.

I too am not sure where this is all going in the end but wherever it's going, it's going damned fast. Blindingly fast.

Exactly. They want us to play their game.
(((They))) fear the honk, autistic-pilled user. They are really the chosen ones. The ones who don't give a shit at all and think outside of the Cube.

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I believe it's a spiritual battle.
Look at the sexual duality in this image. This is what the enemy worship.
The pushing of trans/androgeny in pop culture. The weakening of respect for masculinity with the accusation of 'rape culture'. The physical attack on male hormones with Eostrogen in the water, Pthalates in plastic and Soy in food; it's all related.

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Are you implying that Alex Jones ramblings and rantings started in 2016?

It is literally, mathematically impossible for us to win. The jews have us cornered in just about every way and the NWO will be not only inevitable, but eternal. Literally the only thing we can do is kill ourselves and pass away into the next life, surrendering this one to the jews for all eternity.

Whiteness is eternally dead
Masculinity is eternally dead
Nationalism is eternally dead
Traditionalism is eternally dead

I know you're a shill but I'm also willing to consider your position. If the Enemy has won already then I do not see this as a reason to an hero. Instead, when the Enemy builds his NWO, when he is top of the food chain living in wealth and comfort, it is the remedy of the average soul to make him as uncomfortable as possible. This strategy robs him of his paradise, where he is neither safe nor comfortable, for the rest of eternity or until our forces are annihilated completely.

damn, redtext demoralization guy is killin it today. When do you plan on going to bed? I'll just get back on then.

You mentioned "the zionists" as a part of several groups. It isnt just the zionists. It's all Jews. They are a RACIAL plague. Your post reeks of nupol

I'm laughing so hard at that, JIDF i know you don't have anything to do but i think you should go something else with your pathetic lives just to change things a little bit, don't you think ? LOL.

theres fuck all you can really do. form a tribe and have constant guerrilla warfare and hit and run attacks in the woods against the nwo? you're still fucked if everyones against you

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AND redtext demoralization guy switches IPs. is this some faggot on leftypol or what?

Truth. There's a reason us Zig Forumsbros are so blackpilled. Victory is literally impossible for us now, and the whole world hates us. The only people who think otherwise are (((whitepillers))) who thought the Christchurch shooting was good for our cause.
Blackpill will always and forever be bestpill. Never again will we have hope, for the world is against us in this war. Suicide is the only escape.

In the woods? No. The military has a strategic advantage in wilderness warfare. But you and I are speaking hypothetically, aren't we? If the Enemy, hypothetically speaking, was to enact the worst fears we all have: forced white sterilization, criminalizing "white culture," and so forth… then yes: he's already won. The only thing we can do in that instance is to make him uncomfortable and unsafe.

Your future housing

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lol gay.

You are offering a position that makes it seem that it is impossible to maneuver this and I am saying that the situation isn't quite as clear as you think. You see, when I study conspiracy theories, I study ALL of it and I know that there are a couple of guys out here who are working against the elite. Could it be for reasons of money, disagreement, or just plain jealousy and backstabbing? Who knows, but consider this:


Was it to terrorize us? Well, I don't think so because otherwise they would just straight out tell the normies that they are devil worshipping degenerate child molesters and they will die if they disobey. Was it to demoralize us? Highly likely, but the elite wouldn't flex on us if they knew something that we don't know. Considering that there seems to not be too many other leads and evidence, I just don't see that. If it was so important to the elite, then they would murder all of the conspiracy theorists and whistleblowers beforehand then put out mindless bullshit propaganda that will bluepill normies into complete oblivion to where they don't even question the government. THAT makes more sense than allowing us to see their game plan up front.

In other words, perhaps the system is more fragile and vulnerable than we think? The black pill isn't accurate, the honk pill is more accurate. We live in a clown world, since the elites have made us all Sisyphus from birth in a absurd world where nothing really matters but (((them))) and their cults. Maybe the kikes are completely batshit insane and resort to the lowest animalistic inhibitions like murdering and raping children for their bizarre rituals? There's lots of questions but no real answers. Only thing we can do is speculate. Unless you people all go Tarrant mode and accelerate this society into the ground.

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The world and its absurd complexities are too much for Zig Forums to ever grasp as one big picture, simply because the information is not available for the public to dissect. That's why this place focuses on ethnocentrism and nationalism, the things it knows best. Attempting to understand the enormous absurdity of our planet's situation is essentially pointless. Minds work better on specific ideas.

Wrong. We have already won.

Pushing demoralization and suicide is the only tactic left to you because you know we have already won.

"Who cares about sand niggers/muzzies being murdered"-Neoliberal Conservative like OP


Anons should remember that those that seem evil are simply stupid and know not what they do. See: 'Boomers' for example. They actually thin what the are doing is a good thing. "punch nazis", "destroy western civilization", and so on.

Nigger at least ask me before you presume what I believe. I believe in accelerationism, which is not necessarily Tarrant's philosophy because I don't believe that an race war will even happen. It is more like "oh, ok well Soros is actively pushing for chaos and anarchy in this country so why not satisfy his desire but pushing it even further beyond the point that they want to achieve". If these people wants niggers, spics and gangs of other minorities here in America, then they should think twice about them backstabbing the Jews after they don't get the gibs anymore.

Morality under the liberal mindframe is completely delusional, since they don't recognize the fault of their own actions but blame and scorn the right-wing for everything. That's what I mean. You want degeneracy, Satanism, or whatever? Fine. Have a good time trying to control all of it. That's true anarchy and chaos, women running around ==accusing the Rothschild's of raping them== would be the ultimate #MeToo and would ironically collapse the system. Imagine. That's feminism, open borders, socialism for you.

gvt fails in forest/mountain war as proven by years of war in the forestless middle east mountains and the games run in the states. Some user will post the pic.

tarrant works for jews
deal with it

Asses, where you been bud?

Reminder: you're here forever.

Also, they can't murder enough to repulse what chaos karma they have already accumulated, this sort of thing always ends with the "stupid" people just not being stupid enough, and no amount of poisons or 5G is going to forego their imminent demise. For instance, they think all the Celts and Saxons no longer remember their authors when some yet know where their soul's allegiance lies, such as with Mr. Emerson here,

/*The soulShall have society of its own rank :Be great. be true, and all the Seipios, The Catos. the wise patriots of Rome, Shall Hoek to you and tarry by your side And comfort you with their high company,*/

Irregardless it is an interesting point of view. I've seen the part where Tarrant mentions something about Israel in his manifesto and kinda dodges the question but other than that he has interesting points. This is all theoretical by the way, nothing is proven entirely in my assessment of the situation. That is why I think it is important to have an discussion rather than fragment our opinions and thoughts by calling each other shills, agents, retards, or other dumb shit whilst ignoring some important details. Unless we all post timestamps, our addresses, phone numbers, check stubs, etc. to clear the paranoia because someone might be a Jew.

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Tarrant is a psyop, no other way it could be from the facts I've seen.

Why suicide? Lol you’re a faggot.

There is some type of belief or ideal that ties jews in with the rest of our enemies of Whites muslims,freemason, degenerate traitor psychopath cults and satanist nwo. The fact is Whites have been starting and running civilization from the beginning even asian civilizations were built on much older European cities. So that makes Whites king of the hill and they want to knock us off occams razor.

Otherwise if i remember correctly there was a user that posted how the whole thing is based on flipping reality to become God. In doing so turning basically whats made humans go from hunter-gather savages into civilizations to develop in to ethnics groups and that since then humanity has been more segregated while guided by Force majeure more then ever. Now the goal of flipping reality is a effort to make God show his hand or reveal himself by flipping the basics of his reality males are now females in a effort to break biological laws that there is no gender, there is no race we are all one ancestor, there is no right or wrong because both are our right to choose.

In doing so these groups think they can kill God by taking away his rules and that reality from then on would basically be at our whim and conjoin everyone in to God itself by being free from his rule that everything we know down to physics can be rewritten. Doesn't mean all that shit is going on or real just that they believe its going on.

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We haven't already won, but asses and elbows user is also wrong. The pot went on the stove a long time ago, but we're only just getting into the real boil now. We haven't won and we havent lost. We've only just begun.

If suicide is honestly a consideration to any user here, at least make sure your Minecraft K:D is positive before you leave your village to the villagers. My Minecraft legacy consists of multiple dogs, a nice farm and a max enchanted diamond armor set.

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Suicide is literally never an option, except sacrificing yourself for a good cause but that's it.

Years of indoctrination at school/college/university caused huge amounts of cognitive dissonance when some people realize that not everyone who disagrees with them is a racist.
It's sad that you think the human desire to say 'fuck you' will ever fade.

they are all working in unison to kidnap young children, rape them, then kill them, then drink their adrenachrome laced blood.

THAT is the conspiracy, in a nutshell.

it's fuckin brendan fraser


You underestimate how close society is to collapsing without a battle.

I mean a bunch of people would have to rise up at once, or at least within a short window of one another, and begin taking action
this would cause the feds to chimp out, and cause them to label the rebels as a terrorist hate group and send the military/atf after them

something would need to be done in order to win over the military; a lot of the rebels would initially die off as sacrificial lambs. We know the atf would have no problem slaughtering justified civilians, so we wouldn't even try to work them over.

this one?

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Red user was the one who verified Purple user's description of intel agencies' HQ interiors.

There's simply no proof of that, stop spreading bullshit.

No, that was Green user. Then White & Orange user came along too, out of which Captain Bullshit was born

top kek

i'm still laughing

They don't have as much control as the want us to think they do.

If they did, none of this would have happened; we wouldn't be talking about it; there would be no chans, no Brexit, No Trump.

They have begun to panic, so their plan, in propaganda and with their shilling here, is to convince us that they have actually far more power than presented, to demoralize us and get us to back down. Just check out the fist kikepost on this very thread.

The blackpill is not real, it is a kike invention. They got cocky and fucked up. Now they are backed into a corner and are desperately scrambling to try and fix their mistakes

found the jew

Hi ashes!

Normies are doomed. There are not supposed to be massive populations of humans putting cities and roads all over the place. The amount of waste each human produces, especially in the West is shocking. Over-Population is worse than that.

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Capitalism is losing popularity because capitalists are being recognized as a less competent alternative to government. It’s like Elon Musk said - a billionaire and an agency administrator are basically the same thing. So why do we need billionaires? They lie, waste resources, and scheme to claw back society towards grey primitivism. We get a more fun, colorful society with egalitarianism.

no wonder you can't make heads or tail out of all our conspiranoya
here's the TLDR
Jews = evil
Anti Jewery = good
each and everyone of these bows down to the almighty petrodollar, and who controls the petrodollar?. The Federal Reserve, but who owns the Federa Reserve?. You guesswd it! the Jews
the dinosaur media machine the Jews had always rellyed on for brainwashing and social engineering got BTFOed by neckberaded basement dwelling weebs who got butthurt when femtards went after their waifus and a filthy rich bad goy used the chance to seise power, and became buttbuddies with lesser Jews more than eager to start a power struggle against the top Jews
there is no king on the NWO and all those who want to sit their asses on the throne are competing in a deathmatch against each other, with Trump and his ilk being the chalenger team and their oposition being the current rulers
sage becos OP is faggot who needs to lurk moar

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Conservative leftists cracked down on sexual freedom and you summarized that as neckbearded basement dwellers defending their waifus? Are you serious? The defense of sexuality was lead by liberals! The public swung sharply progressive and the corrupted corporate left tried to drag it back, the out of touch fuckers.

summarized the reaction to that as, I meant.

I do wonder if the locals are smart enough to parse linguistic replacements. I know people are now so obsessively dishonest that they can’t tolerate discussion of reality with any gravity, and I know that the retardation is supposed to be pretend (we’re back in another iteration of that phase of the internet, lol - abusive people are profoundly uncreative), but the impression I’ve gotten is that a lot of the people pretending to be stupid are in fact actually stupid (which is where this fad flamed out last time, too).

what are you even talking about?
they shitting their pants in 4 year old hissy fits (aka trump derangement syndrome) ? this was carefully engineered by the kikes yes, but it didn't take much, the basic material was there.


haha get a load of this defeatist cuck

Dear god, slutshaming. You’re from AGG, aren’t you? That’s not ever what GG was about, that was the conservative left’s smear against it.

And it all ends by killing jews. Life is that simple. Kill jews, and their evil dies with them.

The jews lost. You lost.
The jews never win. We always win.
The jews always lose. You always lose.
The jews lost. You lost.

I had better conversations about social justice with nobodies I met inside of GamerGate than the nobodies I’d met first in social justice spaces. It’s always the nobodies I care about, not the narcissistic leaders who want to embody collectives. It was in meeting apparently sincere social justice activists within GG that my allegiance was firmed; I investigate schisms and then stick on integrity. If nobodies are being lied about, I don’t care what vampiric losers are trying to clout into the culture across the top. From my perspective GG was fighting a freezeout in its allied media spaces while being heavily undermined by the libertarian disease - the right-wing VIP activists who come charging in to destroy potentially sympathetic causes are lying shits who can barely dare talk to the rank and file, and when they manage it they can’t hear perspectives other than what they themselves brought in.

Culture swung left, but it happened during a moment of leftist corruption that prevented full utilization of unleashed cultural energies. Chaos arose in the backlash as psuedoleftists lead charges against real leftists. Now the left is clarifying - and the momentum isn’t dead, but there are new villains in the story.

You know what that’s doing?

It’s undermining capitalism. Socialism is becoming more popular because capitalists corrupted too much of what they touched. When they for their own sake should have been reinforcing privacy and negotiating resource transfers, they were scheming short-sightedly instead. That’s politics: the game of competitive self-sabotage, where the real underlying system is so chaotic that every scheme contains its own ruin.

ethiccucks are retards
ethic were just our weapon
the enemy to purge had always been the sjw

I’m a free agent in a lot of ways. I’m willing to help both capitalists and socialists, for instance. I would have a similar centrist position on religion, but religious people parse me as atheistic while atheists parse me as religious; non-agnostics have just started to seem like blind nutters to me, and I actually don’t mean offense but I do understand how offensive it is to say that, so my apologies. People don’t understand in recent years the idea of caring more about truth than partisanship.

I used to hate socialists. My own centrism is new, a product of the dynamic that I’m talking about. See, I do ultimately care more about truth than economic structure. If capitalists are as blindly unliberated as they’ve come to seem, I start to want to take down the bourgoise because I love the bourgoise. That’s a centrist position. I’m not against the leaders or the workers, but either might need saving.

Ah, but overall? Anyone who cares about truth is someone I like. Anyone who can understand the priority on life itself, and the worth of living forever. As we all will when our society is true enough! For every part of a machine can be replaced if that machine is truly understood, and when we truly understand the human machine every part of it will be replaceable.

The parasitism of the leaders who dissuaded me from capitalism can be summed up like this: they would replace human machines not in the ssnse of maximizing the dynamism of people, but in the sense of dumping economic potential on the floor. Capitalist “leaders” would treat others as they themselves would never consent to be treated. It’s primitive and wasteful. They march to avoidable demises and stagnant cultures.

If we instead endeavor to give to all people the bodies and minds of peak capability, in dynamism the people will become unleadable, and a new era of entrepreneurship will be unleashed. Our culture will never stagnate again, and people will never get too old to keep up. But capitalists cannot seem to bring about this future - the entrepreneurial energy of capitalism as a human system is fading, as fascism, monarchism, and stalinism faded before it.

What remains? Remaking medical care, state-funded, over a system oriented to the health of small businesses. I believe that’s the next era. But oh, I’ll still work with anyone who values human dynamism and entrepreneurship more than stagnant parasitic leaders.

Why are you TLDRing for two lines of reading? Why do it at all?

Start with yourself if suicide is the only way

sounds like schizophrenia my dude

Hi, moishe

ip hopping, OP?

If you read the post mate, it is basically me stating my confusion of it all. I miscalculated alot of different things and couldn't predict any of this happening because it seems like the worst possible outcome is getting ready to happen. So let me put things into perspective like a fag (which you are) so you will understand a little bit. btw, before I start, there's some amazing responses here from anons and I am looking into the things you've stated.

I already mentioned a movie, so let's go further and say it's an interactive movie that involves decision making and different endings like a JRPG. This is to make it more relatable, and if you are a Chad and never played video games at all then just think about your life in general and the choices you've made. If your abstract IQ isn't that high (which I would imagine for a fag like you), then just watch this perhaps?

You can even hear it in the music, film, and other forms of entertainment that the creators or directors believe something is happening and since alot of musicians are coming out against Trump, it can be seen that these people don't think everything is fine. That's why gamergate happened. That's why Kanye West is talking about weird shit all of the time, which even I can't make heads or tails of.

I am a musician myself and have seen the potential in art's sparking of critical thinking and abstract thought. Point is, essentially as an artfag I can see and think outside the box but I can't clearly, objectively, and empirically figure out what's going on without HARD, CONCRETE evidence that proves 100% of that happening. Like how an atheist doesn't believe in God due to the lack of evidence, I for one, can't really believe in conspiracy theories because there's not much to prove. Freemasonry does have members that don't do anything called something 'Porch Masons' where they stay at the 3rd degree and don't move up the ladder. They could easily be seen as normies because technically they are not doing anything wrong. I believe that is what is going on at a collective level where people are unconscious of the decisions and choices they are making (keep in mind what I said before because I am cross-referencing), and interconnect into these social nodes of society that are secretive and restricted without investigating further.

If you joined the 'club' right now, they wouldn't tell you anything on the account that you are a normie and can't handle it. So much, that you would believe that everything is fine and dandy because everything is calculated and planned. BUT like the Joker said:


Things like the unemployment rate, GDP, and other parts of social cohesion are seemingly fine right? CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and others would say that everything is fine… except for 'these' group of people that are causing conflict. Whether it be conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, neo-nazis or whatever. BUT, what if it was all not true and everything you've been told is a lie and society is much more fragile and weak than you thought? Society is essentially dead. Men are women, women are men with HRT, feminism has destroyed the family unit, niggers are running rampant in society causing mayhem and the traditional white man is now being attacked in the media. Why? Well, things are not actually going according to plan. You see, the elite don't have as much control as you think buddy. So doing this clown shit, where you call people schizos just for questioning things in an harmless fashion is just a sign of desperation. Even if you are a bluepilled normie and have no idea what the fuck is going on, I still can't give you the benefit of the doubt because you're already showing that you can't be trusted, especially in the event of anarchy or chaos, which I believe is likely to come soon if this isn't fixed.

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That actually is precisely according to plan, and has only come about because they do have near-total control of the power structure in the Western world (and beyond). What you see as mayhem is really not disarray or failings, but precision, time-tested, thoroughly-effective machinations to bring nations to heel.

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I remember you as Zon Kuthon the annoying emo cunt.

The "conservative left" doesn't exist, shit-for-brains; they're only neoliberals.

The masquerade has slowly been lifted, what you see is not a corruption of reality for that corruption was the mask you wore. What you see now is the true nature of reality. This place we're in right now, it's a crucible locked under the ocean that is eternity. We're all here for the same reason more or less, to escape the void of eternity and the insanity that it follows. It's a brief reprieve, yes, because the cracks eventually start to form as you noted, but the good thing about consciousness is creation.



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There is much you could do the least being attach explosives to your self and walk around Jews and pull the ignition. I'm sure you can think of more.

Murder suicide.

Too late.

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