Russia ― Marxism ― Dugin ― Deception

«A small minority of us in the Western nationalist movement feel it imperative to alert leaders and persons of influence in our sphere of the great Russia deception. For it seems the great majority in our movement are being deceived on a massive scale by a decades-old, highly sophisticated, and highly co-ordinated campaign to lure the Church and Western nationalists into a trap in order to finally clinch world communistic government.

Essentially, the deception lies in the mistaken belief in the collapse of communist power in Russia, in the supposed Sino-Soviet split, and in the alleged rebirth of conservatism/nationalism/Christian orthodoxy in the current Russian Federation. Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn attempted to warn the world of this grand Russia deception in the 1980s through his contacts in the Central Intelligence Agency; however, we fear his efforts may have been sabotaged by Zionist agents within the CIA, namely one James Jesus Angleton. As a result, his message appears to have been blocked from reaching the appropriate channels of power in government and, ultimately, omitted from foreign policy plans of Western nations.

Golitsyn laid out in his memoranda to the CIA (made public through his two books: New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception) how the long-range Soviet plan—based on Leninist deception methods—was to restructure communism in China and the Soviet bloc to the more aesthetically appealing democratic socialism in order to lull the West to sleep over the world communist threat. Once this step had been accomplished (in the 1990s), the plan was to move on to the next phase, which would involve what Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov described as the demoralization of the Western social sphere, where the crypto-Soviet regime would externalize onto the West a seemingly contradictory policy of promoting opposing extreme Right and Left ideals as well as identity politics—with the hope of disarming, destabilizing, and weakening it. The perceived mystique surrounding this hyper-normalization doctrine has kept the public and Western analysts from detecting the stealth long-range Soviet plan for world government. As we have learned through the latest U.S. presidential election, the Soviets have manipulated the U.S. electoral process, mainly by way of mimetic warfare through the cyber medium, which polarized the electorate using well organized online troll armies. It appears that the crypto-Soviets were not as concerned with the winner of the election as they were with the resulting polarization of the American populace. The alleged Soviet blackmail of Trump just happened to be an bonus and insurance policy on their strategy. At present, Russia appears to be feigning a return to conservatism and Orthodoxy as part of its two-tiered hyper-normalization deception. But make no mistake, it is all a ruse. The crypto-Soviet power is no friend to the Church, to the West, nor to the Russian people.»

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«Not only does Golitsyn have a greater-than-90-per-cent accuracy rate through his hundreds of predictions of Soviet manoeuvres over the last three decades, he has corroboration through the admissions of one of the Soviets’ top modern Marxist prophets: Alexander Dugin. It is clear that Dugin—a self-described nationalist Bolshevist who helped found the Communist Party of the Russian Federation following the staged disintegration of the CPSU—is the rebirth of Karl Marx. His political theories are realizing Lenin’s vision for the final victory of world communism. Through a cleverly veiled dialectic, Dugin and his Duginism have apparently captivated Western nationalists, even Church leaders. They’ve been deceived into thinking Dugin’s Bolshevik concepts are aligned with the goals of Western nationalism and the Church’s social conservatism. Duginism appears to be the fulfillment of another important aspect of the world communist goal in the Warburg’s Kalergi Plan, which involves a push towards transhumanism and the de-Europeanization of the West through unfettered migration of mostly Islamic and Asiatic populations to Europe and its Western daughters in North America and Oceania. Dugin makes it clear in his many political papers that Russia and its KGB-invented Eurasian mandate for the world involves the disintegration of ethno and religious states and the integration of all peoples and faiths—the final realization of Judaeo-masonic world communistic government. Brother Maurice Pinay warned the world of this plan in The Plot Against the Church (1962).

The capstone of this great Russia deception lies in the Judaized global technocracy agenda, which is central to the planned communistic world government. We have learned that the existing Sino-Soviet axis is now fully dedicated to the development and integration of Israeli high technology (Talpiot program, 8200). This collectivist technocracy—as outlined in such schemes as the United Nations’ Agenda 21—will be mandatory for all citizens of the planned world government. The Soviets have the demoralized West occupied with identity politics and Balkanization schemes, like Kalergi, while Israel, Russia, China, and the BRICS solidify their alliance through the One Belt, One Road plan and construct the coming world government techno-infrastructure smart grid. It appears Russia is leading the disintegration of the West while Israel leads the technology aspect, and China the manufacturing aspect. Furthermore, Israel appears poised to replace its military sponsor in the United States with the militaries of both Russia and China. As we recently have seen, Russia is policing the Middle East on behalf of Israel with greater intensity. Golitsyn warned that this Judaeo-Sino-Soviet axis would use co-operation blackmail to get Western complicity. This can only mean that the axis is militarily superior to the West and NATO!

To address the causes of this deception proves difficult. One possible primary cause, and something which Golitsyn notes, is the repeated use of failed Western analysis of the highly complex Soviet strategy. Soviet defectors have told the West that Soviet propaganda relies to a great degree on the concept of controlled opposition, as was demonstrated with the Soviet Trust honeypot model under Lenin, and on the use of double agents. It seems that Western nationalists and Church leaders have failed to recognize the repeated use of these sophisticated tactics, save for some traditional Catholic opponents to the communist-inspired modernization of the Vatican and some faithful Eastern Orthodox, like in ROCOR and the Catacomb Church, who learned of Soviet manipulation and control of Church leadership (still going on). It is possible that our Catholic brothers may be further deceived by the great Russia deception due to their reliance on the Fatima prophecies, which predict a reconciliation of Russia with the Roman Catholic Church.

We implore you to rethink your position regarding Russia and its role in the reshaping of the world as we know it. If Golitsyn proves to be correct yet again, Western failure to detect and act upon this great Russian deception inevitably will result in its own demise, along with the Church as we know it. Embracing your future captors is not a good idea.»

If you want to know who shills 24/7, it's most likely slavfags because they're annoying faggots who won't leave

bump for nazbol tears

Anatoliy Golitsyn — New Lies for Old

Anatoliy Golitsyn — The Perestroika Deception

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What is Duginism and why it matters?

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The problem with the Golitsyn thesis is the collapse of the Soviet Union and the destruction it ravaged on the Russian people, that they still haven't full recovered from. It's an interesting theory, but really gets leaned on as a crutch by people who don't want to face the reality that the jewish operatives inside the KGB – like Andropov's crowd – were the ones collaborating with Western governments to bring down the USSR and loot it.

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kill yourself glownigger


«Some people on the right and on pol think Russia is on their side and Russia will save them. Fuck that!

I'm 1/2 Russian myself, was born there, immigrated in late 90s.

Russia does not exist. There is a territory controlled by mobs that pretends to be a country. Everyone with at least some common sense already left this shithole. 0.1% population are mobs (with Putin as their commander) and they have it all. 10% are their servants, and they have somewhat ok life. 5% are smarties who are there to make money and then GTFO (think Yandex), then the rest are snow niggers who live in poverty or extreme poverty.

I have no fucking idea how their propaganda manages to present the country as right-wing, when, in-fact, it is mobster oligarchy, censorship to the max etc. There is a fucking law that FORCES you to respect authorities. If you say "Putin sucks" you end up in jail.

There is a huge special force called rosguardia, and their only job is to fight opposition.

Yeah, I do realize that USA and EU are oligarchy as well, but at least there is somewhat high quality of life, your rights are more or less protected and laws are more or less working. Russia is corrupt at ALL levels.

The situation is SO bad, that even snow niggers are realizing it and there will be revolution there soon. It got to a point where there are some civil unrests, and police force and rosguardia from that region refuses to deal with it, so mobs had to import force from other regions to shut it down.

US/EU are bad, but Russia is 10000 times worse, hopefully it will collapse soon, be divided in 5-6 countries. And good riddance, fuck that miserable shithole and all the snow niggers who let a small group of mobs to take over a huge country with virtually unlimited resources.

Russia is already multicultural/multiracial and actively promotes that (and have always done that even during the USSR and late Czarist eras). Any ethnic seperatism or racialism is clamped down and forbidden. Real Russian Nationalists are jailed or silenced.

Putin’s "Russian" state-enforced multiracialism

Brilliant argument.

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Julius Evola — The Two Faces of Nationalism

It is a simply a fact that the World War, far from exhausting the process of clarifying the nationalisms of Europe and beyond, has carried this process to its acute phase. There is therefore today good reason to consider carefully the significance of this fact.
What is the meaning of nationalism in the context of a philosophy of culture? We ask ourselves this question, to which we believe we can give the following answer: the nationalistic direction admits two possibilities that are theoretically distinct and antithetical, although in practice they are often confused with one another. One involves degeneration and regression, while the other instead leads to superior values — the prelude to resurrection.
Let us see how we can render such an idea comprehensible, which in its mere statement seems so rich in consequences.
It is impossible to understand a phenomenon like nationalism without placing it in the context of a general historical vision that rests on the solid foundation of criteria of value.
Today a vision of this kind has a positive result: the progressive fall of political power from one to another of the planes that marked the qualitative differentiation of human possibilities in ancient cultures. The process has proceeded from the threshold of ‘historical’ times all the way to our day, and has particularly focused on Western political history.[1]
It is well-known that the analogy between the political organism and the human has a tradition of remote antiquity. However, in every higher form of bodily organisation, there is a hierarchical connection with four distinct functions. On the lowest level there are the undifferentiated energies of pure vitality. They are dominated from above by the functions of trade and the general organic economy. These in turn find in the will what moves and directs the totality of the body in space. Finally, at the top, there is a power of intellect and liberty, which is the centre and light of the whole organism.
Traditions existed which served almost as spiritualised bodies, not as creatures of necessity or temporal contingency for the great body of the states. They express a will for a division and a hierarchy of rigorously corresponding classes and castes. Corresponding to vitality, economic organisation, will, and spirit, there were the four distinct classes of slaves (workers), merchants, warriors, and finally the bearers of a simultaneously regal and sacerdotal authority. Each caste is set up hierarchically above another: the masses under the control and rule of experts in trade and the utilisation of natural and economic resources; and the merchants under the authority of warrior aristocracies, who in turn are gathered around a leading figure of a complete and dominating type who gave testimony, as it were, of something more than human in man.
The ancient Orient (India) and the Far East knew a similar type of social organisation. There was a partial similarity to this in ancient Greece and ancient Rome which is found in the political teachings of Plato and Aristotle, and which came to life again in the Catholic and feudal Middle Ages.
It is important to emphasise that this kind of organisation corresponded to the type of a qualitative hierarchy, and was characterised by its clarity of higher forms of interests and individualities. In the ancient Orient the two higher castes were called ‘reborn’, and so were the expressions of a spiritual elite. In this vision, the Warrior and the Aristocrat had a significance which was more ‘sacred’ than ‘political’. Every hierarchy based on economy, work, industry, and administration remained restricted to the two lower castes, which were the equivalent to what is the bodily and vital part in a human organism.

So the hierarchy of the four castes represented the progressive steps of an elevation of individuality even perceptually, precisely by means of adhesion to forms of activity that are superior to those appropriate to everyday living. Compared to the anonymous masses, intent only on ‘living’, the organisers of work and wealth — the second caste — already represented the outline of a type, a ‘person’. But we can already feel more clearly the form of what is ‘more than living’ in the heroism of the Warrior and the ethos of the Aristocrat — the third caste — and that of a being that gives himself a law that surpasses the natural element, which is instinctive, collective, and utilitarian. Finally, if the Ascetic, King, and Priest were mixed in a unique essence in the primordial notion of leadership, this unity designates a universal and almost supernatural fulfilment of personality; the complete expression of what does not have the force to liberate itself from the contingent in order to realise itself in the common man. To the degree to which such dominating figures, complete individuals, served as an axis for the entire social organism, this organism was like a body directed by the spirit, the temporal power and spiritual authority coincided, and the hierarchy was legitimate, in the absolute sense of the term.
The ideal model of this pattern, the basis of value, is independent of the degree and the form in which any particular society of the past could have realised it. Once the pattern is fixed, the realisation of the process of the progressive ‘fall’ from power in historical times becomes crudely evident. The era of the ‘Sacred King’ — of the natures that are simultaneously imperial and sacerdotal — already stands on the threshold of ‘mythic’ times. The peak disappears, power passes to the step immediately below — to the Warrior caste: monarchs of the lay type, military leaders, or lords of temporal justice.
Second collapse: the sunset of the great European monarchies, the decay of the aristocracies. Through revolutions (in England and France) and constitutions, they become empty remnants in respect of the ‘nation’s will.’ Along with the parliamentary, republican, and bourgeois democracies, the rise of the capitalist oligarchies express the inevitable passage of political power from the second caste to the modern equivalent of the third caste — the merchants’ caste.
Finally, the crisis of bourgeois society, the proletarian revolt, and the despotism of the masses that is established as purely collective, economic, and international entities forecast the final collapse, through which power passes to the last caste — the caste of those without names or faces, with the resulting reduction of every standard of living to the level of matter and number.
Another view: just like people who can no longer support the tension of the spirit, and then not even the tension of the will, of the force that moves the body — and they let themselves go — and then rise magnetically, almost like a soulless body, under the impulse of another force, which is barely seen, out of the shadows of pure vitality.
It is time to acknowledge the illusory character of all the myths of ‘progress’ and to open our eyes to reality. It is time to recognise the harsh destiny of spiritual destruction that has weighed on the West and that today is ripening its last fruits.
To reach our specific problem we need to emphasise that, in the centre of the involuted progress we have just described, the individual moves toward the collective, in strict dependence on the reduction of the interests from which the higher castes drew their legitimate hierarchical authority in favour of the interests of the lower castes, as we mentioned.
In reality a man can be free in himself only by adhering to his freedom of action. In the two symbols of pure Action (heroism) and pure Knowledge (contemplation, ascesis) that are supported by an aristocratic regime, the two higher castes open ways for man to participate in this ‘super-worldly’ order, which is the only one in which he can belong to himself and gather the integral and universal sense of personality. By destroying all interest in that order and by concentrating on practical and utilitarian goals, economic results, and all the other pursuits of the two lower castes, man disintegrates, loses his centre, and opens himself up to stronger forces that tear him out of himself and hand him over to the irrational and pre-personal energies of the collective life. It is rising above these which establishes the power of every truly superior culture.

This explains why the collective has been acquiring more and more power in the social forms of the recent past, so much as it were to return life to the totemism of primitive communities. Nation, race, society, and humanity rise today to the level of a mystic personality, and demand unconditional surrender and subordination from the individuals which form part of them, while at the same time hatred is fomented for those superior and dominating individualities in the name of ‘liberty’, who were the only ones in which the principle of subordination and obedience of individuals was sacred and justified. This tyranny of the group is not limited to affirming itself in what has a political and social character in the life of the individual. It arrogates for itself a moral and spiritual right. By insisting that culture and spirit are no longer disinterested forms of activity and ways to elevate the individual, but instead have become organs dependent on the collective temporal entity, it proclaims the morality of those who assert that the mind has sense and value only as an instrument in service to the body. Man, before identifying as personality or as ego, should identify with the social group, faction, or nation — this is one of the specific commandments of recent subversive ideologies, through which they cause the return of the relationship through which the primitive identifies with the totem of his own tribe or clan.
In the reawakening of the Russian race, in its assuming a universal prophetic mission for itself in Sovietism, we have a confirmation of the significance of this regression into primitive social levels, which is present in so many modern forms. This is precisely the opinion of those who see the definitive revolt of an Asiatic barbarian race in the new Russia, which rejects the bid for European civilisation undertaken for two centuries by the Tsars, and which is attempting to ally itself with the forms of social decomposition of the European world. Bolshevism is the revival of the ancient spirit of the Slavic race in modern form: a race without tradition that in its social mysticism, its amalgam of sensuality and spirituality, in the predominance of pathos over ethos, of instinct over rationality, leads us back to the forms of pre-personal lack of discrimination and Communist promiscuity found among primitive peoples.
The huge shock caused by the Great War has returned this element to a state of freedom and has made of it a terrible ferment of decomposition for the parts of Europe that are still healthy. In announcing the advent of the ‘proletarian age’, ‘Soviet culture’ has explicitly vowed itself to the destruction of the ‘leprosy’ of personality and liberty, ‘the poisons of bourgeois society’, and the principles of all evil; to the abolition not only of private property but of every independent thought and every ‘movement that is supernatural and foreign to class interests’ (Lenin); to the advent of the ‘omnipotent mass man’, which alone ought to live and shape every manner of life and thought in individuals. The modern side of Bolshevism consists only in ‘method’. Mechanisation and rationalisation are its preferred means to realise the ‘mass man’, which was already living mystically in the Slavic soul, in a purely economic, universal social regime. Soviet culture confronts — and is aware of it — another race, which equally claims a universal regenerative mission and the presumption to represent the final world of culture: America.

In America, instead of expressing the vitality of a people who remains in the pre-civilised state, the process follows the inflexible determinism that wants man, in the act of shutting himself off from every form of pure spiritualty in order to give himself over to the will of temporal things, to cease ipso facto to belong to himself, and becomes a dependent part of an irrational collective entity that he can no longer dominate. This is the state America has reached, following the ways of the sanctification of the temporal and the secularising of the sacred opened by the Protestant heresy. Carrying to its limit the ideals of the material conquest of the world that Europe had proposed, America blossomed — almost without noticing it — in making practical and physical every sense of power, sanity, activity, and personality, so as to construct a yet more fearful form of barbarism. Here the ascetic is considered as a waste of time, as an anachronistic parasite ‘useless to society’, while the Warrior is viewed as a dangerous fanatic who opportune humanitarian and pacifistic preventive measures ought to perhaps replace with a prize fighter. The perfect type, the spiritual champion, is instead the ‘man who works, who produces’, and every form of activity, even spiritual activity, is valued only in terms of ‘work’ and of ‘productive work’. This is the most characteristic trait to show how it is precisely the representative type of the last of the ancient classes which stands at the top of such a society: the slaves destined to hard work. Here too, having renounced his spiritual personality, man ceases to have any value except for conditions imposed by the collective organisation, infected by the fever of producing, ‘realising’, and moving: conditions that, in addition, assume a moral and even religious value and tend to standardise the same souls in a collective and levelling forma mentis,[2] so as to scorn even the capacity to notice what level of degeneration all this constitutes.
These are the forms through which the cycle closes and the collapse is consummated. Russia and America are the two indicators and two converging faces of the same thing. The body moves backwards from the human organism, as it was when it was supported by the light and authority of the higher castes, to the type of a headless, subhuman organism: advent of the beast without a face.
We now possess all the elements we need to seriously confront the problem: what is the meaning of nationalism in the modern world?
One type of nationalism is clearly recognisable on the basis of what we have said. It is the level immediately preceding the international forms of economic and proletarian collectivism.
What is important in this nationalism is not the fact of the rise of a distinct national consciousness vis à vis others, but the fact that the ‘nation’ becomes a person, a being in itself, and the inability to surpass this right of blood and soil that concerns only the natural and sub-intellectual aspect of man, the impossibility of the individual to value himself otherwise than in terms of a given collectivity and a given tradition — these traits are elevated to ethical values. The fact of belonging to a ‘nation’ here confers a mystical halo on everything, which guards its inviolability and imposes respect for it. This sub-intellectual ethnic element not only refuses to acknowledge authority in superior principles, it reduces such principles to its own service. The ‘nation’ demands its own tribute — only later and subordinately is there room for reality, truth, and spirit. In certain nationalist forms, however, matters go beyond this. Every disinterested and objective criterion is accused of abstraction. The claim is made that even for reality, truth, and culture, it is impossible to ignore national tradition and political interest. This is why we hear talk of our scientific, philosophical, and even religious tradition.[3] Against everything that is not ‘ours’ and does not ‘support the nation’ there is placed a prejudice of lack of support or, at least, suspicious disinterest.

And just as there is no tolerance for the free manifestation of higher activities that might create a reality superior to what is ethnically conditioned, so in the ambiance of such a nationalism there is no respect for the superior personality except insofar as it is ‘representative’ of the nation. Born near the revolutions that have overthrown the remnants of the aristocratic and feudal regime, this nationalism therefore expresses a pure ‘mob spirit’. It is a variety of the democratic intolerance for every leader that is not a mere tool of the ‘popular will’, dependent on its sanction in everything and for everything. It is easy to see that, between nationalism and a Soviet-style or American anonymity, there is basically only a difference of degree. In the Soviet version the individual is dissolved back into the original ethnic and national stocks; in the American one, the very differentiation that belongs to these ethnic stocks are overcome and a vaster collectivising and disintegration into the mass is produced. To take the people from one level to the other, it is enough that the mystique of race gives way to a structure of a purely economic and mechanical type. In such a structure, the last remnant of qualitative difference is eliminated through its impersonal nature. With the rationalisation and mechanisation of social life, the ways remain virtually open for the advent of the mass man without a country. Given that the level of contemporary culture is precisely that of economic and mechanical power, and every criterion of value and greatness is reduced more or less directly to this level, it is perhaps only a question of time before this change comes to pass.
We can ask the following question, however: can nationalism assume another meaning? To this query we think we can respond affirmatively. We have said that nationalism appears as a form of passage to the sides of political dominion that lay in the hands of the third caste, but before the dominion of the lowest caste. This nature renders it susceptible to a double meaning. If we can meet this form of passage in the direction of a fall, we can also meet it in the direction of a recovery and of an eventual reintegration. Supposing that we have touched bottom, anyone who has found the strength to rise again would again meet up with nationalism — but this time another nationalism! As with the magnitude of ‘vectors’ in physics, this phenomenon can only be defined in terms of the factor of direction.
In the case of the first nationalism, the direction is towards collectivisation realised at the level of ‘nation’ — while in the second case it heads from collectivisation toward the reconstruction of a new aristocratic hierarchy.

To express the presuppositions of this second nationalism, it is especially important to pay attention to the words of Paul de Lagarde,[4] the noted exponent of German nationalism. The ‘human’ being is a step down from the ‘national’ being and the ‘national’ being is a step down from the being who is a ‘person’. In other words, in respect to the quality ‘humanity’, the element of the difference ‘nation’ adds an increment of value X, and the element of the single personality adds to this X a further increment of value Y. It is therefore the idea of a hierarchy that goes from the abstract to the concrete. The abstract is the collective, the general. The concrete, on the other hand, is the different, the individual. Compared to the amorphous mass of ‘humanity’, the rise of the differentiated national consciousness can therefore constitute a first step, but the national consciousness, the ethnic stock, ought to represent in its turn an unformed matter compared to individuals. When they are fulfilled and become themselves, and when they actualise themselves in forms of life superior to those conditioned simply by either blood or collective exigencies, they move from the state of chaos to one of cosmos, and from potentiality to act. And then the relationships are turned on their heads. The nation is no longer the end of the individual, but instead the individual as aristocratic or spiritual personality is the end of the nation insofar as the nation remains, as it were, its mother, almost in the same material condition that earth can represent in respect to a tree, which frees itself from the Earth with its higher parts and rises toward the free heights.[5]
This is the fundamental point of difference. To clarify it definitively, it is enough to return to the qualitative sense of the ancient hierarchy of the castes. Nationalism can never be a prelude to resurrection — not creating, but overcoming the mechanistic and collectivist state — unless we posit the bare necessity of restoring an order of values that cannot be reduced to what is practical, ‘social’, and economic, in order to confer on these higher values a primacy and direct authority over all the rest. Without this, no hierarchy exists, and without hierarchy, the return to a higher, spiritualised type of state is impossible. In fact, hierarchy does not simply mean subordination; it means the subordination of what has an inferior nature to what has a superior one. The inferior is everything that can be measured in practical, self-centred, and worldly terms. The superior is what expresses a pure and disinterested form of activity. Every other criterion is illusory and perverting. The case is ‘illusory’ whenever we think of hierarchy in the context of the economy alone and therefore on the basis of differences of money, political rank, of being a white collar worker, of class in the Marxist sense, and so on. The principle of a true hierarchy can arise only with the appearance of interests which are superior to the economic level as a whole. We must begin from the idea that we do not live to develop an economy, but that the economy is a means to an end. This end, however, is internal elevation, the deploying of the personality in an integral and ‘otherworldly’ sense. Hierarchy is therefore an absolute ‘perversion’ when it expresses subservience of what is not earthly to what is earthly, and when the spirit is made the tool of the body. Unfortunately with ‘pragmatism’ reigning on every level, even in science, with a vulgar Machiavellianism and general social climbing, we see this triumph of the earthly over the spiritual today in the great majority of cases. There is nothing more anti-hierarchical and even more anarchic than these bogus types of hierarchies.

In the context of a restorative nationalism we are dealing with the following: first of all, giving a formal order to everything that corresponds to the bodily, vital, or animal part of a human organism in the social whole, and that represents dominion over the two inferior classes: work, economy, and political organisation in the strict sense, creating an ‘economic peace’ that will bring about ‘unwinding’ and allow energies of a higher type to liberate themselves and act on a higher plane. Then men can begin reconstructing the second caste, which is that of the warrior aristocracy, with the monarch as the first of aristocrats. It is a pure aristocracy in which the ideal of the higher formation of the personality can be realised. We should not look at the corrupt and degenerate stocks, against which an easy demagogic critique can be practiced. We should look at the original type of the Lord, as a being in which self-mastery, refinement, a disinterested attitude, culture, honour, loyalty, and especially the qualities of leaders have become a conquest consolidated on the sound basis of blood. Aristocracy is the necessary extension of positive nationalism, because if nationalism delineates the boundaries of blood and of an ethnic stock, aristocracy effects a selection and a further differentiation within such limits, leading from the general and collective towards the individual on a higher plane, which is the meaning of every real progress.
Once an aristocratic tradition has been reconstructed, the first glimmer of spirit will be infused into the body of the state, and nationalism, having achieved its proper task, can yield to higher forms which correspond to types of states that were maintained by the second caste. This will be characterised by an absolute personalisation of all relationships, of the passage from the mechanical to the organic, and from constriction to liberty. For instance, in other times, soldiers did not exist. There were warriors. They did not fight for the ‘nation’ or for ‘right’, but for their king. They did not obey ‘social laws’; they were loyal to their own Lord. Anyone who submitted knew to whom he was submitting, and did it almost with pride. Responsibility was assumed by leaders and monarchs, instead of passing the buck to faceless entities or ideological taboos. Authority rested on the greatness of the personality and the capacity to devote oneself to what did not allow itself to buy or sell or measure in terms of what was ‘useful’. It was no longer a question of ‘living’, but now of what was ‘more than living’.
In turn, this will be the basis for a type of state of a higher form, but it is too distant for us to do more than sketch it in outline. Still, we can emphasise that just as a group of men can remain free and distinct as bodies, but can be united in a unique idea, so when the elites of the various stocks will be able to establish themselves on a level of true spiritual superiority, the paths will be virtually opened to a new universal culture. This does not mean ‘internationalism’, and much less a levelling humanitarianism — both of them creations of a materialistic mentality, since the reality and the political distinctions of the states stands at the same level as that of bodies, and we are not dealing here with the unity of bodies, but instead with the unity of culture and of really super-individual collectives. We find examples of this universality in the Catholic Middle Ages, the Roman Empire, and India, which demonstrate the possibility of a profound unity of culture and spirit along with the plurality of states or races that are ethnically distinct, and often even competing against one another. If we want to speak of a future European consciousness, we should speak of it only in these terms.
This, however, goes far beyond our present task, which is delineating the two opposing meanings of nationalism. We think we have made these two meanings quite clear. As for examining to what degree the variety of nationalisms present today and competing in the various states fall under one or the other meaning, this is a problem of an empirical character, which falls completely outside our consideration.


No. Not my thread but it's a good one. Bamp.

Marxism is Russian, Goy !: the thread

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No one believes Russia will save us. We're just not interested in continuing down the path that King Faisal's 70's propaganda keeps taking us down.

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«MAGA Opus Documentary - The Rise of The NazBol ((( AshkeNazi Bolsheviks ))) & ((( The AltRight )))»

You slavfags do nothing but post this same fucking line

A friend of Bolshevism is always kosher.

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Trump is part of the Bolshevik revolution in America.

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LOL good one dude

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Putin exposed the (((Bolsheviks))) you glownigger.

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Where's the lie, though?

"Western nationalist" is codeword for that imaginary thing called "Western Civilization," where people are supposed to LARP as ancient Romans and Greeks. You know, the cult the ZOG already indoctrinates the youth of the White Nation in.
Translation: Someone went to the ZOG in the 1980s and told the Nigger Integrationist regime there a bunch of nonsense even they wouldn't swallow, and now some Christfag Kike cocksuckers think spreading this narrative will help them keep the White Nation enslaved to Kikes.

Here's a thought: why is it the first thing every Soviet defector thought to themselves is "Let me go to the place where they forced integration with niggers on the White Nation and tell them how evil the USSR is?" Oh, right, because they didn't care that the ZOG forced integration with niggers on the White Nation. They just thought they could get an easy life, saying whatever it is the ZOG told them to say.

Putin is just a puppet for the Global Communist World Order. He's pandering to Christians to promote Communism.

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Communists didn't force integration with niggers on the White Nation in that thing called "America." Christfags did. Christfags did it for their fellow nigger Christfags.

A quick summary:

― After Stalin's death, the USSR's leadership realizes that they need a long-term plan to conquer the entire world, since mere warfare tactics will be insufficient

― They establish a long-term plan which is based on deception and misinformation (see Anatoliy Golitsyn's two books, «New Lies for Old» and «The Perestroika Deception»)

― Externally, the USSR will go through a «Westernization», going even so far as to disintegrate itself into ostensibly autonomous nation-states

― All the while, they have spent an extreme amount of resources to spread Marxism all over the globe (see Yuri Bezmenov's interviews and his book «World Thought Police»)

― While the West collapses because of the Marxist poisoning, Russia displays itself as relatively right-wing, as a savior of the Western Civilization. They control «far-right extremist parties» of Western Europe, and has created the so called Alt-Right in America (only there could such an idiocy set foot). The world will cry out for them to save them, and once they control the world, the mask can fall down and reveal that it has been the same push for a one world government all along. Only, this time there will be no opposition left.

I would advise not replying to shills at all, it only makes their work easier.

based and tldrpilled


Today's «right-wing» is just as degenerate as the «degenerates» they claim to be against. Let us review the average «right-wing» («Fascist», «National Socialist») individual in a few short notes:

― Always up-to-date and obsessed with current pop culture affairs despite allegedly «not caring about what the Jewish media has to say»

― Communication is mostly limited to be done through «memes» (i.e. dumbed-down regurgiated content), despite allegedly being a «free-thinking intellectual with his own ideas»

― Uses foul language no self-respecting man would use (e.g. vulgar speech, Negroisms such as «based»), despite claiming to be above others intellectually and despising Negro culture

― Watches cartoons («anime») and has deeply pathological emotional ties to cartoon characters, when these cartoons are manufactured exactly to further feminize men's psyche, despite claiming to be «the defender of masculine values»

― Constantly falling for the this or that female who masquaredes as a «right-wing» individual for attention and money, despite describing himself as someone who is «knowledgable on women's real nature»

― Has infantile world view, where one side is seen as evil incarnate, and the other side, a mere pseudo-alternative is automatically and necessarily viewed as a savior (this is what we see happening now with Russia), despite claiming to have an mature and realistic world view

― Despite opposing Jews, he spends so much time thinking and talking about them that it would be rightful to ask whether he is not infatuated with them in reality. For this maniacal obsession with Jews (who are nevertheless rightfully called out as natural parasites and harbringers of chaos) he will never be able to identify non-Jewish dangers (i.e. the Masonic Revolutions of the last three century, which were exactly what weakened Europe enough to be taken over by the Jews and were led by non-Jews with Humanistic, Scientist and Renaissance views, which are deemed «Western»)

― Despite incessantly using the rhetoric of «building one's self up», he spends much more time concentrating on hating others than truly becoming a better man — this is rooted in the delusional, spineless, feminine notion that merely pushing others down would make himself rise above

― Despite allegedly caring about the White race, they are very easily charmed into a divide and conquer trap exactly by the most primitive forms of nationalism (i.e. mere chauvinism and jingoism)

This. The sad truth is, that most of the people spewing bullshit here know they are lying. They don't even believe the bullshit narratives they spreading. They think the masses of the White Nation are so stupid, they will believe anything they pull out of their ass.
Those days are quickly coming to an end. We're gonna tell the youth of the White Nation (the only revolutionary force in North America) a few basic, undeniable truths: the line separating the English-speaking Europeans in that thing called "Canada" and in that thing called "America" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation.
And we're gonna tell them this: if forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes is 'communism', then you are the 'communists.' If 'communism' is having a real Nation-State, then we're the 'communists'.

as a russia i approve of this
accept your new russian overlords, amerimutts

Summary on the «Alt-Right»:

― Created, sponsored, and controlled by Russia

― Plays the role of a controlled opposition in America

― Can easily sell itself as «right-wing», now that whatever had been left-wing 20 years ago counts as «right-wing» to the masses of Americans today

― Sells watered down «right-wing» ideas while claiming to be extremist. This incentivizes people not to look beyond this actually highly leftist idea that would make right-wing persons roll in their graves

― Handled by Alexander Dugin, a «pocket-Rasputin» with his pathological world view based merely on Russian jingoism

― Only an American, a nation lacking any culture, history, and race (notice how they had to make up such a word as «White nationalism», which would be unnecessarily in any European country) could fall for such a trick

― Only an American, the eternal manchild lacking any knowledge on world history could believe that the Russians — the worst of the Slavs! — who were ruled by (and degenerated by) Judeo-Masons for almost an entire century, could under 20 years turn around completely and now be «the saviors of the White race»

You have no power here, with your shitty "commie vs usurers" d&c.
Marxism is Jewish meme and always will be.

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is that moldbug?

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Aleksandr Dugin is a Russian political philosopher. He co-founded the National Bolshevik party in Russia. This map illustrates his geopolitical preferences as he laid out in his 1997 book Foundations of Geopolitics. He has close ties to the General Staff Academy, where his work serves as a textbook.
The declared purpose in his book is the rule of ethnic Russians "from Dublin to Vladisvostok." In Dugin's words, the basis of this Empire is "A negation of Atlanticism, a repudiation of the strategic control of the United States, and the rejection of the supremacy of economic, liberal market values…which will prepare the way for a strong political and strategic union.”
These ends are not to be sought by militaristic means, but by a complex mix of subversion, destabilization and disinformation spearheaded by special services and supported by tough use of gas, oil and other natural resource riches to pressure other countries to bend to Russia's will. They are three axises which are to be established in this quest. One with Germany, one with Japan and one with Iran.
According to Dugin, “The task of Moscow is to tear Europe away from the control of the U.S. (NATO), to assist European unification, and to strengthen ties with Central Europe under the aegis of the fundamental external axis Moscow-Berlin. Eurasia needs a united, friendly Europe." With the Berlin-Moscow axis, Dugin advocates giving the Kaliningrad oblast back to Germany. Germany and Russia are then to divvy up de facto spheres of dominance across Europe and thus mutually decide issues facing the region. A strong Franco-German axis is to be encouraged, allowing Germany's sphere to extend beyond central and southern Europe to Iberian countries and Italy. France and Germany are considered to be bastons of anti-Atlanticism. Only the United Kingdom is to cut off and shunned from this Europe-Eurasia, it being an Atlantist 'floating base' of the US. Finland will be annexed directly into Russia. The countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland are to be granted 'special status' in the Eurasian sphere. 'Belorussia' and the eastern regions of Ukraine will be direct parts of Russia. Catholic regions of Ukraine are to be a seperate federation. Finally, Dugin expects the 'Russian South' (orthodox Balkans) will be constituent parts of the Eurasian Empire.
In regards to Asia and the Japanese-Russian axis: The Kuriles are to be given to Japan, and Japan will being constructing its 'new order'. A security belt will be established between Russia and China from seperatist regions of China and China given a sphere of dominance to its south, excluding Vietnam. Mongolia will be absorbed directly into the Empire.
Moving westward, Dugin argues a Russian-Islamic alliance is to the detriment of Atlanticism. Russia will get naval bases on the Indian ocean in the Iranian Empire's territory. Russia will have all eastern access to the Caspian, and the Central Asian and Caucasian states are to be Russia's again, at least for awhile. Armenia is an exception and will be a Russian partner, getting Armenian-populated regions. Georgia goes to Iran as booty in return for being a prickly problem for Russia. Azerbaijan goes as well in return for its 'pro-Turkish orientation'. Any minorities in Turkey will be stirred up to rebellion. Turkey will be allowed southward expansion only.

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The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia was published in 1997 and has had a large influence within the Russian military, police, and foreign policy elites and it has been used as a textbook in the Academy of the General Staff of the Russian military. On the topic of the U.S. it says:
«Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.»

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I have no issue we ethnic Russians, but you're a good damned fool if you think the Russian state is anymore an ally to the white race than the US government. Both are ZOG. Both are anti-white.


Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation


4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviates', and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning – simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.


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Lived in Russia for a minute. It sure as fuck feels like living in a soviet.

Gábor Vona, ex-leader of Hungarian «far-right extremist» party sponsored by Russia (Duginists) and Turkey (Gray Wolves): «The last bastion of traditional culture will be Islam»

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« Yeah, take a look at these:

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - The Long Deception

Perestroika deception

Putin's reign of terror pt1:

Putin's reign of terror pt2:

The Putin Cult is a Suicidal Cult (Martinez & Bjerknes)

Duginite Dicky's Destabilizing Dialectic »

Short video on Golitsyn

Go suck Putin’s cock Ivanov.
You fucking mongoloid shills keep shitting up the board. (You) is watching you.

The “Kremlin-First” Alt-Right: Numerous prominent pundits on the alt-right have pushed a strong pro-Russia, pro-Putin line, usually relying on false and exaggerated claims of Putin’s conservatism to justify their support. The strongest Putin advocate in the alt-right is Richard Spencer who has direct personal connections to Russia and the cult of Russian-Eurasianist ideologue Alexander Dugin. Spencer’s wife, Nina Kouprianova, is Russian. She operates as a Putin bot on Twitter, has translated the works of Dugin into English and has appeared on RT television to regurgitate Kremlin spin about NATO and Ukraine. It seems that everyone Spencer has surrounded himself with tow this pro-Putin cult line, especially Mike Enoch, who marches in lock-step with Spencer in denouncing Trump whenever Trump does something contrary to Putin’s interests. Spencer doesn’t seem to get along with other alt-right pundits who don’t follow his Russian script, such as Greg Johnson. Another big Putin pusher in the alt-right is David Duke, who has his own strong links to Russia, having lived there for years. He always brags of having sold his book Jewish Supremacism in the lobby of the Russian parliament. Duke is also a major Assad groupie, as is Spencer, having been hosted in Syria in 2005 where he gave a speech. This is largely a result of the Russian loyalty, since Assad is Putin’s puppet. Elsewhere Duke has been pictured with Dugin. Matt Heimbach, the disgraced former head of the Traditionalist Workers Party, is the clearest Duginist in the alt-right, having been mentored by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson, a Russophilic “orthodox medievalist” academic who has spent his career promoting Russia as the saviour of the white race and Christianity. Dugin actually spoke at Heimbach’s opening party conference, and the party’s aesthetics largely mirror the symbols of Dugin’s Eurasianist movement. Alongside Heimbach in leading the Putin cucking in the alt-right is Andrew Anglin, the oddball editor of the Daily Stormer who fled the United States and is now most likely living in Russia. From the beginning, Anglin has advanced the Putin cult, using all the standard overused talking points. An investigation into Anglin noted the likelihood he was being sponsored by Russia to agitate during the 2016 US election:

Anglin hadn’t been to the polls in years, but he wasn’t going to miss a chance to vote for Trump. His absentee ballot arrived in Ohio from Krasnodar, a city in southwest Russia near the Black Sea, according to Franklin County records. That the Russian government wouldn’t know about an American inside its borders publishing a major neo-Nazi website seems improbable. Anglin worshipped Putin, and seemed like exactly the type of online agitator Russia might use to sow chaos during the U.S. election. In March, Auernheimer told Daily Stormer commenters that he was setting up the site’s forum on “a much beefier server in the Russian Federation.” Anglin would later swear on his site—“under penalty of perjury”—that he’d never taken money or direction from the Russian government.

Most alt-righters who only listen to Spencer, Anglin and Duke end up also parroting the narratives of the Putin cult because they don’t know any better. Other alt-right sources who spread Putin worship are Red Ice TV and Arktos Media. Red Ice’s second-in-command is Lana Lokteff, who has Russian roots, and thus a strong ethnic bias for Russia and Putin. Arktos has routinely promoted and printed books by Dugin.

Truthers, American “Patriots” and Alt-Lighters: Chief among the Putin shills in this category is Alex Jones, a loudmouth charlatan who takes up any position if it will earn him more viewers and money. Around 2012 Jones started pushing a pro-Putin conspiratard line, that Putin was opposing the globalists and is our saviour from the New World Order, reversing himself from years earlier when he called Putin a terrorist “demon” and “creature of the IMF.” Jones has openly embraced Alexander Dugin, and the two have cross-interviewed each other. For years Jones has received favourable interviews on RT. This highly-embellished and kooky discourse that Putin is an anti-globalist hero has filtered down to the broader “truther” community who eat it up like chocolate cake. This community is extremely gullible. With their chronic disbelief in any mainstream news source, these fools believe any shoddy fake news website that runs under the alternative label. Others in this category include Mike Cernovich, Paul Joseph Watson and Jay Dyer. Dyer is the most clear Duginist of the lot, pushing asinine conspiracy theories depicting every terror attack and shooting in the West as a staged hoax with crisis actors, as per his KGB demoralization agenda to convince Westerners their societies are irredeemably corrupt and that their salvation lies in Russia and Putin.

Hey Popov, can you post that one really awesome video of those Odessan jews? Wouldn’t (you) really like to see it?

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Ukraine is just as bad if not worse. Disgusting Slav op, shut up.

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“Israel has a simple message: we don’t put all our eggs in one basket. We don’t rely only on America. There are a lot of other countries in the world, Russia is one of them, and we’re going to build a relationship with as many countries as possible,” he said.

“In past years, Israel was much closer to the US than to Russia, but that was when America listened to Israel more. And today when America is not listening to Israel and is not realistic about the problems Israel is facing, I think that Israel has all the right to turn to other countries, find more friends and supporters, including Russia.” he added.

“It’s really showing the world how much Israel is viewed in a positive way in Russia today. Look at the press in Europe; look at the press in Russia. Look at anti-Semitism in Europe; look at anti-Semitism in Russia. Look at how the president [Putin] is really involved in what’s going on in the Jewish community and how in other places in the world, [the leaders] don’t care about the Jews.”

“After every meeting they [Putin and Netanyahu] had in the past, Prime Minister Netanyahu walks out and says, ‘I got enough assurances, I have nothing serious to worry about; we feel Russia really understands our issues and cooperates with us,'” said Lazar.

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Fuck putin. Fuck russia.

Nobody cares faggot
Whether Dugin is behind it all / merely exploiting and widening pre-existing fissures / or just some wannabe.
Western Civ is falling, and your israelie overlords aren't the answer considering their greed and stupidity is what created such fissures of race & class.

Trump is a corporate socialist and a child rapist

Kill yourself Pedo apologist kike

Loot it of what? Bolsheviks already looted Russians, and the Soviet/Eastern Bloc of everything, including their wealth, their youth, their heritage, their history, their art, and their future through revision of their preserved knowledge of themselves as a people. Russians obviously got it the worst. For all intents and purposes, "Russians" don't even exist anymore.

You gave yourself away.

Dugin et al are Asiatic. They follow the old/classic model: Asiatics using the Africanoids and other lessers to compete against the Caucuses. Their mechanism of 'competition' is encouraging parasitism for the Africanoids to ensure the success of cannibalism for the Asiaitics. His process ensures the Descent, i.e. that each successive iteration generates less mightful and more dependent Asiatics and Africanoids. This is nothing novel, and is the exact same hellscape that we've been stuck in for the past 25k years.

In brief, Dugin is a Kazakh, a kike, and an unoriginal / non-innovative one at that. They have always used their character as an excuse for morals to advance their blood, and don't actually care about character or morals. Which is correct, in that reductionist sense. It will succeed so long as it finds cucks and lessers to exploit, using parasitism to weaken and enable outright cannibalism to succeed with ease.

Therefore, the only aspects of Dugan(ism) susceptible in the USA (or Europe) are the initial exploit, i.e. the lie, onto the civnats. Particularly, the same civnats who advance failed feral females and create sex harems. Any who exhibit/confess these two behavioral-social traits (civnat + harem commune) are thus what should be placed under containment. In other words, Dugin advances a return to Bolshevik origin; Duginites are those who are compelled by blood to do the same.

Asiatic by any other name.

Nice post putinbot

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Did (you) write that Vlad?

And where is muh odessan jew music?

You didn't read, did you?