4chan Censorship

Just got banned from 4chan for making a statement I've made dozens if not hundreds of times before. That website has turned into an absolute fucking shit show. Spam, retarded bullshit threads that would make Flat Earthers blush, avatar spammers so infamous they are known by name and they aren't banned on site, Feds are openly posting their bullshit, CP is getting spammed like a mother fucker, and the blue boards have all but lost their original communities. /tg/ has about 4 topical threads up any time. /v/ has more involved political discussion than Zig Forums. The hobby communities are overrun with pozzed out faggots and niggers of every color of the rainbow. Absolute subversion from top to bottom. I'm not sure if Gook Mook is even involved in the ongoing management of the website anymore. This in the wake of other major "conservative" forums getting destroyed by Big Tech doesn't leave anything to the imagination about who's responsible.

Attached: 4chan Censorship.jpg (1036x555, 105.93K)

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bruh. 4 and 8 are pozzed. the degree of censorship varies depending on the individual site's niche/purpose.. but theyre both pozzed.

This shithole is starting to get just as bad

Can attest to that this is a true statement. Had several of my high quality threads about jews getting removed or locked. When it goes too far or threads get too deep about the jew. They mysteriously lock or remove them.

Some might say, well theres already threads like holohoax bread. Those threads I speak of were very different from those generic ones.

This place is glownigger very much. You can even tell the glowniggers are on weekend hiatus since they don't shit post that much calling everyone a jew etc, thats what glowniggers do to seem part of the gang. But you can tell who they are.


yeah i wonder if they really are domestic agents who are celebrating or if they gave up and left
havent been here for a while

this. for awhile after the election mods on pol banned everything short of sucking trumps dick. It was the rightwing version of srs, shouting down different ideas with buzzword slurs like racist or shill because they were either too stupid or too brainwashed to win by argument, and banning anything that even hinted at dissent from the groupthink. The glowniggers toned that down after awhile, kicking imkampfy out, but that's only because they had succeeded in their mission to displace 8pols original userbase, cutting the head off the snake as it were.


lol, my ISP has been range banned from cuckchan for a year almost. not sure who even posts there anymore. most of the threads are just automated it seems. Same shit, porn at night, many of the same MK Ultra threads about prison or some shit.

tbh it's fun debating lefties on /news/

I post there for the few mentioned hobbies thread that are up and running. Zig Forums has some non homo shit on the Trump thread of all places and the threads covering topical happenings are alright, but the "mods" and use that term loosely. Are destroying everything of relevance as fast as they possibly can. No rime or reason to their actions. Just random lifetime, 30, and 3 bans out the ass. Having a dynamic IP helps, but it still takes a few hours to jump from one to the next and honestly the content just isn't worth it for the most part. Zig Forums's alright but it's pointlessly obtuse to navigate it sometimes and the hobby forums while nice and comfy. Are too slow for their own good.