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Epstein Arrested
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wonder (((who))) he pissed off to have to take the fall
One down 6 million to go
Clinton palled-around with (((Epstein))) since the early 90s, and only now is shit ever done about it. Really makes me think.
Maybe Trump cucking hard for ZOG resulted in them letting him arrest (((Epstein))) as a small reward. Now Trump can say he's heroic pedo-arrester; which to be fair, is true.
Trump is written down in Epstein’s book and is on public record as knowing about his sexual exploits with children and doing nothing. Trump didn’t do this.
If he doesn't get off with a slap on the wrist this time, he's taking all of D.C. down with him.
Press F for Clintons.
Maybe he had to wait until he had power to act.
The Epstein connection reaches across all major entities from banks, oil, pharam, politics, courts, hollywood, etc. Maybe something will come of this, most likely not a damn thing.
user, please, you’re embarrassing everyone who belongs here.
Epstein arranged for Alan Dershowitz and Prince Andrew (Prince Charles' younger brother) to fuck the same 17 year old (pic relevant).
They're finally pulling out the Epstein card now that Hillary isn't running, since it can only hurt Trump, and not the other front runners.
Epstein will probably get a slap on the wrist, although he deserves capital punishment.
Epstein is most likely a Mossad asset. He won't be seeing any justice.
Not going to respond to the other thread that says Trump is in deep trouble because of this.
Trump took a single ride on his plane back to New York and also banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago because of underage girls. Epstein tried to lure him with girls but failed.
It's Bill Clinton (26 times), Hillary (6 times allegedly) Chris Rock, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey and Alan Dershowitz that have been frequent flyers on Lolita Express.
There are a lot more semites on this planet that have to be taken to the trash heap than 6 million.
none of them ever do user. There is no justice on this planet because of 'grace'.
Trump banned Epstein from his properties and isn't a kid fucker. In fact Trump named Epstein and Bill Clinton's island problem on Hannity BEFORE election. Dershowitz will probably get pardon for helping seal the case against Epstein and ratting others, he's why he's been fervently defending Trump against Mueller.
He wouldn't have been arrested again if he was protected. I don't think he gets out easy this time.
Also, anyone have that Trump tweet where he typo'd a word for body painting orgy or something like that?
Imagine Trump knows Epstein is a child raping pedophile and he doesnt inform the FBI.
Do you happen to have the court case for this, user? If true, it's been completely scrubbed from the internet, except for a few WordPress blogs.
One of the first things Trump did when he got into the White House was give a cabinet position to the prosecutor who cut that deal with Epstein.
If there was ever a kike that deserved the death penalty above all the others, epstein is the one.
He did nothing wrong. Girls are most breedable at that age.
Throw this kike in prison too, glowniggers.
Didn't Trump have a relationship with slippery Jeff?
I'd gladly give up Trump if it means the Clintons go to jail.
Sadly, Trump will let him off to keep quiet
Maybe they'll put (((Epstein))) in prison and just ignore all of his affiliates.
17 is legal in most of the US, well most of the world really
Oh no no no
Meant to post this.
le based (((posobiec))) shill
Who's implying that?
You are. Trump is as much a pedo freak as Hillary.
Great going.
You are a Q-LARPer. You are a cuckchanner. You don’t belong here. Every one of your posts proves this. Get the fuck out.
Yeah that's why he named Epstein's pedo problem in front of the world on Hannity right? lol you are so mad right now its delicious.
im saying he is guilty
Epstein was arrested by FEDs.
So why didn't Trump report him to FEDs when he learned Epstein was running a pedophile ring? Pls explain.
Because the FEDs were trying to undo his election and protecting pedos?
Why would Trump risk incriminating himself by naming Epstein's pedo problem?
Except that they're not being bred, you disgusting kike. They're being used, defiled, and ultimately ruined.
Why are magatards obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She's literally a non-entity. It's like you faggots actually bought into the election trump mythos. Whatever Clinton is guilty of, so its trump. Domacracy is a staged show and they are all like puppets.
pick one you enormous kike shill
Both the left and right are full of pedo scum
Q.predicted this, right?
It's called corruption.
Oh sorry kike, we should forget about that pedophile that can drag all of (((D.C.))) down with her and let her be.
Agreed. They need to be beaten to death with a baseball bat after convicted in a court of law.
that image is from a Rothschilds owned magazine. lol fuck off
Stay assblasted shlomo.
kys shill
You're not hearing me. Every agent of the government of the United states is a kike puppet. They all deserve to hang. Focusing on one low-tier good goy as if she's any different from the rest is a retarded narrative.
Why did Epstein plead the 5th when asked if he ever partied with Trump in the presence of underage girls?
1. Money trails should be interesting, if the sex trafficking charges lead to their exposure.
>Still, no one knew exactly what Epstein did, or how he was able to amass a personal billion-dollar-plus fortune. In addition to a block-long, nine-story mansion on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, Epstein owns the $6.8 million mansion in Palm Beach, an $18 million property in New Mexico, the 70-acre private Caribbean island, a helicopter, a Gulfstream IV and a Boeing 727.
2. Epstein maintains a residence in Manhatten, but lives in the Virgin Islands according to Wikipedia, which is where Orgy Island is, but he is charged with sex trafficking in New York.
Does this have anything to do with
-NXIVM's recent convictions?
-Anthony Weiner's laptop (in NYPD custody) and Huma allegedly cooperating with investigators (from 2016 WND article
No joke, didnt this nigger die like 3 mo after trump got in? There was posts about it all over here though admitiedly i didnt read them as "another kike pedo bites the dust" Headline was enough for me.
If im wrong, please forgive for side steping topic, im just confused.
I wonder what it's like to have a below average IQ. Is the world extremely frightening because you dont understand it, or does your shallow worldview protect you from most of the bad stuff?
Clearly, not everyone. There were even FBI agents who were angry at their management/DOJ for protecting Hillary and co. Its just that the good guys had little power as they were being actively undermined from the top. Good things can happen, and today is proof.
Stay mad resetera.
link to footage please moshe>>13473784
Yes the lifelong Democrat New York real estate mogul who has Jewish grandchildren and frequently praises Israel, and is harsher on their geopolitical rivals than even Obama, is a secret natsoc who will one day 4-d chess the kikes (he hasn't so far but just wait for his reelection goy). You might want to consider suicide.
Just my take but not NXIVM. Anything touched by the FBI HQ is tainted.
Weiner's laptop yes. That's NYPD and FBI New York, whom I still trust aren't fully running under kikes.
Imagine believing this Q-tier, boomer friendly larp.
can just google it
If they find his Clinton tapes or torture him to testify against the Clintons, ho boy. They might as well suicide this kike now while they still have the chance.
Its WSJ you rotten jew.
something actually happened?
The only source on that claim is the book Filthy Rich by James Patterson, which also states that there's no evidence of any wrongdoing by the Clintons. And then the next book Patterson wrote (or maybe one of the next) was co-authored with Bill Clinton.
The book was a whitewash.
I know you Trumpniggers love to interpret things Talmudically and pretend things are only true when they fit your narrative, but if you're that bent on pretending Trump dindu nuffin, you're going to have to say the same about the Clintons, it's what the book said after all.
Source for quote:
Urban Dictionary:
by Carino Risagallo April 08, 2006 (pre-Trump)
John Podesta is a murdering, spirit cooking, pedophile who paints his body for sexual gratification at perverse parties, that the President factually called out as 'Smocking'.
by QisWatching December 16, 2018
Epstein being arrested doesnt prove theres secret natsocs in the us government.
The Rothschilds are actually BASED now, I saw it on Alex Jones.
Still doesn't explain why he would name Epstein if he was fucking kids with him. Or why the (((FBI))) fought Trump. You may be out of your league today Tel Aviv. A gold haired goyim said he loves Israel and you believed him and now he's destroying you.
lel holy shit….
Two options;
- he'll get pardoned
- he'll take it to district court, while spending time under house arrest, where it will get thrown out or if found guilty thrown out in SCOTUS
Still, interesting timing.
You mean when he talked about how much fun it is to be around him, and compared him to himself? The Trumpnigger idea that that was really him "calling him out" is pilpulling on a level that would make most rabbis blush.
He wouldn’t
He’s obviously not a pedo and this is some good shit happening for once
Fuck the niggerpill faggots
jews aren't semites.
Epstein has been arrested previously
wake me up when he faces the consequences of his actions and all the dirty laundry is aired for all to see
>mentions shit he said before calling Epstein a pedo, destroying Hillary, and becoming President against (((FBI)))'s will.
Media Matters out doing damage control.
The girls are murdered afterwards, that's the real scandal which they'll never mention because it would implicate half of the world's governments in capital crimes. It's also why none of them have written a tell-all, and why they have to be underage and trafficked in from shitholes with corrupt governments with easily bribed records officials.
Yeah they are
Semites come from Shem of the house of abraham the crazy nigger. Jews stem from abraham (12 tribes the 12 sons bullshit) and therefore jews are semites
No thanks. Praise Kek. Hail Odin
Wow that was super duper 2016 brosef
You’re wrong and that’s ok too. Sieg Heil
Heil Kreigsmarine
Jews are from west of India between China.
They're Pharisees, not semites.
Only a kike would claim otherwise. It's jews' greatest victimcard "OY VEY ANTISEMITE"
Checked dubs that didn’t deserve it
You’re fucking retarded and most likely jidf
Eat shit. I hope the holocaust happens for real
rolling for triples, gas the pedos
Why don't we look at some of the people connected to Trump who are more powerful than the FBI? Let's start with Sheldon Adelson, who was once the "richest jew in the world", and who even the Israel press admits is like something out of The Protocols. Then there's the Rothschilds, through Resorts International, his bailout by Rothschild Inc., and his appointment of the Rothschild banker Wilbur Ross as commerce secretary. His mentor was the jewish boy-trafficker Roy Cohn and Si Newhouse convinced him to write The Art of the Deal. His dad was friends with Bibi, and he made a campaign ad for him in 2012. He's a Chabad donor, and his daughter, Yael attends a Chabad synagogue…
It goes on and on, while you're autistically screeching about the FBI.
Went from 1000 pedo arrests obongo to 12000 Trump
off by one, nice try
>you're a retard for calling jew what they are and not letting (((anons))) continue to call the that which they aren't
Easiest filter of my life.
Here's (((your))) (you).