Do not twist the words of history. The Battle of Vienna in 1683 WAS NOT about Christianity vs Islam. During those times every Empire had a common goal and that was to expand their borders not a dick mesuring contest about religion, prove me wrong.
Do not twist the words of history. The Battle of Vienna in 1683 WAS NOT about Christianity vs Islam...
Nice slide post. Don't like the front page Epstein shit Moishe?
Sage all fields
Slide post? What the fuck is wrong with you, I'm making a thread which invites actual discussion and politcial thought but here you are saying you prefer another repepatrive magapede thread.
He said nothing about "magapedes"
You are so obviously a shill. Leave.
There is a bunch of threads praising episins arrest as something donald trump did right and you are saying it has nothing to do with magapedes? Do you really think you are a part of a movement that will "save the white race" by being a keyboard warrior on some mongolian basket waving cartoons froum?
Every empire still has the common goal of expanding its borders, just like Mexico, Congo, and China are expanding into the USA today.
Yes just as the USA expanded into others before as well
So… history is a never-ending struggle where the strong survive, and the weak are overcome and destroyed?
Welcome aboard Nazi.
Thanks for killing Zig Forums Vlad
So white men won't be doing anything wrong when they establish new nations on the principle of genocidal Aryan racialism and kill every jew and shitskin child they can get their hands on.
It happned 2000 years ago and it will happen 2000 years later, history repeats itself.
Give it up man. The creepy, autistic weirdos that infest this place want to discuss only 3 topics. A slide thread, on a board where threads stay up for years because the weirdos have driven off all the normal people.
Moldavians weren't "allies", they were fucking subjects, little different than Janissaries. Get the fuck outta here.
My mistake for thinking there was a small bit of decencey left in this place. Even last year was better than the shithole it is today
The Siege of Vienna was actually about Europeans effectively using torture and painful deaths against captured non-White prisoners. Without torturing captured prisoners to get valuable information the siege would have been lost due to the Muslims Explosives.
Romantic-Pristine-Warfare is a pathetic ruse, only useful for obtaining new docile conscripts.
This. And atleast that's something to learn from, rather than useless romanticism :^)
This retard shills this idiocy elsewhere too. Reply already here:
Guys, stop talking about the stuff I don't want to talk about!
All hail the jews, amirite?
They won.
Leave, nigger.
even so, it prevented the turkish race from colonizing germany
well… for a few centuries
Everything is political.
All nations have their own agenda to increase their influence and power, and to reduce their enemies influence and power. this brings them into A constant stream of conflicts and alliances with other nations.
to keep the common people on board with it all they tell them that it's all for a higher cause, ie to spread democracy or protect Christendom or to stop the evil tyrant.
Zig Forums is dying not because of threads like this but because of the autistic gamma males with no social skills shitting up every thread, shooting down any good ideas, and being unnecessarily obnoxious because their existence is so miserable… funny thing is they are the exact same bellends that unironicly whinge about how bad Zig Forums has become
Fun fact: anyone who holds a Turkish passport gets listed as an ethnic Kurd so most of the Turks there are Armenians, Lebanese or Assyrians
Everyone loses eventually. Your time will come.