i have never seen such a racist, homophobe, sexist and mysandrist place as this Zig Forums, i was made aware of its existence by one of my students and i couldnt believe it until i saw it with my own eyes. this place is completely out of control, calling women sluts, calling etnic minorities brownskins and niggers?? threatening violence on students who participate in protest rallies?? what has happened to you that you can be so backwards, so completely out of touch with the times and the modern progressive world at large?? this is not what my generation fought for,.we fought for equality for all people off all races, sexual orientation, and no more gender discrimination at the workplace, we fought for nature, we fought for animal rights.
not to have all that progress we as a society made to be trown out to the trash by you, a bunch of rednecked, trump-voting homophobes hiding behind their computer and who are angry because they lost the public opinion since the latter, better halve of the 20th century and who know nothing of the jim crowe laws, of workplace segregation, and of the blatant backwardness that was holding back america culturally.
This ends now
Women are only struggling in the propaganda construct created and perpetuated by Juice.
Protest rallies aren't real.
Before you get banned, I recommend you visit the book thread. It is the only explanation you’ll get. Read your history to understand why it is the way it is.
Statistics are statistics.
What about the ladies who like it here? We have no place in your world.
Let me explain to you as a very unhappy bitch. Your equality crap ruined my life . I rather to be full time housewife rather than to work like a wage slave. I don't want this at all so fuck you. Fuck all equality.
How are women struggling?
nice try, but an actual leftist would have self censored the word nigger
I'm also larping
I don't think I have ever seen anyone refer to a nigger as a 'brownskin' here before you. Get your terminology RIGHT you faggot…
Hahahaha…just wait until we are exterminating you niggers with Bioweapons…and there is the running and the screaming…
why are you guys replying to this larp
Go back to Commiefornia.
The idea that trash like you 'teaches' something in an institution is a crime against humanity.
Gore thread.
Even if you see us as enemies. Take the time to understand nazi ideology through history’s books. 8chans book thread provides banned books that you can’t read anywhere in Europe.
Did you know there are dozens of rewrites of Mein Kampf? History was truly written by the winners. Read to understand us.
Ok but let's make it relevant…like NIGGER FARM MURDER GORE…
you happened.
I don't believe this shit for a moment.
Sage and report
We could do spicnigger gore as well…
And some faggot gore…to show people what it means to live a faggot lifestyle…
I'm going to guess that you don't teach English…?
When you find someone who is confused about who we are, you do this?
What makes you different from a nigger? You only destroy the possibility of ever spreading our ideology.
8/10 bait
Weak bait user. Take your (you) and do better next time.
It's a LARP, and even if it isn't a LARP, OP should still kill xirself.
When someone does something the govvie-in-charge deems to be a "crime" what does it do by the hands of this NZ whore ?
Well, it confiscates all the weapons from legal, taxpaying folks WHO DID NOTHING "WRONG" WHATSOEVER !
This disgusting sow ought to be hanged by her cunt upside down in a public square so that decent folks can spit on her as they go about their business -→(figuratively speaking, of course)!
You think that faggot is going to actually understand what is going on? No he is chaff, doomed to be murdered by people who are stronger than he is…he is just trash…detritus that needs to be pushed the fuck out of the way so that we can survive.
Does not have a 'cunt', is a tranny…
I just miss the days when Zig Forums had a little more decency.
why would i need to read my own history??? i PARTICIPATED back in the 60s and 70s in various marches and protests i fought for your right as a human being. i dont need lecture on the cultural advancements we made in america as i was part of the groups that initiated it in the first place. and its not just my history, its your history too.
You dingus… OP isn't a teacher, he's a Zig Forumsack and he's testing your ability to stay calm and steer people right. we get an F-
Enjoy your retirement boomer.
Arguments only work on ciswhitemales. Everyone else is entirely governed by instinct and all of your carefully-worded arguments are falling on deaf ears.
Define advancements
fuck you commie nigger lover. never trust anyone with black hair or anyone who reads karl marx and also fuck your stupid protests that get you no where. the best part of it is ripping your faces off of a screenshot and finding your personal information then getting you fired from your job.
No "decent folk" would ever write nigger as-is, they're too fucking scared to even write nigger. Don't fall for this, people, you're smarter than this, I know it.
What would I care about 'steering retards'? I have no love for the retard. I want the intelligent, thoughtful and perceptive to survive. I would literally walk over the dying corpse of the OP just to help my own.
Then you are older.
You are probably well read on your sides books thens. I’m saying to read your “enemies” books to understand why they think the way they do. Zig Forums is a site for degenerates. We weren’t always like this. The only good explanation you could get if by reading the books written by nazis at the time. I recommend the book thread.
Here, now take it and go.
I really can't tell between trolls and angry tards anymore. It's a shame what happened to this place.
One of these days I'm going to do a summerfag cap mashup to that Weezer song
What good is it going to do you to redpill a boomer, user? Is he going to suicide bomb something important when he 'wakes up'. No he is too far gone and too fucking OLD to be of any real or marketable value for us.
What have you done for Zig Forums or your people lately other than bitch like a little girl? No one is going to take anything in this thread seriously user.
meh kike history is what you participated in you are a worthless eater…
I suppose you forgot the part where these hippie scum wanted you broke, dead, and raped to death. There never was any reasoning with them and when confronted with them, they should be handled with extreme prejudice.
user, it doesn’t matter who knows the truth. As long as one has it. I don’t care if it was a curious physically disabled 60 year old feminist. I would gladly point him to the knowledge to wake up if he was questioning my beliefs.
If he woke up, it would be one more voice on our side. A possibly smart one.
This. It's also going to be hilarious when the boomers all finally retire. Most of them have no savings and yet they're going to expect the best medical care. Everyone should stop by a retirement home every now and then just to slip one of the minimum wage illegals some cash to beat and abuse boomers.
It's shitskins; not a single goddamn person here calls them "brownskins", you fucking retarded nigger.
Boring LARP.
No real teacher could ever tolerate so many spelling and lack of capitalization errors and as another already pointed out a true die hard leftcuck would self censor “nigger”.
Backwards does not equal bad.
Illogical arguments do equal stupidity, though.
Well this is why we never get anywhere.
YOUR FUCKING (((COMPASSION))). These people don't need 'waking up' they need killing off until we can institute some SANITY AND FUCKING LAW in our (ethnic) nations. They happily participated in the complete destruction of our culture.
I wouldn't piss on fire to put them out.
Exactly. You're still delusional enough to try to reason with people who are incapable of reason. Women have low agency and you're never going to convince them of anything by arguing with them or telling them to read books, only by chaining them to a radiator in your kitchen and telling them what they think. They'll follow a strong man on instinct not argument.
Not all women…just low IQ niggers like OP
Pack it up gents I guess we’re finished now
it was a worthy struggle.
break out the white flags.
Even women with high IQs are motivated entirely by instinct and not by rational argument. This is why you fail.