I constantly see posts talking about how “when the race war begins” or “when we win” etc. What exactly are you waiting for? Whatever awakening or beginning you were looking for is long overdue. The time to act is NOW. Whether you perceive Tarrant as a crusader or as a golem he fought against evil god dammit. What the fuck are you doing? LARPing as if you’re some Moonman tier nigger killing machine when in reality you’re too afraid to look niggers in the eye let alone going outside in the first place. Zig Forums is dead, both 4ailchannel’s and 8’s, almost all the oldfags are long gone, it has nothing left to teach you, it died imparting everything it possibly could to you, sacrificing itself to the cancer, the cucks and the kikes so that you could be supplied the redpill. What are you going to do with it now? Because continuing to visit and shitpost here is doing nothing but contributing to the problem in the end, because apathy and anything that isn’t action and acceleration is contributing to the forces of evil that want to see us destroyed. If you are properly blackpilled, an hero in style, make sure to take as many of our enemies out with you. If you do that your life will not have been a waste and you’ll be canonized in any Fourth Reich to come. But continuing to be a useless lackadaisical slug makes you no better than any useless shitskin on gibs and makes you effectively subhuman no matter how Aryan you are. Think about that for a second. Either fight live and die for your freedom or join the jewish hordes, because you’re no better than them if you continue to do nothing as the world succumbs.
I constantly see posts talking about how “when the race war begins” or “when we win” etc...
Other urls found in this thread:
Okay, FBI. We’ll get right on that.
Disclaimer: I’m not a christcuck nor do I necessarily wholly believe in western civilization I just thought the pics suited my post.
Also kill yourself for wanting “accelerationism”
Yes, FBI, you’re very smart. Now go away.
Fucking retard. You spineless cucks deserve gassing just as much as any kike.
Street activism:
Again, you’re no better than the shills you opine against.
I would tell you to kill yourself but you probably will end up doing it soon anyway. Good riddance.
Good question OP.
What are you waiting for?
I truly believe this is a new type of shilling that has yet to be recognized on a wide scale. It’s like a type of concern shilling almost. Flood every thread that encourages posters to leave their containment and actualize their beliefs in the real world as “much FBI” because somehow just reading the thread and being spurred to action will cause the FBI to instantly know your location or something. Does anyone actually fall for this? The spooks are not omniscient and definitely not nearly as powerful as you think. I want to come up with a name for this type of shilling because I’m convinced it’s kosher.
I’m not. I’m just posting this to try and spur my fellow anons to realize what I’m starting to
why can't we get funds. soros does it
I’d call it “containment shilling.” Provoking the paranoia and the myth of the omniscient all powerful government spooks in order to prevent dissent irl. That’s why this board hasn’t been nuked, if it had you very likely would have seen a spike in crusading. This is literally a containment board for the powers that be, without it we would be forced to “actualize our beliefs” irl, but instead the easy and “safest” thing to do is shitpost here. This board is controlled opposition, i’m convinced, and part of the con is keeping the lemmings blackpilled into inaction instead of redpilled and heeding the call.
Sounds like you're trying to get others to do your own dirty work.
All the serious people here already understand this and we've accepted our cowardice or made up an excuse to justify our passivity.
No, it’s not a new type of shilling. You’ve been doing this since before the website was created.
So go do action. Why haven’t you done anything? You say you want to do it, so go do it. Why are we keeping you from it? Why is this website stopping you? Because you’re a federal agent.
I'm voting for Trump
Isn't it also a crime for law enforcement to advocate violence?
Apologies, I didn’t proofread my post.
No, not really, I just made this thread hoping someone on the precipice would see it. I can’t do anything at the moment despite the fact that I’m preparing. On starting a big family and supporting the white race in other ways, I can do more potential good in ways that doesn’t have to involve martyrdom. And that doesn’t make me a coward, they want white men dead, not successful and financially stable with large white families and in relative positions of power with an ability to help other white people.
See above. You’re cowards with low IQ’s. Nothing about my argument was fallacious, it’s perfectly reasonable to assume shills would be successful with such tactics. I mean, look how they’ve instilled such fear in you. Action doesn’t necessarily mean initiating a massacre of mudslimes or kikes, I tried to make that clear in my post but I was in such a rush to post it again I didn’t proofread. I am addressing the anons that are doing NOTHING. Creating a stable future for yourself and producing many white children and putting yourself in a position to help bring about the changes we would like to see is just as valuable an action as violent acceleration. Forgive me for not making that clear, but you’re still cowards using the honeypot spook boogeyman as an excuse to keep sitting on your asses and shitposting in this literal honeypot board. You’re autistically screeching as if you caught a federal agent in the act even though they control this entire site. Fucking spineless retards.
Addendum to my post; perhaps self foundation is even more valuable than acceleration in the end, because European lives are infinitely more valuable alive than martyred. What I mean to say is if there is no hope for you in this life, or if there is and you just can’t perceive it, better to accelerate than sit on your ass. I understand many anons understand this already, this thread was simply an attempt at a wake up call for those young anons that may be well and truly blackpilled, lost and hopeless, wasting their time, youth and life here.
fuck off kike.
I'd start this every day if it were possible.
I’m not going to reply to any more retards calling me FBI, you are either controlled opposition shills trying to keep the “extremism” 100% online and never actualized irl because you know that it Zig Forumsacks all at once up and decided to unite and start the transition there would be no hope for you, or the cowardly cancer in our movement eating away at its core. Either way you will eat lead one day, hopefully soon.
Joooou must be talkin' to yurself. Most of us have things going on IRL and are actively working on plans.
This is OP ip-hoppng to agree with himself.
Want me to do a stylometric analysis of your consistent comma errors as proof? You've given quite a textual sample to work with.
Exactly this.
Be the change you want to see in the world. No one's stopping OP. In fact we would encourage and spread it if you did.
He's right. We need to do something, and it doesn't involve killing people. We need to go out there and put fliers about jewish ownership of media, hollywood IRL. I'm sick of discussing current news.
Zig Forums: "Gas the kikes, race war now."
Also Zig Forums : "Anyone who wants to do something IRL is a fed. We need to post memes and discuss current events."