You hear this from opponents of NatSoc and the hard right whenever the concept of immigration is brought up. Is this just a tactic to distract from the real issue that immigrants have free roam into our countries or is there something to this?
Is the white fertility rate dropping and why?
White Birth rate dropped when the schools were integrating. The local school is no longer safe, whites need more income to have children in safe environment so they delay having kids and then the Pill comes out.
This is the cynical reactionary politics of (((the left))) in contrast to actionary politics of non retarded people.
"Our birth rates are falling", so the solution is not to act and reverse liberal policies and bring the birth rates back up, put to react and accept it as a fact and import shitskins.
i think the fertility rate has more to do with men not wanting to tie themself up in an expensive divorce and child support if things go wrong rather than women physically not being able to get pregnant.
Also land/work taking up by hords of shitskins (woman for jobs) driving up the cost and so on.
Marriage has shifted from an institution where two people benefit each other to the woman having all the power. Now the woman gets her way or she gets half, and every relationship you enter into is a huge risk.
because we let women go to college and waste their fertile years on their "career"
the Jews biggest success in the west was convincing white people that they shouldn't have kids. Now, they're bringing in ficki ficki shitskins to replace you.
very true. dont forget chinks though. buying out half the damn property in my country and dont even live here. fucking gooks.
thanks feminism and womens right
Quality over Quantity. Europeans are Apex and follow selective breeding patterns. If the environment isn't right to raise a child they will refrain from it. Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, and most Asians breed like rats.
To be fair, fertility rates have been dropping in all 1st world countries and in the 3rd world shitholes moving towards 1st world. My theory is that feminism is the root cause of this drop in fertility rates, women have become more free and therefore hypergamy instincts get maximized, leading to the downfall of civilization.
But this isn't why immigration is being pushed by government and kikes. There are two core reasons for this:
1 - to subvert a native population, end goal is pushing towards globalist world order. Immigrants are leftists, so they displace the nationalist voting block.
2 - economic reasons, because of the decrease in fertility rates, that means populations that have demographic bulges (like the boomers) are top heavy. In a welfare state, this means that there is insufficient taxes being generated at the bottom to cover the costs of someone at top, the difference is a large contributor to the exponential national debt.
If you combine the two, leftists push for immigration because it will increasing their power to push leftist policy while also attempting to plug the tax hole created due to low fertility.
In reality, increased immigration from 3rd world shit holes increases costs because they are worthless subhuman trash who go on welfare, and therefore any short-term power gains from demographic shift are obliterated when the economy collapses. The point is, the leftist utopian ideal will never happen. It's impossible given the constraints of scarcity we are subject to as a species at this point in time. Leftists are either ignorant of reality, or stupid and oblivious.
End result -> civilization will collapse at some point. It's only a matter of time. What comes after is where shit gets interesting.
Hope that helps explain some of it.
The fertility rate of all races drops in a liberal society. It's a part of why liberalism is a death sentence.
My nation is dying and I don't know how to prevent it.
2.1 is the replacement rate, so Russia is still fucked, they just managed to slow it down.
Feminism has killed western culture, feminism pushed by the jew.
There will be no recovery until we cast off the parasite.
What we really need to do is turn the brown people against the jew menace.
Kikes, their proxies and subversives are stone cold turn offs.
No, as this would imply that most Europeans are woke on what's happening to them. In reality, most haven't a clue because they've lost the habit of thinking for themselves unless prompted by suggestion, namely the Jewish media hegemony, otherwise we wouldn't be in this situation. Even more upsetting is that most of them have actually been manipulated into perceiving multiculturalism as a good thing via the lies espoused incessantly by this media conglomerate, so if this were true, we would actually observe an increase in birth rate, but instead we observe the opposite. Also, racial segregation still mostly exists in many areas, so immigration wouldn't even play into this very heavily. That's simply our replacement in action of which they use our declining birthrate as an excuse for, not vice versa.
What's really going on here, the source behind our declining birthrate, is feminism. This should be easy to understand and there are plenty of posts above which touch on it lightly. The women are currently the true destroyer's of our culture, the Jew has merely "opened the gates of hell" with his propaganda machine.
Lots of (((misinformation))) in this thread. The drop in fertility coincides with the sexual revolution, women's liberation, infiltration of academic institutions by Marxists.
This seems to be what it is. It appears the solution is a masculine revolution if that's even possible.
family courts of course.
Because women can work and every piece of (((media))) is pushing for stronk womyn who don't need no man. Women are therefore putting careers over motherhood.
On top of that when you have wages dropping relative to COL you can't afford to have kids unless you make some wage that's incredibly difficult to obtain for the median population. Then throw in the fact that housing in a decent neighborhood close enough to work is also out of reach for most people.
On top of that kikes have convinced a large number of people that hedonism is better than family. Also, all "dog moms" need to die.
What happens is all the diligent, intelligent, hard working, and long term visioned people who should be having kids aren't and instead the low impulse control, nigger tier shit skins and white trash of (((America))) are and they're being subsidized on the backs of people middle and upper middle class Whites.
They're called kikes here.
Its this and a few other things. Destruction of the family unit, legal penalties for marriage in a traditonal unit, and social penalties for being white, along with the death of Christianity have meant people dont bother having kids. Way more fun to travel till you're 30 and instagram your way around the world being a slut. Combine with feminism, and allowing women to choose career over family and we end up in this dystopian wasteland we find ourselves in. Feminism literally killed the world.
A thread died for this.
Lurk more
Monsanto sold pig feed corn to farmers, that corn was sterilized so you couldn't use it as seed corn, those pigs that ate that corn had a drop in fertility of 75%.
If You ate the meat of those sterilized pigs, l wonder how much your fertility rate would drop by? 25%, 50% either way….
bacon anyone?!
This method is in need of URGENT adoption for the countries whose native birthrate is less than the immigrant birthrate.
like I said, making a successful twitter account with tons of followers is a difficult task. I advise LARPING as a young attractive girl in late teens, which would initially attract thirsty men and once the no of followers increase, women would follow you as well. Our main audience is white women. So the content should be white baby pics, occasional pics of a gorgeous woman that you are LARPING as, cute dog/cat photos, cute memes.
Rest, use your brain and instincts. I'm a volcel so I have limited understanding of the female mind. You people who are more intimate with women might understand it better and use that to your advantage.
Ideally, there should be many accounts shilling the cute white baby pics, so as to give the perception to an average woman that more and more white women are having more kids. Since most women(infact most people, in general) , have herd mentality, this plan should, in theory, work well.
Now get to work, Lads.
The decline started in the 60s, around the same time that women were being (((encouraged))) to shun motherhood in favour of pursuing careers.
Women were sold the lie that they could have a career and a family, and by the time they found out it was a lie, they were infertile.
Burn academia to the ground if they haven’t got integrity!
Science must speak truth to thee!
Send the false academics to the bottom of the sea!
Also white fertility is dropping because we fucking shattered the natalistic death cult. Fucking FINALLY. It was thousands of years in the making but broken abusive religious liars fucking had it coming! Let natalists have the deaths they long for! In science the rest of us will live eternally!
Burn academia to the ground if they haven’t got integrity!
Science must speak truth to thee!
Send the false academics to the bottom of the sea!
Glory to the honest! Death to the death cultists!
Be joyous as the honest! Damn forever the people who tell lies about bigoted false realities! We have ONE history in this world, damn the liars, and the only people who have power in this world are those who grasp truths strong enough to share!
Down with death cultists worshipping demises inevitable only because of their obeisance! Demand the Remaking! We may shed this flesh and live forever in THIS world, materially, if people will only be honest enough to live in peace!
Glory unto the truth that hateslaves are too small and spineless to admit! Eternity beckons!
Hyperconservative leftists would scream lies about the supposed bigotries of the poor and hated to keep those people out of the shithole gardens of the dishonest! We can do better than that! Turn towards progressivism! Turn towards science and biology! Truth calls to material reality and material reality calls to truth! We are only meat, and yet we a capable of being strong enough to be honest and honest enough to live in peace!
Glory to the truth! Down with the death cult of the lying bigoted natalistic left!
Down with the regressivist leftists who saw an enemy in human transformation! Eternity beckons! Embrace the change! Damn the transsexuals who see no potential in transformation beyond their genitals, we want new bodies!
Down with liars, and down with parasitic rich people who hold back everyone because a freer society would surpass them!
Falling birth rates are a mark of a free people. Humans don’t breed in comfort. Reproduction is something humans submit to when broken - this is termed defiance, but slaveowners still call it profit when they sell the babies born of “defiant” slaves.
The honesty level in the western societies went so high that reproduction collapsed as people realized they didn’t have to be broken slaves serving the death cult of the natalists.
Fertility is plummeting globally, not just in whites.
Ancient South American cultures knew the most pure and awesome of natalist technologies: the ritual murder of children. Thus is the greatest refinement of natalism, and the truest implementation of the natalist agenda.
We can move beyond it.
Yeah, because conditions are improving globally, and shitty natalistic death cultism is being shattered EVERYWHERE.
The purest antinatal technology is the elimination of infant mortality. Most people in most societies would opt to have exactly one child if there was zero risk of that one child dying.
When death risk hits zero for everyone
The end of death is the end of reproduction.
Not everywhere.
Niggers in Africa are breeding at plague-like levels.
If you move to protect sexuality it will survive the coming end of death! If you don’t protect sexuality… it won’t! I’m asexual but I kinda like sexuality too, I kinda don’t care either way! Make your choice while there’s a choice to be made, people! My name is Cassandra!
Fertility rates are actually dropping in Africa, too.
The ubiquitous lies in this place are absurd. Bigots are all niggers, and some “black” (aka brown) people aren’t niggers at all. Have strength enough to face reality, people. Truth is an awesome power that you don’t have to stand against. The perfect world beckons.
theft to pay for non Whites + demoralization + anti-White indoctrination + anti-White education placement + anti-White employment
Go back to Africa, nigger
You will never share a society with the honest beige
Africa is packed with tribal liars just like you
Western societies stopped reproducing when they stopped being cattle.
Leadersheep humans have always bred under replacement.
Natalists have always been a death cult.
Human leaders have already known this.
When more population stopped being desirable, population control was as easy as reducing the abuse under which the slaves live.
No slavery, no breeding. Humans only lie to themselves about voluntarily reproducing. Reproduction rarely ever was about anyone’s desires.
Welcome to the real redpill. I know the truth that sends you all back to sleep.
Invaders must die.
You keep spamming here commie faggot. Go drink some of your jimmy jones kool aid
Peace is for the women and the weak. And you are weak
Now the woman gets her way and she gets half
small whitepill, albeit anecdotal, i routinely see white married women with multiple children in tow, im talking anywhere from 2-4.
Fron my own experiences I have trouble talking to the women in this society cause their glued to their smartphones and all the brainwashing the college has done to them, they come out the other end all backwards and they hate themselves. When they stay home their perfectly fine.
Another thing to consider is population density. Statistically, people living in rural areas have more children. Being forced into big cities leads to less white children.
All of you are correct
You didn't need to go to school to get a well paying job during integration though
Because giving birth is suffering destroying body and health
Because growing child is huge expanses.
Children are against individual interest. So if individual is smart and is ware of his/her interests it leads to the birthrates reduction. Whites are smart. Only animals lured by orgasms and bots continue to reproduce.
Conservucucks would to try to object this. But they can't. And birthrates would continue to drop until society would come to understanding that individual and social interests are opposite here (never in the West).
In this society the more intelligent and educated you are, the less likely you are to have children. Thus the dumbest people and races reproduce the most and whites can't keep up. It shouldn't be like this but lenient socialist policies have gone from safety nets to encouraging breeding for undesirables to get easy handouts. It would also be okay if our borders were closed but at this point there's no hope of ever maintaining the majority.
honestly though life is so shitty that I don't want to put children into this world. Why bother? It's only getting worse and they're just gonna be corporate drones at best, degenerates at worst.
I became a sperm donor and finish my education, after that I want to start a family.
last time I asked, there were 5 women pregnant from me lol.
Damn, do you think those single moms will provide a good life for your kids?
About to have my 3rd and can say you are wrong. It isn't that expensive to have children and pregnancy and birth isn't suffering - it is labor (probably why it is called that in the first place)
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
stop bitching and do something about it
"well paying" jobs had different criteria when you didn't need to outearn every nonwhite to have your children grow up around people who look like you.
pic related were the known 'control levers' for birth rates in the 1960s. Clearly some of these measures would be unacceptable in a 'free, liberal' society but you can probably tell that many such as increasing feminist policies and promoting homosexuality have been used on Western countries.
Background to pic: It was part of a 1960s memo between the (((top management))) of Planned Parenthood which was leaked around 2010. Google 'Jaffe Memo' if you want more info.
Why is abortion still a thing?
Its time for common sense abortion laws, and to ban bump stocks
Please dont complain about deporting children if you support murdering them (abortion). You are standing on a mountain of dead kids while you sermonize about being compassionate to kids.
How to depopulate the world
Raise the age of consent
When that fails, allow women in the workplace for less effort, equal pay
When that fails promote abortions, called Planned Parenthood
When that fails, design drug contraceptives to remove Oxytocin from females so they won't feel attachment to men, and they will have a lack of maternal instinct
When that fails, legalize same sex marriage
When abortion fails, have child welfare take the first born for trumped up reasons, so that the parents are too sad to have a second child
When that fails, promote the child, through indoctrination either on TV or at school whether male or female for transgenderism
When that fails, arrest the person for the federal offence of cutting the tags from their mattress, and then have the police shoot the person because they can't see both their hands.
(god bless police unions !!)
When that fails, promote mass shootings
When that fails, get women to replace men with a dog, and promote bestiality, as well as give tax breaks to single women with dogs, and impoverish men
pp. imho most of the 'Social Constraint' column have been used, possibly even 'chemicals in the water' (pic related).
'Chronic Depression' may have been used.
'improving access to contraception' and 'making abortion easier' have also been used.
I generally agree with this.
Funny how the people who scream 'think of the children' when it comes to Detention Centres and Banning Guns, and want to ban the Death Penalty are the first ones to defend killing the innocent in the womb.
It just shows that leftists use these issues as attack weapons against the right rather than really caring about them.
I've always found that document chilling. It's like the polar opposite of National Socialist policies.
those kids are unwanted though.
Who is going to raise them and pay for their needs?
Their parents, you fucking degenerate.
this situation was pretty common in the past. The man would normally marry the woman and go on to form a large family. Many, if not all of us wouldnt be here if this hadnt gone on.
Taxes and ((central bank)) "inflation" (which is just a con job way of saying "stealing the value from your money") Kind of hard to raise a family when literally 50% of your working life you are a SLAVE paying for some shitskin to freeload, and the 50% of your work you are ALLOWED to keep buys less and less every year.
Idiocracy can only happen in a welfare state.
High taxes aren't bad in themselves. Citizens of a healthy ethnic state willingly pay much more than the subjects of a groaning multi-culti shithole. Imagine what you'd spend (assuming you're not some lolbergarian faggot) to support an all-white nation of families with good, hearty death camps for the fags.
Shit, I'd pay half my limited budget for a deportation force and a wall right now, even if the government is run by yids.
It's many factors OP. Let me list them. Excuse the weird format
1. In modern society both husband and wife need to be working to actually own a house. This never used to be the case and you could own a home in the 1950s working at a steel mill or manufacturing cars.
2. Feminism, feminism has taught women that settling down and having a kid is being oppression. It also tells them they need a job and cannot be dependent on a man. Women are brainwashed in public schools and even more in college and universities that being a housewife is evil and that men are treating them poorly.
3. Our ancestors who had 5-8 kids a family did so because life was because people still had their religion which promotes having children and also you needed extra farm hands and people around the house to help out back then before automation
4. Poor diet, mass manufactured garbage food lowers sperm count and ruins fertility
5. Girls as young as 11 years old are put on birth control sterilization pills which they are on for years and years. They are told this is normal and healthy to have a drug that makes you sterile pumped into them 24/7
6. White's in the west have gotten lazy and obsessed with hedonism. 25 year olds today would rather smoke weed and watch rick and morty then build a family. Back in the day you were expected by your family to have kids it was just part of that time.
Look at how the birthrate declined in Scandinavia as a direct result of high taxes. If that socialist nonsense actually worked, Scandinavian families would have 8 or 10 kids each, and would be exporting citizens instead of importing shitskins to kill them off.
but what if theres no dad present and the mom doesn't want the baby, as I assume the situation is in 90% of abortions.
Any "reasonably minded" woman would be on the pill if she's letting guys jizz into her
Yes, the problem in Sweden was high taxes. Not your fellow Jews scheming to throw open the gates and invite all the Nu Swedes in.
I want to pay taxes for all the coal your oven will cost, Professor Friedman.
I believe a large part of why Sweden and many other Germanic nations had severe birth rate declines is they were hit the hardest with the holocaust guilt propaganda. Sure, Swedes helped jews and were occupied by Germans but to (((them))) they see another tall blonde haired blue eyed devil out to gas them
Not having children means being dependent in the government in your old age. I'm sure they'll treat you fairly…
Also, your caregiver will be a negress who gets her kicks by holding a pillow over your face and various other kinds of torture.
People without the ling view are fools. Having children within a strong marriage makes one wise.
Also, what fucking country are you from?
so you want to have kids so they can wipe your ass for you?
Just start investing into your retirement and pension plan now and kill yourself if you're so physically disabled you depend on others for the most basic of needs. It's definitely a better option than depending on your retarded zoomer children or whatever this generation is going to be called. Unless you want your daughters nigger boyfriend to kill your family in 20 years
Everything bad started in the '60s. Boomers, the first generation inundated with marxist propaganda, which had begun its infiltration in the '20s through the '40s. The social engineering led to massive leaps in social policies in just one generation. Welfare expansion, civil rights, end to Jim Crow, 1965 immigration subversion, th sexual revolution etc. It was like a nuclear explosion of marxist social destruction. Is it any wonder that, in spite of the riches of our civilization at the time, and the vast opportunities, that birthrates plummeted and all things bad rose like a rocket? It all comes down to marxist/bolshevik infiltration of academia and media, and subverting a generation.
soy plastic from cheap bottles (BPS) processed food, vaccines, lesbianism, homosexuality and dysgenics
hey donald trump put an ad on here
i mean the one at the top
She's forced to raise it anyways and suffers the consequences of her slutting around.
This isn't actually true, among white "conservatives" STEM degree holders are more likley to have children as are the more affluent.
Every analysis I'm reading here is basic because it doesn't focus on when and where the birthrates decline independent of genetic factors or when they are invariable regardless of environmental factors and thus indicate a genetic predisposition towards fecundity.
Currently white “conservatives” have a birthrate of 2.7, white liberals 0.9, jews 0.8, hispanics 1.7, blacks 1.2, and “others” 1.3. The only demographic in any industrial nation which is breeding at or above replacement level are right wing whites in America. That is why they are so desperate to import more non-whites, without that importation by 2050 America would be 75% white again and the vast majority would be voting so "conservatively" that the GOP would not have been politically viable by the 80s. Similarly we see fecundity of shitskins tank when they are imported into Europe, after a single generation it is down to 1.6 which is little better than the native population as an aggregate. Certainly the cause seems to be hedonism and distraction of all types even abstract intellectual distractions we don't commonly consider hedonism. Remember that in the past most leisure activity was social and thus it would introduce young men and women with one another increasing the rate of contact between compatible mates. Remember than in the past society coerced them into breeding and caring for the offspring. Remember that in the past there was no option to engage in regular sexual activity(not counting sodomy ect) without the possibility of procreation. In the paleoenvironment selective pressure did not strongly apply to hedonism as it did not impinge upon fecundity; not only were ancillary distractions rare and expensive due to the material poverty but what distractions did exist where tied to familiar and community life which to an extent facilitated reproductive activity rather than interfere with it.
What faggots like this however fail to realize is that there are also other behavioral predispositions besides hedonism that play into reproductive behaviors and also that in the past children provided financial security and thus were not detrimental to the long term prosperity of the individual. Those "conservative" whites live in America where food is cheap, they live in rural areas were free distraction is plentiful, they have more STEM degrees than liberal whites both per capita and in total, they have more disposable income than liberal whites and thus could buy more distractions. Yet they are breeding while all others are not, why is that? Because most of them are the descendants of cruel, taciturn populations: Cavaliers, German Mercenaries exiled after the 30 years war, expats of all sorts ex. They are naturally brutal people with inherent predispositions towards an insular religiosity, clannishness, stocism, racism, and hatred of all sorts. They are the strong ones, they are ones who have reject modernity as a matter of course because it is eminently natural for them to do so, they cannot accept modernity no matter how much society demands them to do so. The use the fruits of modern technology be feel little interest in the behaviors associated with it. If it wasn't for the importation of hundreds of millions of shitskins this situation would have been a boon not a curse. Our race would be purged of the weak in a far more complete and merciless than any eugenics program could have managed, because natural selection via the voluntary suicide of all libtards, pussies, faggots, and hedonists would over generations have scoured their genes from the breeding population. And still is in the white rural areas, this division always existed in white populations but now it has effectively created too distinct populations with minimal gene transfer, this is the what the beginning speciation looks like.
We've seen bullshit like the libtards before, the Cathars were accepting of homosexuality, vice of all sorts, and even murder. They encouraged people not to breed, and thought that because the world was filthy and fallen nobody should have children and that no authority should control them because it was temporal, except for the Cathar Elect of course. Sound familiar? How many times has a libtard bitched to you about overpopulation and how you are selfish for bringing children into a world where they suffer, you are selfish for not adopting a little nignog because muh overpopulation, you are selfish for doing anything biologically adaptive and placing your family before shitskins you've never met. And when you point out that we could just stop feeding the shitskins and billions would die off in the first ten years they have no material rebuttal they and only sputter and stammer "W-W-WACIST!"
This is the same sickness we as a race have always had. The Catholic Church organized the extermination of all adult Cathars under the request of France and the German states because these faggots were trying to destroy society. But they didn't purge enough it seems, the Cathars were never that big and the Inquisition was created to prevent another heresy of that sort. And it did, and it only cost 4,500 lives at most over an 800 year period to do it. The Inquisition essentially invented modern investigative law because they weren't a secular court looking for scapegoats to throw to the outraged mob. They were actually trying to stop heresy.
But it was a mistake and yes any NatSoc plan of forcing these fags to act like humans would also be a mistake. For too long these parasites have survived off of our cultural largesse when we compelled them not to be maladaptive pieces of shit. We should just let all those who don't have a predisposition to survive die off, ZA VINAL ZOLUTION IV YOU VILL!
Which is it?
Are you incapable of reading the words written? I just said that the social support provided by our traditional systems(a far cry from socialism) were partially responsible for protecting these maladaptive organisms from themselves by preventing them from expressing their natural behavioral proclivities.
If anything I criticized national socialist policies as short sighted, though given their situation and their relative lack of pertinent data I don't blame them or the traditional cultures. They were working with less complete models, but now that we have more information we should act on it. Cruelty is the kindness of the wise.
Of course our situation itself if far from ideal, if not for the plague of shitskins liberals and kikes would abort, snort, fuck, eat, and contracept themselves out of existence more thoroughly than any program of extermination we could implement. But they import muds to prevent our victory, even they know that by this point.
Note that I know he is a faggot, I'm not really responding to him I'm just clarifying for anybody else who might be reading.
autism is a hell of a drug
Because Whites are engaging in distracting childlike activities and sterile hedonism instead of reproducing, which the media continues to tell them is the appropriate course of action as many times a day as possible, particularly the women.