Top Trump Immigration Official Says ICE to Begin Deporting 1 Million Illegals.
Top Trump Immigration Official Says ICE to Begin Deporting 1 Million Undocumented Immigrants
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Start with every McDonald's and Home Depot.
meanwhile millions of spics cross the border, 'legally'
They better start checking every spot in DC area, east loudoun county to begin with.
This is just Trump pandering to his dwindling support base after the Epstein arrest.
10 to 1 most of his "base" have never heard of Epstein.
This is all political theater to manage the perception Trump is actually doing something about immigration for the election. Still though, vote Trump for leftist suicide 2020.
Meanwhile, here's what his kike son in law says
Remember trump has been saying he'd deport them for years now over and over but it never happens.
Never trust a jew or a jewlover.
That's all I've heard for last 3 years. "To begin", "Next week", "Very soon", "Imminent".
Everything is always on the verge of happening, we're one step away from doing it.
Does it ever? Did it ever? No.
Conclusion: every time this sort of "we're about to do it, guys!" news piece comes out, the intention is not honest, but malicious and contemptuous.
They want you to sit the fuck down, do nothing, and wait. Be calm, don't rebel, and pretty soon lel you'll get used to it.
Some user had a nice collage a few months ago about this.
It related every "It's almost happening, guys!" announcement to something else that happened but Trump/Jewshner didn't want his voter base thinking about.
It's not even hard for them to toss some inflammatory tip to Buzzfeed or other shitty rags, they're all too happy to drum up a shitstorm for clicks. And the Trump administration knows that a shitstorm like that emboldens their voter base who feel attacked by the "Fake News".
Before one of you fucking retards say it: I'm not defending CNN and other actual Fake News outlets. Those fuckers print dogshit daily, and Trump only found a way to capitalize on their lack of Journalistic Integrity. They both deserve each other.
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Truly is the Kushner/Israel First Administration
No alternative at this point other than the happening.
i'll believe it when i see it. until then i'll assume it's a lie. his base has been waiting for this for years, there's no reason to make promises that "it'll get done i promise!11" instead of simply doing it.
he's making promises for tomorrow instead of taking action today because he's just trying to drum up support for 2020. i have little doubt that his entire goal right now is to get his gross jew daughter secured as the future president. he likely doesn't care about anything/anyone but that
You mean two months ago? This operation is a brand new thing. Hell, even the "rot in Mexico" policy didn't get turned up to high gear until about six week ago.
I'll believe it when I see it. I hope he does though. Not getting my hopes up.
It doesn't matter this is the little kike's true feelings on the matter and explains why nothing ever happens after Trump says shit like this over and over again.
fucking redditard
It's cute how jew-party fags on either side of the semitic spectrum all talk about Epstein, but only think it's the other side that fucked kids with him. A lot like how they think that there's a secret force in the government with a master plan to save them from the other's evil agenda.
I think 2020 will be a rough your for you r/t_d faggots.
He got a slap on the wrist once, when the jury and prosecution were only half as loaded with corrupt guys as they are now.
The day Epestein sits in court, he'll find himself surrounded with kikelings and shabbos goys all ready to let him go. And if there's any evidences, they're 20-something year olds walking around on burrowed time. There's a bullet with their name written on, and the real shame is that you'll only hear about the famous ones, the poor 14 year old girls taken from their families will just be shot over a common grave, and buried by dirt and money alike.
You and your ilk put someone in power that is quickly reaching for Hillary's title of "most corrupt demonic bitch" and try to out-do her.
But sure, do vote him in again. It will be 4 more years of "He's about to do it, guys, he's almost ready to unleash the storm!, here it comes, for real now!".
The only accomplishment you can ascribe to Trump: he made the Mexican border multicultural since now even niggers are coming through there from Africa.
Well fucking done, not even Obongo, the Nigger King could do it, but Trump&Co pulled it off flawlessly.
I'm voting for Trump in 2020
I don't care if that's how you feel but stop being a faggot about it.
why even post this? you know that nigger backs down on EVERYTHING. fuck off back to reddit nigger
Again? Didn't they already say this and it got stopped. So is this just the restart of the same thing he was attempting before the jews started in?
Lets do it this time. Ignore the MSM, jews and leftists. Uphold the law.
A mantra for everyone's life.
I hope they come to my town.
49 million illegals left.
you’re the redditard if you still unironically support trump
Le Reddit slang.
Go back to Reddit
Wrong. That's why he will win again. You underestimate his base.
Don't get our hopes high
((( )))
Who cares?
this must be part of the "diversity through legal immigration" part of the kikes campaign.
Parhetic!! There is something north of 20 million illegals in the country right now thanks to lazy, inept, and let's face it, a bought off enforcement agency and judicial system. A million is a drop in a massive bucket. And it's the end of the multi party system we have now. They WILL get the right to vote courtesy of our corrupt activist judicial system. After that the U.S. will look no different than the Soviet Union before Gorbachev. One party to rule them all and in its darkness bind them!
A lot more than that…you can figure it out using a rough estimate on the population of california.
This is just a single operation and million figure wasn't a hard number given. They're implying far more than that.
I will believe it when it happens.
Words are wind this is just to get the message out there pre-election to the voters who read the news and instantly believe the headlines putting minimal thought into whats actually happening.
You can't have record numbers of immigration and mass deportations and call that a win. Most normalfags pro-Trump or not can't even put that together.
And why the fuck is there no link in the OP you nigger?
>Cuccinelli pushed back against claims the number of those being targeted by ICE has increased from "thousands" to "millions," but rather that the pool of people here illegal is "enormous."
Why the fake-news style headline then?
>In 2018, ICE removed around 250,000 people, the highest number of people deported during Trump's administration.
>Deportations were highest under former President Barack Obama, whose administration oversaw the removal of around 410,000 undocumented immigrants in 2012.
>Neither Morgan nor Cuccinelli have offered exact timelines for the deportations and have said those targeted for detainment and deportation is being decided internally.
Reminds me of the comic where somebody asks to borrow money from a kike and the amount keeps going up every panel except instead of cash it's years for a wall that will never be built.
Start in New Jersey and California if you're serious, Donald. Go for the Home Depots, fast food chains, and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
They do, but they think he's only tied to the Clintons and other democrats, similarly to how leftists think he's only tied to Trump. It's impossible to understand that he was close with both of them, and that even the Trumps and Clintons were good friends.
For the vast majority of normalfags, yes. That goes against their conditioning.
Its like trying to tell a conditioned dog that he when he goes to his master's call, he's not going to retrieve a treat. He can't comprehend it until it happens, and even when it happen, its likely he'll come to the call next time as well. So long as he gets a treat 1 in 10 times, even if that treat is meager, chances are, he'll come when called.
Illegals on suicide watch!!
I'll believe it when it happens.
Whats worse is this isn't just Trump, its every politician in every western country in the last 200 years.
200 years? Thats a bit much.
But its been awhile. And its because Whites keep accepting that.
That's how it works m8. If you allow others to keep escaping from their responsibilities without any sort of accountability, then they're going to keep doing it.
Imagine a man standing in front of you holding a gun and claiming you have some responsibility to him and he's saying "If you don't give me what I want, I'm going to shoot you!"… But then you don't give him what he wants, you don't uphold this duty he says you have to him… 5 minutes goes by, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and hour… And he never shoots.
He just stands there.
Days go by. Weeks. People hang signs on him making fun of him. He just keeps saying "If I don't get what I want, I'm going to shoot you!".
Months go by. Years.
The man gets older and weaker and frailer, his gun getting rusty, to the point you're not even sure it works anymore. And he's still standing there, saying to you, personally, that if you don't give him what he wants, he's going to shoot you.
Finally he's on his last legs and EVERYONE can see it. Other people start abusing him, outright robbing him. They slap the gun out of his hands and the cops are standing nearby, they laugh at it even though its technically illegal.
And he just keeps looking at you, saying, "If you don't give me what I want, I'm going to shoot you!".
Would you be at all scared of this man? Would you think there was any hazard in not upholding whatever responsibility he believes you have to him, that you would be held accountable in any way?
No, you would not.
is there a crazy cat lady version for crazy refugee women?
is there even a derogative for them?
Sage, report. There have been zero deportations in three years. Trump has brought over 2 million nonwhites into the country.
Then I pray this quote is accurate and represents the truth. It's all on Trump now.
Which is it?
in what fucking world is this going to happen
I've heard all this before, multiple times now, and nothing happened. He's about to do it. He'll really do it. He's thinking about thinking about doing it. Any day now.
Nothing ever happens.
Why would you lie disingenuously like that?
>miedo intensifies
Kamfy still paid to post I see
And Trump have lost so much of his white voters because of it, that he is unable to win in 2020 if he don't get them back.
When Team Trump get this, they will of course try more bullshit, but when it's not working, Trump will be forced to really do something pro-white, and if we make sure that would not be enough, he will be forced to do more.
It was a stupid thing Kushner/Trump did when he ditched Trump's base and went for the middle, thinking the base will vote Trump anyway.
Basically this. Even if he's not actually doing any good, he's sure as fuck not doing any worse than the alternative, and the salt-mining opportunity will be ebin.
hmm wow
it's like they're good at framing shit to get passed peoples social guard
I'll believe it when I see it
Only begin, of course, not like in the past where they deported fairly soon after getting them. It sounds a lot like Trump effectively using illegal immigrants to threaten his voterbase (ie. "vote for me or else you get to keep them"). Not that he will deport them, he will most likely keep them anyway even if he does win, but some people could certainly be fooled.
Kill yourselves, you fucking embarrassments.
Le cringe
You're a lying sack of shit. Don't come back.
Yet you cunts are kvetching about it every time it happens.
It feels that way after how many Obama was doing
Kike2 still IP hopping and lying his ass of eh?
What happened to trumps 2 week excuse?
tossing us a crumb while chief justice john roberts has two irish children he trafficked into the US via brazil as infants
nothing real will ever happen with immigration as long as a human trafficker sits in the top seat of the highest court in the country
We need to help our brothers and sisters… HEIL HITLER!
Any minute now guys. This kike nigger has only had 3 years to fulfill even one campaign promise and he's done absolutely nothing. If you still believe Trumpenstein is going to build a wall, deport anyone, or do shit for reversing anti-gun laws you are retarded.
Trump is in office for one reason only: to stall the american civil war by giving the right a bit of hope that change can come without bloodshed
that's it and that's all
This. There's very little chance Trump is going to lose anyway
Who is 'the right'?
When is this supposed to start? I'm not believing it until things start happening.
Rigthwingers, man. Are you ok?
The right that supports israel and civnat sentiments?
there's a 50/50 shot he'll lose. He's barely afloat in texas and he's underwater in florida. He's lost double digit support in many state in the middle of the country where won in a landslide in 2016. A good chunk of the people who voted for him realize that he's a bloviating liar and these people simply won't bother to show up. If the democrats ran a straight young, huwite, male candidate, or at least an obama-tier male, they would win handily. The only reason Trump has a chance is because the lying Jew polls are telling everyone that the worst possible candidates Kamalla and Butterbutt are actually doing the best.
no, it's the people who just want to be left the fuck alone but find themselves and their culture under attack constantly while they are being taxed into poverty
they may be 99% blue-pilled normies who still think that voting will change something, but they are getting sick of the never-ending progression toward 1984-style slavery/socialism
Trump and the whole Qanon bullshit are being used to keep them under control so they don't organize a revolution
The deportations will start any day now. It's only been 3 years of waiting so far!
cringe (/krɪn(d)ʒ/)
verb: cringe; 3rd person present: cringes; past tense: cringed; past participle: cringed; gerund or present participle: cringing
bend one's head and body in fear or apprehension or in a servile manner.
"he cringed away from the blow"
synonyms: cower, shrink, draw back, pull back, recoil, start, shy (away), wince, flinch, blench, blanch, dodge, duck, crouch, shudder, shake, tremble, quiver, quail, quake
…So basically you're a terrified cuck? Why the fuck would you advertise that to the world?
Agreed. Normalfags have warmed to him after seeing the (((mainstream media))) screech and kvetch non-stop for years about how he's Literally Hitler and the world is going to end, but in reality the average joe is slightly better off.
The dems can't possibly win. You say "if they ran a straight, young, huwite, male candidate".
Their base is too fractured for that. Feminists won't vote for a male. A huge amount of Hillary's support came from women that voted for her purely because she's a woman. Dem niggers won't vote for whitey. Again, a massive amount of nigger votes went to Obama purely because he was black.
The best candidate the dems have is Joe Biden, and he's toxic to their feminist and nigger factions for being a white male, not to mention him being a pedo.
Bernie Sanders has zero chance. Despite being a communist kike, his own fucking party stabbed him in the back for Hillary, and they'll stab him in the back again for anyone else too.
Trump wins in 2020.