Tax dollars are being used to sexualize children and normalize pedophilia with state-funded "drag kids" documentaries:
Canada is morally collapsing
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They legalized beastiality sex I saw too lately in Canada. Woooopie. Get to Canada if you want to fuck fluffy legally.
How else are they going to get people to fuck the immigrants?
Christ almighty, I hate this country.
Collapse, collapse. Let something new come from its ashes.
Wrong actually.
They just closed a loophole that was allowing furfags to "non-penatratively" abuse animals.
Kek. Always post blacked link in beast threads.
Yea my bad.
Most bestiality is legal, declares Canada's Supreme Court
Sex acts with animals are legal in Canada, so long as there is no penetration involved, according to a surprise ruling issued by the Supreme Court.
Wops. Seems you can do whatever the fuck you want with fluffy as long you dont fuck his dog ass. Yes "sorry" I was totally wrong.
I guess that means dogs can fuck girls as they want since dog is not penetrated. Yea sorry I was wrong.
That article i posted was the amendment that CLOSED that loophole.
You can no longer touch fluffy in Canada.
There used to be some shithead who would post here and included pics of dogs duck taped down in sexually receptive positions ready to be raped. I wanted to kill him. Animal brothels are hugely increased in European nations since the muslim invaded our lands, it turns out that raping dogs to death is one of their favorite sexual sports. I am not a 'fan' of PETA but they did get the defense of animals correct in that instance.
lol. The entire west has morally collapsed, soyniggers
wow haha. muslim bad amirite goys, see this fact I just got out of my ass
I always thought the muz considered dogs to be unclean the same as piggies.
My "not enough goats" was for the lulz dumbass. People always way too goddamned serious.
Here's the video in question. Encoded it yesterday.
Yeah inbred mongrel sandniggers are totally baste amirite.
This is just one article on the subject there are MANY articles just like this dealing with the increase in livestock rape and brothels in Europe as the invasion continues.
As much as I hate the tumor on this planet aka israel, and places like London, NYC, LA etc…for their degeneracy and thirst for 3rd world shitskins….I find Canada an intolerable country. They could have been so advanced, a marvel in the world. They are isolated enough to not be affected by DIEversity, world problems, war etc….that is all shit away in the name of multiculturalism and progressiveness. I really don't know what it is about the Commonwealth that makes those countries lust for suicide of their people, authoritarian governments that restrict the rights of their people. Just look at NZ,OZ and UK….1984 shit holes.
Police Investigate Death Threats to Movie Theater Owners Screening Pro-Life Film ‘Unplanned’
Other than just being degenerate, part of me thinks the (((elites))) are promoting gay shit as a method of subtle population control. In other words, fags are less likely to breed.
Anybody have info to back this hypothesis up?
You sandniggers are barely sentient and you assrape your own kids all the time.
Watch that Vice documentary about a US Army base in Afghanistan where the Marines are trying to train a replacement force of local sandnigs, and they can't even shoot in a straight line. Also the sandnigger officers literally rape kids all the time and have to be reprimanded by white higher-ups. I don't agree with wars for Israel, but that still doesn't mean you shitskins are human.
you can look up replacement rates just about anywhere. Tarrant said as much and it is true.
Let it collapse
Canada and Canadians and culture don't even exist according to their own leader lmao
More like Moosefuckers.
OP is way behind the times. Canada morally collapsed in the 70's.
Parallel to the training of the body a struggle against the poisoning of the soul must begin. Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and simulations. Just look at the bill of fare served up in our movies, vaudeville and theaters, and you will hardly be able to deny that this is not the right kind of food, particularly for the youth. Theater, art, literature, cinema, press, posters, and window displays must be cleansed of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in the service of a moral, political and cultural idea.
-Adolf Hitler
This being the same fucker who thinks he can dictate to canadians what "canadian values" are.
kill it. kill (((IT))) with fire!
And the hole they dig for themselves gets deeper and deeper and deeper, soon when the time comes we’ll pour gasoline in the hole and hear the piggies and rats screetch and it’ll be oh so glorious.
Then we’ll just toss the dirt back in with their “culture” and never ever speak of the ideas they wish to spread unless it’s used as warnings.
No more brother wars only traitor and kike wars
This is global Weminar Republic 0.2. Jews learnt the mistake from Weminar Republic 0.1.
we say "american values" over here so much - whatever the fuck that means - so canada has to say 'muh canadian values' too. isnt that cute
Bestiality is legal in a bunch of US states too, Canada is not uniquely degenerate with this.
Honk honk
the slippery slope was real
Incorrect. In fact last month they toughened the laws and those convicted of bestiality are listed as sex offenders, the same as if they raped a woman.
Animals can't press charges,so how does the trial ensue?
do they have to catch him in public?
what if the animal is his own property?
whos fluffy gonna tell?
Like any animal abuse (or the abuse of a young child who can't speak yet) obviously they need to find some evidence of the abuse.
*Mudslime Detected*
Wow okay time for me to put out more anti-faggot stickers I didn't put out enough yesterday.
The (((elites))) don't care about the environment and population control. If they did they'd simply have cut foreign aid and let the nigger population collapse. Their goal is demographic replacement. They want to wipe out their #1 enemy, the whites, the only ones capable of truly opposing them.
I need some stencils so I can spraypaint pro-white stuff.
Future cumdumpsters in the making.
Please stop being a terrorist
Once the Americans legalize pot we can drop the border and pretending we're different.
Goddamn can God just make the faggot, Mudslime lover Justin Trudeau die of a heart attack or something else. ? Trudeau is turning Canada into such a cesspool of faggotry that i want to leave Canada asap.
Five years ago, I would never have guessed how much I would one day love Hitler. Even three years ago, I was just being an ironic and edgy boi.
It's as if he was incapable of not being great.
this, quads confirm
I would need a 4 ft long piece of bamboo and a water hose to take care of the animal that hurt that dog.
Whites are the only people in the world who give a shit about animals. And even we only came around in the last 1,000 years or so. The rest of the world is as savage as a hungry spider.
This is probably related to our basic inability to be casually violent. We store everything up until the last possible moment, and then we invent new technologies and nuke our enemies from orbit.
We take no pleasure in this. It's like pest control, which is why we procrastinate until it's nearly too late. The lesser breeds actually like inflicting pain, which is why they do it on a low level every day. Then they take us for fools and weaklings, because we save up our hate until it's time to put the lights out for good.
The comments are against it. Good. But yeah, fucked up shit. Clown world.
I posted this on facebook and my friends basically said "so what? it's their decision"
And that's why liberalism – even as a frame of mind – must be exterminated without pity.
ww2 was whites vs whites. imagine what would be when its whites vs the rest
being dead with a torn anus/vag is proof enough?
TBH have always ranked white women who let horses/dogs or whatever else fuck them higher than those who fuck non-whites, and there's something that seems just really non-degenerate about a fit white woman who fucks dolphin cock. Is it just me? I would go after 99% of porn (even white+white porn) before going after this, in terms of artistic merit.
Just got back from Canada. Everyone hates Trudeau. No one wants to live there. Was going to write "Trudeau socks cook because hes a faggot" on papers and leave them everywhere, but I got so sick I was out. I need stickers for fag facts to post everywhere.
Anyone know any quick quips or fag, pedo, stickers I can buy and slap on… everything?
My mind recoiled in horror at your commentary as nigh-maddening rage and disgust blasted through my neurons with such force that I must conclude some portion of my soul was rent asunder by the mere revelation of this potentiality, or more precisely, probability.
This meme has to die
You're going to have to go in the oven.
Spengler claimed that the domestication of horses and horseback riding mastery came about 100000 to 50000 years ago, right around the same time we learned how to speak and created the first languages. Our partnership with dogs took place around the same time.
It's like a bolt of lightning. Pure visceral empathetic horror for the dog. Like Ebba Akkerlund but different, less personal horror at targeted murder and more like looking upon the face of sheer uncaring evil. It's lovecraftian, almost.
Its certainly a visceral kind of dread which creeps into ones heart and mind when confronted with profanities of this magnitude, of such material and spiritual wretchedness, if only in the knowledge that it shall, by requisite, elicit an equivalent measure of bitter disdain and a pervasive drive to extinguish the source of this sickening foulness which cannot be acquiesced.
Welcome to Pax Judaica. Lie down with the jew, and perish in kind.
The queen's court held that 'beastiality' was 'buggery' (penetration of body by penis) and that "penetration" is the only defining action.
The new bill seeks to do what the lower court insisted on, which is to define 'beastiality' as any "modern" sexual contact that would be offensive to humans.
There are clearly flaws with this but I do not foresee doggos accusing humans of catcalling.
That doggo is so sad.
Makes me want to cry.
But I can only kill now.
It's the fucking same.
That dolphin was no chad either.
Doesn't even have armor or weapons.
Only has the one dick.
Canada no longer exist.
Yup, pretty much the same here.
At this point it's a waste of your time and energy as the crisis approaches. You need to get ready for that.
A-user, my heart is being torn to pieces here. I have a dog myself. I…am mad.
Whites have a gen that most other races lack, it makes us care a lot more. The Swedes have this gen to such an extend that it is harmful to them, as you can see now.
One of the greatest men to ever have lived. I believe the Esoteric Hitlerists when it comes to him being an avatar of Kalki.
We're reaching levels of honk that shouldn't be possible.
And you’ll do nothing. Stop making spam threads.
Stupid cbc also has adult drag show, so not just the kids can get corrupted.
Kill yourself, blackpill shill, before we get to you.
It seems the one thing consistent in human history is that people forget their past, make the same mistakes and then have to relearn the basics all over again
For prime example, see jews
Nice user.
Never forget the Beige Horizon skit they funded with your money.
Do not have any fucking remorse for these kike faggots on the day of the rope.
I actually agree on not being disgusted. (it's still degenerate though) It's just "weird" if a woman fucks a dog or whatever, but it doesn't really ruin her in my eyes. When I think of race mixing, on the other hand, my first thought is "Death!"
I don't like that you're looking at bestiality porn though. Porn is dangerous in that it can warp your sexuality. Try and avoid it altogether. It's crazy how quickly your sexuality changes when you drop porn. Now I get disgusted just seeing another man sleeping with a pretty girl. It amazes me that I used to be okay watching that, and billions of other men currently are. But I'll confess that I haven't dropped porn completely. I still occasionally like to watch girls kiss each other. That's like the only thing which doesn't trigger a negative emotional response from me these days.
dogs have been man's best friend for around 10,000 years.
White man’s best friend.
Bracken is a female drag queen.
So. A twelve year old whore?
Cringe. Other races have dogs.
that's what i said
for dinner
/tranny/ go back
you haven't been paying attention at all
I've come to understand that religion is necessary to keep normalcattle on a straight and narrow path. Arguments for behavior based on philosophical and logical arguments simply aren't enough for most people; they are too short-sighted and self-centered to care.
Tell a man "Don't do this, it is bad for society" and he'll ignore you. Tell that man "Don't do this, it is a sin to our God" and he will listen.
The Church also provides a stable institution at the center of community and learning. A strong religion unifies its people and strengthens the community through charity, education, moral arbitration and culture.
When a society loses its connection to religion, there is now a psychological hole that needs to be filled. That's where rampant consumerism, sports, entertainment and social justice activism come in.