This is actually a very deep psychological motive present in the human species right now.
You see with the advent of video surveilence, the dynamic of human relationships is changing and could continue to change rapidly.
Think of this, when you are with two other people, if they team against you, without video recordings they could say you did this or that or whatever fraudulent accusations. They could make "their own truth" using the ancient human tendency to believe multiple people instead of one person.
Now, it goes deeper than that, but it is things like that which are making people very nervous of being recorded all the time.
Like, I got in fight with my father and he tried to have me arrested until I told him the entire event was recorded, then he decided not to press charges, though the police were already there. It embarrassed him when he thought he was going to embarrass me. He thought he knew how to lie and manipulate the Law better than me, when the cops arrived essentially I admitted to being in altercation out of self defense and my father lied and said all he remembered was I attacked him and he "didn't remember" pushing me first. He didn't want remember, not that he couldn't remember, he lied by omission.
But, then I told him the entire thing was on recording, the police pressed to see it, especially when my father said he no longer wanted to press charges, but I said I would rather descalate the situation.
You see,men and women, humanity, is simply not ready, from my experience and studies, to really tell the truth, but video recording technology means ready or not here the truth comes, all the liars will lose their power, all the single solitary truth tellers will finally be vindicated, it is like the worst nightmare for the breeds of sociopath now at large in our imperial society. These breeds have been made to be the psychopathic Jew's pets, but now the gig is up, the word is out, Hitler was right, the Holocaust was a hoax, watch the video.
That's why they are subtly and have been for some time, this push to inform the public of "deepfake" technology, video editing to make anyone say anything etc, as though such fake algorithms wouldn't be detectable from HD videos. They desperately need everyone to believe that the new video recordings can't be trusted, they need for 2 liars word to be more trusted than 1 man with camera, or else they were wrong to have sold their souls to the Jew devil, they should have known that at last some solitary saint would see the truth comes out before all willing eyes.
So, TL;DR, don't believe these Hollywood, Media, CIA faggots about all the "deepfake" CGI bullshit, it will all be shit they made themselves in their Hollywood studio and tried to pass it along as "reality tv" where people pretend to really be affected by "deepfake" technology and incapable of seeing through their charade, they will sell it to the public in an attempt to force the public to believe they can't possible penetrate their illusions, which are growing more glittery but weaker and childish in a Silicon age.
See vid for example of such psyopery.
Attached: Derren Brown's anti-white propaganda.mp4 (640x360, 15.51M)