Does gay conversion therapy work?
There's not much to the body other than just posing the question. Is it theoretically possible to convert homosexuals back to heterosexuality?
Do you think it's biological due to chemical imbalances in the head that makes men and women attracted to the same sex? There's no evolutionary benefit for homosexuality to exist so it has to be a chemical imbalance, right? I come to that conclusion since women who take birth control pills favor more feminine looking/acting men over masculine ones and that affects the their sexual attractiveness to the point where when they stop using the pill, their attraction towards their husband plummets so if a pill can make a woman desire a feminine man, wouldn't that mean homosexuality could potentially be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain which can then be treated and cured in gay conversion therapy?
Does gay conversion therapy work?
The gays are demonically possessed. They need exorcisms.
Faggotry, like most fetishes is something learned and not inherently held. If you were brought up in a world where no one ever talked about homosexuality, and sexual practices in general were purely about pro-creation; you would find that most people would never even consider it. We know this to be true due to the astronomical rise of things like BDSM which, without prior exposure; were near non-existent, and upon discovery tend to peak the interests of many.
Faggotry is the same. There might be a few genuine faggots out there, but the vast majority are a consequence of its public exposure and glorification, coupled with the eroticism of the taboo and the forbidden.
Probably this too.
I guess you could try it and let people know at your synagogue.
First off, it's sexual preference not sexual orientation. The latter is part of their "born that way" propaganda nonsense which is biologically impossibly since children can't even get sexually aroused. It's a choice. They choose to engage in homosex activities. They have weak discipline and weak control over their minds.
Second off, Yes. Therapy does work to help people cope with or suppress their perverted or depraved or otherwise unwanted thoughts. There are plenty of other therapy treatments for other psychological conditions to avoid an unwanted behavior. Sometimes it's more straight forward like flipping the switch 3 times, easily quantifiable. Other times it's harder to address because it's a psychological thing, like homosexual desires which are often planted by entertainment media (or now, public schools and libraries).
sage because faggotry thread, you should already know it's a degenerate sin and a choice
Countersage because I definitely had a boner a few times as a kid
The evolutionary benefit is group selection not individual selection. Gay uncle who buys you a sports coat. More adult resources going to support relatively fewer children.
It doesn’t have to be a gene evolved from group selection. You also have womb gay where mom loves men a lot, son is likely to love men a lot, and this is called womb gay.
So the only way around that is to have two manly men, who like women, as parents ?
When you got a boner as a child, did you have some transfaggot grope you, rollon the floor with you, tell you about anal sex in school, or how great cutting off your penis could be?
Faggots molest children causing them psychological trauma and often resulting in the damaged child growing up to be a faggot themselves which then goes on to molest others. It destroys family lines and inhibits survival. It also spreads disease and, seemingly, makes people so obsessed with sex that they are incapable of focusing on more noble pursuits; making them not only a biological dead end, not only a waste of shared resources to keep alive, but also mostly useless in regards to the advancement of society and technology.
Doubtful. The modern zeitgeist likes to say that men who focused on various aspects of life to the exclusion of nearly everything else; were in fact repressed faggots. They explain their professional obsessionism as 'not interested in women' and then assume that the reason must be that they were faggots. Judging by all faggots society has ever known of; they are not the sort to dedicate on ANYTHING other than vulgar acts. This has remained a constant in child-molesting priests, catamites, and homosexual muslims. None of them can contain their urges; and now faggots are known for grotesque displays and the rampant buggery of strangers in the form of 'dogging' and 'glory holes' and other such extreme perversion.
well first I have to get a job, then social skills, then a girlfriend, then be heterosexual?
too much work fam
i jerked off to my mom's victoria's secret catalogue she used to just have lying around when i was 4 years old
No retard, are you for real?
I used to sneakout my dad's playboys for the expressed purpose of looking at hot women.
Yes gay conversion works, that's why there is a movement to ban it. And once we can find the gay gene you will see using CRISPR (or the like) to fix it banned as well or, if not possible, see aborting homosexuals be made illegal. Homosexuals know they are dying and in the next hundred years won't exist anymore outside fashion statements like adopting a nigger kid hence they are trying to gain as much political power now as they can in mad grab to prevent their rightful extinction.
Why are you interested in it, OP? You gay?
Exactly, I grew into it that doesnt mean I wasnt attracted to girls before that.
Yes and no.
No, because most of these outfits are religious outfits that think they can just pray the gay away. It's mostly about separating religious people from their money, with little more thought put into the 'therapy' than simply trying to convert people to Christianity, and make the Christian identity incompatible with the faggot identity, even though these people are generally just faggot for Jesus for begin with.
Yes, because there is nothing biological about faggotry. Faggots are created, not born. Something most people don't understand about the faggot identity is that it competes with other forms of male sexual degeneracy. In private, the faggot will tell you the tranny is a faggot with a mental disorder, and the bisexual man is just a faggot in denial. This shows you that faggot identity comes with a whole host of assumption about being, none of which are truly compatible trannies, bisexuals, etc.
When the British got to India, they found sexual degenerates that dressed up as women known as Hijra. Before this, there were no faggots in India. Only after the British came, did the faggot identity take root, and take the Hidjra out of the dress.
Where does the underlying urge to dress and act like a woman come from? It comes from sexual fantasies about women. The difference between an autogynephile and a straight man is that the straight man projects the feminine fantasy object outward, while the autogynephile comes to identify with it. Normal heterosexuality and autogynephilia compete in the male, which is why most autogynephiles seek out sex with women and not men.
The difference between the typical autogynephile and the faggot is when these sexual fantasies begin to emerge. In the classic autogynephile, it comes around the time of puberty. In the faggot, it comes earlier, around 5-7. Nearly all faggots go through a phase that looks like prepubescent-autogynephilia (they want to dress like girls, do girly things, etc). This earlier identification with women leads to a greater exploration of what they think turns women on, and in the mind of the male child, the imaginary sexual object of the women is always a hypermasculine male.
Further, even though this is not the only type of faggot, it is the most common one, and the psychological development is nearly always the same. There is, however, another type of a faggot, and this one is basically a heterosexual male that has come to eroticize faggots themselves. The typical-faggot has as their erotic fantasy object a hypermasculine male, but the atypical faggot has as their erotic fantasy object an effeminate faggot. This type of degenerate has turned the faggot into the ultimate-whore, and bug-chasing amongst this group is a common fetish. What could be more sexually degenerate and disgusting that a AIDS ridden faggot?
It works.
Rule 4. Reported.
Sports coats are not an 'evolutionary advantage' and it has no real merit when you consider that he is fucking the boy in the ass and POZZING him to high heaven in return. Gays need to be eugenically weeded out from our species.
The 'transexual agenda' is a jewish joke from ancient days when the practice originated as they took nigger slaves from the Empires they destroyed. They would perform a full castration on them and fuck them until they were to loose to be an amusement and then send them off to hard labor camps to die. They did this to MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of men.
Fags and trannies are just saluting their status as a sex slave of their captors. Seriously the practice of full castration is very old and it was done as a punishment to the enslaved. If these faggots got a brand saying that they were disposable flesh for jews it would be more honest and to the point.
unironicaloly yes
even more if possible.
Pretty sure you were molested/raped and suppressed it, kiddo.
Okay story time:
When I look back on my youth, I feel like it has all the context necessary for a gay adulthood, and yet I never felt more than an experimental curiosity toward gay sex. Now I would even say that I'm disgusted by it and other forms of degeneracy thanks to Zig Forums apparently, among other sources. The information age is quite an interesting time to be alive. I can't wait to see how it affects the kids growing up on the internet now.
Kill yourself.
(Dubs confirm it's effectiveness)
I agree, probably most of them could be healed but there just isn't any research on this. When was it tried in experiments the last time, over 50 years ago? Just think what modern science could do if it just tried.
BASED Michael "it's alright to fuck niggers because jesuscucking" Jones
Its called a bog, weirdos are converted into peat and then the peat is burned for fuel, sometimes iron amasses and is made into tools or weapons. The conversion has a 100% success rate and the backing science seems pretty strong and has been proven to work over many years.
The leftists want to ban it specifically because it works.
Pretty sure you failed sex ed, gramps.
Of course it is.
Aberrancy broke of trauma.
*borne of trauma
Some might argue all influences are like this a virus that spreads upon exposure. Even forms of government, perhaps especially.
How does your faggot brain come up with this spook nonsense
Transgender conversions WORK!
If you're a girl between 10 and 15, and you say you're a "boy"… then as a "gay man" I will rape you and tell you this is your future as a "boy".
You cannot convert queers (once a queer always a queer) but the therapy works in the sense that fags are more likely themselves afterwards than without going though therapy
My dick says otherwise
found the faggot
Anyone got the Joseph Nicolosi Ebook? or can show me where I might find a torrent.
Ugh. I dissolved some honey in this rum, and it’s still terrible.
This post is on topic. I don’t usually say this, but… be a little less literal in parsing this one.
Homosexuality is not only genetic, it’s so basic to human sexual attraction that gene-editing it out will make humanity more similar to me: an asexual.