Donald Trump is a Child Rapist

Now that billionaire child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein is back in the news, it seems like a good time to take a closer look at allegations that Donald Trump raped a 13-year-old girl at Epstein's Manhattan home in 1994.

“Jane Doe” alleges Donald Trump sexually assaulted her on four separate occasions, culminating in a rape when she was just 13 at Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion. Her evidence? Three sworn declarations – from her, a friend she confided in at the time, AND one of Epstein’s recruiters.

This case was filed in New York federal court in 2016. You can read her pleading here:

The case was NOT dismissed. Jane withdrew her complaint on November 4, 2016, saying she was “afraid to show her face” due to “numerous threats” against her.

Jane came to New York in June 1994 “in the hope of starting a modeling career.” She soon met "Tiffany," who offered to bring her to parties where she could meet folks in the business - hosted by Epstein.

Jane claims Trump had “sexual contact" with her at four parties she attended that summer. She understood both Trump and Epstein "knew that [she] was 13 years old.” The fourth time, she says "Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me."

Jane claims a 12-year-old named Maria was forced to be involved in the third encounter. She never saw Maria again after that. Following the rape, Jane says Trump threatened to hurt her and her family if she ever told anyone. He suggested he could make her “disappear like Maria.”

Jane is not the only witness offered in this filing. A woman using the pseudonym “Joan Doe” attests that she is willing to testify that Jane told her about the sexual encounters with Trump and Epstein “in the 1994-95 school year.”

Pedo Don is controlled by the Jews with this very blackmail.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here is more on Epstein that matches details in the Miami Herald

Reports : being forced to give him massages, Epstein forcing digital penetration, his irritation at her protests, etc. Listen to her voice. Listen to her story.

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Here she recounts her first encounter with Trump when she was 13. Her description matches his known idiosyncrasies and germophobia: He required her to touch him with a glove. "He seemed to take a liking to me because I was so young…he kind of liked things to be his first."

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"Donald Trump specifically asked about me because I remind him of his daughter, and she said, 'Well, she's 13 as well.'" I *know* we avoid seriously discussing this because it is disturbing beyond comprehension. But we all know what Trump has said about Ivanka.

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You can watch her full recorded testimony at

It is dated February 11, 2016. Based on all of the details we now know, her story is very credible. It is past time we confront this as a nation.

Second woman claims billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein 'directed' her to have sex with Alan Dershowitz

I interpret this as jews being mad as hell that Trump told them the war with Iran (China) is a go and then said he was only trolling them.

Comey’s daughter is on the prosecution team. How convenient.

Honk honk

I wonder how many 60 tweet threads this person has for stuff involving the mueller investigation


All he got was a hand job with a glove? It seems likely but then how was she able to escape her recruiter and then press charges on Epstein and Donald trump specifically. Why was this not brought up during the elections when pedophiloa allegations were going on. I'm all ears, I never had a horse in this race but all child tapists must be stopped.


nice try brainwashed liberal nazi

He is objectively not.

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It's hard to disagree with this statement if, after the arrest of Epstein and the blocking of war with Iran, the jews have nothing on Trump except some weird snapshots of him with Ivanka. I've had relatives slober over me more than that during reunions. In the current year, I expect nothing less than 480p sex videos, rabbi. I don't give a shit about his tax returns either.

Because Trump is now and always was a Jewish Rothschild Puppet.
Wilbur Ross

If you can't see that then my God you're blind

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Checks out

wait, what? Gonna need more info on this

Please share more anti-trump redpills.

But if that were true then what's up with these allegations now? Why not let him keep pushing the Zionist agenda? Why arrest Epstein? Why with pinning pizzagate on trump and failed assassination attempts?

Lets use the power of our mind:
1) jew posts a tweet on twitter about trump raping children.
2) video is woman wearing a wig and not showing identity, even though shes an adult who is accusing a president of pedo.
3) jews are pedos, and they have accused prez of rape like a million times already
4) we are talking the prez of US here. Do you really think if trump was raping children, that wouldn't come up in his debriefing and security checks by his own people during election. Like" oops, turns out you rape kids at jew parties all the time, no big deal, I think we can just not address that and play it by ear". Do you think someone that rapes children would have a moral issue with killing children?

Whats more likely is the jews are using their manipulations to finish the polish on hegemony. Since the world population has swallowed the mechanics of jew marxism through their shameless consumption of msm, they are ripe to go into war-communism phase. The jews have effectively made it so that the general public cannot accuse leaders and politicians of rape in the jew msm. And since, historically, the jews partake in wanton rape and murder when they take power (trotsky), theyre probably about ready to take over.
5) trump is a traitor just like the last. He serves a foreign nation and foreign interests. He serves the enslavement of the US. He will not be celebrated after the country wakes up.

t. Sarah Silvermanbergstein

None of this info is new, but the timing is conspicuous. Looks like Trump blinking on Syria and stepping into NK has possibly forced the kikes to play their final cards. Well, pre-assasination attempt that is.

meant to say Iran

Trump flew on Lolita Express one time. Hillary used it 6 times, and Bill used it somewhere in the region of 20 times. If Trump is a pedo he's 26 times less of a pedo than the democrat alternative.

People might believe this scandal if the media hadn't been relentlessly and shamelessly attacking Trump constantly since he won the election years ago. It's just pathetic the lengths these idiots will go to con gullible fence sitters.

>"Listen and believe, goyim!"


Oy vey, how could you believe a racist nazi?

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No. The Clintons are. All jews are. All leftists are. That is why killing all of them is mandatory.
Learn to code.

Must be frustrating seeing a goy out kike you fuckin tiprats eh?

Go fellate the pointy end of a shotgun, parasite.

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Oh well I mean if a couple of people get together say something happened if has to be true then. Not like anyone ever groups up to lie to set someone up for personal gain or anything nah

Don't forget that he (along with Roger Stone and Paul Manafort) were mentored by Roy Cohen, the jewish boy-trafficker who ran sexual blackmail operations of the Mossad. And then there's the Epstein/Mossad connection, suggesting that they're all part of the same general operation, catering to politicians with different sexual appetites.

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Kill yourself,.

LIBERAL NPCs are so manipulate into the JQ… If want to go full 1488, you can do it by attacking ("I also hate Trump, he's controlled by Jews like the presidents before him" OR "Trump's Jewish bosses were behind 911").

I also defend Trump because he actually cares about Americans (look up every single policy he pushed in international summits), but if you're surrounded by LIBERAL NPCs, you can destroy their message by tainting it with (((1488))). Pretty much I do this all the time, I infect things I don't like with (((1488))).

No one doubts Epstein is a pedo, but your (((logic))) is the same used to ruin the lives of MILLIONS of innocent men every year!!

Do you really think pedophile (and other sexual immorality) is something that prevents politicians from running for office?

It's 2019, the Franklin Scandal happened over 30 year ago, there's no excuse for not being aware of the true extent of political pedophilia.


Are you White today?

Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular!

Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel (ES)

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All people in powerful positions are child rapists. It's why they're allowed to be in those positions.

Sorry yid, Epstein is on his own this go around WOMP WOMP.

Whites benefit from the legal immigration system. There are rules and standards which Trump is having revised. Your useless shitposts don't change the facts.

They tried attaching him to epstein during the election ramp-up and it was tossed then. This is the same shit.

It was, but MIGApedos decided it had to be false, because it made their savior look bad. The videos were originally uploaded in July of 2016.

By who?

You provide nothing… I provide a path to victory.

Grow up faggot, you're in your 20s

What path is that, voting for Israel-firster Republicans and pretending the Democrats are the real anti-Semites? If your "strategy" worked, this country would have been saved long ago.

Attacking the Jews and making it seem like it's a left wing thing

So making the "right" even more dedicated to jews and Israel? Great plan.

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No, they don't.

It is

All that info is in that OLD ASS thread from fucking years ago when you attempted to slander Trump the last go around. Eat shit and die, I'm not going to go digging up old fucking information just to give you another springboard to kvetch on while you dance around the truth.


The "right" doesn't matter.

She dropped the lawsuit after receiving threats, that doesn't make it "slander". He claims were never retracted or disproved.

LOL bring it tf un

fuck off lying scheming filthy kike

Do you think he posts on /b2/?

No hes rich enough to rape kids irl, he probably doesn't even watch pedoime too.

Yes they do. It's the illegal system and the broken loopholes in the legal system that fuck whites. Come back when your balls drop. My great grandfather immigrated from Denmark way back in the day. When the rules are adhered to, the system is weighted towards white men and women.


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All you have is a lawsuit and hearsay. If you had a criminal indictment, it would be better. But this is retarded; anyone can sue anyone for anything.
Alternative theory: Trump went to Epstein Island once, saw what was going on, and ratted the kike out to the police.
Police covered for Epstein.
Trump becomes president, makes it an issue again.

trump didnt go on lolita express to pedo island. during investigation, trump was the ONLY person that was willing to cooperate with the prosecutors. billionaires meeting other billionaires at fundraisers or doing business doesnt mean he's the same as clintons dismissing the secret service to go on jet to pedo island.

Wow what a mistake he made.


The Lolita Express and Little Saint James are just two of the locations where abuse took place, not the only ones. If you read the claims, you'll see that the same things also took place at Epstein's homes, etc.

When they were already in close proximity to one another, why would Trump have to fly to the island?

He said he was "a lot of fun to be with" and talked about how he liked girls "on the younger side". That's extremely damning, and not indicative of simply a business relationship.

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Nice try.

lol, why? Denmark is gonna be half muslim in 20 years

also, fuck you JIDF

Because his island would be his personal world. Nobody gets in or out without his permission presumably. He can do what he wants there while in NY he has to put more restraint.
Also, something interesting I have heard is that the Wikipedia page for Epistein was changed to remove Bill/Hillary Clinton and to include Trump instead. Has anyone else heard about it?

As opposed to the US which is already 2/3 shitskin?

Bump because you can’t hide the ZOG emperor’s transgressions, kike.

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We already know that the abuse took place elsewhere as well. Focusing only on the plan and Island is a distraction, to limit the scope of the actual operation.

JIDF wikipedia account:

So the evidence consists of

“Trust us, we’re women.”

Kavanaugh tier nonsense.

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maybe he will get impeached, or at least not be re-elected


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Eyes Wide Shut.
Only mask that's shocked.
Orange mask.
Longstanding industry-giants co-heads of Warner Bros. resigned day of Premiere.
One of co-heads sons was murdered shortly before this also.

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(((they))) never answers for shit like that.

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It's all so tiresome. I just want to go explore the stars and discover the secrets of the universe. My Anglo-Saxon spirit compels me to focus on the sciences but this fucked up world won't allow any genuine progress to happen. I don't want to genocide people, I don't want to hate anyone, but for the love of god they're gonna push me into this. Everything is just so messed up.


There's not enough evidence to conclude he is. Considering his (grand)children and their respective inner circles I am inclined to distrust him though. Regardless of your opinions on Trump, I think we would all like to see the lid blown off of this Epstein thing and perhaps then we will be a few inches closer to the truth.

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Who needs blindness when you have autism?

The same autism which resulted in pro-orangenigger memes for the 2016 elections?

If it came sooner id believe you , maybe , but the 2020 election is around the corner and the timing for this is too good , kikes , you cant do one thing right ever , can you?

Trump is a kike though magaturd.

Oh fuckoff you shithead

The saying on 8ch is never trust a jew and Hail Hitler! Fuck Silverman

That's about as credible as the nutjob Cooper had on not too long ago also accusing Trump of rape.

Hello Shlomo…


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When is Epstein going to "commit suicide"? Too many powerful types seem to be compromised by him.

Someone wants him out of office , and I bet its the jews , he seems to piss some off and I am happy with that , you fucking jew.

Hmmm… a billionaire that can afford to hire over a platoon of ex Navy Seals and Green Berets at $1,000,000+ a year??

Trying to get ahead of the curve are we? Guess that's deep state's play. Don't think it'll work.

This is the same broad from before. The one that tried using a fake name and paying in cash with a fake address listed. Her suit fell apart last time twice. She did it during the campaign. Now that it’s election season, she’s trying it again. More of the same.

Yeah, the one that said that rape was a sexual fantasy for most people before CNN cut her off.

Both sides are trying to exonerate the kike puppet they like, when they're clearly both deeply connected him.

Qtard terminology.

Knew this was coming. Get ready for the shill fest of all shill fests with daily bullshit trying to push the narrative that the POTUS is connected to this horseshit. It will be the new media, social media and shill push and will happen constantly.

Fuck the Potus and anyone who defends him.

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