Folkish music general

ctrl+f music, nothing.

Purge your life of all Jewish and degenerate culture. This thread will be for Folkish music discovery and wholesome music in general.

Folk, blues, blue-grass, jazz, country, rock, metal, classical or anything for else that matter is welcome so long as it doesn't attack at the roots of the traditional family unit and the eternal worldview.

Attached: hagall.jpg (217x320, 25.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:!ijBljQYS!yyA169cvEQn9cKcRKQK64Q!5EcwHSzZ!0chlRrou-rck1fwIW9-S4Q!VIk20KQS!-Q9wqcDhsHxCobhghxy8tA!BF8GSIhQ!zlqBiSEaozXwzhl4K3Kkuw!8ctAASLa!1zo95S3B2c00rewFnOivsQ!OBVzDQQT!iYhf8lroV0TNLDFVJGp0xg

Heilung and Danheim are good.

What am I supposed to do
If I want to talk about peace and understanding
But you only understand the language of the sword
What if I want to make you understand that the path you chose leads to downfall
But you only understand the language of the sword
What if I want to tell you to leave me and my beloved ones in peace
But you only understand the language of the sword
I let the blade do the talking…
So my tongue shall become iron
And my words the mighty roar of war
Revealing my divine anger´s arrow shall strike
All action for the good of all
I see my reflection in your eyes
But my new age has just begun
The sword is soft
In the fire of the furnace
It hungers to be hit
And wants to have a hundred sisters
In the coldest state of their existence
They may dance the maddest
In the morass of the red rain
Beloved brother enemy
I sing my sword song for you
The lullaby of obliteration
So I can wake up with a smile
And bliss in my heart
And bliss in my heart
And bliss in my heart
Coexistence, Conflict, combat
Devastation, regeneration, transformation
That is the best I can do for you
I see a grey gloom on the horizon
That promises a powerful sun to rise
To melt away all moons
It will make the old fires of purification
Look like dying embers
Look like dying embers
Look like dying embers

Wolcensmen - Songs from the Fyrgen [Full Album]
(tracks: Sunne and Yerninge are pearlers.

Heilung - Nurupo

Wardruna feat Aurora - Helvegan LIVE
(The closest thing to a religious experience whilst watching this)

Which song by Danheim to begin with?

Honestly it's all good stuff, but try this:

Thanks user.

Martin said to his man, fie, man, fie
Martin said to his man, who's the fool, now
Martin said to his man, Fill thou the cup and I the can
Thou hast well drunken man, who's the fool now

I saw the man in the moon, fie, man, fie
I saw the man in the moon, who's the fool, now
I saw the man in the moon, Clouting of St. Peter's shoon
Thou hast well drunken, man, who's the fool, now

I saw the goose ring the hog, fie, man, fie
I saw the goose ring the hog, who's the fool, now
I saw the goose ring the hog, saw the snail bite the dog
Thou hast well drunken, man, who's the fool, now

I saw the hare chase the hound, fie, man, fie
I saw the hare chase the hound, who's the fool, now
I saw the hare chase the hound, Twenty miles above the ground
Thou hast well drunken, mn, who's the fool, now

I saw the mouse chase the cat, fie, man, fie
I saw the mouse chase the cat, who's the fool now
I saw the mouse chase the cat, Saw the cheese eat the rat
Thou hast well drunken, man, who's the fool now

I saw a flea heave a tree, fie, man, fie
I saw a flea heave a tree, who's the fool now
I saw a flea heave a tree, twenty miles out to sea
Thou hast well drunken, man, who's the fool now

I saw a maid milk a bull, fie, man, fie
I saw a maid milk a bull, who's the fool now
I saw a maid milk a bull, at every pull a bucket full
Thou hast well drunken, man, who's the fool now

Martin said to his man, fie, man, fie
Martin said to his man, who's the fool, now
Martin said to his man, Fill thou the cup and I the can
Thou hast well drunken man, who's the fool now

Falkenbach island/german is a folk-rock band or something like that kek.
Dey was more metal at the beginning and more folk laterz..

(from The Tempest)
Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! now I hear them,—ding-dong, bell.

Mozart wrote this at 14 years of age. This is the pinnacle of Western Civilization.


Not folkish music, but recently I've been listening to a lot of Bruckner. His later symphonies, the 7th and 8th are great. The 9th is just incredible. There is such broad interpretation to it, and it can be beautiful or haunting or even brutal/crushing depending on the conductor.

If you’re gonna nothing music maybe you should music nothing.

Prost, Enjoy comrade !

#Japan-German friendship

Ensiferum finnish band

MP3 archives

Darkest Sky!5EcwHSzZ!0chlRrou-rck1fwIW9-S4Q
Lord Wind!BF8GSIhQ!zlqBiSEaozXwzhl4K3Kkuw
Novalis Deux!OBVzDQQT!iYhf8lroV0TNLDFVJGp0xg

More beers wut ? cheers again faggy !
But don't forget to go to gym ! cos if not?
> direction u know where right?! kek

German band


I posted a few dozen really fantastic Folk dances/music here


thanks for links user, appreciate.
Love for the

I have finally managed to produce a thread that doesn't get me banned or called a faggot. Yesterday was a good day :,)


Christ is Risen - German Easter Liturgy


this is varg, but it is real

(Hildarthing means actually of the valkyries, battle yes but also death. Hilde is a valkyrie, thing is court)

Heilung is a trojan horse of a band that purposefully incorporates Semitic imagery and themes into European folk music.

.. court of the valkyries ofc.. and if you don't get this yet, some of these metal bands such as tyr and so and varg on occations, actually use old songs.

song posted there is from the faroe islands, which still today use the old pre christian form of singing called kveding. that's lit how old sagas and so could be written down, all from these songs. The song form died out everywhere, but there

replaces with psalm based rythmns and so as everywhere in europe and beyond.

just another example from tyr (they have posted song)

embedded is same as posted song, just to show

I am sure their heart is at the same place, but it still all fake

beer.. first day of sun here or summer.. sigh..
it's still fake, I always assumed this would work on ie the germans but I see even russians swallow this shit raw, then again they don't know the language(s)… i guess I was wrong I excepted them to be wise to this, I guess I was a fool…

and that's the kicker here those two german groups there starts to spread this as this is our shit, and it's all made up and fake based on nothing but a few words they have translated and chant over and over….. I .. I..

to illustrate this is real, it's wardruna

it's says in the title in's völuspá, same as vargs "gold age" there (the name refers to the golden age in denmark in the bronze age I think)

what they both do here, varg first btw, is to simply take some of the verses and singing them. it's 66 verses in all, it's the prophecy about ragnarök. Wardruna doesn't always do this, they also create their own lyrics ofc, but it still centers around a valid theme. these two german groups there…. not so much, and it annoys me because when I listen to a lot of this other stuff I call legit, they always show up. then I throw my beer in the wall

but that's that kind of music though, then you got regular folkmusic, I am a big fan of that. Sometimes I can listen to folk music all day

this reminds me when I was a kid and spent the summers at my uncle and aunts farm, each sunday the radio there would play this kind of folk music.

it brings me still extremely calm, now this is obviously not kveding, this is psalm based and a christian song. it still gives me peace though

okay now I am spamming, adding that I collect this stuff from all our europe. now when it comes to russian folkmusic, which btw is epic, I ofc don't know the lyrics either

here I can fall into the danheim trap


an icelandic one from the late 800ds/early 900ds from a notorious wikangz, name Egill Skalla-Grímsson

the story is why I post this, he was out playing hockey with his father and shit. The thrall who was basically rasing him, scored on his father. So his father got angry and kill the thrall. I don't remember, but Eigil got pissed and was like 11 or 12. So he asked him self well who of these thralls are closest to my father then? Then he went on and killed him with an axe straight in front of his father..

this is song is from when he shortly after at the age of I don't remember 13-14 is sent away on viking, the goes

long story man but he was a very famous wiking fought so many places drove off the sons of ragnar lodbrokk for the english king and had to make a song for eirik bloodaxe to keep his head amongst a few thing to meantion. he was also big and ugly as fuck because he had this disease, but an extremely good poet, so kinda the like the real monster of notre damn


I am sure you all have heard this. It bears so much similarity to norse folk music, so I have always asked my self, is this from herjedalen, jemtland?

they are using our tunes you see. I don't know though, I don't enough for some reason about swedish folkmusic. so strange that I never … it's because everything swedish is cancer here I guess

someone posted it already, I am talking about this, this our sounds

no not fucking trying to steal credit here, sweden.. but I just scratch my head..

anyways norwegian again, I got thousands man, but another type if you will

Faroe islands

btw for icelandic, norwegian and faroese folkmusic aka norse

and that is a wrong attitute to have to your brother btw, it's not 1905 …. so I am sorry for this Sven

God damnit no, here the swedes do this again too


faroe islands again

and yes, tyr has covered this one, a bit more metall than the original

.. but come on, now post polish, russian, estonian, lithuanian etc shit. show us your culture

… and yes you too fucking germany of all nations! i know you are watching! post them.

denmark? wait are you telling me danes sing? no way dude, haha! you can't even speak you just make noices

that's atleast what I would consider more distinct swedish..

you are bordering on 3rd time copy right strike though. but this is more like I picture typical swedish tunes

typical mongolian-norwegian mountain tunes

I haven't posted enough for you, to blow your mind with this…..

I'll post what I have

Attached: My Little Armalite.mp4 (640x360 4.31 MB, 8.02M)

I watched this one right now, polish-lithuanian common wealth something song?


saved anyways

this would be mainland norway again

this type of singing is usually ascosiated with what was known as a budeie, that would be a virgin that lived up in the hills taking cares of cows..

so I guess they started to sing to attract guys just as they do with cows… oh wait I got one for that!

is no meme they can even fucking do this to god damn cows man, this is sweden again, but they all have this power.

so you watch that cow, that's also you and me..

if you admit it or not, this is the power they have over us, and we will wage wars for them, let that sink in

that's exactly what a budeie does, she must have learned this from someone down here family line, this profession is long gone btw

older one, I am not sure but i think it translated from faroese folk songs, I might be wrong. this one is about a russian princess, we name here ellisiv, but her anglosized name was elisabeth and the russian one something similar.

it goes it says she was the most beautiful womyn in all of russia, and he was very good at horseback. it's King Harald the hardruler who comes back from the varangians to come to norway and take the throne(after stabbing out the eyes of the emperor in istanbul as the queen didn't want him to leave, as custom was there), he comes then to emperor of the rus jaroslav with chests of gold it says, and asks for his daughter as he heads back with her to norway.

this is the same king who sacked hedeby in denmark(the biggest town there who was never again) and who attacked england in 1066

Yeah and here's some more songs

Attached: Complainte de la Blanche Biche.mp4 (360x332, 9.52M)

Move out of the way, here comes DAC

Just reminding you guys that folk isn't just LARPing music

he subdued the danes.. as threaty was.. long story, they made an agreement. the first to die sonless was to yield his country to the other..

well after the civil war here the christening, Olav Digre(the big) aka holy's son, the english revolted and put this anglo-dane harold on the throne instead. Magnus diddn't do anything, but King Harald came to get old dues being paid.

the thing though in western history and so or anglo history they seem to completely ignore… that he spent the winter before in.. normandie… big drama there.. now I already told you he had a russian princess as wyfu, you must understand that even if he said he was christian, it was a transition period. so it was not unheard of that kings had several wyfus..
so he first got the russian one, got another one here in norway as he arrived, then went to normandie… he was known for being a womanizer.. that's the whole turkey stuff, everyone think the emperors wyfu had the hots for him and orchistrated his jailing when he wanted to leave, as mentioned ending up he being broke up, going to the emperor and poking his eyes out…

Villhjalm he though he was after his wyfu, so he was pissed at first.. then they brought it he wanted to marry their daughter, to be his third wyfe.. yes all at the same time… which was accepted and planned, after he would take back england that fall..

they ignore this.. it's also said in our texts, that when villhjalm got these knews, he by """"accident""" kicked his spurs in his wyfus chest while leaving for the ships, killing her in the process… whatever the reason was deliberate or not, he was pissed, england was forever his

song ends with this here

this song I am sure is translated from faroese

link has translated text

In a side note I wonder if this guy is even still alive, man, he is a saga freak


can't forget about Dixie

Attached: American_civil_war_music_-_Southern_soldier.webm (480x360 7.79 MB, 4.96M)

before this norway-denmark-england was under one rule. not iceland yet, orkneys, hebrids, man, caithness, shetland only so much



okay I must admit country is a fucking chapter in it's all own, we got one county here really deticated to it. I love country man


but do I label this under folk music?

guess so, us you just got a folder, never thought about it before

well you already have a folder but not in with the folk music, but after all it is… comfy as fuck too

country is for its FOLK which is why poser fags never quite get it right, or why the niggardisation of it is just way out of place. So yes, you could.

Here's two songs about Roland

Attached: L'appel de Roland - Chœur Montjoie Saint-Denis.webm (640x360 2.32 MB, 7.53M)

context? normandie?

I don't understand a single word of frog

Not a folk bands but if you like some rock & rac of germany; go with one of those 2 band Landser or stahlgewitter.
Link it's a video clip with #uncle and third reich, in a Landser "song Freheit" background.

Folk here with some french celt music by the singer alan stivell, famous in france.

one "live" song

album best of

haha also classic

but do you get this small thing in there? Now he was from the faroe islands, everyone says he is from there or here or making myths but it's very simple his father was the earl of møre in norway. so he was from møre but ended there

thing is though he was in eastern viking, that would be ie raiding the baltic nations and so, and when he came back no norway he decided to

and he was caught in this, while he was away, norway had been so plagued by wikangs attack, mostly of disgruntled small kings who was ousted by king harald the first. so this would mean his head there and than, his father Ragnvald was also like his most treasured earl, that wouldn't help him

but what did was his mother, she came to pray for his lyfe, they were also related. I don't remember I think they were cousins..

but he said simply.. okay you live, but you will NEVER set foot in norway EVER again…

so he went to france.. with mostly danish vikings

so it goes anyways

oh yeah the point
it lit says in the text, not dark skinned people, but niggers


negros.. so text says this.. were there mercinaries there with arab raiders, because it is impossible to misstranslate just this part

they are censored….

I knew it was something about these videos

here you have the full text, they cut the blueman part

I am so triggered over this
Harald here signs the entire full text

Here's a machine translation of the lyrics because my French isn't great, I'm lazy, and it's easier and faster to copy and paste than type it all up myself

Attached: Civil War Music- Southern Version of The Battle Cry of Freedom.mp4 (640x360, 15.61M)


I am drinking here, try harald foss, rolandskvadet to see if you can find the complete song from him with translation

also knew it

Attached: Rólandskvæði.png (1477x595, 664.23K)

thank you, i had to save this

first of I am not sober anymore, but it's not just only that, if they kept up the custom here it's codes a lot of it.

doesn't fully qualify, but you never know, thank you alot user, I love this shit

did I already post this, tyr has this one, faroes again

it's kinda brutal it goes, it's some conflict,

I don't remember this history tbqh but some scotts came to norway and went over to sweden… I don't know .. old history I am your guy, after unions not so much, that period we call the 500 year night, it's depressing

wait they are singing this in danish, didn't even notice..

but I guess summary of this is, iceland, norway and the faroes are one people, and we care about each about each other are siblings do ofc… if you try to understand the dynamics here.. it's sweden and demark yes ofc they are our brethrens, but we're the same people, that's the difference here

and if you are really in on this stuff, you can go in today in norway and we can go tribal too. most icelanders came from south western norway, so they are ryger and horder mostly. the faroes romsdølinger(OY!), møringer and sunnmøringer.

esp on iceland you can tell on their dialect

that's the general stuff, not all came from these tribes

redpill? and here in norway we have very much inter tribal issues on the you normal level, they don't over there.

Force and honnor comrade

iceland, the faroes, orkneys, the hebrids, man, caithness, heck even yorkshire that was to us america before america

ib4 but what about vinland, markland and helluland then?

the truth is too few people, at greenland at the best tymus there, on this massive land it was only at absolute max 6k people. spread all over the place.. so you got a couple of dozen and went to these new lands.. it was not suistanabla.. then unions, black death and on top of this cold happened so nothing would grow there anymore…

they knew why it happened ofc, it was because they took christianity and pissed on the gods and their forefathers… so it died out then

sry didn't mean to reply
anyway force & honnor to you

an other classic

imagine though, if Eirik the Red and his son Leif the happy, would be able to get more people over.

we could have started the america adventure 500 years earlier. But frankly I don't think it would have made that big of difference anyways. it's like economics you need a marked for whatever

but this viking time people, the actually fled from oppressive kings as later people in england and germany would flee from religious persecution and later here from economic reasons and again persecution by the ((( norwegian state)))

in summa sumarum, they were too few, plagues and everything caused the country to shrink in, not to mention the europeanization through unions

I'm glad you liked it. I'm worried that these Civil War songs will fall prey to the same iconoclasm that's resulted in vandalism and desecration of memorials and even graves.

Attached: I'm a Good Ol' Rebel - SLOW VERSION - Southland.mp4 (640x360, 10.6M)

okay I am unfair

real quote
something like that

so america, in many regards we're similar in this world I guess

Anglo Saxon harp and song

fug! new folder … I was obviously not alive then but was the country code for south?

La Banquet du Roy, a french renaissance ensamble playing period instruments and songs with beautiful passion. Their channel contains a good selection of little performances.

Mimir's Brunnr, they written monologues and scores from scratch with an uplifting message from a pagan perspective.

I don't know man, even though it's not really "folk music" in the scence it's at tops 200 years old, it's still so god damn good and it's own style

look america! THIS is the america we all love and want, not that crazy juden shit trying to make sex change operations on 6 year old small kids. used to be some type like john wayne or clint eastwood would show up and just shoot those degenerates.

yes stupid movie refrence I know it's stupid, but movies also used to made to form morals, you had the balance here to some extent* at least. now it's weimar.

I am not kidding you I haven't watched a single """american""" movie or tv show now since 2014… not this year btw..

it's all disingenious hateful antipeople propaganda, weimar 2.0… to me at this point, doesn't work on us, we just to watch, but I think they do it so you go
while these insane disgusting people can sneak away with their warings and sick shit in the background
as everyone is occupied

so russia? no.. they are not like that, this you

we still love you vestheim, or america, you just need to get your self together there, obviously you a system there against you

something that I know all abou here btw, this anti native is normal to me in so many other ways just not that they outright hate you as a race or whatever

Attached: bobt.png (847x697, 15.45K)

Halindir, my own project

CSA for the Confederate States of America. this song is more from the North, but it's still good even though you can catch the propaganda that the Civil War was solely to end slavery

Attached: American Civil War Song- When Johnny Comes Marching Home.mp4 (640x360, 10.68M)

CSA I saved you there now

I mistook you being drunk for being a bot, bless your heart user.