Our Knight in shining armor has arrived boys
It stated: "Why do we have POC (people of colour) and Non-POC (white people) tickets? I'm glad you asked! Equality means treating everyone the same.
Our Knight in shining armor has arrived boys
It stated: "Why do we have POC (people of colour) and Non-POC (white people) tickets? I'm glad you asked! Equality means treating everyone the same.
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This is a faggot-thread
Anyone who posts below this line sucks cocks
all American Blacks are mixed
this is the result of race treason, just confused mush
no, they won't be on whites' side, they won't be on anyone's side not even themselves, that's the problem
We are not uppity. Most of us support the 14 words bc that's what made the US and other countries civilised. We are proud of our own, but you never bite the hand that feeds you.
It's illegal. Nigger was bailing before being drug into the suit.
She didn't mention white genocide and no redpills were given.
Op is retarded
In other news, a bug is checking into a roach motel.
219 years for stolen chip tech. kek.
Mulattos do not like niggers, and niggers get angry when their gibs go to 1/8 black women like Kamala Harris.
This is exploitable…
More strategy discussion is welcome…you can tell how mad the kikes get when out read and respond is faster.
This is good in another way; if the niggers chase away white people from cRAP music that means that
1. they are tearing out the financial underpinnings of their lovely little "music" "industry". No money, no fabulous bling for their crapping heroes.
2. Whites, made to feel unwelcome will migrate to other less toxic and barbaric music genres.
I hope that this attitude proliferates among the shitskins and that even physical attacks on white attendees takes place. White crap fans deserve to have their teeth pounded down to their assholes by enraged shitskin retards.
Any whites going to a nigger show should be charged more. They should then be raped and murdered at the show.
Fuck off reddit.
WOW I have not heard a peep on this yet besides here.
Will have to watch the local news tonight and report back.
t detroitareafag
It's called playing the system and fleecing whitey. She's gonna bring up a law suit and make bank on this, and later you'll find out that the festival was tax funded because of minority bonus laws.
No. Whats likely happening is that this mutt had a white mother and a black father. The black father is obviously not present in the relationship, so she bonded with her white mother instead. Thus, she feels personally slighted when her mother and her family are charged more for entrance to niggerfest.
In reality, this doesn't really help us because the white mother is likely a shitlib, hence why she is screaming about equality. We don't believe in equality either. These posters and are both high IQ. Self hating whites that go to these festivals deserve death for race treason. Whether its us or the niggers that do them in, it doesn't matter.
The new multicult consumerist angle. Secession is the future.
I would only go to throw up roman salutes during a set, most tribe of judah rastafarians sympathise with that kind of thing and the middle-class white patrons would realise you are on the level too.
first post jew post
expecting some mulatto rapper to know what White Genocide is. look whose retarded
that was in no way stated or inferred. do u even reading comprehension?
once again, pet niggers allowed to argue for our side publicly. trying to push muh based nowhite females
That nigger was running away from the inevitable lawsuit. That nigger didn't give a fuck about reparations for whitey.
Tell me about it. I can't find a bigger one.
is that legal in the US?
if so, can you do the reverse and charge negroids ten times the price so they can't attend.
seen several news stories lately about businesses being destroyed when they've tried to make nogglings pay at all, let alone extra.
What's the problem here?
Stop trying to get recognition from non-whites faggot, you're no better than the liberals who put niggers on a pedestal
It technically is legal for private citizens to discriminate for any reason whatsoever. The gov cannot and those who get gov monies maybe also. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010) is the most important ruling in the history of the US, as it confirms that the rights of individuals apply to groups formed by individuals. This means that private schools and other such busineses are subject to the same freedoms if they so choose to express them.
no it's not
and stop talking to yourself
Doesn't sound like a black or mulatto issue, more of a post modernist upper class white cuck issue.
She's a modern day Joan of Arc, clad in legendary gold trimmed black armor!
((( )))
Niggers don't deserve to be treated equal. Shit thread.
She is not your saviour, by denouncing the festival she has protected her own moral integrity, not for your sake but for her own.
People should take example of that.
no, it's illegal buddy, courts are just full of leftist judges. Also
You're a retarded nigger.
You've not posted one coherent response to anything I've posted, retard, you just project your kikery by calling me a jew. Fucking pedo kike upset his obvious samefagging was called out.
America is a catastrophe.
The goddess we don't deserve. I'm glad she doesn't know of our existance because we are not worthy.
What she did definitely deserves props as it amazes me that out of everyone who has been dealing with this retardation of their constant attacks, white guilt bullshit and setting up a future literal genocide it is this lady who says "fuck you" to it.
Seriously if you go down the "claimed" order of how genocides occur we are already at stage six (or ten) and not a single asshole in the media or anyone with a voice is calling it what it is and the only place you can even discuss it is on Zig Forums.
No, mulattoes are the worst enemy to the White race. Once you finally convince Whitey that non-Whites are bad all it takes is "muh based mulatto" to go back to the plantation.
Thread theme.
How racist.
Hispanics are Aryan, deal with it
The first amendment grants a restriction to government (Congress to be more exact)
DACA trips confirms my post! Hitler blesses the Hispanic people.
How does the 1A protect charging different rates for different races? That's not speech, press, assembly, petition, nor exercising religion. You can't even format your post right, torpedo. Even in cases of exercising religion, those who go against the LGBT cult are already prosecuted and often found guilty for expressing their legitimate 1A rights by the leftists courts, so you're a fucking retard on so many levels here.
1A is not about ONLY speech, you fucking retard
hispanics are doodoo, mang.
Fucking this, just delete the thread, nobody here gives a fuck, only (((some people)))
There is a lot we can learn from our tanned Aryan brothers from south the border…
How to run drugs and hang people from telephone poles is hardly learning other than tobacco planting could be useful.
Whatever. Keep hoping mutts will do all the work for you. No mutt will make any progress for us.
We need to hang WHITE PEOPLE with last name Goldberg and Silverstein in the US… :^3
I'd rather she not say anything and let the retards that don't realize they aren't welcome there spend more of their money. Anyone with half a fucking brain would get more radicalized from seeing what's happening just from this.
those niggers backed down. all ticket prices to nigger fest are the same price now. right wing mulatto SJW squads FTW.