Let me shortly introduce myself.
I am just a random Dutch guy (dubbed the "Toothpaste shill") who often frequents the Zig Forums board on 4chan. This weekend a thread popped up after the news broke out of Jeffrey Epsteins arrest. This thread seemed to be a simple Hollywood/Elite pedo thread in wich i posted images of some confirmed and highly suspected celebrities. Within a short time the tone changed into a volatile SRA thread that had little regard for sense or reason. I tried to adress it by pointing out they were polluting the waters with unsubstantiated claims of satanic pedophilia and pedosadism.
I tried to be sensible and tempted to reason with them. but the more i said the accusatory the posters became towards me. The posts were increasingly getting insane, so i started to make fun of them by pointing out how crazy shit was getting. This prompted one of them to accuse me of being either John Podesta or James Alefantis himself. Naturally people picked up on this and allowed themselves to be convinced that this was the actual case. They called me Johnny and Jamie, no matter how much i simply denied their accusations, all was dismissed.
I should have known something was up right then and there, but i was having too much fun engaging in the insanity unfolding in front of me. Slowly i realized these were coordinated efforts and they were hiding behind dynamic IP's in order the flood the board with all the content they had gathered. They claimed to have over 96 TB of PizzaGate files wich they were going to use to "expose" all the Pedophiles. Them finally deciding on me being James Alefantis they started do directly threathen "my" situation not knowing i wasn't him.
Soon anyone who challenged their actions was called a shill, nigger, kike and ofcourse a pedo. They even said the janitors and the board itself was somehow involved in all of this. Other people were getting accused of being James Alefantis samefagging with a dynamic IP and that there were efforts made to slide their threads. They said they were hackers and either thought they knew all about me, or were simply bluffing, but i could tell that everything that was thrown out towards me and others was complete bull. One mentioned they were involved with GSI as if i was supposed to know who they were, and i still don't.
I tried to warn people, because i know that internet vigilante's are the biggest threat to the freedom of digital information and the access thereoff. People wouldn't have it. Wether their general beliefs are justified or not, acting as change agents outside the law, can only lead to the invocation of law enforcement. This is a threat to us all, for it only takes a few bad apples to ruin the entire crate of good produce.
Wether this is instigated by just a couple of dumb teenagers, or a psy-op intended to create a stirr, the outcome should be obvious for action is met with a reaction, and all causes have consequences.
Feel free to investigate, to do your research surrounding these topics, but do not be led astray into something that is not only illegal, but highly detrimental to the work of serious researches trying to do it right. If you see people going out of their way, trying to incite the mob of the internet, do no participate in their efforts. For all things there is a right way to go about it, and there are many wrong ways to do the same. Consider the reality of things, for the internet is a free and open medium, but not for long if the powers that be get the opportunity to decide that it is no more.
I was dubbed the Toothpaste Shill, and surely i went a little apeshit myself, but that is just the point. I am not dumb guy, but even i do stupid shit, even i face consequences for my actions. As such i have recieved a minor ban from the 4chan site, but their efforts are still going on. Do not waste the precious privilege of being able to use the internet, just because you think you have the moral highground, and that regulations as the law are beyond you. For if you do, expect actions will be taken to subdue and control situations and people.
Do the right thing and do it the right way, or bad things happen. We need to smarten the fuck up before the right to access the internet is no longer a right. I suspect there is an end-game to all of this, and it involves all of us.
Godspeed to all.