Something is happening

Let me shortly introduce myself.

I am just a random Dutch guy (dubbed the "Toothpaste shill") who often frequents the Zig Forums board on 4chan. This weekend a thread popped up after the news broke out of Jeffrey Epsteins arrest. This thread seemed to be a simple Hollywood/Elite pedo thread in wich i posted images of some confirmed and highly suspected celebrities. Within a short time the tone changed into a volatile SRA thread that had little regard for sense or reason. I tried to adress it by pointing out they were polluting the waters with unsubstantiated claims of satanic pedophilia and pedosadism.

I tried to be sensible and tempted to reason with them. but the more i said the accusatory the posters became towards me. The posts were increasingly getting insane, so i started to make fun of them by pointing out how crazy shit was getting. This prompted one of them to accuse me of being either John Podesta or James Alefantis himself. Naturally people picked up on this and allowed themselves to be convinced that this was the actual case. They called me Johnny and Jamie, no matter how much i simply denied their accusations, all was dismissed.

I should have known something was up right then and there, but i was having too much fun engaging in the insanity unfolding in front of me. Slowly i realized these were coordinated efforts and they were hiding behind dynamic IP's in order the flood the board with all the content they had gathered. They claimed to have over 96 TB of PizzaGate files wich they were going to use to "expose" all the Pedophiles. Them finally deciding on me being James Alefantis they started do directly threathen "my" situation not knowing i wasn't him.

Soon anyone who challenged their actions was called a shill, nigger, kike and ofcourse a pedo. They even said the janitors and the board itself was somehow involved in all of this. Other people were getting accused of being James Alefantis samefagging with a dynamic IP and that there were efforts made to slide their threads. They said they were hackers and either thought they knew all about me, or were simply bluffing, but i could tell that everything that was thrown out towards me and others was complete bull. One mentioned they were involved with GSI as if i was supposed to know who they were, and i still don't.

I tried to warn people, because i know that internet vigilante's are the biggest threat to the freedom of digital information and the access thereoff. People wouldn't have it. Wether their general beliefs are justified or not, acting as change agents outside the law, can only lead to the invocation of law enforcement. This is a threat to us all, for it only takes a few bad apples to ruin the entire crate of good produce.

Wether this is instigated by just a couple of dumb teenagers, or a psy-op intended to create a stirr, the outcome should be obvious for action is met with a reaction, and all causes have consequences.

Feel free to investigate, to do your research surrounding these topics, but do not be led astray into something that is not only illegal, but highly detrimental to the work of serious researches trying to do it right. If you see people going out of their way, trying to incite the mob of the internet, do no participate in their efforts. For all things there is a right way to go about it, and there are many wrong ways to do the same. Consider the reality of things, for the internet is a free and open medium, but not for long if the powers that be get the opportunity to decide that it is no more.

I was dubbed the Toothpaste Shill, and surely i went a little apeshit myself, but that is just the point. I am not dumb guy, but even i do stupid shit, even i face consequences for my actions. As such i have recieved a minor ban from the 4chan site, but their efforts are still going on. Do not waste the precious privilege of being able to use the internet, just because you think you have the moral highground, and that regulations as the law are beyond you. For if you do, expect actions will be taken to subdue and control situations and people.

Do the right thing and do it the right way, or bad things happen. We need to smarten the fuck up before the right to access the internet is no longer a right. I suspect there is an end-game to all of this, and it involves all of us.

Godspeed to all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing is happening it's a slow decline to the bottom.

There is a cause to all things, so what is the cause of this decline?

Entropy is the natural state of living matter.

Your soccer girls are mostly hot. Too bad they lost to the team that lost to U15 boys.

The response so far is dissapointing, but i can't say my expectations were very high. Appearantly people cannot profess more then a single sentence and convey something of relevance.

If people are to get anything from my post, it is the idea that people need to smarten the fuck up, for ignorance and stupidity will be our downfall by design.

No, you're a nigger,

Yeah, no shit retard. Go back.

The irony of your statement…

Thats not what i said… retard.

From here on i will only adress posts of coherance and value, i will no longer wast my time on the ignorant. If i see a quality response i am happy to engage.

Your biggest mistake was thinking 4chan has any value post 2008, when the big boards, such as /b/, were handed over to the FBI so they could troll it for CP whilst doing nothing to moderate the content. Pretty sure the influx of normalfags after the 2016 was the final nail in its coffin. I don't think anything will happen with Epstein's arrest either. Too many powerful people wrapped up in it and only a lynch mob of normal citizens hunting down those to be found involved will pose any long term solution. Of course you'd need to also decapitate and obliterate the ADL as well. who will likely go to his defense, like they have with Leo Frank all these decades, and say all the gentile children at his parties were not kidnapped or abused children, but prostitutes who were asking for it.

Attached: another crime.png (1000x850, 805.38K)

now blogposter

wait, maybe pic related

Attached: ThisIsProgress.png (926x451, 719.67K)

It's pretty easy to broadcast the no-no's Epstein and co partook in on the world wide web. It would only take a 20-minute video for the minds of many to break in our favor. I'm not talking about showing the full rape and sacrifice, but a lot can be achieved by suggestion, rituals and audio.

Do not assume to know what i think, for this is not about 4chan or Zig Forums or any other board or platform, this is about people and the quality of thereof.

Something always happens, but the world doesn't change according to the will of the people, because people do not act according to their interests, but the interests of those who decide the course of politics.

Everyone is out to change the world, but nobody is up the change the self. People attempting to achieve the impossible, while neglecting the achievable. As such the jews have been given too much credit for what people do unto themselves.

Morality is no longer a concept of righteousness, but a change-agent to sweep the public into a pit of degeneracy and immorality itself.

If the media tells you anything, it is not because it something you need to know, but because it is something to make you move where they want you to go. Do not become a pawn of your own subjugation.

Posting about elite pedos on 4chan is best way to win permaban. Be careful.

If one is banished for speaking the truth, one has done what is just. But if one banished for causing division, then his banishment is just. I am not concerned with the judgment of the unjust, but with doing what is right.

If a platform is fully corrupted, then i welcome their banishment. Personally i do not think this is the case as it is just yet.

Stop wasting your life here. Join the military. Help Trump secure Israel. Why be anonymous when you could be an hero.

There is no you here. Fuck off and never come back.

Op, your post leads me to believe you are some weird schizo pedo. Your attempts to cool the fires of National Socialism on the internet also make you seem to be some Mossad agent.

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Welcome to eight chins. Enjoy your stay.

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I saw your thread this morning on cuck-chan. It was only the Brazilian user and an American. He also called me a shill. Honestly if I were you I wouldn't worry too much about it. See pic related how it went

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lmfao, i regret saying this "tik tok" shit to him.

I should frequent more often, it's like equally insane but a little more laidback? I can appreciate that.

Is this pasta?

Attached: d93e7ee2a36c08679eaff9f7f7a2f6abb8d2b1e04e7cc4c0b7e051ea27765c2b.jpg (590x960, 53.81K)

Stop reddit spacing.

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All organic things die out

We've got all sorts of mad bananos.

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I never been on Reddit, they stole my shit if you ask me.

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I think the pedo hysteria is the "satanist scare" of the day, shills are trolling boomers with that stuff in order to misdirect them from the more important issues. Elites have always engaged in that stuff, this only allows them to scapegoat few less important players to save their face.

Society now is like a morbidly obese person who let himself go, but that does not mean it is natural, it is just negligence. If we dont start working out, we gonna suffer what we have done to ourselves.

I dont expect society to be a fucking athlete, lets just be healthy.

I absolutely agree with every word you just posted. So how do we counter that shit if at all, because i don't like it when people are tugging at my conscious for their own agenda's.

I make for a bad bystander, if i see something wrong i wanna fix it.

Boomers are the pedos, mostly.

(checked and heiled)
"Only fools fear decay."
-Guido von List

Tell me again why anyone should care about what you say?

I don't think any generation is beyond that shit, there is something deeply ingrained in human biology that causes it. Females tend to gravitate towards older males, and males tend to gravitate toward younger females.

I think the problem is rooted in the excessive obsession of prawn, and all these loners who can't exercise their sexuality in a healthy way. This society hasn't figured out how to deal with these technological advancements, that have skewed the relationships between men and women.

When it comes to all the sexual perversity that is proliferating society, i think they are all victims of other fucked up degenerates.

Perhaps it is easier to believe you are gay, then to admit you have been abused, and as such you become what others have done to you.

Get the fuck out of here faggot

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You are clearly media planting a narrative. Those of us who have been here a long time know the patterns that those such as yourself use and many other patterns connected to various things as you can see the threads about predicting issues based on patterns.

That said, I truly will never understand why you and those like you will not just come right out, say what you are looking into and get down the point rather than waste time with attempting to fit in or attempting to push some narrative. In this case you are trying to push the "don't do this" narrative which is planted just so either you or one of your shithead colleagues can use it to later claim this site is unsavory by pointing out responses that you also plant to make it appear that way.

It's extremely obvious and we have been looking into issues far longer at a much higher level than you and your ilk and we can see things at a much higher or, better stated, different type of level than you and your ilk. You think we don't see you and your table setting and you think we do not have counters in place for such baloney? If so then you are legitimately as dumb as every single member of the media looks like. In truth there is not a single person in the media that I have ever seen that is even at average intelligence. In fact I would wager that the vast majority of media members are nigtier IQ levels by your utterly retarded attempts to push narratives.

Just stop the bullshit and come out with your questions for your soon to be shit on and laughed at story by the monumentally vast majority of the public rather than play this game that is easily seen through.


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What is the point of this thread? That there are shills who shit up threads regularly taking the most extreme of extreme points and anything that deviates from it is a shill? There are a couple of schizophrenics browsing this board and some feds who like to stir up shit and then of course a bunch of users trolling others for fun.

I really doubt with your writing style that you post here frequently, if at all. I do think you're a shill though not sure what kind of. Are you trying to convince pol that there is no elite ruining their countries systematically? That they do not care about the law and blackmail each other with childporn? Please go somewhere else to reddit.

AND YES FUCKING MORON USE A DYNAMIC IP / TOR WHEN POSTING! If you haven't read feds browse this board, log IPs regularly and so on it was proven through leaked court records with agent Michael J Rod.

And? Don't post illegal shit and you're fine. If you aren't already on a watch list you're doing it wrong anyway

Basically this. No reason to IP hop if you aren't acting like a fuckhat.

Not every thread is a fucking crusade of organized shit detectives trying to cause a political stir by doxxing random people who look a little bit off…. *inhale*

Attached: an-angry-mob.png (864x576, 725.18K)

Well even if the feds didn't do this, ADL, Antifa and SPLC do do it every thread. I was fighting with this fucking faggot once and he pulled up and posted a comment of mine from a previous thread like three days before in about 5 minutes…so they have files on all anons even if the feds don't.

Not really true. People come to this site for either direct news, investigation of issues that other sites deem bad for their bottom line, shit posting (usually takes place more on halfchan), and a constant game of cat and mouse between getting data out versus a shit load of groups that do not want said data known to the public.

The mere fact you think this is a doxxing site or even a part time doxxing site reveals what you are and how little you know about this site.

Bro, you just posted cringe.

Attached: Attomwaffen edge shadow 01.jpg (1005x1196, 303.14K)

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Except for the fact that anyone who replied at all in a certain thread was ordered by the court to have their IP turned over. Regardless of whether they did anything illegal or not. Please reply back because I don't want to assume that both of you are feds yourselves and trying to enforce a narrative. I want to believe that you're just naive and don't know the risks associated. Please explain your reasoning for not using a VPN. Forums-fbi-issued-search-warrant-anyone-who-commented-poway-synagogue

Picture related.

Attached: 8chan warrant_0.png (800x199, 118.79K)

Fuck off reddit

Attached: 2a9c552e0482c0e6bacf8a8fd678f107ff567800645045002594913dbbe140d6.jpg (461x487, 52.18K)

I do use a VPN. I just don't understand why the fuck you're so scared of the feda having your IP if you didn't post illegal content or threats. They can't charge you with shit. You think they're going to kick in your door at 3 am and drag you away to a CIA black site? No, you'll at most be put on a watch list. As I said, we are probably all on watchlists at this point. If you're not you're doing it wrong.

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Attomwaffen is kinda cringe though.

Attached: right of lead shadow.jpg (800x1036, 157.5K)

Hi Jimmy! I know you’re reading this
Last I heard you were in Belgium? Well , anyway , take care and see ya real soon!

Attached: CIA Spook shrek cringe 1.png (557x438, 148.18K)

You won't so shit.

Nice trips. Yes the core group led by Rape that got busted after the murders were faggot Sanatic degenerates. HOWEVER this in no way discredits their propaganda pieces which were all top fucking notch. Pic related, done by the same artist who did most of their propaganda.

I see you're also an enormous pussy

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It makes me feel illiterate to read their non-sense so filled with the expectation to be entertaining.

Nigger you don’t know me

Although the rest is interesting, this is you towing the official party line. After all, who on Earth else is to blame for wrongthink being illegal but the criminals that engage in it? The difficulty for the government to control the internet isn't due to a lack of justification: there is more than enough of it for the next couple thousand years. The difficulty to control it is to do with the fact that people engage in these activities in large enough number despite legal status.
For example copyright is incredibly difficult to enforce on the internet because of how many people go against it. The fact that you would need to be able to find the content first is not actually that big of an issue since there are plenty of tools and methods to get around that, it's the fact people go against it in such a large number that it is near impossible to enforce. Same goes to DDoSing and hacking overall: in fact authorities don't actually catch suspects by looking at the code and IP address under a microscope, authorities catch them as a result of other activities being tied to their identity (usually dumb shit like boasting on IRC or being a repeat offender that got caught the last 20 times for using a compromised VPN service) or people they know simply snitching on them.

So in conclusion, internet vigilantes have their place the same way insects have their place in nature despite them being incredibly irritating when you want to just relax in the shade.

Well others don't, there is nothing meaningful fulfilled by putting two line breaks between each sentence. The OP you made is a much better way that allows for greater readability, although it still has line breaks between text consisting of only one to three sentences.

Attached: Macron.png (917x774, 717.21K)

Fuck off jamie

You didn't say anything in your post about the goal. Zig Forums is pro pedo.

This is normalfag-tier "civilizations rise and fall," but never wonder why. Understanding the world through intellectual-superstition is a one-way ride to being bluepilled:
Bluepilled level speak. You should be ashamed. I hope you're just a FUD shill.

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Life is the only force capable of fighting entropy. Even simple bacteria can terraform an entire planet leading the way for more complex life forms such as ourselves. The body grows in strength and wisdom for decades before wearing down to the force of entropy. We are able to organize inanimate substances whose value is greater than the sum its parts. Life is a very powerful force my dude do not be so dismissive of it.

Privacy is non-existant on the internet, a VPN is a minor obstacle for those who have the means and the intent. If you really want to bypass unseen eyes, pigeon post is your only option.

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To spare you much time in the future…all political or law enforcement related actions against child abuse are a smokescreen for something else, as long as the jewish mafia is operating the global distribution of child abuse material from the Ukraine, using European serer farms , while being protected by Interpol and FBI, as well as the European governments, the Russian government and the US government. This is been going on for over two decades undisturbed, while other jews have sacrificed their own child abuse production studios to rile the populace against CP, which then was used to to further the draconian jewish copyright racket, which led to the even more draconian censorship that is threatening the existence of the internet today.

In short, while the Epstein circus preaches about helping children in need, the jew mafia is happily distributing child abuse material all over the web, protected by our tax money…well, our debt laden usury fiat fantasy money. Anyway the whole celebrity child prostitution racket is a smokescreen for something way bigger.

This guy is definitely james alephantis, formerly known as james rothschild

user, I got a goshawk spy for those.

Attached: goshawk.jpg (1200x801, 193.9K)

I think of it like this, if the media tells us something, it is not because we need to know it, but because they need us to know it.

The question should always be: "Why are they telling us whatever it is they are telling us?"

I got only got one of these.

Attached: roasted-chicken-1.jpg (3000x1688, 739.04K)


Did you at least took the message off?

It is stuffed like a christmas turkey.

So you read it, then you eat it? That's some top spy protocol right there.


Grandma's recipe for security.


But really though… I would not want to be on @5cf9c4's side in a battle. Dude just gives up. What a pussy.


Very kek, lads, but not far from what WILL be utilized again soon. I'm building a pigeon coop on top of my chickens as we speak, actually.

Attached: gotmail?.jpeg (600x613, 53.26K)

Shit my cover is blown!

Attached: qewyfdus.jpg (1408x1408, 159.86K)

How about a Honeypot?

Forgot pic.

Attached: HattaMari.jpeg (1479x1080, 293.76K)

Aviculture is the key, i'm also considering the Lyre bird to transport audio recordings.

Don't want to dox myself, cuz not too many are into it, but I have falconry exp.
After the pigeons are squared, I'm building an accipiter muse, and getting back into it.

Attached: NaturalOrder.jpeg (1920x1492, 128.33K)

We should keep this lowkey before soon everyone with a bird will be rounded up and stood up against the wall.

Will that shit work?
You're ahead of the game, Katniss!

They can try.

Just make sure to cook it afterwards.

I don't wanna mess with them chickens.

Let's just say my goshawk doesn't fall easily for tricks.

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Just keep an eye out for these cats.

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The point is to make it require more work. No shit that at the highest level of power they can read anything you have ever written at will. But you as an individual aren't being prosecuted by the highest level of power. In fact, the FBI being put on the job to do it and still needing to get a warrant to see IPs on a singular thread is more than enough evidence of this. Which is why I am going to conclude that they are correct in their assessment that you are simply a shill, since you are simply engaging in FUD. But at least you are the not-so-obnoxious type of shill so there's that.

A simple VPN is sufficient for the lowest levels of law enforcement, assuming you didn't pick one that is very obviously compromised. And that is ignoring the fact that there are Anons in multiple countries, which makes it more difficult for all levels of power. And all you need is very basic opsec like not giving identifying information such as your name, face, location and overall profile (like who stands out like a sore fucking thumb for anyone that wants to find him). If you are sufficiently paranoid then you can simply leave red herrings on top of that like saying that you have an important meeting in three hours, that the weather outside is sunny when in reality you are in a rainstorm, that you are Hungarian when in reality you are Malay. You can also simply switch character (along with name, profile and location, all of which are fake) when you are having different conversations and change up your writing style while at the same time intentionally adding grammatical errors. All of these things you can do that work exceptionally well against law enforcement and instead you choose "b-but the government man" blackpill bullshit.

Attached: Untrustworthy VPNs.png (926x716 30.81 KB, 39.25K)

Oh and you nicely confirmed it yourself with less than a minute in between. How many fucking cats do you have crawling inside your house? How many of those cats are ones you have never seen before? How many of them have a microphone shoved up their ass?

Damn, you're naive. How long before these commie shits do what they do, and denounce Rule of Law all at once? I'm hardly trying to hide. You're a fool if you believe you can without innawoods completely. You're already on many lists. I'm daring these cowards to come fuck with me.

I'm tired of dicking around with this fungal infection. Time to drag them into OUR Light!

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I'm bummed we derailed this thread a bit, but a Revolution without laughing is not worth fighting.
Kek, lads. Kek.

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nice blogpost faggot

Don't be so dame sensitive a'lefantis.

I once had a roommate that I discovered wanking off with toothpaste in the bathroom one day.

You remind me of him.

Attached: Toopasta.png (644x693, 354.39K)

You know that Hitler hid his whole life, even when he was in power.So logically, by remaining anonymous and keeping in the shadows, we will win this war, it's true!

Welcome to every single thread on Zig Forums now. There's like

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