I can't help my self, I can't stop touching my dick and masturbate.
I'm literally IMAOing at my life.
How do you manage to control your self user ?
How to stop the fap-jew ?
Porn literally is a mass psy-ops weapon of mass demoralization, it's the porn-matrix to control the goyim.
And the fact I know that and yet can't stop fapping like a degenerate kills me.
How to stop falling to the (((masturbation)))-jew ?
The most important thing is to first and foremost stop watching porn, it's much worse than masturbation is. You have to work at disciplining yourself. Do not become a slave to your passions, master them. Getting a girlfriend is not the answer either, because premarital sex is degenerate.
Literally the only way I can stop masturbating is if I get circumcised.
Ï won't disagree with you, because you are right.
After years of thinking, I came to this conclusion.
Interesting enough, it's also the position of the Catholic Church.
See here on reeedit.
First off, write like a normal human being. You write like you're on some state of mania.
If you think masturbation is a problem in your life, why not treat it as you would an addiction? Slow down the consumption. Maybe limit yourself, such as: you can only fap after 100 push-ups. Then after 100 push-ups feel free. If you want another fap, you need another 100 push-ups. The problem should solve itself.
I thought all jews were circumcised at birth?
Unironically, have sex with the mother of your children incel
As someone who has struggled with masturbation and is circumcised, it won't save you. Self-discipline is the only way.
There are also actual studies which indicate the importance of virginity at the time of marriage and marital stability. Sadly so many people seem to think it's just moralfagging when in actuality it is important to societal stability. Also, thank you for the link. I read only a few parts so far and it seems very interesting
I'm mutilated and I used to be a chronic masturbator. I took the iron pill and started telling myself "no". Now I don't even jack off when I see some 10/10 semen demon on the Chan's, am home alone and haven't fucked my obidient qt housewife in a few days. It's all about willpower, like quitting cigarettes. Tell yourself it's unhealthy for you (because it is) and if actually believe your race is worth saving you'll toughen the fuck up and stop.
Or be a little faggoty muh dikkin nigger for the rest of your pathetic life. It's up to you.
I only masturbate to vanilla hentai. Nice try, Jews.
Get a wife, fag
Chores, chores, chores. Keep yourself busy. Masturbation equals boredom and me-time. Same shit with the nicotine junkies using bubblegum to keep themselves busy. Also do kali/escrima, which is perfect for inside and outside training that keeps you fit but doesn't power you out (if you don't want to).
I don't know if you are joking or not but i was like you and tried so many times. .. i used to do it two or three times a day (witch doesn't seem to be too much but it was enough to ruin my life ) … you have to be honest to your self about wanting to stop it and maybe some of youtube no fap challenge videos would help you (not a joke they helped me a lot ) … but don't worry if you go back to it like if nothing happened because that will happen alot … and to be honest, it takes a strong will and self control if you want to stop it but by time you will find the way to leave it … and again there is so many dudes on youtube that can help you … hope you the best user
ya'll need Mantak Chia
You have to get off image boards, turn off your computer and leave the house. The chance of being triggered by some bait thread while you're online is too high. Remove the temptation. Give it 6 months or so, you won't miss anything, the world will still be collapsing…
If you have a kid today that kid isn't actually considered yours, it's considered the roastie's kid but you get the privilege of paying for them anyway through "child support". Let the modern whore ride the dick of the government alone.
Are nofap cultists THIS desperate they're resorting to /b/-tier fiction to shill thier garbage?
Take the brap pill
Excellent counter point Moshe! Very convincing! You're right, I should throw away my mental health and a significant amount of my willpower for 5 minutes of baseless pleasure!
It's a fad-diet for man.
People are desperate to believe all their personal problems can be easily fixed by just eating raw meat/drinking 3 liters of water in the morning/only taking cold showers/not masturbating/ etc. because it requires significantly less effort and reflection than actual self-improvement.
Classy D&C, fag; get lost.
nice k-style
carry some weapons and learn to keep them hidden
Seriously pal, it's not the Jews' fault you jerk off.
Pornography is a weaponized drug supplied for free by the worlds greediest group. That alone should ring every alarm bell. Also, imagine a world where cocaine is freely supplied to the masses of all ages…would you also solely blame the user for this? How about free hand grenades? Napalm? Suicide pills for everyone? At some point you must admit supply with intent to harm? Where do you draw the line? On an unrelated note…did you now that the talmud teaches that it's fine to kill any non jew by indirect means?
For those that are dindu nuffins here, they sure love pushing degeneracy everywhere they can as well as control each and every venue of porn distribution there is, buddy.
Think about why are you touching it in first place. After that rationalization will be easier.
I aspire to be the best and strongest man I can be and fapping destroys strong manhood. After any fap, I am drained, weak-willed. I will mumble, avoid eye-contact and will be full of fear. Doubt rules me and I will let "bad thoughts" plague my mind.
The up-side is that it takes about a week for me to be back on top: strong of will, invigorated, strong voice, maintain eye-contact, fearless and optimistic. Seed is the elixir of your manhood. You want to be a bitch? Fap. You want to make the world your bitch? Transmutate.
I understand. There's so little to live for that it's difficult to abstain form easy pleasure. My suggestion? Be busier. Have so much to do that masturbation would just get in the way. If you start to think about doing try to recall the consequences: apathy, sluggishness, loss of nutrients. Remember that you need that energy for your efforts elsewhere.
first off youre obviously low test and should get on steroids. second, women are all nasty sluts just waiting for a man to bring it out of them otherwise they begin to secretly despise their boring partners. you dont have to do anal but you need to be manhandling your girl and taking out any frustration you have on her, sexually. otherwise theyll back up on a guys dick like mine standing in line for a rollercoaster like happened to me more than once yesterday at six flags. and theyll do it with their man right next to them. you dont have a clue if you think youre strong for not brutalizing female holes. having a truly loyal and obedient women relies on this among other things. your pet will love you more if you give it treats. a woman is the same. goebbels called out you puritans who have to take everything to a ridiculous end. obviously beating off to degenerate porn is negative but dont take it too far and become scared to act naturally. fucking your woman daily or multiple times daily is not negative.
Vedic civilizations considered cumming as a sacrifice to have kids. No other reason to do it as it’s a waste of energy. Read Taoist sex stuff, anons.
You have to reach mentally to a point where you can separate your own being from the urges of the body. Battle half won there, the other half is never giving into the urge, knowing they are degenerate, even if the pull of the urge is so strong it kills you. You have to be mentally prepared to die, if it comes to that, if you truly want to get over this sickness. Also, reading old books on semen retention helps. All this sexual energy is to be pulled upwards, with thoughts that are the very oppostive of lust, rooted in productivity, work, hobbies, life goals, etc.
Print out pictures of gays showing their butts. If you feel horny you take the picture and look at it closely. Done. Normally you would feel no more horniness. If it has opposite effect and you start to feel arousal for the gay butts eventually then print out picture of Jews. If that also makes you aroused then you are a lost cause and should give up on trying to quit fapping. Buy a fleshlight if it goes that bad.
Get in the fucking >>>/bog/
Nofap cult confirmed contributor to white genocide.
once you masturbate then you get on with life…
you can
1) waste 2 hrs not thinking about masturbating and trying to hold back
2) masturbate for 10 mins and get shit done
also you are 20 … wait till you are 30, you really dont care that much. Some days I think "how long since I masturbated?" … and then I make sure to masturbate just to ensure my libido stays at a decent level.
Its fun , but that itch is much less sever at 30 yrs old. Youll notice it after 25/26 which is your peak.
Do work and be social.
Have some self control and discipline you weak willed parasite
The Vedas are always right.
when people do not do anything physically active and basement dwell, they'll get strong urges to masturbate
If they do work and are social, then these urges will become weaker. OP should just do push-ups when he wants do masturbate, this will help
Nice strawman, nigger. If it takes you two hours of staring at the wall to get rid of lust, you're obviously doing something wrong. One's supposed to channel these intrusive thoughts into something of value, not either count that it goes away or cave to it. Reconsider posting again if you haven't thought your post through.
I masterbate once a day sometimes or every other day but if it is daily it is only once. I don't watch porn I just use my imagination. I not going to deny my self the pleasure of something I will no longer have in the next twenty years. I am not ready to settle down yet I like being free without having some bird tying me down.
There is nothing wrong with occasionally getting off or whatever. By the same token, don't be a total slave to any single habit. I will never understand people who can't stop. I can stop doing literally anything I enjoy. Learn some self-mastery, nigger. I also suggest not listening to retarded christcuck jesusniggers and listening to Odinists like Seana Fenner instead who will you that control freaks in general are a bunch of kikes and to make up your own damn mind like an adult–basically the same thing I'm telling you.
Get it together and take a week off if you can't stop m8. Other than that, just don't be a slave. Don't be a sperg, and don't take everything on the internet seriously.
Unironically, I know. Show me a source that I can buy sust from and hand to Odin I'll order it right fucking now. I live in the U.S.
Seriously, Im 26 and can't grow a beard. I'm masculine enough, but I know for a fact my T is below optimal levels. If any user here could recommend a good place to order reputable T from I'll do it right the fucking second. I started nofap because I know my test is lower than it should be. I take supplements and lift 4 times a week. Still no fucking beard, bitchy mood swings, you name it. I know about post cycle hormone blockers, I know to limit my cycles. But I'm tired of being only half of potential because my parents fed me garbage my whole life. All the clean eating in the world doesn't make up for a puberty surviving on 7/11 snacks and pizza.
I realize that we're supposed to stop masturbation as a means to an end, but I guess my problem is I view orgasm and an important end, one of the things that makes me very happy. Quite a sinister seduction away from other aims I suppose.
It's a bit self-solving though, if you look at lots of porn eventually stuff becomes boring so you don't get a many boners or feel compelled to fap to it. Mere idea and audiovisual-based stimulation is less useful to you, so you instead go for tactile/smell stimulation in a base sense which requires you to interact with real women.
I still haven't done that, of course, but I'm more motivated to the more boring standard porn gets. I'd fap even less without /delicious/ of course.
SARMs, yk11 seems good, fam.
This is why the white race is becoming a minority, we're all too antiquated to notice that niggers are spreading like rabbits everywhere.
Sexual liberation = demographic suicide.
Fornication open brothel sex will always lead to cultural suicide and then to demographic suicide.
EZ cut your dick ! Kek
I appreciate the resources there man, some I knew but other stuff like the protein to calorie ratio is new to me. That said I've been on a solid no soy, no plastic diet for over a year and my results have been limited. I'm taking my beard as a sort of high water mark for my test, I'll be satisfied with my test levels when the hair starts growing, but so far I've only gotten a few patches that I didn't have a year ago, which leads me to the gear.
Yk11 is looking like a front runner here, but I have concerns. I'm still reading and will possibly come across the answer but in case I dont;
Will I need PCT if I take YK11? Do I need to be sneaky about ordering it or can I send it to my address and pay with my debit card? I did a loose DDG search on Sarms and it mentioned Gyno, which of course I want to avoid, is that a problem with YK11 as well? And finally, are oral better than intremuscular as far as liver damage? I'm only 26, I don't want to completely ruin myself. But like I said earlier I know my retarded Boomer parents fucked my hormones all up and I'm only living up to a fraction of my physical potential. Polite sage.
Those sounds coming out of her butt don't even sound human
Lots of docs will prescribe you T sups if you are actually low, I consider lifting/diet/lifestyle changes will effect substantial change and should be attempted by all youngins like yourself before doc/med stuff as it will solve the vast majority of guys issues…But if you TRULY have done these natural methods and your are still TRULY (not just imagination based on beard) low on baseline T, docs will give you the meds at your local office. FYI tho, lots of guys have patchy beards (myself included) that doesn't mean they have low T (I'm way above baseline and past peak age by a mile)
Porn is healthy and a ver efficent way to keep you away from becoming a whamen's slave. And great for reliving stress aswell (literrally browsing this thread while watching it) Just dont over do it user
Forgot to say that It boosts your T if you do it weekly
Anything by him is trash after his marxist post-national bullshit claims that we're all exactly the same and all European success is due to Christianity, and niggers, with Christianity, are identical to us. Everything he'll ever say, and everything he has ever said is tainted and not worth shit.
I mean if that's what your into
Why? I don't want to look anything like him. He looks like he plays video games for 10 hours a day.
Found Zig Forums.
No, faggot, content like that is never okay.
No. Marry, then have 10 children and rear them well.
Hmm seems interesting that you only bring up nigger porn, someone has a fetish
Normal people don't watch that shit
My deadly sin may very well be what frees me from masturbation. Sloth. I've become so demotivated and find everything so pointless that it is becoming a chore for me to care enough about sex to masturbate.
Even when you do that every ad is some fucked up shit, you can't look up relatively non-degenerate porn without porn kikes shilling the most nasty shit imaginable in all the ads/homepage
Go back to Zig Forums, faggot.
You can block ads. When you delve into porn, there's no such thing as vanilla anymore. Go to a cam girl site. That should be as vanilla as it gets, yet they manage to incorporate every degenerate thing you can imagine. If you're watching porn, you're always a click away, or a moment away from the deep end. Vanilla is dead. That's the nature of porn. You can only watch vanilla for so long before you need more stimulation. So all the weird shit is becoming the mainstream in porn, even on cam girl websites. They're all getting black dildos, gaping their assholes, and doing all sorts of other weird shit.
Premarital sex is degenerate as fuck. You can easily marry a woman and make her have enough kids to populate a small village if you're not a beta. You gotta breed way above replacement rate to compensate for all of the liberal whites who don't have kids.
Pic related is where that harlot belongs. White sharia would be a Godsend
White women like her are fucking disgusting. She even has a body like a nigger.
Found the local shit-skin muslim shill. Filtered.
Bluepiller detected
That doesn't fix the problem. All of those kids will simply be indoctrinated by marxists. White people didn't wind up in this situation via desire, we wound up here through their social engineering and control of information.
Filtered for propagandizing shit-skin ideologies.
You don't deserve to see my posts, kike
>How to stop falling to the (((masturbation)))-jew ?
Believe in God and stop lusting after thots!
Is it worth waiting until marriage? I graduated high school last year and still a virgin. The pull is real but something about risking getting some trashy slut pregnant scares me… the few girls like that in high school who had strong interest in me now are all pregnant and single. But assuming the girl is pretty and a good person overall, why should I wait vs until marriage?
Hate helps you stop. Just build up a hate folder on your computer and go to it whenever you're feeling the urge. I start by collecting screencaps of all the news stories about all the rapes being ignored by the police in Europe and the US and I add on from there, stuff that makes you hate.
Also, make damn sure to filter all porn posters.
I hate anime, so should I add that to the folder?
Marriage is a trap, If a girl really loves you (which isn't probably the case) you wouldn't need a governement kike paper to say it lmao. I know a lot of people whose livelyhood got destroyed by divorce and you dont want to fall for that
Hell yeah you should, anything that really ticks you off.
Marriage is to produce children for the race. Don't fuck a girl you don't intend to spend the rest of your life with. Also, the more partners one has before marriage leads to marital instability and a lower amount of happiness within marriage.
Nice selfie to go along with that strawman.
Marriage isn't supposed to involve government, it's supposed to be a traditional and/or religious commitment. As per usual, government destroys everything it touches. With government having a hand in marriage, and women having the ability to vote, it became weaponized. Everything the government has power over will eventually became a weapon to some group with the ability to influence policy.
I've seen that mainstream NPC propaganda so much it doesn't bother me anymore. I think the only time I feel that burning passion is when I have an actual person-to-person live interaction about a subject. Especially one demeaning white people. All those propaganda bullshit stopped affected me a while ago. All the subversion and shit stopped affected me a while ago. Asian and anime though… That one gets me sometimes. Especially the way people attribute white achievement and cultural attributes to those slant-eyes. Such as intelligence, love for tech., innovation, video games etc. I will always have a burning passion for those fucking slant-eyes.