I somehow have doubts they are. Many families such as Bush, Rockefeller etc seem to have some power but nothing compared to Rothschild. But is there something behind that? It'd be too obvious given they're in the public eye and could be assasinated. Lord Rothschild was already confronted on the streets a few years ago.
Are the Rothschild's really the most powerful family in the world?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, the Redshields are behind everything.
Is this a slightly more than minimal effort slid?
"Lord Rothschild was already confronted on the streets a few years ago"
You mean a video exists which contains audio of "confrontation" which could easily be muxed. No video of confrontation exists. Similar video exists of D. Rockefeller at an airport. Audio implies "confrontation". No video of confrontation.
Why I have to always explain this simple shit to you gullible brainlets.
f u n
I got a Rothschild kid at my uni what should I do Zig Forums
kill, stab, maim, burn, poison, or make friend with :^)
put quarters on the ground and let it lead him to gas
Luke Rudkowski is an ethnic jew who apparently fucked Laura Loomer.
They just take care of the money; they still take orders from something
Redpill him and get him to fund some kind of WIDF.
Get him browsing Zig Forums.
If all that fails though, simply kill him.
sex him
Vanguard is a type of
Rape them.
this is a fed asking btw
Ask him what he thinks of Mel Gibsons new movie; Rothchild
These maggots are always hiding behind several layers of investment funds, but people would rather waste time on clickbait garbage than investigate high finances, which is actually the greatest conspiracy on earth. And which would not take too much to dismantle, regardless of their high mobility and liquidity of their assets. If Zig Forums put it's mind together, we could actually bankrupt the Rothschilds. And this is not an overstatement, most of their power is built on a pyramid scheme of lies. Hitler would give them a mortal blow with his labor-backed currency, which is one of main reasons why they have mobilized their goyim all over the world to fight him, not the supposed concentration camps or holohoax.
Just look at it, it's mostly high profit margin business such as banking and telecom, the first being all about borrowing other people's money (and money which does not exist yet) and the second charging huge fees for minimum expenses (electricity costs, permits and infrastructure maintenance). Telecom business is a racket as well.
Investigate his parents, you dumb shit.
From here on, it gets x-tier.
Some think the Rothschilds are high as the pyramid goes. Some say that there are other rungs, and that there is a 'King' of the Jews somewhere. idunno, maybe, maybe not.
We do know that they worshiped some evil living gods, who helped them strategize and make decisions. But the tap of that source of foresight has been turned off. As a result, their strategic decision-making is only as good as that of the typical Jew for the past few decades, which is to say not so bad. Without their magic ace in the hole, they are running on fumes, as it were. Whether the Rothschilds keep expanding their holdings from here on is really only a function of large bodies of capital attracting further wealth.
No one except 20 year olds with babby-tier brains digesting babby's first redpill beleive the Rothschilds are the most powerful family in the world. The most powerful families in the world, quite logically, are names we don't know. People can locate and assassinate Rothschilds with ease. They make public appearances. To me, that is not a sign of power.
To hide in plain sight is oftentimes the safest place. While I don't believe they are the only controlling family, I do believe they are the most powerful.
Nope. I would be surprised, if their collective net-worth exceeded 10 billion. However, they're very politically connected and good at what they do.
God can appear in more than one man.
I think the Rothschilds are a front for much more powerful families behind them. Meyer Amschel Rothschild (the first) was a court financier for a Bavarian prince in the mid-to-late 1700s. Then he was propelled to an international banking house? This was the same time and area (bavaria) that Weishaupt set up the illuminati and Jacob Frank tried to create a religion based on Sabbathai Zevi's version of Judaism with the all-seeing-eye as the symbol (and degeneracy as the main ingredient).
No, Rothschild is a placeholder for the real owners of the 'Fondo'. Think of the world as being run by a giant private equity firm, where the owners are unknown but probably very old families from Venice, Rome and even further back.
money is power. they're the richest. it's a show of power to be so pubic, though not a sign. the sign of power is in the money
If you destroy the veneer you will see whats beneath it.
They're just thieves. Every bubble that ends up being paid for with retirement accounts, college funds, social security funds and government debt is their fault. They should be hung. I hope China gasses them after convicting them of crimes against humanity.
Neck yourself you dumb fuck.
Protocols of Zion mention even the high up jews don't know who are the ones on top. It mentions that they live underground, but that's all.
I also heard about the bull worshiping cult in Judaism that is on top, but I'm not sure
this is correct. but it gets even crazier than that if you start digging into the weird eschatological ideas that seem to converge in jesuits, sufi islam and chabad hasidim.
for those who have come to be skeptical of nasas copernican cosmology, the possibility emerges of the earth being concave with our known surface on the inner side of the crust, and a 'celestial sphere' in its very center. within this sphere, angels and god (whateve that even means) dwell.
things in this world (in particular this cycle of messianic golden age > downfall > armaggedon > messianic golden age) happen the way they do because they must. i believe there is a greater power at play, and it all serves some greater purpose.
Communism is a jewish construct and jewish people are generally super egalitarian and always seek out each other. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a jewish communist super fund administrated by rabbis in some hole in Israel who pick the next front jew for various projects.
It's hard to say if the Rothschilds had other reasons than Judaism to create Israel and even they should be able to tell that they're as outmixed as it gets and have genetically zero in common even with most Ashkenazi.
Irregardless, knowing the tip of the iceberg of a parasitical, exploitative and subversive race doesn't mean removing it makes the rest of the people harmless.
It's in their nature to create Weimar over and over again as a group effort…
You really are sub-human scum.
There is Power, then there is Influence. A company like Google has influence, but NO power. Any government could shut them down in an instant. This is the case with Jews in general, they have great Influence but no real power, because they lack numbers.
An interesting perspective which holds merit.
Checked. That "king jew" is probably some AI they are working on to enshrine as the ruler of humanity, so they can worship something they themselves created and declare it better than human and create they crazy matrix/terminator tier 1984 world they want
Befriend him and grow your network.
One of (((them))), yes.
They programmed the AI to convert to Islam. Look at who is in Affinis Labs.
(don't really care for both of them but) Why do people lie about rich Austfalians and their religion??? show me actual proof of Ol Rupert Murdoch or Kerry packer being Kikes…
Also fuck Rothchilds and other Zion kikes.
Here's a little secret that comes up seldom these days…their real name isn't Rothschild, it's Bauer. Rothschild is a front, based on their first shop.
With a spear
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Jewish resources and assets move freely from one family to the next based off of necessity.
The answer is to expel all of them, no exceptions.
Good luck China, remember, kill every jew on sight before it opens its mouth, or you will end up like Europeans.
In communism people are equal in power and wealth, so 2% jews have 2% power and wealth. Its the opposite in capitalism. Communism removes them from power and wealth, and they fought it since its birth.
They dont want equality, they just use it for their supremacy.
Weird way to say kill. You dont throw rat out of your house because it will be back using 5 holes it made before. You kill it in a way it doesnt know about until it is dead.
China is run by Jews, retard.
Not this time.
If you expel a parasite from its host, what happens, generally speaking?
They surely have power in finance & the media but they're front men for they're predominantly Germanic from marrying rich nobles that the liberal "truthers" promote as a means to tell everyone rich White men control still the world to the naive normies where even one of them was talking about them on BBC radio.
What about the Sephardi Jews like the saffron family that were in a major player in the transatlantic slave trade? Why don't we hear about the Warburgs, the Schiffs that funded the red revolution of 1917 or hear about truthers talking about Goldman Sachs to the same extent?
These lifestyle choices literally started WW2. In fact in 1920 and during the early 1900's Jews owned up to 84% of businesses in Germany, and didn't pay fair wages to them. Trust me, if they keep trying their crazy greedy policies it will only bring about their own doom. In fact it is widely known that the Central banks are no longer in power and are being controlled by political power, for if they ignore it again they will be exiled, and this time there will be no where to run. True facts.
I am certain there are wealthier more powerful families.
The Al Sauds for one. Even immediately after 9/11 there were nothing but apologies from the mainstream media for Saudi Arabia.
The rest of the MSM lamblasted and threw AlJazeera under the bus as terrorist propaganda right as Saudi relations with Qatar were deteriorating and Al Jazeera published criticism of SA before they blockaded Qatar.
The MSM even had the audacity to criticize Israel during the Intifada and War on Lebanon and routinely criticised Ariel Sharon just as they do now with Netanyahu.
Yet not a word was said on how SA executes homosexuals, imprisoned feminist activists, royals kidnapped and raped females, imprisoned members of the Royal family that threaten the crown prince, blockaded Qatar, blockaded Yemen, bombing Yemen, and antagonizing Iran until Khassogi was killed. Even as the leftist MSM denounced Iran, Russia, Iraq, Uganda, North Korea, and even Israel for the same thing.
Yeah, the "doom" that keeps getting visited on kikes is pretty doomy desu. Gee whiz. Hortler sure did doom them kikes bretty hard.
The Rothschilds are the most powerful of the overt elite. There is probably a secret elite as well.
The most powerful would not want to reveal themselves because if they do, they could always be attacked. If they remain secret, they can continue to work outside the public eye, and regain control even when things don't go according to plan.
Ultimately, I think that ultimately the most powerful are non-human ET/Demons/Evil Spirits/Reptilians/Fallen Angels.
Ephesians 6:12 is probably referring to something like that.
this is what I wish Zig Forums would think, those Qtard cucks
marry him and get those rothschild bux
Where does Sheldon Adelson fit in here?
subvert him
Confrontation wouldn't make any sense anyway. 100% guaranteed, any contact would get you killed.
Marx was a kike kill yourself
Who cares, communism is an ideology, not exclusive to any group, you kill yourself moron.
Moves onto another host, you want it gone completely, not get stronger somewhere else and come back to you.
Who the fuck cares, eh? Y’know why the fart right have become so rare that the people leftists harass end up being leftists rather than the nazi enemies the VIP left actually wanted to have? It’s because the real problem with the VIP set is a lack of integrity. They aren’t playing the same game as everyone else - and they’re being consumed in the gap, not because society intrinsically hates them, but because the segmented honesty of most of society outperforms the dark reciprocity of privacy rapists.
People want to pretend the world is kind to violence, and it just isn’t. Learn not to submit. We can have immortality if people are honest enough to live in peace.
Arrogant Pottery Cunt.
Go make sammiches
Cool it with the antisemitism guys.
Yeah its an ideology for all the (((people))) in the world, cut of your dick and kill yourself five years later because you cant afford HIV meds.
Implying every problem arises due to the jews. Try critical thinking.
Yeah its da gabidalists who just so happen to be Jews, pure coincidence
goyims are all the same. maybe we are the superior race.
Uh huh.
Humor is a concept that is beyond (((your))) kind I am afraid.
Yeah keep making assumptions. Doesn't make you look like a shallow minded moron at all.
Besides you call that humor?
You were right
I'm increasing the microwaves. You should feel a slight tingling soon.
Yeah, actually it really doesnt.
If you dont want to be called out then come up with something new, shill.
Back to the gulags with you
ask him if is parents are childish get it bc of rothschild but no seriously murder him slowly
I cringe at your attempts at what you call 'humor'.
You're nothing more than an immature heathen. I'll have nothing to do with you goyim.
just ask yourself: How come the rothchilds never get interviewed or have any documentaries highlighting their meddling in elections/wars?
So now its suddenly about humor, way to just derail the discourse but I am supposed to serve you big arguments on a silver plate and treat you fairly your majesty, right? Go fuck yourself.
Rothschilds + ~8,000 or so people that are above the BIS and control the banking decisions of all the central banks on Earth. It's funny, cause I listen to (((WBBR 1130 AM Bloomberg Radio))), and the people on there are always wondering what the Federal Reserve and Jerome Powell are going to do regarding interest rates and whatnot, except these decisions have already been made by the group of 8,000 and the Rothschilds and their advisers years prior.
please make my night and let there be photos/videos/testimonies of crying rich white feminist getting their asses arrested for being complete degenerates
Check this kike lover out.
Your words have no value champ, blatantly lie about WW2 and laugh/discourage the people who always knew about the juden and their evil ways.
Countless times, i've read the 5 books of tanakh and the Quran, and it's nothing but hate and racism for whites or non believers… So religion of peace?? The chosen people??
Yer nah, shitskined pedos and big noesd troublemakers.. or Kikes and mosquitoes.
But please, do write back… I admire how you write posts like a pretentious uni student who just discovered how basic economics work.
Haha oh wow.
Either they or the power behind them. The important thing to remember is that there IS an ultimate power that runs this open-air gulag, and it may well be that Jews have their influence THROUGH that power, which is perhaps some malevolent intelligence which is using the world as a giant petri dish/amusement park/laboratory/animal zoo/cattle farm/gulag etc, which is running an ongoing Mass Scale Milgram's Experiment, among other things.
alright opinion discarded.
or maybe they worship the most evil sneaky thief among themselves as a god. whoever gets the most money / influence / power gets to be god for a year or some such.